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Hi Denis ~ ~

Welcome to the group :) I have OCD as well. Lexapro is different

for everyone. For me, I have to resolve my childhood abuse issues

and hopefully I can get it under control. Lexapro has not helped me

in this regard, but remember, everyone is different Denis.

Dana Rose

> Hi All,


> My name is Dennis.I`ve been on celexa,for a long time.I have not


> real improvement for my OCD.My pdoc,who is great,changed my

> medication,now I`m on lexapro.I`m don`t know why,but,I`m optomistic

> about lexapro.I will give it a good chance,to see if it works.


> I just had a test,to see my brain waves,I guess.The doc put a cap

> like think on my head.It was interseting.At least,I`ll know more

> about what my anxiety problems are.I go back to see him,in three

> weeks.Then we`ll discuss the results.


> Thanks,Dennis.

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  • 4 years later...
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Hello....Just discovered this site accidentally.

My son is almost 12, diagnosed with severe language delay. Over the

years, I have come to believe that he actually is a high functioning

autistic, based on conversations I have had and reading I have done.

My marriage broke up and because his father was in so much denial over

his son's difficulties we have never had the proper testing done to

get to the next step of " high functioning autism " .

Life is a challenge, however, he is gifted artistically (art, music

etc.) Now that I have found this site, I have noticed the discussions

taking place over enzymes. What enzymes? Is there a recommended

brand or sorts of enzymes to take? I would appreciate advice is this


He hates school. Knows he can't learn the math and reading etc. like

all the other children. He feels he is taunted and teased. He wants

friends but because he is different it is hard for him, and I would

say he thinks he has no friends. He loves to play and run and be

" crazy " and is very inventive, out of the box thinking so to speak.

He thought up an idea for a solar panel when we were at a kitchen shop

with one of those steamers you insert into a saucepan to steam

vegetables. You know the metal ones that fold up. He doesn't scream

like he used to, or hide under the school bus seat anymore and things

like that, he gets into less trouble at school, however, he still has

a hard time with eye contact and confident behaviours and attitudes.

Thank you for any help. Flying On My Own :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thank you so much for your reply. I am wading through some 735 e-mails in my

box, not

much time to get here and check things out, and I almost missed yours.

My son is not in special ed, they don't have such a program here any longer. He

is totally

integrated and is on what they call an IEP implemented educational program.

Really, it is mostly

a good way for the school system to protect themselves about failing students.

Yes he does get some extra

help, however I believe he is underserved and not getting a meaningful

education. I am struggling with what to do for him and next year, up here, in

grade seven they are in high school.

Thanks about the tip on the book and diet. I will have to find and read it. I

have wondered over the years if diet would help, but he is not much of a big


I was glad to hear that you have had some success. Have you noticed big

changes? What kind of changes from the diet? the enzymes?

Thanks again,

Re: New here,

HI. My son will be 12 in July. He has severe speech delays

too. His receptive

language is good, but because of terrible articulation his expressive

language is at a 2 year old level. Is your son in a special ed class or


It sounds like he would do better in Special ed. With similar kids he maybe

wouldn't feel so alone and teased all the time. Our son has not been dx with

autism, but I see some autistic traits. So I think he may have very high

functioning autism He is also very good with electronics.

You didn't say if your son was on the gluten/casein free diet. If not, you

might want to get the book, Special Diets for Special Kids by . It

explains the diet and also alot of info on enzymes and other supplements. My son

was on the diet for a year and then after him being on enzymes for 3 months we

were able to take him off the diet using only enzymes. HNI's enzymes have

worked the best for us. Their website is www.houstonni. com. Another good book


by DeFelice called Enzymes for Autism and other Neurological Disorders.


Rhonda in CA

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Hi Tammy;

Thank you for your reply. I am a little behind in my e-mails here, some 735

unread in my box but was so happy to see you wrote.

My son has an IEP and he receives language, and behavioural services. Up here

in Montreal he also has to take French, 50% of the time. This does and does not

help him. Who knows what areas of his mind are being stretched by the French

language. Also, he began piano 18 months ago, and is thriving. His teacher

told me he is gifted. It was hard to get him started, however, persistence over

a year has paid off and he can actually sit at the piano by himself and

practice. ....LOL. You are right about not getting hung up on

diagnoses, I am pretty certain that the schools diagnosis of language delay is

not totally hitting the mark, however, I am pretty certain of what I believe and

so I just follow that and try to give him what he needs, to be confident,

opportunities to develop his gifts and lots of personal time with him talking

about everything under the sun.

He is presently taking a high quality supplement but I didn't know about enzymes

until I stumbled upon it accidentally on the net while following links. I am

checking all this out and a couple of people have suggested some books that I

should read and so will do that. All going well, I should be able to get

started in the next week or so with the enzymes. I can't wait.

Thankyou again, in Montreal

New here,

Hello....Just discovered this site accidentally.

My son is almost 12, diagnosed with severe language delay. Over the

years, I have come to believe that he actually is a high functioning

autistic, based on conversations I have had and reading I have done.

My marriage broke up and because his father was in so much denial over

his son's difficulties we have never had the proper testing done to

get to the next step of " high functioning autism " .

Life is a challenge, however, he is gifted artistically (art, music

etc.) Now that I have found this site, I have noticed the discussions

taking place over enzymes. What enzymes? Is there a recommended

brand or sorts of enzymes to take? I would appreciate advice is this


He hates school. Knows he can't learn the math and reading etc. like

all the other children. He feels he is taunted and teased. He wants

friends but because he is different it is hard for him, and I would

say he thinks he has no friends. He loves to play and run and be

" crazy " and is very inventive, out of the box thinking so to speak.

He thought up an idea for a solar panel when we were at a kitchen shop

with one of those steamers you insert into a saucepan to steam

vegetables. You know the metal ones that fold up. He doesn't scream

like he used to, or hide under the school bus seat anymore and things

like that, he gets into less trouble at school, however, he still has

a hard time with eye contact and confident behaviours and attitudes.

Thank you for any help. Flying On My Own :-)

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Hi Dana;

Thank you for your reply, I will check out the links.

Sorry for taking so long to reply, I haven't checked in for a while

now paying for it with 735 e-mails for this discussion group and one

on wolfhounds. They have been helpful as my dog is 9 and very old.

Giants don't live very long (6.2 years average)

in Montreal

Re: New here,

> Life is a challenge, however, he is gifted artistically (art, music

> etc.) Now that I have found this site, I have noticed the discussions

> taking place over enzymes. What enzymes? Is there a recommended

> brand or sorts of enzymes to take? I would appreciate advice is this

> regard.

Here is my site section on enzymes and supplements

http://www.danasvie w.net/parent3. htm#supplements

I used HNI

http://www.houstonn i.com/

Here is a page of recovery stories. My son's story is first

http://www.danasvie w.net/recover. htm




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  • 3 years later...

On 2/8/2012 8:07 PM, ABrite@... wrote:

  >I just ordered 's

new program, I think it includes hand pulleys or stretchy

things for your legs to work your arms and legs (maybe both

LOL, cannot remember the details right now)

The latest QVC offering?

It's just a few of her old videos put together into one package -

one with the waist belt, one with a stretchy band, one with a

shorter, different style stretchy band with handles. The bonus DVD

was another old one.

's distribution companies have a bad habit of repackaging

old videos like this and selling them as new. One company used to

put old workouts in new packages with new names so you didn't know

it was an old workout until after you bought it and opened the

package and played it. I don't know of any store (aside from QVC)

that allows you to return an opened DVD for a refund, so you're

stuck with a duplicate of something you already owned.

She does have a new series coming out in March, one with a

different walk for each day of the week, Ultimate 5 Day Walk


http://www.amazon.com/-Sansone-Ultimate-Walk-Plan/dp/B006NKFAA6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8 & qid=1328784117 & sr=8-1

It looks like it's all new workouts but nobody from the company is

talking over on the official forums. They won't even say if the

package contains 15 miles' worth of walks or 5 1-mile walks and

that you do in a different combination each day, which is most

likely what it is since the DVD is only 90 minutes in length and

each mile is apx. 15 minutes. She did that on another one of her 5

day videos that boasted a 5-mile walk.

Sue in NJ

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Yeah, but I only have the walk & jog one, so they're all new to me LOL!! Thought it was a good deal with 4 DVDs and the stretchies, etc :-)

Re: new here,

On 2/8/2012 8:07 PM, ABrite@... wrote:

>I just ordered 's

new program, I think it includes hand pulleys or stretchy

things for your legs to work your arms and legs (maybe both

LOL, cannot remember the details right now)

The latest QVC offering?

It's just a few of her old videos put together into one package -

one with the waist belt, one with a stretchy band, one with a

shorter, different style stretchy band with handles. The bonus DVD

was another old one.

's distribution companies have a bad habit of repackaging

old videos like this and selling them as new. One company used to

put old workouts in new packages with new names so you didn't know

it was an old workout until after you bought it and opened the

package and played it. I don't know of any store (aside from QVC)

that allows you to return an opened DVD for a refund, so you're

stuck with a duplicate of something you already owned.

She does have a new series coming out in March, one with a

different walk for each day of the week, Ultimate 5 Day Walk


http://www.amazon.com/-Sansone-Ultimate-Walk-Plan/dp/B006NKFAA6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8 & qid=1328784117 & sr=8-1

It looks like it's all new workouts but nobody from the company is

talking over on the official forums. They won't even say if the

package contains 15 miles' worth of walks or 5 1-mile walks and

that you do in a different combination each day, which is most

likely what it is since the DVD is only 90 minutes in length and

each mile is apx. 15 minutes. She did that on another one of her 5

day videos that boasted a 5-mile walk.

Sue in NJ

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