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Wellness Secrets: Importance of Breakfast for children with special needs

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Wellness Secrets

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Breakfast: Brain Power

The most important meal of the day

The American Dietetic Association says breakfast is the most important

meal of the day. Forty years of breakfast related studies by american

dietetic association show that jump starting the day with breakfast

benefits everyone -- children, teens and adults. Eating breakfast is

very important for the brain and the body first thing in the morning.

Breakfast skippers often feel tired, restless or irritable in the


Researches: Benefits of eating Breakfast and children's health

§ Nutrition: Breakfast makes a major contribution to the nutritional

quality of a well-balanced diet. It provides the nutrients that are not

always made up for in later meals and snacks. Breakfast should provide

about one quarter of daily energy intake.

§ Blood sugar Levels: Eating healthy breakfast raises blood sugar

levels and helps the body to function more effectively. Research has

shown that children who skip breakfast perform less well academically,

socially & emotionally, whereas eating breakfast improves their problem

solving abilities, their memory, concentration levels, visual perception

and creative thinking.

§ Academic performance can be boosted by a high-energy breakfast.

Blood sugar levels drop overnight and can be low on waking. According to

the food and nutrition experts at the American Dietetic Association,

breakfast is considered as an important meal of the day as it fuels the

body to help provide energy, better concentration and problem-solving

ability throughout the day.

§ Breakfast is also very important for weight loss and weight

management. " You 'break the fast' of not eating for the past eight to 12

hours. It helps curb your hunger and prevent binge eating later in the

day. Breakfast is important to manage your weight and potentially lose

weight by eating fewer calories throughout the day.

Suggestions on how to refuel your kids to begin their day

§ Keep your kitchen full of healthy, quick and easy breakfast


§ If morning time is at a premium, try to prepare for breakfast the

night before. Set out dishes, prepare and cut up food, etc.

§ Wake your family 10 minutes earlier than usual to allow time for


§ Encourage your child to help decide what to have for breakfast.

The child can even help prepare it.

§ Have on-the-go breakfast options ready for mornings when you're

running late, including fresh fruit, yogurt, trail mix, and individual

boxes of cereal, box cereals, and breakfast bars, fruit juices, which

are loaded with sugar and are not very nutritious. Pack a nutritious

snack for your child if he or she isn't hungry first thing in the




Doctors at Global Naturopath

Dr.Garima Jain, ND

Dr. Garima Jain is a Board Certified American Alternative Medical

Practitioner. She as a Doctor of Naturopathy (ND) focuses her practice

in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Natural Holistic

Approach for the treatment of various health conditions. She is here to

offer Nutritional education to parents and their children. Dr. Garima

Jain, continuously, educates herself with various treatment options. As

a member of, International Society for Complementary Research (ISCMR)

actively participates in various researches on various health issues,

regarding children and Women Health. She is strong believer that,

Natural Treatment modalities can heal many conditions, before they turn

into diseases.

Dr.Jain will get you started with

1) Diets and Dietary Planning

2) Important Nutritional consideration which are necessary for your

child's basic nutritional foundation which in turn takes care of

detoxification and other important functions in the body.

3) She will guide you to the food options which are healthier in your

child's diet.

4) Natural nutritional supplements will be reviewed and recommended.

Her approach is to provide a complete package for your child, which

includes a combination of Biomedical along with Academic approach to

provide success to your child. She has more than 50hrs of training in

ABA, Discrete Trial, Verbal Behavior, Functional Behavior Analysis, so

is a useful resource in case of any academic concerns. She offers help

regarding your child's IEP, academic goals and objectives, Inclusion

accommodations and modifications, and tools necessary for your child to

be included in general education classrooms with typical peers.

Education Series/Presentations: She is a regular speaker at OTAP

(Occupational Therapy Associates of Princeton), which is her second

office location. She continually educates parents and professionals; in

this series she has given many presentations at Team Hope, Glouster

Country Special Services School district and Piscataway School district.

Evaluations: Her Initial evaluation is for 2 hrs and follow ups for an

hr. She does not charge for any immediate questions or concerns you

might have for your child. She works very intensively with special needs

children, and understands all aspects of parents as what they go through

when taking care of their children's special needs. She is

consulting parents across Asia, China, Singapore. Parents can consult

her for any of their immediate concerns for their children. She is

available for consultations over the phone. Being a parent of special

needs child, she cares and understands parents and their needs well.

Dr.Annette Cartaxo, MD

Dr. Annette Cartaxo M.D., F.A.A.P, a board certified Pediatrician

(Fellow of The American Academy of Pediatrics), member of SDBP (Society

of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics), ICDL (The Interdisciplinary

Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders). Dr. Jain and Dr.

Cartaxo have joined forces in lecturing and writing about nutritional

interventions in children with developmental disabilities focusing much

of the energy on ASD. Dr. Cartaxo is serving patients throughDr. Jain's

practice in an advisory capacity.


Global Naturopath

" A place where Parents and Professionals work together "

www.globalnaturopath.com <http://www.globalnaturopath.com/>

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Email: globalnaturopathy@... <mailto:globalnaturopathy@...>

Ph: (732) 873-1040

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