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Re: something else to worry about

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In a message dated 7/24/00 4:00:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

ckc@... writes:

<< I went away for the afternoon yesterday with a friend, and came home to

learn that during my absence, Ian got angry at my husband for not letting

him use the computer. So what did he do? He called 911. A short time

later, the police appeared at our door. Jim explained, then asked the

police officer to speak with Ian, which he did. Ian now vehemently denies

ever doing it, but he is very embarrassed.

CK, >>

Omigosh CK!!!!! I have a friend whose 5 year old has done this a couple

times. He's NDA BTW. At least Ian is embarrassed......this little boy

wasn't the slightest bit embarrassed.

Anyway, I sure hope you enjoyed your outing with your friend.


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I hope you didn't take offense to my laughing. I meant it in a very

affectionate way. It takes a very smart child to think of doing something

like that in this situation. would have just had a temper tantrum,

although he used to call 911 for practice while he was learning about it. I

also had the police and it is now charted down at the station that our child

is capable of doing this, but they tell me they still have to check out all


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In a message dated 7/24/00 3:00:24 PM Central Daylight Time,

ckc@... writes:

<< He called 911. >>

Oh my Gosh, CK! Things sure have been eventful lately! Was the officer



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In a message dated 7/24/00 5:56:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time, MBrayley@...


<< I hope you didn't take offense to my laughing. I meant it in a very

affectionate way. It takes a very smart child to think of doing something

like that in this situation. would have just had a temper tantrum,

although he used to call 911 for practice while he was learning about it. I

also had the police and it is now charted down at the station that our child

is capable of doing this, but they tell me they still have to check out all



LOLOL . I thought so too. Don't know if CK is laughing yet?!? I

too, was thinking about how smart Ian must be. I KNOW you don't want to hear

this CK, but I would give absolutely anything in the world if Maddie had the

sense to pick up a phone and do that. I know for you, it's just another

headache. If Ian were a little more like Maddie, struggles would just be

different. I understand that!! {{{hugs}}}

Donna (who today, cleaned up poop off the furniture for the 3rd time this

week, despite the rubber pants)

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Matt pulled a fire alarm during one of 's basketball practices,

calling the fire dept. He never felt the least bit " embarrassed " . I dont

'think he even knew!

Fun, fun, fun for all




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Hi CK...me again.

I'm sure you (and especially your husband) might not

see the wonderfulness in this incident yet!! But I

think it's kind of neat (although I didn't have to

answer the door and see a policeman!). but it's

awesome that Ian could remember 911 and use it

appropriately.....although his " emergency " is

debateable! Don't know if I'd be as cheery if it were

my kid who called 911, but I think it would be great

if Tanner would know to call 911 if he needed help or

tell someone that he was lost.

Maybe you'll have to put the phones up high on the

wall too!

PS..unbeknownst to my SIL, my nephew called 911 daily

(sometimes more than once a day) " just to check in " .

He was about 4 or 5 I think. Someone (maybe a

dispatcher) was sent to the house to explain the

correct way to use 911.


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> << He called 911. >>


> Oh my Gosh, CK! Things sure have been eventful lately! Was the officer

> understanding?

I was going to write to Maureen personally to respond to this, but then I

thought everyone here would like to know the answer to this question.

Yes, he was. We've had experience with this particular officer before, when

a neighbor of ours was pretty rude and called the police to ask them to ask

us to keep Ian from climbing over his chain link fence (he didn't feel

comfortable asking us himself, because he was " scared " of Jim -- which, if

you knew Jim, you would be laughing hysterically at right now). Anyway,

this guy showed up on my driveway, and we ended up chatting for about an


His wife had a sister with Down syndrome, so he knew all about it. He was

very fond of her. I say " was " because his sister-in-law died when she was

32, from heart complications. But he really did have an understanding of

what we were going through -- so perhaps he's the one they have pegged to

come deal with us when we need police contact. :)


Mom to Ian (2/89),


and Rose (6/94)

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In a message dated 7/25/00 11:18:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

ckc@... writes:

<< His wife had a sister with Down syndrome, so he knew all about it. He was

very fond of her. I say " was " because his sister-in-law died when she was

32, from heart complications. But he really did have an understanding of

what we were going through -- so perhaps he's the one they have pegged to

come deal with us when we need police contact. :)

CK, >>

Gee CK, nice neighbor! Well, at least the good thing is that you got an

understanding officer now to work with. :-) I have a feeling that I am

going to post more than one time about Seth " escaping " and hope we are as

lucky to get someone understanding to deal with!

Gail, Mom to; Seth-4, jo-7, Becky-9, -23, Jen-24, Grandma to Errick-4

and wife to -my hero

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i thnks i would be ecstatic if nathan could actually dial 911, when he gets

ahold of the phone he dials numerous numbers probably china,lol, we have a

special block on the phone so the kids cant dial long distance eg, but wow,

i know it wasnt an emergency, but he can use the phone and call for help im

impressed, and ian did learn more of the actual use of 911, shawna.

>From: " CK " <ckc@...>



>Subject: Something else to worry about

>Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 15:56:26 -0400


>Hi everyone,


>I went away for the afternoon yesterday with a friend, and came home to

>learn that during my absence, Ian got angry at my husband for not letting

>him use the computer. So what did he do? He called 911. A short time

>later, the police appeared at our door. Jim explained, then asked the

>police officer to speak with Ian, which he did. Ian now vehemently denies

>ever doing it, but he is very embarrassed.



>Mom to Ian (2/89),

> (9/90),

> and Rose (6/94)




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In a message dated 7/26/00 12:59:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

mashawnag@... writes:

<< i thnks i would be ecstatic if nathan could actually dial 911, when he


ahold of the phone he dials numerous numbers probably china,lol >>

When Maddie gets a hold of the phone, she dangles it. You know how nicely

that cord thingy dangles (that and the keyboard on the computer). Now, if it

happens to be the cordless she's gotten her hands on, well, that takes a dive

over the railing cause it's so much fun to watch it fall and break......:)


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In a message dated 7/26/00 1:26:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time, duffey48@...


<< When Maddie gets a hold of the phone, she dangles it. You know how nicely

that cord thingy dangles (that and the keyboard on the computer). Now, if


happens to be the cordless she's gotten her hands on, well, that takes a


over the railing cause it's so much fun to watch it fall and break......:)

Donna >>

LOL Donna! Replace Maddie's name with Seth's !!!! Although he may hit some

of the buttons on the cordless before he tossed it over the banister,

thinking that it is his toy one. My cordless is at this minute, sitting on

the hutch in pieces waiting to be taped together. LOL It got thrown twice

before I climbed over two gates to rescue it! LOL


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  • 1 year later...

<<I hv heard u can have either 2 of them or all of them. What

if u

hv 2 of them --can u still get treatment and can that be

successful >>

I have both B and C antibodies and got the hep a vaccine while on treatment. If

you have B and it isn't chronic, then it won't interfere with your treatment.

And don't ask me much more about B cuz it's complicated! I get confused but all

I know is that most people who get B get over it, a few don't and go chronic and

the B virus is different from the C virus in how it lives and how it's treated,

but the symptoms are pretty much the same.

Some articles say that co-nfection with B and C can make the cirrhosis

faster/worse, but they don't say if both have to be active/chronic or what and

so sometimes it can be confusing.



mailto:alleypat@... andromedagurl@...

note: alleypat@... will be disconnected at the end of August


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I was daignosed with B antibodies and chronic C,

(Primary and GI) said my body fought off the B they

did not seem concerned about the B. They imediately

did biosy and sonogram for the C and put me on the

combo as soon as daignoses came back. I did not know

it then but I was on my way to employment,4 months

later, on my B'day, Nice people wouldn't you say? I

know it is not nice to wish revenge on people but, I

do them, 2 of them. Worked it all around and told

lies to Ins. co. so they would not have to pay the

disability (Liberty Mutual) pay me. Then again they b

stupid and think they know everything. I proved it was

a pack of lies they were telling. Was there almost 10

years. I wonder if they ever got in trouble, not for

getting me terminated but for being caught in their

lies. I Just Ramblin, sorry.......Take Care, Connie


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Having one hepatitis on top of another can be very

bad. However, probably the worst thing is to catch

hepatitis A on top of having hepatitis C! Yeah, get

vaccinated against B, but it's the A vaccination that

you really need. I have read of mortality rates of

something like 50% if you were to catch A, when

normally it is NOT fatal, and does not become chronic.

A is the kind you can catch from eating contaminated

food. Get vaccinated against A ASAP. Again, this is

something you might need to go to your primary care

doc for. Or call the health dept.



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Do you think maybe I am not such a resonder beacause

have chronic C and antibodies to B? I had vaccination

or whatever it was of I think Gama Globulin, when my

Dad caught A, He was cleaning out pipes at my

Grandmothers. I remember now sometimes how he would

itch (bottom of feet and palms of hands) and my Mom

say he didn't. Too bad they gone now I could make her

see that you do itch. I was little and they went by

your bodyweight for the vacine of the stuff for A. We

were qurrantined for a few days.

Doc, and the Amitriptyline I just found 2 weeks ago,

remembered it help me sleep but I was trembling before

that, amitiptyline was what they gave me for the

Fibromymalgia........Take Care, Connie


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Do you think maybe I am not such a resonder beacause

have chronic C and antibodies to B? I had vaccination

or whatever it was of I think Gama Globulin, when my

Dad caught A, He was cleaning out pipes at my

Grandmothers. I remember now sometimes how he would

itch (bottom of feet and palms of hands) and my Mom

say he didn't. Too bad they gone now I could make her

see that you do itch. I was little and they went by

your bodyweight for the vacine of the stuff for A. We

were qurrantined for a few days.

Doc, and the Amitriptyline I just found 2 weeks ago,

remembered it help me sleep but I was trembling before

that, amitiptyline was what they gave me for the

Fibromymalgia........Take Care, Connie


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I was given Gamma Globulin in 1976. I went to Crater Lake for a weekend and

found out the water was contaminated. That Monday when I went back to work,

I worked a graveyard shift back in those days for a lumbermill, I got

stomach cramps so severe they took me to the emergency room around midnight.

That's where I was given the shot. I have wondered since finding out about

having HepC if that shot had anything to do with getting this disease. Just

a coincidence I suppose.


Re: Something else to worry about

> Hi,

> Do you think maybe I am not such a resonder beacause

> have chronic C and antibodies to B? I had vaccination

> or whatever it was of I think Gama Globulin, when my

> Dad caught A, He was cleaning out pipes at my

> Grandmothers. I remember now sometimes how he would

> itch (bottom of feet and palms of hands) and my Mom

> say he didn't. Too bad they gone now I could make her

> see that you do itch. I was little and they went by

> your bodyweight for the vacine of the stuff for A. We

> were qurrantined for a few days.


> Doc, and the Amitriptyline I just found 2 weeks ago,

> remembered it help me sleep but I was trembling before

> that, amitiptyline was what they gave me for the

> Fibromymalgia........Take Care, Connie



> __________________________________________________


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Hi Bob

I was real little, about 6-7 when I got the Gama

Globulin. and I probably weighed 30-35 lbs (was always

tiny) I don't remember being sick but then again look

at my age when given it. :) All I could see was that

great BIG NEEDLE and Daddy feet and palms of hands

itching and Mom saying they not. Was yours thick and

kind of looked like honey?.........TC...C

--- rep@... wrote:


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I'm sorry but I don't remember either. I didn't think anything about it

really, at the time. I was fine in 24 hours. The sickness I had was

diagnosed as gastroentinitis (sp)? The Gamma Globulin shot was a precaution.

The gut ache I had was the only thing I was thinking about at the time. They

also gave me some sort of a shot to relax my digestive system and keep it

from cramping so much.


Re: Something else to worry about

> Hi Bob

> I was real little, about 6-7 when I got the Gama

> Globulin. and I probably weighed 30-35 lbs (was always

> tiny) I don't remember being sick but then again look

> at my age when given it. :) All I could see was that

> great BIG NEEDLE and Daddy feet and palms of hands

> itching and Mom saying they not. Was yours thick and

> kind of looked like honey?.........TC...C

> --- rep@... wrote:



> __________________________________________________


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I'm sorry but I don't remember either. I didn't think anything about it

really, at the time. I was fine in 24 hours. The sickness I had was

diagnosed as gastroentinitis (sp)? The Gamma Globulin shot was a precaution.

The gut ache I had was the only thing I was thinking about at the time. They

also gave me some sort of a shot to relax my digestive system and keep it

from cramping so much.


Re: Something else to worry about

> Hi Bob

> I was real little, about 6-7 when I got the Gama

> Globulin. and I probably weighed 30-35 lbs (was always

> tiny) I don't remember being sick but then again look

> at my age when given it. :) All I could see was that

> great BIG NEEDLE and Daddy feet and palms of hands

> itching and Mom saying they not. Was yours thick and

> kind of looked like honey?.........TC...C

> --- rep@... wrote:



> __________________________________________________


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  • 7 years later...

I have heard this can be a sign of parasites.

From: jenniferseefried <jenniferseefried@...>

Subject: something else to worry about

Date: Friday, January 2, 2009, 9:48 PM

My 5yr old little guy with ASD/ADHD has started something new...

Grinding his teeth while sleeping. Any thoughts as to why this is

suddenly happening? Or is this just stress/sensory?

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Parasites??? How do I test for that? Is there a treatment that could help?

Thanks for your input.

From: jenniferseefried <jenniferseefried>

Subject: something else to worry about

Date: Friday, January 2, 2009, 9:48 PM

My 5yr old little guy with ASD/ADHD has started something new...

Grinding his teeth while sleeping. Any thoughts as to why this is

suddenly happening? Or is this just stress/sensory?

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