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stimming - yeast or bacteria

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we just finished doing diflucan to treat possible yeast. we got minimal good

stuff, a whole bunch of bad stuff, and now, a major constipation problem (the

worst we have ever seen, even before he was gfcf and went on enzymes he was in

less pain when trying to do a bm).


is it possible his stims are from something else? i always hear yeast makes you

itchy, and he does not really scratch himself or appear itchy. he did flare up

alot when we gave monolauren a while back. he did have a bug at the time, which

is why our nutritionist had us do the monolauren... within a day or two he had

blotches all over his body...


does the lack of itchiness and/or the monolauren flare up suggest he has more of

a bacteria problem than a yeast issue? when we did our dan tests, he came up

clean on yeast and did have one strain of bad bacteria which we treated...the

diflucan was a trial, and since he was thrush as a baby and seemed to have

yeast-like symptoms, we figured this was a no-brainer. but after a few weeks on

this stuff, we are not so sure.


if it is bacteria, is valtrex the next step?



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