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gfcf diet

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Very much familiar, and probably the single most effective means of relieving any autistic symptoms and seizures


[ ] GFCF Diet

Hi Everyone,

I just read about a little boy whose seizures have been controlled using this diet. It is also used to help with autism and pdd. Is anyone familiar with it?

http://www.gfcfdiet.com/ _

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Hi Kathy,

Could you tell me more when you have a chance? I had never heard of

it before except for Celiac disease.


> Very much familiar, and probably the single most effective means of

relieving any autistic symptoms and seizures

> Kathy

> [ ] GFCF Diet



> Hi Everyone,

> I just read about a little boy whose seizures have been controlled

using this diet. It is also used to help with autism and pdd. Is

anyone familiar with it?



> http://www.gfcfdiet.com/

> eGroups Sponsor



> _



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There is much on the vastness of this diet that would or twoud be great for

a lot of people, even people with schizo tendancies, autism and of course

most neurological dysfunctions, ie even epilepsy and MS etc. The theory

being that glutenous grains and cassein proteins are not being broken down

in the gut (probably consequences of heavy metals) and therfore are

perturbing the Central Nervous system, as in neuropeptides irritating opiod

receptors (the same receptors that are " irritated in cocaine addicts " ). No

wonder a person can hallucinate, see things, hear things LOL. Not funny

really. The point being, there may be several mechanisims for this demise,

that being leaky gut, damage of epilethial tissues (from vaccines most

likely), mercury poisining, immune system deregulation, sulphar detox

pathway problems, malabsorption, nutrient loss, oxidative stress, problems

with TH1 and TH2 response (immune pole system), food allergies, pesticides,

flouride and the host of other bad food stuffs. Not to mention Candida as

the result of all this damage. You can read a lot about it in ketogenic

pages etc as well as autism pages. There are also list on egroups for

gluten and cassein free dieters. I belive it also disrupts the flow of

nutrients and energy to the brain, therefore it's ties to epilepsy. Energy

metabolism is major screwed by it as well, resulting in acidosis states etc.

Some have even gone so far as to take even lutein out of the diet (see saras



[ ] GFCF Diet



>> Hi Everyone,

>> I just read about a little boy whose seizures have been controlled

>using this diet. It is also used to help with autism and pdd. Is

>anyone familiar with it?



>> http://www.gfcfdiet.com/

>> eGroups Sponsor



>> _



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  • 3 months later...
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<A HREF= " http://www2.mailordercentral.com/glutenfree " >Click here: Gluten

Free Pantry</A> <A

HREF= " http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/4003/gf-index.html " >Click here:

Gluten-Free Foods/Products</A> <A

HREF= " http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/4003/gf-index.html " >Click here:

Gluten-Free Foods/Products</A>

, these are the two places I know of. Hope they help.


does anyone know a good online store to buy gfcf items? just got

his blood work back and he is not celiac but does react very high to

wheat and diary products so i think i am going to try the diet. Thanks

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> does anyone know a good online store to buy gfcf items?

just got

> his blood work back and he is not celiac but does react very high to

> wheat and diary products so i think i am going to try the diet.



- what type of blood test did you ask to have to find this out?

did the Dr. give you a hard time?


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, I went to a holistic Dr. I wanted tested to see if

certian foods might possibly have a factor in some of his behaviors. He

had to draw about 3 vial of blood. and it cost 220.00 not paid by ins.

but we'll try eliminating the food that he definatly had a reaction to

and see what happens. He was off the scale with the gluten stuff and

scored high with the dairy.

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  • 6 months later...

I have been trying to keep Rochelle off of Dairy for the past month or so.

But we've had some mistakes. Does the introduction of Dairy have more side

effects if you have been off it for some weeks? She had Pizza and Sherbert at

school and she has been up since 1:30 am. She may be coming down with a cold

which started the morning after she was mistakenly given chocolate milk at

school. I haven't been very militant about the diet but will start packing

her lunch starting next week. BTW I told the school Pizza was ok this Friday

because we had screwed up all week so I figured we'd start fresh Saturday at

home. Just wondering what you all think?

Diane (mom to Rochelle ds-5 and Danny 7)

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I don't know. sorry I don't have any more infor


--- dben937342@... wrote:

> I have been trying to keep Rochelle off of Dairy for

> the past month or so.

> But we've had some mistakes. Does the introduction

> of Dairy have more side

> effects if you have been off it for some weeks? She

> had Pizza and Sherbert at

> school and she has been up since 1:30 am. She may be

> coming down with a cold

> which started the morning after she was mistakenly

> given chocolate milk at

> school. I haven't been very militant about the diet

> but will start packing

> her lunch starting next week. BTW I told the school

> Pizza was ok this Friday

> because we had screwed up all week so I figured we'd

> start fresh Saturday at

> home. Just wondering what you all think?


> Diane (mom to Rochelle ds-5 and Danny 7)



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 years later...
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Hi Rea,

A source that I like for diet info is a book titled Feast Without

Yeast by Bruce Semon. It makes diet changes in stages and gives

shopping lists. Another useful book is Special Diets for Special

Kids. Removing vinegar and malt which is Dr. Semon's first stage

made a big difference for our son. We are also gluten free with

reduced dairy using Kirkman enzymes for dairy and phenols. A+ Kids

Tutti Frutti fish oil 1 tsp at night mixed with juice also made a

tremendous difference along with the organic chemical free diet.

Our son was SO hyperactive and impulsive before we made diet and

supplement changes. He is a calmer, healthier, happier child who is

able to interact with other children and adults in a way that he was

not able prior to " cleaning " our diet. We are working hard at

getting the yeast cleared so we can chelate. We are working with a

naturopathic physician in Cleveland OH.

Be patient with yourself. It is best to make changes one at a time

to help you determine what works and what does not work for your

child. Things sometimes get worse before they get better. When we

started yeast treatment, our son's behavior became very aggressive.

Best wishes,


> Hi!!! My name is Rea Im a Stay @ home mom of 3 kids all under 5 ,


> eldest , 5 y/o was diagnosed with HFA by the Drake

Institute of

> Behavioral Medicine although his Pediatrician, Neurologist,

> Psychiatrist told us that it is ADHD. I refused to give my son


> medication, i want to try other options before resorting into


> I've been searching the internet for way on how to help him and i


> across this through one of the group that i joined. I surely will

> like to try this , actually im willing to try anything (except


> to help my son reach his maximum potential...Any information on


> GFCF diet will be greatly appreciated.


> Thanks,

> Rea


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Congratulations for resisting the pressure to medicate. As Breggin

writes in his book " Talking Back to Ritalin " , (paraphrasing) if the

attention problem in a child is due to a thyroid condition, then

it's not ADHD and should not be treated with Ritalin. It's a thyroid

disorder and should be treated with thyroid medication. If it's lead

poisoning causing attention problems, then it's not ADHD either and

should not be treated with Ritalin and so on and so forth. I believe

the same could be said for mercury intoxication. It's a medical

condition requiring a medical approach- not a dangerous psych drug

based on unproven " genetic brain chemical imbalance theories " .

We're really concerned that schools may begin to coerce this option

more and more as Teenscreen type programs (http://www.psychtruth.org

and http://www.teenscreentruth.com ), which target preschoolers as

well as teens, are instituted in many schools. Some schools are

telling the program organizers to bug off, but too many are allowing

the screening programs in. I believe that ASD is also now a major

target of overdrugging since - as I just learned- drug companies may

now legally peddle antipsychotics for kids with " symptoms of ASD "

(not even the disorder, just the " symptoms " ?). The drug companies

are so excited that they're finally beyond indemnity to peddle these

drugs for ASD-like traits in kids that they're coming out with truly

psycho promotions, like " Risperdal legos " and " Risperdal popcorn " .

It's sick.

Today our language-delayed toddler just reached the " 1000%

improvement " mark on language development in just three months on

the GF/CF diet and with just the unprofessional " speech enrichment "

support of two affectionate teenage " mother's helpers " who

understood that our son had probably been poisoned. And we haven't

even begun chelation yet, we're just supplementing and being

scrupulous in avoiding dairy and gluten. The change in him was

radical and almost immediate once we began the diet. For other kids

it can be a slower change, but many parents report huge changes.

So congrats also for finding this site. I'm just a beginner in the

area of diet/chelation/supplementation but the people here are

really well informed and can offer options and reports on current

treatments. Best of luck.


> Hi!!! My name is Rea Im a Stay @ home mom of 3 kids all under 5 ,


> eldest , 5 y/o was diagnosed with HFA by the Drake

Institute of

> Behavioral Medicine although his Pediatrician, Neurologist,

> Psychiatrist told us that it is ADHD. I refused to give my son


> medication, i want to try other options before resorting into


> I've been searching the internet for way on how to help him and i


> across this through one of the group that i joined. I surely will

> like to try this , actually im willing to try anything (except


> to help my son reach his maximum potential...Any information on


> GFCF diet will be greatly appreciated.


> Thanks,

> Rea


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

I'm all for trying anything that makes sense and for some of our kids I think the GFCF diet can help. I'm not sure that I agree with you on how many children it helps as my experience has been the opposite. I know of about 8 children who have been on the diet and only 2 groups of parents saw a noticeable improvement. We went the whole DAN Dr. route with testing and supplements as well as diet but for our guy there was little to no improvement. I know this is only a very small number of people and I'm not trying to say the diet doesn't work. It may help, it may not but in my opinion it is worth a shot. I would do it again because you never know if your kid could be one of the ones it helps. Kellie

From: nancy cook <endofautism@...>autism Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 3:18:03 PMSubject: Re: tried them all

Hi,GFCFSF does not have to be expensive and it's been proven that 91% of spectrum kids improve when we cut out gluten, casein and soy. Go to www.tacanow. org and follow the links for GFCFSF on a budget. It can be done and I can almost guarantee (at least 91%, that is) that it will make a difference. Good Luck Cook, TACAnot professional, just a grandma

From: pkuenstleraol (DOT) com <pkuenstleraol (DOT) com>Subject: Re: tried them allAutismBehaviorProbl emsgroups (DOT) comDate: Monday, June 29, 2009, 8:46 AM

Well, none of those meds helped Karac either. It sounds like youhave done it all except the diet. Pat K I am frustrated!good morning all. My son, Ricky is suppossed to be up and ready to go to his summer program right now. He absolutely refusing to get up and get ready. It is only 8:10 am and he is already defiant and nasty. I usually have to bribe him in order to get up. That didn't even work this morning. What do you all do when your child refuses to do something? Time out and taking things away don't work. I have made the decision to place him in residential treatment. Fortunately the treatment home is only around the corner from where i live. Thanks if you read this far. I can get kinda

wordy sometimes.____________ _________ _________ __Finding the best videos just got easier. Try the NEW Truveo.com.

Finding the best videos just got easier. Try the NEW Truveo..com.

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We did gf/cf on two occaisions for dietry problems (namely constant dirrorhea) and although it did help the dietry probs it did nothing for the autism. We were strict and had few infringements. I only wish it had because it made me feel as though I was doing something usefull.

I am frustrated!good morning all. My son, Ricky is suppossed to be up and ready to go to his summer program right now. He absolutely refusing to get up and get ready. It is only 8:10 am and he is already defiant and nasty. I usually have to bribe him in order to get up. That didn't even work this morning. What do you all do when your child refuses to do something? Time out and taking things away don't work. I have made the decision to place him in residential treatment. Fortunately the treatment home is only around the corner from where i live. Thanks if you read this far. I can get kinda wordy sometimes.____________ _________ _________ __Finding the best videos just got easier. Try the NEW Truveo.com.

Finding the best videos just got easier. Try the NEW Truveo..com.

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  • 1 month later...
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My son has been gfcfsf for 4 1/2 years and still his progress is very slow. I

read stories of kids speaking in full sentences after the diet, but that was not

our outcome. What am I missing?

-Undiagnosed Asperger's Syndrome

Stay at home mom to 3, Wife to

-6-6-02-Autism Spectrum, the light of my life

Katy-11-19-03-undiagnosed genetic syndrome that includes cleft palate-Pierre

Robin Sequence, scoliosis, heart defects, short stature, low muscle tone,

developmental delay, oral defensiveness, g tube fed part time-working on oral

feeding, slightly dysmorphic features, and my joy

J.D-no issues except he is totally in love with mommy, cutest baby in the world

visit my blog http://busiestmommyinamerica.blogspot.com

" If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart! "

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Well, there could be a lot of things. First thing that comes to mind is that

GFCFSF is usually considered a " foundation diet " these days, meaning many if not

most kids need more modification than that. He may have a problem with

oxalates, phenols, amines, or have other food allergies. GFCFSF tends to be

high in the refined carbs, and in my son this would negate the benefits- when we

went on a version of SCD called GAPS he was catapulted off of the spectrum. We

had done a lot to address yeast and other dysbiosis before, and thought we saw

lots of die-off and improvement before switching diets, but we were blwon away

by how much yeast and other stuff there still was to die-off when we eliminated

the starches on SCD. I would recommend reading " Nourishing Hope for Autism " by

s, I think it is the best discussion out there about how to tweak

the diet to work best for your kid.



> My son has been gfcfsf for 4 1/2 years and still his progress is very slow. I

read stories of kids speaking in full sentences after the diet, but that was not

our outcome. What am I missing?


> -Undiagnosed Asperger's Syndrome

> Stay at home mom to 3, Wife to

> -6-6-02-Autism Spectrum, the light of my life

> Katy-11-19-03-undiagnosed genetic syndrome that includes cleft palate-Pierre

Robin Sequence, scoliosis, heart defects, short stature, low muscle tone,

developmental delay, oral defensiveness, g tube fed part time-working on oral

feeding, slightly dysmorphic features, and my joy

> J.D-no issues except he is totally in love with mommy, cutest baby in the


> visit my blog http://busiestmommyinamerica.blogspot.com

> " If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart! "






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