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Yellow teeth

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Hi everyone-

I brush and floss my AS son's teeth rigorously everyday, but he has an

oncoming problem of yellow teeth. I have heard that some things can

stain teeth yellow. But my son doesn't really eat or drink anything

that would stain his teeth. Does anyone know if this is a sign of

nutritional deficiency? I am hoping that all the changes I have been

making with his supplements may help with this, but I don't know if it

signifies a specific deficiency. I noticed in an nephew of mine (20

yrs. old) who also has AS, that his teeth were extremely yellow.

Anybody know if this is typical of those with leaky gut syndrome?


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> I am sorry to jump into the discussion. How do you help him to

increase the ability to break down oxalates?

B6/P5P and magnesium can help.


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Thank you Dana!


Re: Yellow teeth


> I am sorry to jump into the discussion. How do you help him to

increase the ability to break down oxalates?

B6/P5P and magnesium can help.


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I had the same question on here about a month ago. My 3 year olds

teeth are yellow and plaquey looking. I was told to stop flouride and

it has actually worked. She eats the toothpaste when I brush her teeth

and I guess she eats too much of it.

Her teeth are white again, but they still have the plaque.



> Hi everyone-


> I brush and floss my AS son's teeth rigorously everyday, but he has an

> oncoming problem of yellow teeth. I have heard that some things can

> stain teeth yellow. But my son doesn't really eat or drink anything

> that would stain his teeth. Does anyone know if this is a sign of

> nutritional deficiency? I am hoping that all the changes I have been

> making with his supplements may help with this, but I don't know if it

> signifies a specific deficiency. I noticed in an nephew of mine (20

> yrs. old) who also has AS, that his teeth were extremely yellow.

> Anybody know if this is typical of those with leaky gut syndrome?


> Leigh


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To tell you the truth, I'm not positive - but I think it was staying lod and

cfgfcfsf and all other allergins free. It was hard in the beginning, but the

other things that helped is using enzymes, anti-oxidants, probiotiocs, body

ecology foods and reduced environmental toxins as much as possible. He has also

had BIOset type treatments for allergies.

His gut has healed a lot, his immune system is working better and somehow that

has helped his oxalate load. I still don't give extremely high oxalates and I

keep high oxalates to a minimum,. but he has improved quite a bit in the last

year. At one time he couldn't eat medium oxalates and now I don't worry about

those at all.


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  • 1 year later...
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> Dana, how did you know your son wasn't absorbing calcium? Did you test?

I tested by observation of symptoms, and then did research. He was calcium

toxic, so first I had to remove all the free-floating calcium. Then I gave him

the supps that are required for proper calcium absorption. At that point he was

then able to eat calcium foods [and occasional calcium supplementation] without



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Looks like you got lots of informative replies! We experienced this and out

Pediatrician told me to try brushing with baking soda and see if it came off -

it did!! It took a few days to completely get rid of it and it will still happen

from time to time, so I make sure to use the baking soda a couple times a week.



> Hi everyone-


> I brush and floss my AS son's teeth rigorously everyday, but he has an

> oncoming problem of yellow teeth. I have heard that some things can

> stain teeth yellow. But my son doesn't really eat or drink anything

> that would stain his teeth. Does anyone know if this is a sign of

> nutritional deficiency? I am hoping that all the changes I have been

> making with his supplements may help with this, but I don't know if it

> signifies a specific deficiency. I noticed in an nephew of mine (20

> yrs. old) who also has AS, that his teeth were extremely yellow.

> Anybody know if this is typical of those with leaky gut syndrome?


> Leigh


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