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High MMR titer

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This is a little off topic for enzymes, but maybe one of you can help me. My son

got his MMR titer back and the values are quite high. I can't find online what

this means. There are websites that say high values indicate an active infection

or an active immune response, but no one says how high is too high. Here are my

son's values: Measles 3.27, Mumps 2.97, Rubella 4.69. (immunity levels for this

lab are all 1.1)

I should note that my son was not a regresser after any particular vaccine. He

had his first MMR at age 3 1/2. Actually, they were separated and he had no

problems with the mumps or rubella, but his chronic diahrea started 2 weeks

after the measles shot. Thus our journey into enzymes. He has PDD. He developed

normally until about 9 mos of age then things slowed down but he never regressed

or stopped developing. He speaks in one word or two words but hard to

understand, makes eye contact, interacts, but is clumsy, not real strong, motor

skills are delayed and obviously speech is delayed. He is a bit ADD as well. He

is 4 1/2 now.

Can anyone interpret these scores and tell me who to call for help? My doctors

both say " he's immune, doesn't need the booster " . Yea! Great! But what about his


Thanks to all!

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