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*** Infoletter #7 *** Autism, Diet and Supplements

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Autism, Diet and Supplements

I read a book when I was 18 years old titled " Son Rise " . It was about a

family's struggle to heal their 6 year old son from autism. It was later made

into a movie for television. I was so moved by the story that this disorder has

been of a special interest to me and has a soft place in my heart. Recently, I

got a wonderful message about how our products have helped a young boy. This

following message just made my day:

" I am very proud to say my son Adam is recipient of the Temple Grandin

Award. This is a NATIONAL award recognizing his achievements in the category of

Autism. He is 4 years old, and was formally diagnosed with Autism at the Age of

2. Guess what guys???? He has been eating algae for the past year and he LOVES

it!!!...Joni " .

I've had requests in the past from many parents to share the information I have

learned about autism and alternative methods. Following is a summary of that


Some of the contributing causes of autism:

Sidney Baker, M.D., is well known in the field of clinical studies for children

with autism and related disorders. According to his research, autistic children

tend to exhibit central nervous system abnormalities and immune system

weaknesses because of metabolic disturbances. For example, through urine tests

they show low levels of certain amino acids (tryptophan) and a disturbance of

the methionine metabolism. Another contributing factor to autism can be

digestive malfunction and bowel flora imbalance (p. 139).

In general, clinical studies have found autistic children to have difficulty

removing toxins from their bodies, making it more likely than for normal

children, that toxic metals can accumulate in their bodies. A hair mineral

analysis can be useful for identifying toxic metal overload. Twenty-four hour

urinary mineral profiles and whole blood mineral profiles, if they can be

obtained, in combination with hair mineral analysis provide one of the most

thorough pictures of nutritional status (Baker, p. 139).

Food-related disorders, such as poor digestion and assimilation and food

allergies or intolerances, can also be contributing factors in autism. Food

allergies, although certainly not a cause of autism, can cause certain symptoms

such as pathological growth of yeast, fungi, and/or bacteria in the bowel

contributing to behavior problems (Baker, p.139).

Dr. Baker also believes from his clinical studies that deficiency of Vitamin B6

and magnesium may be contributors to autism. Vitamin B6 and magnesium are

needed by every cell in the body to stay alive (p. 139).

Diet and autism:

A healthy diet is essential for autistic children. First and foremost, foods

containing sugar, phosphates and other additives should be avoided totally.

These substances have been shown to interfere with proper brain function.

Foods such as wheat, corn, milk, eggs and chocolate must be avoided because of

the possibility of food intolerances and allergies as contributors of autism.

Dr. Rimland documented hundreds of children whose behavior greatly improved when

cow's milk, wheat, eggs or other common foods are removed from the diet (p.


A healthy diet is based on whole foods organically grown. Fruits, vegetables,

fresh juices, fresh soups, brown or basmati rice plus yams and oily fish are

good sources of nutrition that can add to children's bodies whatever they're

missing in complex carbs, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.

Supplements and Autism:

Whole food supplements are essential to strengthen the immune system and give

the autistic child's body needed concentrated nutrients. Following is a list of

recommended whole food supplements.

To help with digestion and assimilation:

• Acidophilus and bifidus micro-blended with blue green algae.

• Plant based enzymes micro-blended with blue green algae. (Use them with

cooked foods to properly digest meals and in between meals to assist clearing /

cleaning of the lymphatic system).

To help with nourishing the body:

• Wild-crafted blue green algae (high in the Vitamin B- complex plus

necessary essential amino acids and fatty acids).

To help reduce oxidative stress:

• Organically grown wheat grass powder.

• Coenzyme Q10 micro-blended with organic flax oil.

• Wheat sprouts micro-blended with red algae and blue green algae.

According to Dr. Rimland, autism is a biological disorder, not an emotional

disorder (Gazella, p. 29). Many medical doctors such as Dr. Rimland and Dr.

Baker, believe that a nutritional approach may help this biological disorder and

allow autistic children to communicate and cope more normally. Autistic

individuals do not choose to be autistic, if they had it their way, they would

prefer to break free of their world and join ours.


Baker, Sidney. (Aug./Sep. 1998). A Biomedical Approach to Autism. Townsend

Letter for Doctors & Patients,, p. 139.

Gazella, Karolyn. Autism: Journey Out of Darkness. Health Counselor, Vol. 6,

No. 3, 26-31.

Rimland, Bernard. (Aug./Sep. 1998). Our Children: Victims of Both Autism and

Dogma. Townsend Letter for doctors & Patients. 117-118.



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