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Looking to start Natural Yeast Killer

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WE've been using Nystatin since early Feb with pretty good results.

We hit a major die off reaction about two weeks ago and stopped for a

few days - red cracked cheeks, terrible runny nose, fever chills,

etc.. We've started back up and started slowly.

I want to move to a more natural (less Rx) way to rid the yeast. I'm

reading about ThreeLac and GSE as two good ones.

So with the Threelac - it says to dissolve in the mouth and swish

with water. is 2 1/2 and I'll just say that isn't going to

fly very well. How do others do it with smaller children? Pros and

cons please on Three lac!!

And with the GSE - man that stuff is nasty tasting (was gargling with

it when i had strep). I have such a hard time believing one or two

drops of that stuff will make that much of a difference. Tell me

more about a yeast protocol you all use with GSE - how often to start

and get die off and then what about maintenance?

On another note, I just ordered the bentonite clay bath and I'm

looking forward to trying that with the boys.

Tina in NJ

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