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miraculous change

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HI ,

I have learned volumes from this site, but have learned the most in the

last 4 weeks from 2 books, And I have to share it-------Curing ADHD

naturally, (grey cover) by Santinni, talks about Pyroluria and

kryptopyroles in the urine( Body severely deficient in zinc, B-Vitamins,

holding and building copper) Tells you where to get $50 test without Doc's


This alone has made miraculous changes in her ADHD, Asbergers/ People

around us cannot believe the change, it is not only us..... We went to

church for the 1st time yesterday, she sat and tried to sing along,

colored pictures in the pew. I sat and cried and prayed to God , please

don't let it end...(this all from the same child who was known for running

all over the church screaming, and across the alter some 2 years ago) The

pastor made mention of it in his sermon, that if we were all so exuberant

to get to the cross LIke , he wouldn't have to preach the same every

sunday. Of course everyone laughed, and my hubby took her outside so I

could calm down, we received alot of prayer and sympathy that sunday-- and

many eyes were opened....

...This morning, we saw Doc and she is no longer on the Aspberger's

diagnosis, have not removed ADHD yet, want to wait and see.....But you

just would not believe it...

ANd also The other book Orthomolecular medicine for families, by Dr. Abrham

Hoffer---it talks about the 3 majors, E. C, and B vitamins, and what

version and how much should be taken. WE have also been on the GF/CF/EF

diet for over 2 years now, had major yeast issues, horrible sleep,

hypoglycemia comatose episodes, and behavior only the members here might

understand. We just couldn't go anywhere with her, we did everything the

experts said, and we just weren't getting anywhere-----and in 4 weeks of

following their recommendations, we are off the adderall completely.

She is sleeping, following directions, no more screaming, playing, JUST

PLAYING with toys and making up stories. Last night we had a family movie

night, and she just sat with her daddy, and watched the movie--NO jumping

up and down, banging her head on the sofa, making noises, chewing on the

pillows, nothing. Just sitting and watching the movie and giggling like a

little girl cause she got the jokes.

I don't know all the stories out there, but you have to read these books to

get an understanding behind the major 3 vitamins, not just supplementing

with them, but megadoses based on your child's system. And the stuff is

cheap, Oh if I would have only known this 4 years ago, is now 5 and

starts kindergarten in 4 weeks, we hope and pray it continues.

NOw I must say, I am a Christian, and fully believe in the Lord as my

creator and savior. And no matter your belief, I will warn you, the

orthomolecular book--they are scientists and doctors--that sometimes just

cannot believe in higher calling and there is a section where they talk

about how they believe that we were somehow created from plant and water

organisms. They just cannot wrap their amazing brains around the fact that

Something higher than science put us here--BUT I do believe that God put

everything on this earth to get and keep us healthy, and their findings and

trials and patient backrounds of help. Is a gift that God gave them,

whether they believe it or not...

I know you have probably been told to read many books as I have as well,

but someone on here, recommended them to us, and it has been the answer to

our prayers. Full moon is this thursday and will be the test of her system.

It all is in the quantity. I have cabinets of supplements, liquids, oils,

etc. ANd we have not seen anything like this in 4 1/2 years......

Jen Trovinger

gfcf diet

> >





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