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Ear Infections

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I am still learning this whole process of yeast and clostridia. I am so

overwhelmed and confused.....My question, went to see bio-med MD in Feb. He

informed us that she has clostridia and yeast overgrowth. Prescribed Amoxicillin

for clostridia (too young for Vancomycin or Flagyl). He asked us to take

Culturelle every other day and Ultra Flora on non-culturelle days. She also

takes fish oil, Diflucan for 6 days...now we take nystatin 3x a day.

She had double ear infection this weekend (on Saturday) She was put on Zithromax

for 5 days. Went back this week and her ears look worse. Now we are on a

different antibiotic. (this is 3 antibiotics in a month's time). If ear

infections (fluid) as based on yeast die-off, is the antibiotics going to work


And how do you tell if their behaviour is better based on yeast die off? How

will I know it is yeast or Clostridia? I see posts that say " she is showing

yeast behaviors " ? How do I know this?? Or how will I know this?? I am lost as

how to associate her behaviors to various issues (yeast, clostridia, etc). I

guess it is just a learning process?

We go back next month for another fecal test to check how much clostridia may

still be in her system and how much good bacteria is in her gut.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!!

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>How interesting that you were first prescribed amoxicillin for clostridia. We

are having the same problem here with ear infections and my son was prescribed

amoxicillin for this and since then we've experienced horrible behaviors. Our

DAN doctor was treating him for yeast for Diflucan, since we are not seeing

improvements, he is switching treatments for clostridia. He told us that

amoxicillin can stir up clostridia. I've also been reading this on the web.

The DAN doctor now wants to start my son on OLE (which my son won't take), GSE,

and capryllic acid (haven't tried them yet). Eventually work towards

vancomycin. My son in 5 years old. How old is your daughter? I look forward

to others who may respond to your post for advice.


> I am still learning this whole process of yeast and clostridia. I am so

overwhelmed and confused.....My question, went to see bio-med MD in Feb. He

informed us that she has clostridia and yeast overgrowth. Prescribed Amoxicillin

for clostridia (too young for Vancomycin or Flagyl). He asked us to take

Culturelle every other day and Ultra Flora on non-culturelle days. She also

takes fish oil, Diflucan for 6 days...now we take nystatin 3x a day.

> She had double ear infection this weekend (on Saturday) She was put on

Zithromax for 5 days. Went back this week and her ears look worse. Now we are on

a different antibiotic. (this is 3 antibiotics in a month's time). If ear

infections (fluid) as based on yeast die-off, is the antibiotics going to work


> And how do you tell if their behaviour is better based on yeast die off? How

will I know it is yeast or Clostridia? I see posts that say " she is showing

yeast behaviors " ? How do I know this?? Or how will I know this?? I am lost as

how to associate her behaviors to various issues (yeast, clostridia, etc). I

guess it is just a learning process?

> We go back next month for another fecal test to check how much clostridia may

still be in her system and how much good bacteria is in her gut.

> Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!!


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I put off tubes and put off tubes.What a difference tubes make. No ear

infections on my son(tubes at two) even after tubes are removed and speech is

normal. Other daughter (with autism) finally got tubes at four and a half also

adnoids removed. Her language is behind,sounds also. If you get  ear infections

an ear infection with tubes the antibiotic goes right in the ear rather than

taking it orally.My daughter had so many ear infections , constant fluid in the

ears ,wax, strep (35 pages of documented ear stuff). I gave her so many

antibiotics to avoid tubes and her intestine is messed up now.One thing is we

don't wash her hair but every week or two to avoid soapy water going in her

ears.But than she doesn't get greasy or dandruff hair like me.I know tubes are

scary and you want to avoid them but sometimes they are helpful .

From: trys7392 <trys7392@...>

Subject: Re: Ear Infections

Date: Monday, March 9, 2009, 10:05 AM

Thanks for the post. My daughter is 3 years old. The Dr. actually

prescribed Ampicillin for her clostridia, but no pharmacy in town had that med

and it was backordered. ...so he prescribed Amoxicillin. What articles are you

reading about Amoxicillin and clostridia? I would be interested in taking that

to him.

Since I am so new to this...I need to know what these abbreviations mean. What

is OLE, OOO, etc? Thanks

> >How interesting that you were first prescribed amoxicillin for clostridia.

We are having the same problem here with ear infections and my son was

prescribed amoxicillin for this and since then we've experienced horrible

behaviors. Our DAN doctor was treating him for yeast for Diflucan, since we are

not seeing improvements, he is switching treatments for clostridia. He told us

that amoxicillin can stir up clostridia. I've also been reading this on the

web. The DAN doctor now wants to start my son on OLE (which my son won't take),

GSE, and capryllic acid (haven't tried them yet). Eventually work towards

vancomycin. My son in 5 years old. How old is your daughter? I look forward

to others who may respond to your post for advice.


> Lana



> > I am still learning this whole process of yeast and clostridia. I am so

overwhelmed and confused.... .My question, went to see bio-med MD in Feb. He

informed us that she has clostridia and yeast overgrowth. Prescribed Amoxicillin

for clostridia (too young for Vancomycin or Flagyl). He asked us to take

Culturelle every other day and Ultra Flora on non-culturelle days. She also

takes fish oil, Diflucan for 6 days...now we take nystatin 3x a day.

> > She had double ear infection this weekend (on Saturday) She was put on

Zithromax for 5 days. Went back this week and her ears look worse. Now we are on

a different antibiotic. (this is 3 antibiotics in a month's time). If ear

infections (fluid) as based on yeast die-off, is the antibiotics going to work


> > And how do you tell if their behaviour is better based on yeast die off? How

will I know it is yeast or Clostridia? I see posts that say " she is showing

yeast behaviors " ? How do I know this?? Or how will I know this?? I am lost as

how to associate her behaviors to various issues (yeast, clostridia, etc). I

guess it is just a learning process?

> > We go back next month for another fecal test to check how much clostridia

may still be in her system and how much good bacteria is in her gut.

> > Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!!

> >


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