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I also have trouble taking pills. When I was told by my doctor to take

calcium with vitamin D, I hesitated not knowing how big the pill would be.

So, I decided to try it in a softgel since that usually goes down pretty

good and dissolves quite well. When it came in by mail, and I saw the size

of it,I said no way will I attempt to take a chance on it not going down

until I hit on an idea. Since it's a softgel full of a soft liquid, why not

snip off the end and squeeze the contents on my toast or muffin and eat it

as my first bite with a sip of coffee afterwards, which is what I'm doing

and its working fine for me. I take two of these softgels. Just thought I'd

pass this along.

>From: " Carol Haggas " <chaggas@...>



>Subject: multivitamins

>Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 07:10:44 -0600


>FYI - For those of us who have trouble taking multivitamins in pill form

>(because they're all such huge horse pills), I've just found out about a

>liquid multi-vitamin product from a friend. It works via a spray that you

>pump into your mouth and let dissolve over a couple of minutes. I know it

>sounds weird but my friend swears by it - except for the taste, which is a

>little bitter. The product is called Nujuvents Daily Essentials. I don't

>know how much it costs but they have a web site at www.ddcproducts.com. If

>I can get any more information, I'll pass it along.





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: What a clever way to get around a problem. Like you, I need to take

calcium w/D and didn't want to take those big pills, which are so chalky. I

discovered Viactiv, a soft chewable that comes in a delicious milk chocolate

or caramel. They really are like eating candy! They're available in the

same section of the grocery store as pill-form calcium.

Have a happy holiday!



> >Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 07:10:44 -0600

> >

> >FYI - For those of us who have trouble taking multivitamins in pill form

> >(because they're all such huge horse pills), I've just found out about a

> >liquid multi-vitamin product from a friend. It works via a spray that


> >pump into your mouth and let dissolve over a couple of minutes. I know


> >sounds weird but my friend swears by it - except for the taste, which is


> >little bitter. The product is called Nujuvents Daily Essentials. I


> >know how much it costs but they have a web site at www.ddcproducts.com.


> >I can get any more information, I'll pass it along.

> >

> >Carol

> >


> _________________________________________________________________

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  • 5 years later...

We recommend calcium w vitamin D and MVM supplements after discharge

(usually day 3). Both are chewable and we've not noted any problems

with this practice.


> When do you recommend that your Roux-en-Y gastric bypass patients


> taking multivitamins (ex: a few days, 1 week, 2 weeks, etc after

> surgery?)

> Also, is it recommended that they take a children's chewable for a

> certain amount of time, then switch over to an adult complete

> multivitamin? Can these patients swallow pills without difficulty,


> would they get lodged in their pouch?

> Thank you.

> Dorothy McLaughlin, RD, CDN


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Keen, what is the multvitamin you are taking. I am looking for a good


I went to Whole Foods and did a study on iodine.

It appears that most multi's have iodine and I was concerned if this

was coming from the same derivative as the iodine the nurse used

on my 1/6. I am waiting right now to hear from my new doctor.

She requested my records from Kaiser to see if the nurse used Iodine

(benedyne (sp)

inside of me when she performed the EMB (cervical biopsy).

If she did, the doctor said I may be allergic to iodine.

So I have been concerned not to use iodine in any foods and I also

notice iodine in the vitamins I was checking out.

But I am not sure if it is one and the same.

I am sure my body needs the mineral " iodine " to make thyroid hormones

which are

necessary for maintaining normal metabolism in all cells of the body.

Only 150mcg are

required daily.


On Mon, 15 May 2006 07:53:00 +0200 " Keen Venables "

<kvenables@...> writes:

I'd say we're guessing with much more information than most doctors

have. You know your body, you know how you feel. You sound just like

my husband, doubting that you have candida. But if you take

anti-fungals and have die-off reactions, then you have candida. Or take

the spit test in the morning (spit into a glass of water first thing in

the morning and see if you have long strings in your saliva).

I can understand you are discouraged, I've been there before. And

everyone has to try what works best for their own body - after lots of

mistakes, I've found some things that seem to help me and my husband.

First, probiotics. They are key.

Then, a good anti-fungal, but rotated with others to stop the candida

getting immune (pau d'arco/caprylic acid/grapefruit seed)

Finally, the right supplements. We take alfalfa (to feed the good

bacteria), a good multivitamin, magnesium, msm (for the leaky gut),

milkthistle (to support the liver), peppermint (for IBS). You must find

the supplements your own body needs.

Don't believe what you read on websites where people are trying to sell

you things. Do your own research and see how it makes you feel.


Re: Candex

HI again,

In response to Peggy-- isn't the fact that we have to keep

struggling in the nature of the beast? Overgrowth of candida fungus is a

predicament triggered by antibiotics and major stress such as our

ancestors didn't have to live with. Having said that, they had to deal

with things we don't have to worry about (not that I would say we have

it easier, no way--).

Spiritual enlightenment is what our new world particularly lacks,

for we are surrounded by advertising and materialism in an amount never

before encountered. Finding the meaning behind struggle is the good in

it, and hopefully will bring the inner peace to help cure.

I ordered three bottles of Candex today because I like the concept

that the fungus won't build up resistance (always a problem since we

have to keep switching), and because said she is feeling somewhat

better. For the time being, somewhat better is a welcome feeling, at

least for me. I can live with the fight if my Creator will grant me the

means to keep it bearable.

I pray everyone on the list finds something to keep symptoms

bearable, if not completely cure them!

peggypooh1@... wrote:


I have to say this is the same kind of explanation that I have with ALL

the other supplements I have been taking. They " seem " to be working

BUT NO " REAL " cure.

That is the way it has been going ever since, but I " feel " good although

my itching has not stopped which tells me I have not found a cure

nor the reason for my problem.

We are all doing this. Making suggestions, running out and buying


in hopes for a cure. That is all we can do.

Whether it is Candida still remains a mystery to me.

There is an underlying problem that doctors nor I can find answers. IN

the meantime,

we just keep moving forward and look forward to the day when this is all

over and

we can live normal lives. When that time come, I will be more grateful

for being

itchless and I will live life to the fullest. It is hard to live life to

the fullest when

itching is always there.

Just like the candex ...it has helped you, but it has not cured you.


On Thu, 11 May 2006 04:25:51 -0700 (PDT) susan <peacefulmeow@...>


I have been on Candex for two weeks and it has really helped me. I am

not cured, but it definitely stabilized my blood sugar and greatly

reduced my reactions to foods.

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Hi peggy,

Desirable to trim previous posts.


peggypooh1@... wrote:

> Keen, what is the multvitamin you are taking. I am looking for a good

> one.

> I went to Whole Foods and did a study on iodine.

> It appears that most multi's have iodine and I was concerned if this

> was coming from the same derivative as the iodine the nurse used

> on my 1/6. I am waiting right now to hear from my new doctor.

> She requested my records from Kaiser to see if the nurse used Iodine

> (benedyne (sp)

> inside of me when she performed the EMB (cervical biopsy).

> If she did, the doctor said I may be allergic to iodine.

> So I have been concerned not to use iodine in any foods and I also

> notice iodine in the vitamins I was checking out.

> But I am not sure if it is one and the same.


> I am sure my body needs the mineral " iodine " to make thyroid hormones

> which are

> necessary for maintaining normal metabolism in all cells of the body.

> Only 150mcg are

> required daily.


> -Peggy




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I'm taking Pharmaton at the moment, but I'm moving onto Bestum when I'm finished

the Pharmaton as it has probiotic strains in it as well. The web address is


My husband is very sensitive to iodine and we never touch the stuff. He has had

allergic reactions where he could not breath! Iodine is a very difficult

mineral, if it is in a chemical form, it is very easy to have problems with.

You should be getting more than enough iodine (and in a better form) from

vegetables if you are eating lots of leafy green ones.

Both the above multivitamins have no iodine. After taking a multivitamin with

iodine, that is when my husband had his worst attack. I also had a funny skin

problem that cleared up when I stopped taking it, so I avoid iodine as well.

Make sure you are not eating iodised salt, as well (we only use sea salt).

My suggestion to you is to avoid iodine for a while and see if you feel better.


Re: Candex

HI again,

In response to Peggy-- isn't the fact that we have to keep

struggling in the nature of the beast? Overgrowth of candida fungus is a

predicament triggered by antibiotics and major stress such as our

ancestors didn't have to live with. Having said that, they had to deal

with things we don't have to worry about (not that I would say we have

it easier, no way--).

Spiritual enlightenment is what our new world particularly lacks,

for we are surrounded by advertising and materialism in an amount never

before encountered. Finding the meaning behind struggle is the good in

it, and hopefully will bring the inner peace to help cure.

I ordered three bottles of Candex today because I like the concept

that the fungus won't build up resistance (always a problem since we

have to keep switching), and because said she is feeling somewhat

better. For the time being, somewhat better is a welcome feeling, at

least for me. I can live with the fight if my Creator will grant me the

means to keep it bearable.

I pray everyone on the list finds something to keep symptoms

bearable, if not completely cure them!

peggypooh1@... wrote:


I have to say this is the same kind of explanation that I have with ALL

the other supplements I have been taking. They " seem " to be working

BUT NO " REAL " cure.

That is the way it has been going ever since, but I " feel " good although

my itching has not stopped which tells me I have not found a cure

nor the reason for my problem.

We are all doing this. Making suggestions, running out and buying


in hopes for a cure. That is all we can do.

Whether it is Candida still remains a mystery to me.

There is an underlying problem that doctors nor I can find answers. IN

the meantime,

we just keep moving forward and look forward to the day when this is all

over and

we can live normal lives. When that time come, I will be more grateful

for being

itchless and I will live life to the fullest. It is hard to live life to

the fullest when

itching is always there.

Just like the candex ...it has helped you, but it has not cured you.


On Thu, 11 May 2006 04:25:51 -0700 (PDT) susan <peacefulmeow@...>


I have been on Candex for two weeks and it has really helped me. I am

not cured, but it definitely stabilized my blood sugar and greatly

reduced my reactions to foods.

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WOW-you're husband has an allergic reaction to iodine? Is one of those

reactions internal itching

all over his body? MIne is getting better now. I have not done the

candida diet in 3 weeks. I am

basically off all probiotics and supplements. Like I said in previous

posts, I am giving my body a rest.

I did a colon cleanse for one week with psyllum husks capsules and

bentonite followed by capryll acid pills.

It " seemed " to clean me out I guess. But I was gaining weight. So in the

past three days my itching has

subsided and I am trying to enjoy this time of peace and fulfillment. My

period started which in menopause

I was surprised because my periods have been weird. I didn't have one for

8 mos. and wham.... off and on

like every other month flowing like the Mississippi. My peroid must be

cleansing me or possibly flushing

all the iodine the nurse left inside of me. Thanks for your insight.

I have been using sea salt for 3 mos. now.


On Tue, 16 May 2006 07:51:23 +0200 " Keen Venables "

<kvenables@...> writes:

I'm taking Pharmaton at the moment, but I'm moving onto Bestum when I'm

finished the Pharmaton as it has probiotic strains in it as well. The

web address is www.nutrilida.com

My husband is very sensitive to iodine and we never touch the stuff. He

has had allergic reactions where he could not breath! Iodine is a very

difficult mineral, if it is in a chemical form, it is very easy to have

problems with. You should be getting more than enough iodine (and in a

better form) from vegetables if you are eating lots of leafy green ones.

Both the above multivitamins have no iodine. After taking a multivitamin

with iodine, that is when my husband had his worst attack. I also had a

funny skin problem that cleared up when I stopped taking it, so I avoid

iodine as well. Make sure you are not eating iodised salt, as well (we

only use sea salt).

My suggestion to you is to avoid iodine for a while and see if you feel



Re: Candex

HI again,

In response to Peggy-- isn't the fact that we have to keep

struggling in the nature of the beast? Overgrowth of candida fungus is a

predicament triggered by antibiotics and major stress such as our

ancestors didn't have to live with. Having said that, they had to deal

with things we don't have to worry about (not that I would say we have

it easier, no way--).

Spiritual enlightenment is what our new world particularly lacks,

for we are surrounded by advertising and materialism in an amount never

before encountered. Finding the meaning behind struggle is the good in

it, and hopefully will bring the inner peace to help cure.

I ordered three bottles of Candex today because I like the concept

that the fungus won't build up resistance (always a problem since we

have to keep switching), and because said she is feeling somewhat

better. For the time being, somewhat better is a welcome feeling, at

least for me. I can live with the fight if my Creator will grant me the

means to keep it bearable.

I pray everyone on the list finds something to keep symptoms

bearable, if not completely cure them!

peggypooh1@... wrote:


I have to say this is the same kind of explanation that I have with ALL

the other supplements I have been taking. They " seem " to be working

BUT NO " REAL " cure.

That is the way it has been going ever since, but I " feel " good although

my itching has not stopped which tells me I have not found a cure

nor the reason for my problem.

We are all doing this. Making suggestions, running out and buying


in hopes for a cure. That is all we can do.

Whether it is Candida still remains a mystery to me.

There is an underlying problem that doctors nor I can find answers. IN

the meantime,

we just keep moving forward and look forward to the day when this is all

over and

we can live normal lives. When that time come, I will be more grateful

for being

itchless and I will live life to the fullest. It is hard to live life to

the fullest when

itching is always there.

Just like the candex ...it has helped you, but it has not cured you.


On Thu, 11 May 2006 04:25:51 -0700 (PDT) susan <peacefulmeow@...>


I have been on Candex for two weeks and it has really helped me. I am

not cured, but it definitely stabilized my blood sugar and greatly

reduced my reactions to foods.

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No, my husband's reaction is much worse, he can't breathe when he has

too much iodine. And a colleague of mine ended up in hospital with

hallucinations, fever, swelling from too much iodine. There are many

people that have a problem with it, I'm surprised that it is used to


I would certainly not give my body a break, as you are probably giving

the candida a (lucky) break. But it's your body, you have to see how

you feel. I've been on the candida diet for 7 months now, very strictly

(there are many things on the candida diet we can't eat due to leaky gut

and IBS). I've not cheated once so far, it isn't worth it to me to feel



Re: Candex

HI again,

In response to Peggy-- isn't the fact that we have to keep

struggling in the nature of the beast? Overgrowth of candida fungus is a

predicament triggered by antibiotics and major stress such as our

ancestors didn't have to live with. Having said that, they had to deal

with things we don't have to worry about (not that I would say we have

it easier, no way--).

Spiritual enlightenment is what our new world particularly lacks,

for we are surrounded by advertising and materialism in an amount never

before encountered. Finding the meaning behind struggle is the good in

it, and hopefully will bring the inner peace to help cure.

I ordered three bottles of Candex today because I like the concept

that the fungus won't build up resistance (always a problem since we

have to keep switching), and because said she is feeling somewhat

better. For the time being, somewhat better is a welcome feeling, at

least for me. I can live with the fight if my Creator will grant me the

means to keep it bearable.

I pray everyone on the list finds something to keep symptoms

bearable, if not completely cure them!

peggypooh1@... wrote:


I have to say this is the same kind of explanation that I have with ALL

the other supplements I have been taking. They " seem " to be working

BUT NO " REAL " cure.

That is the way it has been going ever since, but I " feel " good although

my itching has not stopped which tells me I have not found a cure

nor the reason for my problem.

We are all doing this. Making suggestions, running out and buying


in hopes for a cure. That is all we can do.

Whether it is Candida still remains a mystery to me.

There is an underlying problem that doctors nor I can find answers. IN

the meantime,

we just keep moving forward and look forward to the day when this is all

over and

we can live normal lives. When that time come, I will be more grateful

for being

itchless and I will live life to the fullest. It is hard to live life to

the fullest when

itching is always there.

Just like the candex ...it has helped you, but it has not cured you.


On Thu, 11 May 2006 04:25:51 -0700 (PDT) susan <peacefulmeow@...>


I have been on Candex for two weeks and it has really helped me. I am

not cured, but it definitely stabilized my blood sugar and greatly

reduced my reactions to foods.

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  • 5 months later...

im not sure about post tx,but i would think the liver still would not need the added stress,inless your low.then i would choose grains and greens as my source,thats just me.wait for others and then weigh them out read up on it etc, hope this helps blessingsDon Hoskin <eust2be@...> wrote: I'm 10 months post-tx, and my family doctor recommended I take a multivitamin due to low magnesium and low-normal iron. He recommended B12 due to low levels

of that vitamin as well. He's also recommending some small bowel tests to see what else might be going on. A test for celiac disease turned up negative.Sooooo, I remember reading recommendations against taking iron while on tx, I assume it's OK now?I'll appreciate any feedback.Thanks,Don Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger. Tim Parsons knoxville,tn 37931 865-588-2465 x107 work www.knoxville1.com

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The danger of taking iron is not in the fact that a person is on treatment , the danger comes from having hep c and taking it . The liver has a hard time processing iron because of impaired liver functions so the excess iron will float around in the blood and deposit itself in the heart, kidneys and also the tissue of the liver causing further damage.


I'm 10 months post-tx, and my family doctor recommended I take a multivitamin due to low magnesium and low-normal iron. He recommended B12 due to low levels of that vitamin as well. He's also recommending some small bowel tests to see what else might be going on. A test for celiac disease turned up negative.Sooooo, I remember reading recommendations against taking iron while on tx, I assume it's OK now?I'll appreciate any feedback.Thanks,Don

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Don,, I'd make sure he was talking about your ferritin levels,,, before I'd take iron,, its really funny cuz they used to think that stored iron was good for ya, now they know its deadly and being even slighly anemic is better than having it stored in your heart, kidneys and other organs... I'd try eating more iron containing foods with vit c with it first to see if that would raise it... Lots of ppl died from taking Geritol,, and were slighly drunk with it too, lol,,, elizabethnv1 <elizabethnv1@...> wrote: The danger of taking iron is not in the fact that a person is on treatment , the danger comes from having hep c and taking it . The liver has a hard time processing iron because of impaired liver functions so the excess iron will float around in the blood and deposit itself in the heart, kidneys and also the tissue of the liver causing further damage. multivitamins I'm 10 months post-tx, and my family doctor recommended I take a multivitamin due to low magnesium and low-normal iron. He recommended B12 due to low levels of that vitamin as well. He's also recommending some small bowel tests to see what else might be going on. A test for celiac disease turned up negative.Sooooo, I remember reading recommendations against taking iron while on tx, I assume it's OK now?I'll appreciate any feedback.Thanks,Don Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger. Jackie

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B12 is great hon, that wont hurt ya! Im glad you are not going to take iron,, its awful!, especially if you are not really really low,, it hurts your organs!Don Hoskin <eust2be@...> wrote: Thanx Jax.I'll stick with the iron-containing foods for now. My iron was low-normal, not low, so I'll wait and ask my BCLD next month. I did start B12 sub-linguals though.Don Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi Lizzie,

I have been taking that multivitamin for about 1 year now and like it.

My GP gave it to me. I think it is designed primarily for chronic

fatigue patients. Some people really dislike the taste but I don't

mind it. Also people complain of feeling sick afterwards. If this

happens to you, you should half the dose for a while to get used to it.

I think it has good high levels of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

It is certainly easier than taking lots of pills individually.

It comes it a 1 month long supply tub which if you travel can be a bit

awkward. So, I would recommend getting some of the travel packs as well.

bye, paul

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Hi Lizzie,

I have been buying goji juice - it is lovely to drink and has lots of

lovely things in it as well as vitamins and minerals. I huge bottle

lasts me about a month - I take a little each morning before my wake-up



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Don't take anything with calcium in at the same time as your thyroid meds, they should be taken about 3 hours apart.

Luv - Sheila


HiI am due to order some more selenium and zinc but have read that whentaking zinc you should also take a small amount of copper too. So Ihave been trying to find a good multivitamin with selenium 200mcg zinc15 mcg and some copper but also calcium and magnesium but notcontaining iodine. Everything seems to contain iodine. Can anyonerecommend a company that sells at a reasonable price.Thanks Lizzie

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Thanks Shelia,

I didnt think the milk in the coffee would make any difference but just wanted to check!

From: sheilaturner <sheilaturner@...>Subject: Re: Multivitaminsthyroid treatment Date: Sunday, 25 May, 2008, 8:25 PM

Don't take anything with calcium in at the same time as your thyroid meds, they should be taken about 3 hours apart.

Luv - Sheila

[thyroidpatientadvo cacy] Multivitamins

HiI am due to order some more selenium and zinc but have read that whentaking zinc you should also take a small amount of copper too. So Ihave been trying to find a good multivitamin with selenium 200mcg zinc15 mcg and some copper but also calcium and magnesium but notcontaining iodine. Everything seems to contain iodine. Can anyonerecommend a company that sells at a reasonable price.Thanks Lizzie

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Sent from .

A Smarter Email.

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I was just thinking what an excellent idea, but then for me with

Hashis and having to still take my SSRi antidepressant 3 things jumped

out at me. L-tryptophan not allowed to take that as it is a seratonin

boost and have to watch out for seratonin syndrom :(. Iodine, not good

for autoimmune diseases, Soy stuff in added ingredients are

goitregens, probably very small amounts though.

So many ingredients I don't understand the effects of too, if

something made me feel unwell I would have wasted quite a lot of money

and not known which ingredient was the culprit, but if you can afford

it and don't have my problems I would go for it, it looks a very

potent mix :).

lotsa luv


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Dear Dawn

Having looked at the reports Sheila asked for, it would be worth

checking all your tablets for the presence of bromide.

Then ring the PCT ~ PALS department ask them for their urgent


best wishes



> Hiya


> I was just thinking what an excellent idea, but then for me with

> Hashis and having to still take my SSRi antidepressant 3 things


> out at me. L-tryptophan not allowed to take that as it is a


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Dear Sheila

You may need to add a warning on the presence of Bromide in any other

medications taken by patients on this board.

They cobble together these other tablets with hydrobromic acid to

make them soluble in water ~ as the 'bromide' salt.

As you recall from many years back on the About forum? bromide is a

no-no, for the same reason that iodide is a no-no.

NIS ~ Sodium iodide symporter will also carry bromide into the

thyroid gland, which may explain most of the use of 'bromide' to

settle people with so-say psychosis (could also explain why the

bromide salts are used as anti-epileptics ~ ie anti-arrhythmics).

In other words, they were only treating the symptoms of either

Graves' or hyperthyroidism/thyrotoxicosis.

On could imagine that the little booklet on Magnesium (on Thyroid

History site) would cover many of the uses of the halogen salts


best wishes




> Hi Dawn


> If you ahve Hashimoto's disease, you should be checking all your

medication and supplements for iodine. You should not take anything

with iodine in. I have just been looking at studies (thank you Bob).

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Bob, I am getting a 404 Error Message for this link.

Luv - Sheila



>> > Hi Dawn> > If you ahve Hashimoto's disease, you should be checking all your medication and supplements for iodine. You should not take anything with

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