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Probiotics, Glutenease, DigestGold, Virastop, Candidase and COUGHS

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Hi all,

I have some questions on the above and hope you can help me :

1) I give Virastop and Candidase in the morning and before sleep.

I would like to add in Probiotics from Enzymedica. Can I give probiotics at the

same time when I am giving Virastop and Candidase in the morning (on empty

stomach)? Or must I space out the timing ?

2) Does Digestgold help in digesting gluten and casein food ? I note that the

Digestgold bottle does not say DPPIV.

3) Will it be too much if I give Digestgold and Glutenease at the same time ?

4) Can I give probiotics at the same time when I am giving Digestgold/Glutenease

? Will it be better to give probiotics with food or empty stomach ? I was also

considering giving probiotics at breakfast.

5) Must all the above enzymes be kept in the fridge after opened ?


A side note , I noticed son has lots of SHORT coughs / " ahem " throat sounds. Not

phelgmy type, just short coughs. It has been MONTHS (even before the above


Brought him to doctor but doctor checked and said his lungs/throat/ears are ok,

so he is not sick. I am not sure what may have caused the coughs. I asked son

and he says throat ITCHY.

Sometimes , he " scraps " his trhroat too (i.e. a scratching/scrapping sound but

no phelgm.)

It comes on periodically throughout the day. Irregardless of cold or hot

weather. He coughs even when playing. (At first, we thought he coughed when

stress/doing work). He coughs even when eating meals or after meals.

Any idea what may have caused these coughs?? How to treat ? I am at a loss here.

Thanks and regards,


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