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Re: Aspie son not wanting to eat??

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My 6 yr old Aspie pretty much only eats pasta,apples, bread, anything cheese flavoured and chocolate. Only drinks milk. He has gone through a few stints of constipation.

Now instead of the arguements, we have accepted that is his prefered diet and he has accepted that he needs to take syrup of figs so the he doesn't get constipated. We are all MUCH happier this way.

From: blwallace19982000 <blwallace19982000@...>Subject: ( ) Aspie son not wanting to eat?? Date: Friday, 14 August, 2009, 2:08 AM

My 5 yr. old aspie son does not want to eat anything that I cook him, he says that he hates it and he is not going to eat it. We have tried forcing him to try it ex. He must take 3 bites before he can leave the table but that only leads to a meltdown. He is a very picky eater to begin with and he also has encopresis which is chronic constipation. I just don't know what to do and I am tired of fighting with him to eat. I am to the point that he will eat when he gets hungry.LynetteSend instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.

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Wow...this explains so much. I have been learning about AS since our 15yr. old

diagnosis in May. He has been a very picky eater his whole life. He would gag

on so many foods, now, of course, I realize it has to do with textures. He

still stays within certain foods, and goes in spurts. For weeks, he will salads

(with only a certain amount of veges and certain dressing)..and then won't touch

them for weeks. Right now, he makes protein shakes and I couldn't get a

vegetable to pass his lips if my life depended on it. Now, of course, I realize

it is just a part of the disorder.

I have to share something funny that happened yearrrs ago. I knew he had issues

with food textures. Cottage cheese is one that was not a good, and still isn't.

His older sister (by 11yrs) was having cottage cheese with pineapple. He was

around 2 1/2. She said, " here Caleb, want a bite " . I felt as if I were in slow

motion. I yelled

Noooooo...well, it was too late. We were not only revisited by the cottage

cheese, but also by his lunch he has just completed.

I guess, the way we are looking at it is, we just do what we can, eh?

Getting him dressed when he was little...that is a whole other story.

When I look back, I see so much..



> From: blwallace19982000 <blwallace19982000@...>

> Subject: ( ) Aspie son not wanting to eat??


> Date: Friday, 14 August, 2009, 2:08 AM







> My 5 yr. old aspie son does not want to eat anything that I cook him, he says

that he hates it and he is not going to eat it. We have tried forcing him to try

it ex. He must take 3 bites before he can leave the table but that only leads to

a meltdown. He is a very picky eater to begin with and he also has encopresis

which is chronic constipation. I just don't know what to do and I am tired of

fighting with him to eat. I am to the point that he will eat when he gets


> Lynette

















> Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.


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We're in the same boat. Seems to have gotten worse lately too. I'm sure it has to do with some major upheaval in the family life. We're going through some life hiccups and of course aspies don't deal well with that. I try to make sure he gets whatever I can get into him that's healthy. He won't eat fruit, but he'll drink juice, so I try to get him stuff that's fortified or from whole foods (like puree juice) - if your guy will drink juice, this may be a good way to help alleviate constipation. He does eat a lot of pasta and refuses bread so of course I rely very heavily on fortified cereals. He announced yesterday he doesn't like green beans anymore so now we're trying some other things, he used to like edamame cuz he could play with it a bit (has to be popped out of the shells), that went off the list when he

tasted some at a restaurant that had been flavored with pepper, =( We do multivitamin and of course omegas. Mostly organic, hfc/dye free diet. He LOOVES chocolate milk too (I'm so surprised at how familiar both your stories were!!) So we switched over to almond chocolate milk and he loves it. If your little guy likes choco milk, would he drink Boost/Ensure/Pediasure? I make protein shakes with almond milk and he loves that. I've heard good things about muscle milk too. Worst case scenario - my cousin is 20 now, they think (now) he may have had a mild aspergers. He would only eat bread and about 10 other things - made his mom (of 6) nuts. He's a VERY big strong guy now with no health problems. Seems he got his nutrition somewhere! Also, not medical advice here, just what has worked for us, we use a nutritional supplement called slippery elm. I

don't know if your kiddo would take it or not (powder can be mixed with milk) but it helps keep him regular. We don't have a big problem with constipation due to lactose intolerance (if he gets ahold of the regular milk, we have NO prob with constipation LOL). But ask your doctor or holistic practitioner before starting that sort of thing, the dosage has to be adjusted for littles, otherwise it is very gentle and no side effects that I've seen. Also, we find chamomile tablets (marketed as teething tabs) help at night or chamomile tea for sleeping. Maybe it's placebo effect but I don't care if it's working!! sorry to be so lengthy, I've been struggling with all this of late as well so was hoping I could share some ideas that are working for us. Good luck. Connie

From: blwallace19982000 <blwallace19982000>Subject: ( ) Aspie son not wanting to eat?? Date: Friday, 14 August, 2009, 2:08 AM

My 5 yr. old aspie son does not want to eat anything that I cook him, he says that he hates it and he is not going to eat it. We have tried forcing him to try it ex. He must take 3 bites before he can leave the table but that only leads to a meltdown. He is a very picky eater to begin with and he also has encopresis which is chronic constipation. I just don't know what to do and I am tired of fighting with him to eat. I am to the point that he will eat when he gets hungry.LynetteSend instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger .

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My 5 yr old will eat cereal, toast, chicken nuggets, and smiley face potatoes.

He will only drink water or kool-aid. So you are not alone. I suggest you take

him to a grocery store and let him choose something.


> My 5 yr. old aspie son does not want to eat anything that I cook him, he says

that he hates it and he is not going to eat it. We have tried forcing him to

try it ex. He must take 3 bites before he can leave the table but that only

leads to a meltdown. He is a very picky eater to begin with and he also has

encopresis which is chronic constipation. I just don't know what to do and I am

tired of fighting with him to eat. I am to the point that he will eat when he

gets hungry.

> Lynette


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