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Help - just diagnosed with severe fructose malabsorption-yeast

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Just found out son diagnosed with severe fructose malabsorption. This actually

probably answers alot of the pieces to my son's Autism puzzle. The diarrhea, the

yeast/bacteria issues etc..The fermented poops. Now we really have to adjust his

diet. Also had lactulose intolerance test done (not lactose) and this came back

as mild to moderate and that means he has bacterial overgrowth and has to go on

antibiotics for 2 weeks (and giving nystatin too along with sacc. boulardi). He

has horrible diarrhea for the last couple weeks after these tests. Hoping the

antibiotics and nystatin will help. Also sacc. boul. is supposed to be good for


So, these are the puzzle pieces we have found out this month:

Lactulose intolerance

severe fructose malabsorption

allergies to house dust, dust mites, dogs, cats and oddly oysters (don't have to

worry about giving him those thankfully.) These allergies were found on a Rast

test (blood draw)

These are the next steps in our search for puzzle pieces:

Muscle biopsy for Mitochondrial issues (low muscle tone, deminished reflexes,

regression, slow growth etc.)

Cholesterol test

Lyme titers test

lactic acid and pyruvate test

The rest of the allergy panel test that involves the prick tests and needles

under the skin tests.

So, it is a busy summer. His muscle biopsy is July 15th and I am frightened of

this because it is a surgery and requires anesthesia.

Anyone else had this done? We are having it done because DNA did not show

anything, but Geneticist is still thinking possible mito issues. Neurologist

also suggests it. I guess mito issues can be hard to diagnose.

The fructose malabsorption issue is a biggie in the realm of the puzzle pieces

that we found. This is going to change a lot when we get him on the right diet.

No more juice. I feel that eliminating the fructose will reduce the

yeast/bacteria, help concentration/mood, reduce diarrhea and make his poor tummy

feel alot better. These are my hopes and prayers. I just don't know what to give

him to drink. He is going to have to learn to like plain water (will only drink

it sometimes). Anyone have a suggestion on a drink? Maybe a flavored water or


I have found pieces of the puzzle I was looking for now I just have to figure

out how to put it all together to help my son. I just don't want him to be

uncomfortable any longer. The only reason I found out any of this medical info

was to switch to doctors that actually listened and weren't afraid to order

tests (basically the other doctors wouldn't listen or order tests- maybe they

get kickback checks from insurance companies if they don't- this is a true thing

that doctors get- correct me if I'm wrong- but my father was at a meeting or

something and saw our primary doctor awarded a check from an insurance company).

SOOOOOOOO... Don't be afraid to switch doctors, get second opinions and just

keep pushing. It is exhausting, but when you have a mother's intuition and you

know you are right about your child, you have to keep searching.

Thanks for listening and would appreciate others input.

I hope our story will help others. I will post about the muscle biopsy after it

is done. Probably won't get info back that quick though. So, I will at least

post about the procedure etc.

Thanks again, Wanda

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