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Lowest Price ever on Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil!

In this email announcement from Tropical Traditions Healthy Buyer's Club, May

th, 2009:

FREE Organic Natural Deodorants ENDS TODAY!

FREE Organic Coconut Cream Concentrate Ends Sunday!

60% OFF Organic Atchara Ends Sunday!

50% OFF Organic Coconut Water Vinegar 16 oz. Ends Sunday!

New Sale: 55% OFF Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil 1-gallon

New Coconut Recipe: Quick Lemon Coconut Candy

New Product: Wild Red Salmon

Healthy Buyer's Club Discounts:

55% OFF Organic Coconut Water Vinegar Ends Sunday!

39% OFF Organic Raw Honey – 60 lbs. Ends Sunday!

58% OFF cases of 3 Expeller Pressed Coconut Oil Gallons Ends Sunday!

New Created4health.org Article: Who do You Listen to When You are in Need?




ropical Traditions Natural Deodorants are chemical-free, paraben-free, and

luminum-free deodorant roll-ons. Your underarms are one of the most sensitive

nd absorbent areas of your body, so don't put harmful chemicals into your body

hrough antiperspirants or harmful deodorants! We have three varieties

vailable: Classic, Lavender, and incense. Made from our own organic Virgin

oconut Oil and high-quality organic essential oils from France.

Through today, Thursday, May 7th only, you can buy one of our Organic Natural

eodorants and get a second one FREE! That's two for the price of one. Order




oconut Cream Concentrate is certified organic whole coconut meat in

oncentrated form. It contains no additives (not even water). The dried coconut

eat is ground into a very fine powder, giving it a creamy consistency due to

ts high fat content. Since it is 70% fat, it is a rich source of pure virgin

oconut oil. Note: this is a food, not a cooking oil.

It is an excellent ingredient for cooking and baking. Because of its low

oisture content, it can be mixed right in the batter or dough of breads and

astries. It can also enhance soups, be blended with smoothies, or made into ice

ream. Many people just eat it straight, or spread it on breads and crackers,

ecause it is so delicious!

Now, through Sunday, May 10th only, you can purchase 1 pint at the retail price

nd get the second pint FREE! The normal retail price for two pints is $32.00,

ut now you can purchase 2 pints for only $16.00! Order here:



tchara is a traditional Filipino fermented dish made with unripe raw green

apaya, fresh raw ginger root, and other raw ingredients in a vinegar base. As

imchi is to the Koreans, chutney to the Indians, and sauerkraut is to the

ermans, so atchara is a traditiona

l fermented dish valued in Philippine


While most of the atchara available in the Philippines is made with distilled

inegar, Tropical Traditions decided to develop its own raw vinegar which is

ermented from coconut water - the water inside coconuts. We used the water from

he same certified coconuts used to make our Virgin Coconut Oil. After several

ears of research, we successfully fermented our organic coconut water into a

ealthy vinegar rich in all the minerals available in coconut water, and stable

nough to keep it raw with the mother of vinegar present. This is truly a raw

nd " live " food that has NOT been pasteurized. The organic ingredients are

isted below. All of these ingredients are supplied by small-scale family

armers, so you are supporting families in the Philippines when you purchase

ropical Traditions Atchara.

The High Quality Ingredients Used in Tropical Traditions Atchara

Green Papaya

e start with certified organic unripe green papaya grown by small-scale family

armers in the Philippines. We carefully select the wild variety of " native

apaya. " Japanese researchers have found that the native Philippine papaya can

ontain up to four times the amount of papain (a plant-based digestive enzyme)

han imported varieties of papaya in the Philippines. The papaya fruit is

arvested before it reaches maturity, when enzyme activity is at its highest

evel, and the fruit is a strong fibrous green. Filipinos often eat unripe green

apaya as a vegetable, since sugar content is low

in its unripe state. The

igestive enzyme papain which is found in papaya has long been used as a

lant-based digestive aid in enzyme supplements. Green papaya is also very high

n antioxidants. Eating Tropical Traditions Atchara is the best way to eat raw

reen papaya short of traveling to the tropics and eating it right off the tree.

he raw coconut water vinegar preserves the organic raw papaya, as well as the

ther raw ingredients.

Organic Raw Coconut Water Vinegar

he water inside the coconut shell is packed with nutrients that nourishes the

ut as it prepares to germinate and start growing into a new coconut tree, which

s exactly what would happen if you let a coconut fall from the tree to the

round and leave it there, given the proper moisture and soil conditions.

oconut water is high in many vitamins and minerals, especially potassium.

ecause it contains electrolytes, it is considered one of the best natural

ehydrating drinks in the tropics. Pasteurized coconut water retains most of the

inerals, and is frequently sold as a sports drink. Since fresh coconut water

eteriorates so quickly once it is exposed to air, it is best obtained and

onsumed in the tropics where it can be purchased fresh, with all the nutrients

nd enzymes in tact. Packaged coconut waters must be pasteurized, destroying

ome of the nutrients. It has been reported that during World War II coconut

ater was used in emergencies as IV fluids, since the nutrient-packed water is

ompletely sterile i

nside the coconut until the hard shell is cracked and it is

xposed to air.

In the Philippines and other tropical places, raw coconut water is often left in

he open air to ferment, where it eventually turns into a vinegar. The

ermentation process enhances the nutrients, unlike heat pasteurization. The

cidic environment prevents the growth of undesirable bacteria naturally.

ropical Traditions worked with professors at the University of the Philippines

or several years to develop an incubation system that could produce clean

oconut water vinegar from our certified organic coconuts (used to make our

irgin Coconut Oil) and retain the mother of vinegar (a colony of bacteria

ultures) as a truly raw product. We use the mother of vinegar to inoculate

uture batches of organic coconut water vinegar.

Organic Whole Muscabado Sugar

e use only certified organic Muscabado whole cane sugar, grown by a cooperative

f small scale family farmers in the Philippines. The sugar is also Fair Trade

ertified. Muscabado sugar is a whole sugar that is extracted from the sugar

ane using traditional methods. It contains all the natural nutrients found in

aw sugar cane or molasses. Sugar is needed in the fermentation process, and

ost other atcharas are made with refined white sugar, and the atchara is green

n color due to the color of the papaya. Our Muscabado whole cane sugar is a

eep brown in color, which gives a brown coloring to Tropical Traditions

tchara. The sugar is needed in the fermentation proc

ess, and much of it is used

p during fermentation. Atchara is not sweet at all.

Organic Raw Ginger Root

inger is another ingredient in atchara that is known for aiding digestion. It

rows well in tropical climates, and is a popular seasoning herb in many

hilippine dishes, mostly cooked. As an ingredient in atchara, it is added raw

nd is enhanced through fermentation in the raw vinegar. Our source of ginger

omes from the remote areas of Mt. Banahaw in the Philippines, far away from

arge cities and pollution. It is the same area where most of our Virgin Coconut

il is produced, and the ginger is grown by small-scale family farms.

Native Tagalog Garlic

he native Philippine Tagalog garlic is much smaller than imported garlic, and

rized as a much more potent and stronger garlic than larger imported varieties.

e use only Tagalog garlic in Tropical Traditions Atchara, and our small-scale

amily farmers raising this garlic are in the process of becoming certified

rganic. Garlic has traditionally been known as an immune supporting herb with

emarkable nutritional qualities. The Tagalog garlic is known in Asia as one of

he most potent native varieties.

Sea Salt

ur sea salt is Philippine sea salt dried from the sea in rural island coastal


Try some Atchara today! Now, through Sunday, May 10th only, you can purchase our

rganic Atchara for 60% off the retail price! The normal retail price is $20.00,

ut now is only $7.99! Order here:




he water inside the coconut shell is packed with nutrients that nourishes the

ut as it prepares to germinate and start growing into a new coconut tree, which

s exactly what would happen if you let a coconut fall from the tree to the

round and leave it there, given the proper moisture and soil conditions.

oconut water is high in many vitamins and minerals, especially potassium.

ecause it contains electrolytes, it is considered one of the best natural

ehydrating drinks in the tropics. Pasteurized coconut water retains most of the

inerals, and is frequently sold as a sports drink. Since fresh coconut water

eteriorates so quickly once it is exposed to air, it is best obtained and

onsumed in the tropics where it can be purchased fresh, with all the nutrients

nd enzymes in tact. Packaged coconut waters must be pasteurized, destroying

ome of the nutrients. It has been reported that during World War II coconut

ater was used in emergencies as IV fluids, since the nutrient-packed water is

ompletely sterile inside the coconut until the hard shell is cracked and it is

xposed to air.

In the Philippines and other tropical places, raw coconut water is often left in

he open air to ferment, where it eventually turns into a vinegar. The

ermentation process enhances the nutrients, unlike heat pasteurization. The

cidic environment prevents the growth of undesirable bacteria naturally.

ropical Traditions worked with professors at the U

niversity of the Philippines

or several years to develop an incubation system that could produce clean

oconut water vinegar from our certified organic coconuts (used to make our

irgin Coconut Oil) and retain the mother of vinegar (a colony of bacteria

ultures) as a truly raw product. We use the mother of vinegar to inoculate

uture batches of organic coconut water vinegar.

Organic Whole Muscabado Sugar

e use only certified organic Muscabado whole cane sugar in the fermentation of

ur vinegar, grown by a cooperative of small scale family farmers in the

hilippines. The sugar is also Fair Trade certified. Muscabado sugar is a whole

ugar that is extracted from the sugar cane using traditional methods. It

ontains all the natural nutrients found in raw sugar cane or molasses. Sugar is

eeded in the fermentation process, and most other vinegars are made with

efined white sugar. Our Muscabado whole cane sugar is a deep brown in color,

hich gives a brown coloring to our vinegar. While the sugar is needed in the

ermentation process, it is used up during fermentation and there is no sugar

ontent left in the vinegar.

A Truly Unique Vinegar!

ropical Traditions Organic Coconut Water Vinegar is truly unique and is the

irst of its kind in the US market! Most vinegars are clear because they are

istilled and originally made from white sugar. Our Organic Coconut Water

inegar is not distilled, but raw. It contains the mother of vinegar. In the

hilippines most all commercial vinegars are

distilled, and the " coconut

inegars " are not made from the nutrient-packed coconut water from inside the

oconut, but from the sap of the coconut tree which is used to make lambanog, an

lcoholic drink similar to vodka. These " coconut vinegars " are by-products of

he lambanog industry. To make these products, one must harvest the sap of the

oconut tree from the coconut flower bud, which would normally become a

ruit-bearing coconut. Hence, trees dedicated to harvesting the sap for lambanog

nd the more common coconut vinegar will never produce coconuts. Tropical

raditions does NOT support coconut products that prevent coconut trees from

earing fruit (this would include " coconut sugar " harvested from the flowering

ud of the coconut tree.) Coconut trees in the Philippines have been on the

ecline for decades, and the coconut oil from coconuts is also now valued as a

uel source in bio-diesel production, resulting in less coconut oil availability

s a food source each year. Vinegar made from coconut water, however, does not

acrifice coconuts or coconut oil in its production, as it is collected from

ature coconuts which are used to make coconut oil, and the same trees can

ontinue producing coconuts year after year.

Tropical Traditions is the first company to make a truly organic product from

he water of organic coconuts which is raw and fermented with fair-trade organic

uscabado whole cane sugar. This is one of the most nutrient-packed and

ealthiest vinegars you will find anywhere in the

world! Now, through Sunday,

ay 10th only, you can order a 16 oz. size for 50% OFF the retail price! That's

nly $4.99 per jar! Order here:



old Label Virgin Coconut Oil is the same Virgin Coconut Oil that Tropical

raditions has sold for the past 7 years, and has now been enhanced to the point

here we have developed even higher standards for the production of this premium

irgin Coconut Oil. It contains the highest levels of antioxidants. While almost

ll Virgin Coconut Oils sold in the US are mass-produced, Tropical Traditions

till produces their Virgin Coconut Oil by hand in small batches by family micro

nterprises. Most of them have been producing Virgin Coconut oil for over 6

ears. They have learned what it takes to produce the highest quality oil, such

s how to hand pick the best coconuts from each harvest.

Their most recent discovery in 2007 came when certain groups in rural areas had

roblems with water sources. Water is needed to make the coconut milk from which

he oil is extracted. Using true Filipino ingenuity, they started collecting and

sing the pure nutritious coconut water from inside the organic coconuts

nstead. They noticed that the water separated from the oil much quicker, that

ess heat was needed at the end, and that less filtering was needed also. The

nd result was a higher quality and better tasting Virgin Coconut Oil.


dent laboratory analysis shows that this new method produces even higher

evels of antioxidants than first tested in 2006 by Professor Dia, which showed

ur Virgin Coconut Oil to contain higher amounts of antioxidants than any other

irgin Coconut Oil they had tested. So we now require all of our Virgin Coconut

il producers to use the pure coconut water from their coconuts instead of

oiled or purified tap water. This enhanced Virgin Coconut Oil with the highest

evels of antioxidants is now our Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil.

Now, through Thursday, May 14th, you can purchase a gallon of certified organic

old Label Virgin Coconut Oil from Tropical Traditions for only $49.00! The

uggested retail price is $110.00! This is our lowest price ever! Order here:



e have a new Coconut Recipe posted by one of our customers in our Coconut

ecipe Blog: Quick Lemon Coconut Candy



This customer earned a free quart of our Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil! Do you

ave a favorite coconut recipe that you have created and used successfully? You

ould earn a free quart (per recipe) of Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil also by

ubmitting it here:



ild Red Blueback Salmon is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Our wild red

almon is caught and packed fresh in Alaska! It contains no added chemicals20or

SG, and no soy fillers. Wild Red Salmon is an excellent source of protein with

ero carbohydrates.




case of 12 of our 32 oz. Organic Coconut Water Vinegar retails for $222.00,

nd our normal club discount is $150.00. But now, through Sunday, May 10th, you

an purchase a case for only $99.00!



60 lb. pail of Organic Raw Honey retails for $530.00, and our normal club

iscount is $359.00. But now, through Sunday, May 10th, you can purchase a 60

b. pail for only $325.00!




case of three gallons of Expeller Pressed Coconut Oil retails for $180.00, and

ur normal club discount is $99.00. But now, through Sunday, May 10th, you can

urchase a case for only $75.00!



his week: Who do You Listen to When You are in Need?




he Healthy Buyer's Club is a service provided by Tropical Traditions, Inc., and

he Healthy Buyer's Club website is the online store for purchasing all Tropical

raditions, Grass-Fed Traditions, and Household Traditions products. A paid


ip is NOT required to purchase these retail products. A paid membership

n the Healthy Buyer's Club provides one with access to bulk discount prices:



Tropical Traditions



ou are receiving this email because our records indicate you are a customer of

he Tropical Tradition’s Healthy Buyer’s Club and have purchased from us in


ast, and that you have opted in to receive special email announcements. These

nnouncements often offer specials not available to the general public. Tropical

raditions does NOT sell or give away client data.

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