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agression rare but still, every now and then...

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Some kids we encounter are just annoying enough to set off. Yesterday I

thought he was going to pound my daughter's friend. Every time he said anything

she was tattling to me. Granted he was saying a lot of bad words and I had told

him if I heard any bad words I'd take his computer away. Long story, keeps

finding ways to get to youtube and repeats what he hears. Anyway, I don't know

if he can help it but constant tattling about it is driving us both nuts. Last

time we went swimming with this kid and she splashed in the face

intentionally even after I asked her to stop. Another time she went in his room

and threw his wastebasket at him. She seems a nice enough kid most of the time

but as soon as is in the same room with her they both turn into demons!



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LOL… I hate to laugh, but this sounds like my TWO CHILDREN! ;)

Hope you find a way for the two to co-exist :)



[mailto: ] On Behalf Of Miriam

Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 12:45 PM

Subject: ( ) agression rare but still, every now and


Some kids we encounter are just annoying enough

to set off. Yesterday I thought he was going to pound my daughter's

friend. Every time he said anything she was tattling to me. Granted he was saying

a lot of bad words and I had told him if I heard any bad words I'd take his

computer away. Long story, keeps finding ways to get to youtube and repeats

what he hears. Anyway, I don't know if he can help it but constant tattling

about it is driving us both nuts. Last time we went swimming with this kid and

she splashed in the face intentionally even after I asked her to stop.

Another time she went in his room and threw his wastebasket at him. She seems a

nice enough kid most of the time but as soon as is in the same room with

her they both turn into demons! AGG.


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Oddly enough my kids get along quite well. They have their bad moments but they

also have a lot of great moments. considers his sister his best friend.

It feels like the best thing we did for was to give him a sister.

Rayleigh has been taking art classes and has amazed us with the things she's

done. She's only 9 but she really is amazing. Anyway, loves to tell

people, " My sister is a prodigy " because of her art ability. and Rayleigh

might get in conflict if they're playing against each other in a game but

usually they like to be on the same team.

One day last year my kids were playing with another neighbor kid. This other

kid decided that in their pretending game Rayleigh was from an " enemy tribe " .

They were pretending stuff about a computer game called Spore. Anyway,

refused to make his sister be in an enemy tribe. He wanted her to be a part of

HIS tribe. Honestly, I've never seen two sibling who were so fond of each

other. Some days they are miserable with each other but most of the time they

love each other. During the school year if one of them is sick I hear all day,

" When is Rayleigh getting home? " or " When is getting home. " If I take

Rayleigh with me and pick up at school for some reason (he usually takes

the bus) they are always happy to see each other and give each other big hugs.

Rayleigh is more likely to be annoying to if her friend is over! UGH.


ps. Laugh away. It's funny no matter how you look at it. I laugh at

everything because if I don't I could end up crying.


> LOL. I hate to laugh, but this sounds like my TWO CHILDREN! ;) Hope you find

> a way for the two to co-exist :)




> =)




> From:

> [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Miriam

> Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 12:45 PM


> Subject: ( ) agression rare but still, every now and then...






> Some kids we encounter are just annoying enough to set off. Yesterday I

> thought he was going to pound my daughter's friend. Every time he said

> anything she was tattling to me. Granted he was saying a lot of bad words

> and I had told him if I heard any bad words I'd take his computer away. Long

> story, keeps finding ways to get to youtube and repeats what he hears.

> Anyway, I don't know if he can help it but constant tattling about it is

> driving us both nuts. Last time we went swimming with this kid and she

> splashed in the face intentionally even after I asked her to stop.

> Another time she went in his room and threw his wastebasket at him. She

> seems a nice enough kid most of the time but as soon as is in the same

> room with her they both turn into demons! AGG.


> Miriam


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