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Eye Blinking

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HI MY NAme is catherine. my 19 year old son has ocd. and he does the

samething you are speaking about. this is one of his compulsions. i honestley

dont know what or if you can do anything about it. i wish you luck. how

manymg on zoloft is your daughter. maybe the dosage needs to be raised.


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Hi Lori, I don't want to appear to be pushing meds, but when my daughter

developed eye-blinking and several other tic-like symptoms (mostly tensing

different muscle groups repeatedly to the point of pain) her doctor started

her on 1/2 mg. Risperdol which minimized them from the first dose. The

eye-blinking really drove her nuts too, to a degree beyond the annoyance she

experienced with other symptoms. The reason these (tics? compulsions? They

look tic-like to me) were treated was because they came on in a sudden

fashion (as does everything with her OCD it seems) and really interfered

with her being able to relax and fall asleep--many late and sleepless nights

thanks to these. Risperdol makes her very tired so we give it about an hour

before bed. She takes Zoloft too. I'll be interested to read if anyone

suggests E & RP or another approach for eye-blinking and so on.

Kathy R. in Indiana

> From: volley4@...


> To anyone,

> My 16 daughter w/ ocd on Zoloft and doing well in therapy and on the 504

plan at school. She has developed this

> eye blinking (small and then to wide-wide open). It really is driving her

crazy! I feel so bad for her. Is this

> a compulsion? What can I do to help her at home?

> Any suggestions would be wonderful!

> Lori-CA

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Well it helps to know that this is probably ocd. She is on 75 mg Zoloft. She

just came off of Luvox. What a

nightmare that was! She also just went through leg surgery and is now not on

pain pills. That really was

difficult. It seems since going back to school, the eye blinking has become a

new compulsion. She is so angry.

She tries to fight not to do it. I told her do it for 15 min. and see if you

can break the cycle. (I figure

trying not to, makes you want to) I don't know. I am always looking and

reading for help at home. Her therapist

mostly talks to her. I need skills at home. Going to the bookstore this

weekend to get some books on parenting

and helping someone w/ ocd.

Thanks for writing. Maybe your son can share what he thinks.


angelmom407@... wrote:

> From: angelmom407@...


> HI MY NAme is catherine. my 19 year old son has ocd. and he does the

> samething you are speaking about. this is one of his compulsions. i honestley

> dont know what or if you can do anything about it. i wish you luck. how

> manymg on zoloft is your daughter. maybe the dosage needs to be raised.

> catherine


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Very interesting. Krysti takes Benadryl or Tylenol pm to sleep @ night. This

is working because she could not

sleep while on Luvox! Now w/ the Zoloft, sleep is better and happiness is

often. Now the eye blinking. I don't

know what to do at home to help. Therapist gave her ideas, but Krysti won't

share w/ me to often. It is rising

her agitation level especially at night when all is slowed down. During the day

I notice it but she just bops

around and goes on.

Help-Is this med u describe a sleep aid?


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> From: volley4@...

> snip<

>It (eyeblinking) is rising

> her agitation level especially at night when all is slowed down. During

the day I notice it but she just >bops

> around and goes on.

> Help-Is this med u describe a sleep aid?

> Lori-ca

Hi Lori, no, Risperdal is an " atypical neuroleptic " (an antipsychotic) which

some doctors augment SSRIs with when the person has tics in addition to OCD


I also notice the blinking in my daughter through the day but for some

reason it is much more of a problem at night, from around dinner until

bedtime--bothers her much more then.

This is an example of a nice side-effect (!) in that the sleepiness she gets

from it helps her relax. The other thing I notice is that she is not so

dramatically restless through the night. For the first time in over a year

(since OCD onset), when I pass her room a couple of hours after she's gone

to bed, she is lying in more or less the same position she fell asleep in,

instead of upside down or sideways in her bed.

Kathy R. in Indiana

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Hi Kathy,

Just an update.

Krysti was moved up to 100 mg Zoloft and they added.5 Klonopin. This was to

relax her. Boy did we have a quiet

weekend. She got up for school so happy this a.m. Normally coming off of a

weekend she is resisting going to

school. NOT today! The Klonopin seems to make her relax, yet yesterday she

took a much needed nap and yet fell

asleep and slept all night. Her eyes seem to bother her more at night, lets see

what happens w/ new meds.


Kathy wrote:

> From: " Kathy " <klr@...>


> Hi Lori, I don't want to appear to be pushing meds, but when my daughter

> developed eye-blinking and several other tic-like symptoms (mostly tensing

> different muscle groups repeatedly to the point of pain) her doctor started

> her on 1/2 mg. Risperdol which minimized them from the first dose. The

> eye-blinking really drove her nuts too, to a degree beyond the annoyance she

> experienced with other symptoms. The reason these (tics? compulsions? They

> look tic-like to me) were treated was because they came on in a sudden

> fashion (as does everything with her OCD it seems) and really interfered

> with her being able to relax and fall asleep--many late and sleepless nights

> thanks to these. Risperdol makes her very tired so we give it about an hour

> before bed. She takes Zoloft too. I'll be interested to read if anyone

> suggests E & RP or another approach for eye-blinking and so on.


> Kathy R. in Indiana


> > From: volley4@...

> >

> > To anyone,

> > My 16 daughter w/ ocd on Zoloft and doing well in therapy and on the 504

> plan at school. She has developed this

> > eye blinking (small and then to wide-wide open). It really is driving her

> crazy! I feel so bad for her. Is this

> > a compulsion? What can I do to help her at home?

> > Any suggestions would be wonderful!

> > Lori-CA


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> GET A NEXTCARD VISA, in 30 seconds! Get rates as low as 2.9%

> Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR and no hidden fees. Apply NOW!

> 1/936/2/_/531051/_/953043346/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> You may subscribe to the OCD-L by emailing

> listserv@... .

> In the body of your message write:

> subscribe OCD-L your name.

> The Archives and Links List for the OCD and

> Parenting List may be accessed by going to

> / .

> Enter your email address and password.

> Click on the highlighted list name and then click on message archives by month

or links located in the toolbar.

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  • 8 years later...

> hi my son is blinking and rubbing his eyes a lot , i thought it was


> to yeast which i am treating with gse and it has gotten some what


> know but as im reading more and more im seeing he could be low in


Possibly, but low calcium usually causes kids to poke and press on

their eyes. But if it is a certain type of rubbing, it might be this.

>>how much should i give he is 9 yrs old 8o lbs.

Start with 250mg, increase as required. It does require magnesium and

several other nutrients for proper absorption.


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My son has been doing the eye blinking and rubbing too. I'm 90% sure

the blinking at least is yeast related. We have been fighting a low

level yeast issue lately, and I upped our yeast control. We had lots

of yellowish poop and eye blinking (but not my son's usual yeast

symptoms like red cheeks). However, one day there was no eye

blinking and lo and behold, brown poop.

However, he has been rubbing his eyes as well. We do have allergic

tendencies so it might be that. We are not CF so DS does get dairy

in his diet and gets @ 175mg calcium/day from supplements. I've

added more Magnesium and he gets @ 325 mg/day of that.

We are doing blood work soon and I was thinking of having his Calcium

tested. Does anyone know if there is a reliable test for Calcium


(Max's Mom)



> hi my son is blinking and rubbing his eyes a lot , i thought it

was related

> to yeast which i am treating with gse and it has gotten some what


> know but as im reading more and more im seeing he could be low in

calcuim if

> so can i get this and how much , i rather get it from a store,

than shipped he

> needs something right know. how much should i give he is 9 yrs old

8o lbs.

> thank you all help please.

> linda





> ____________________________________

> Psssst...Have you heard the news? _There's a new fashion blog,

plus the

> latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com_

> (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014) .





> **************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new

fashion blog,

> plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

> (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)




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Have you had his visual processing tested?

On Sep 13, 2008, at 1:20 AM, epoxycozy wrote:

> My son has been doing the eye blinking and rubbing too. I'm 90% sure

> the blinking at least is yeast related. We have been fighting a low

> level yeast issue lately, and I upped our yeast control. We had lots

> of yellowish poop and eye blinking (but not my son's usual yeast

> symptoms like red cheeks). However, one day there was no eye

> blinking and lo and behold, brown poop.


> However, he has been rubbing his eyes as well. We do have allergic

> tendencies so it might be that. We are not CF so DS does get dairy

> in his diet and gets @ 175mg calcium/day from supplements. I've

> added more Magnesium and he gets @ 325 mg/day of that.


> We are doing blood work soon and I was thinking of having his Calcium

> tested. Does anyone know if there is a reliable test for Calcium

> deficiency??


> (Max's Mom)



> >

> >

> > hi my son is blinking and rubbing his eyes a lot , i thought it

> was related

> > to yeast which i am treating with gse and it has gotten some what

> better,

> > know but as im reading more and more im seeing he could be low in

> calcuim if

> > so can i get this and how much , i rather get it from a store,

> than shipped he

> > needs something right know. how much should i give he is 9 yrs old

> 8o lbs.

> > thank you all help please.

> > linda

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________________________________

> > Psssst...Have you heard the news? _There's a new fashion blog,

> plus the

> > latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com_

> > (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014) .

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > **************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new

> fashion blog,

> > plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

> > (http://www.stylelist.com/trends?ncid=aolsty00050000000014)

> >

> >

> >

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It is done through a visual exam at the optometrist. He would need

to understand, but I think all he would have to do is respond by

pointing to things. http://www.ldonline.org/article/6390

On Sep 13, 2008, at 2:59 PM, happietrout wrote:

> How do you have visual processing tested? My son is non-verbal.

> Thanks.



> >

> > Have you had his visual processing tested?




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  • 1 year later...

Hi my name is Angie and I am on the sensory integration board and posted this

question. I was told to post it here because she thought she remembered this

being posted before and thought you all could help!! Here is my post that I

posted there. Thanks for any help you may have!!

Hi all,


> My dd is almost 4 and was recently diagnosed SPD. My question is, do your kids

or have your kids had eye blinking and staring off? This is new (past month or

so) and it is worrying me. I am in the process of switching peds to one who

understands SPD more and is a little more helpful with SPD but unfortunately

since she is SO popular with SPD, ASD etc kids I can't get my " new patient " appt

until Dec 29th. I guess what is worrying me is that when I search eye blinking

in kids it always bring ups either seizures or tourettes or something bad with

the brain. Her behavior is also getting worse to me too and her bouts of just

plain mean attacks. (mostly verbal fits)

> She has always had horrible eye contact and I can't EVER get her to look at

the camera when i take her picture but I don't remember all of the eye blinking

and just seeming like she is in a daze at times.


> Thanks so much for any info you may have!!!


> Angie

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Hi Angie,

I think you will find the following link very helpful in regards to your

question. http://www.enzymestuff.com/conditionsensory.htm

Here is a list of topics discussed on that page.

-What is Sensory Integration

-How Enzymes May Help

-Resources to Learn More

-Ideas for Going to the Dentist

-Sensory Integration Issues and Gut Reactions


Enzymedica's Education Department



> Hi my name is Angie and I am on the sensory integration board and posted this

question. I was told to post it here because she thought she remembered this

being posted before and thought you all could help!! Here is my post that I

posted there. Thanks for any help you may have!!


> Hi all,

> >

> > My dd is almost 4 and was recently diagnosed SPD. My question is, do your

kids or have your kids had eye blinking and staring off? This is new (past month

or so) and it is worrying me. I am in the process of switching peds to one who

understands SPD more and is a little more helpful with SPD but unfortunately

since she is SO popular with SPD, ASD etc kids I can't get my " new patient " appt

until Dec 29th. I guess what is worrying me is that when I search eye blinking

in kids it always bring ups either seizures or tourettes or something bad with

the brain. Her behavior is also getting worse to me too and her bouts of just

plain mean attacks. (mostly verbal fits)

> > She has always had horrible eye contact and I can't EVER get her to look at

the camera when i take her picture but I don't remember all of the eye blinking

and just seeming like she is in a daze at times.

> >

> > Thanks so much for any info you may have!!!

> >

> > Angie


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My NT daughter of 7 years old started this eye blinking in the summer and it

became increasingly worse. Of course, like you, all I could find was the

seizure and tourettes info. With one of her brothers having autism I feared

the worse. It became so bad that not only was her face contorting when she

did it. it was hard for her school pic to be taken and kids were starting to

tease her. The Doc said she would probably grow out of it. when???? She

wasn't sure.

I decided to do some investigating further into it by eliminating some

things from her diet. She's on a pretty healthy diet so it wasn't a hard

thing to do...

The first thing I eliminated, was her multi vitamin that I purchased from

the health food store. Within 1 week the blinking had decreased and within 2

weeks it was gone. I'm not sure what it was in the multi, I'm pretty good at

keeping my 3 kids 'junk free', but it could have been a mineral of Vit that

was not needed in her body or that she could not process. In any case, the

awful blinking is gone and her face is as beautiful as ever.

I hope this little story helps you find an answer.


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actually a couple of months ago I bought these ImmunoZappers to help her

immunity with the cold and flu season. They contain Elderberry, Zinc and Vit C.

I wonder if something in those is making this happen.....I never noticed it this

summer and it seems to be ever since I started giving her those.......

Thanks you!


Re: Eye Blinking

My NT daughter of 7 years old started this eye blinking in the summer and it

became increasingly worse. Of course, like you, all I could find was the

seizure and tourettes info. With one of her brothers having autism I feared

the worse. It became so bad that not only was her face contorting when she

did it. it was hard for her school pic to be taken and kids were starting to

tease her. The Doc said she would probably grow out of it. when???? She

wasn't sure.

I decided to do some investigating further into it by eliminating some

things from her diet. She's on a pretty healthy diet so it wasn't a hard

thing to do...

The first thing I eliminated, was her multi vitamin that I purchased from

the health food store. Within 1 week the blinking had decreased and within 2

weeks it was gone. I'm not sure what it was in the multi, I'm pretty good at

keeping my 3 kids 'junk free', but it could have been a mineral of Vit that

was not needed in her body or that she could not process. In any case, the

awful blinking is gone and her face is as beautiful as ever.

I hope this little story helps you find an answer.


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Check to see if the vitamin C is buffered with calcium or is a calcium

ascorbate. Many of our kids do not tolerate calcium and it cause seizures and

tics. If you must give vitamin c, use a magnesium ascorbate....

Calcium disregualtion and autism go hand in hand.


Re: Eye Blinking

My NT daughter of 7 years old started this eye blinking in the summer and it

became increasingly worse. Of course, like you, all I could find was the

seizure and tourettes info. With one of her brothers having autism I feared

the worse. It became so bad that not only was her face contorting when she

did it. it was hard for her school pic to be taken and kids were starting to

tease her. The Doc said she would probably grow out of it. when???? She

wasn't sure.

I decided to do some investigating further into it by eliminating some

things from her diet. She's on a pretty healthy diet so it wasn't a hard

thing to do...

The first thing I eliminated, was her multi vitamin that I purchased from

the health food store. Within 1 week the blinking had decreased and within 2

weeks it was gone. I'm not sure what it was in the multi, I'm pretty good at

keeping my 3 kids 'junk free', but it could have been a mineral of Vit that

was not needed in her body or that she could not process. In any case, the

awful blinking is gone and her face is as beautiful as ever.

I hope this little story helps you find an answer.


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Jen --

My husband & I have been doing some research lately on supplements & found that

a lot of multi-vitamins contain heavy metals such as lead. Always great to


So if you're child is sensitive to lead or possibly already getting doses of it

from other sources the multi-vitamin could have been putting her over the top.

The best multi-vitamin for heavy metals is Flintstones gummy vites. It has the

absolute lowest ppm of any multis for kids.


> My NT daughter of 7 years old started this eye blinking in the summer and it

> became increasingly worse. Of course, like you, all I could find was the

> seizure and tourettes info. With one of her brothers having autism I feared

> the worse. It became so bad that not only was her face contorting when she

> did it. it was hard for her school pic to be taken and kids were starting to

> tease her. The Doc said she would probably grow out of it. when???? She

> wasn't sure.

> I decided to do some investigating further into it by eliminating some

> things from her diet. She's on a pretty healthy diet so it wasn't a hard

> thing to do...

> The first thing I eliminated, was her multi vitamin that I purchased from

> the health food store. Within 1 week the blinking had decreased and within 2

> weeks it was gone. I'm not sure what it was in the multi, I'm pretty good at

> keeping my 3 kids 'junk free', but it could have been a mineral of Vit that

> was not needed in her body or that she could not process. In any case, the

> awful blinking is gone and her face is as beautiful as ever.

> I hope this little story helps you find an answer.



> Jen


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My 6yr old asd son had an eye blinking episode this year and I tracked it down

to food colors. He started rolling his eyes up and to one side then blinking

hard and shaking his head. He had no control over this behaviour. It got so bad

that he couldn't walk straight.

I had found some sprinkles that were Gluten, Dairy and soy free and had put a

few on his desserts. When I stoped the sprinkles the eyes got better.

It may not be food color for your son but it could be an intolerance to


I hope you find an answer soon.

Alli T

> My son often blinks, nods and smiles all at once. The blinking and nodding go

together, sometimes the smiling is present/sometimes not. He often does this

when reading a book or right before he takes off running. Does anyone know what

causes this?

> -

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