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Re: Thiamine Vit. B1...increases appetite; stablilized the mood; improves memory !

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\-vitamin-b1-or-thiamine.html> > Thiamine Vit. B1

Improves appetite: It can significantly improve appetite and mental

alertness...and aids digestion...end quote; PS

I recommend Thiamine Vit. B1 liquid drops; will send name asap


> THIAMIN B1 is so safe; this Vitamin is approved for Infants ! @

Vitamin B1, a vital human nutrient belongs to

> the Vitamin B complex. It plays an important role in maintaining a

> healthy nervous and cardiovascular functioning of the body.

> Vitamin B1





\-vitamin-b1-or-thiamine.html> Vitamin B1 is one of the eight

water-soluble vitamins in

> the B complex family. It helps in the conversion of carbohydrates into

> glucose, which in turn is used to produce energy for carrying out

> various body functions. Vitamin B1 is required for the breakdown of


> and protein. In addition to these vitamins maintain the muscle tone

> along the wall of the digestive tract and promote the health of the

> nervous system, skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver. It also improves


> body to withstand stress and is often called " anti-stress " vitamin

> Important Sources: Yeast and liver are the richest sources of Vitamin

> B1. Pork, whole-grain cereals rye, wheat germ and kidney beans are


> rich in this vitamin. Including asparagus, mushrooms, romaine lettuce,

> spinach, tuna, green peas, and sunflower seeds, tomatoes, Brussels

> sprouts and eggplant in your diet might ensure a steady supply of B1

> vitamin. Over cooking and long term refrigeration might destroy


> B1. Deficiency symptoms: Some of the early symptoms might include

> lethargy, irritability, loss of memory, loss of sleep or appetite,

> weight loss, indigestion or constipation, and calf muscle tenderness.


> left untreated these initial symptoms might lead to a more severe form

> of thiamin deficiency, known as beriberi characterized by nerve,


> and brain abnormalities. However the symptoms might vary in different

> forms.

> * Dry Beriberi: Might involve nerve and muscle abnormalities,

> prickling sensation in the toes, and burning sensation in the feet

> especially at night, leg cramps and muscle atrophy. * Wet Beriberi:

> Common symptoms might include abnormally fast heart beats, fluid

> retention in the legs, pulmonary edema, hypotension, which might


> in shock and eventual death. * Brain Abnormalities: In habitual

> alcoholics, Thiamin deficiency might result in brain abnormalities


> as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Some of its common symptoms include

> haziness, involuntary eye movements, difficulty in walking and partial

> paralysis of the eyes among others. If ignored these symptoms could

> become fatal. Some of the common symptoms of Korsakoff's psychosis

> include loss of memory, incoherence and confabulation. * Infantile

> Beriberi: Commonly seen in newborn children of women already suffering

> from thiamin deficiency, who could contract this condition from the

> mother’s milk. Heart failure, loss of reflexes and aphonia are

some of the common symptoms.

> Benefits:

> Vitamin B1 helps in many important body functions and some of its

> benefits would include the following.

> * Involved in the energy production: Sugar is the principal source of

> energy in your body where it is oxidized to form usable form of energy

> in the presence of vitamin B1. It is part of a complex enzyme system

> called the pyruvate dehydrogenase system, which helps in the oxidation

> of sugar. Vitamin B1 is required for the functioning of this enzyme

> system, which releases energy for the normal functions of the body.

> * Helps in the development of myelin sheaths: Vitamin B1 helps in the

> proper development of myelin sheaths around nerves. Deficiency of

> Vitamin B1, might result in the degeneration of these coverings, which

> might result in nerve damage. * Ensures proper cardiac

> function: This vitamin helps in the production of the


> acetylcholine, which is used to relay messages between the nerves and

> muscles and to ensure proper cardiac function. Vitamin B1 deficiency


> thus result in irregular cardiac functions. People suffering from

> congestive heart failure, when administered vitamin B1 intravenously


> seven days, showed considerable improvements in their echocardiograms,

> which proves that vitamin B1, can prevent heart disease. * Prevents

> cataracts: When used along with other essential nutrients, Vitamin B1

> can stall the occurrence of cataracts. * Reduces the effects of

> aging: It is a powerful anti-oxidant, which helps you from the ill

> effects of aging. * Ensures proper digestion: It helps in the

> secretion of hydrochloric acids, which is essential for the complete

> digestion of food particles. * Prevents Alzheimer’s disease:

> Vitamin B1 is thought to slow down the progression of


> disease. Persons suffering from this disease condition have benefited

> when vitamin B1 supplements of 100 mg per day were administered.

> However, there are placebo-controlled trial studies till now to

> authenticate this claim. * Improves memory: Vitamin B1 can improve

> your memory and concentration. It is also used in the management of


> nervous disorders such as multiple sclerosis and Bell’s palsy

> among others. Function: Vitamin B1 is better known as " morale vitamin "

> for its positive impact on the nervous system and a healthy mental

> attitude. * Helps in the production of red blood cells: Vitamin B1

> has an important role in the production of RBC, which in turn keeps


> person healthy and active. * Restores deficiencies caused by

> alcoholism: Vitamin B1 can even off the deficiencies caused by

> cirrhosis, infections, hyperthyroidism or alcoholism. * Improves

> appetite: It can significantly improve appetite and mental alertness

> Food for thought

> As it is a water soluble vitamin, it will be expelled through urine.


> make sure to maintain a well balanced diet that can supply the


> amounts of vitamin regularly. This article was contributed by Seema

> Adnani Back to Health benefits of Vitamins




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> Wallis - CPRN Capt. USAF |2009-05-09 23:24:22 I have known

> many MDs that refused to use Vit. B1 in Rx of CHF The big drug


> made the doctors forget

> what they knew (do no harm Reply 0 0 Write comment

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