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Re: To Roxanna-Dyslexia

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I'm glad you had a chance to look into it further. Your posts about so often remind me of dealing with my youngest ds. I have had the same problems with the school as well. School staff just do not know very much about dyslexia at all. They act as if they do but they have very outdated information and it seems to me it was always very dismissive. Sometimes I have had people describe symptoms of dyslexia and not realize they are talking about dyslexia. Like I have had teachers say, "No, he can't possibly have dyslexia...he just has a problem with (this, this and that)" and those problems are all problems associated with dyslexia. lol.

When I first read Shaywitz's book, I almost wanted to scream because my oldest not only fit the dx, he fit the pre-dx info and every nook and cranny in between. But I would ask at the school and everyone would shake their heads and say things like, "We can't dx dyslexia until they are in 3rd grade." Or "He doesn't always write backwards, so he can't be dyslexic." or "He's too smart to have dyslexia." I've heard so many over the years. And my younger ds had the best teacher in 1st grade where he really struggled to learn to read. She even taught using the "orton gillingham" methodology, which is a preferred methodology for teaching to dyslexia. Yet when I asked her opinion on my younger ds, she said, "Oh, no! He isn't a special ed student! He doesn't even write backwards!" And I realized that even though she was a great teacher, she had no idea what dyslexia meant. She knew how to teach kids who were struggling to read! But she did not connect any of it with a learning disability. Odd. My oldest dd probably is dyslexic as well but years back when she was in grade school, they called it, "Language processing LD." It's weird how much we know about dyslexia and yet, how much is never connected to actual teaching and education. I don't get it.

Anyway, hope it gives you some direction to help .

Fania: I have meant to email her for the past year and just never have. I think about her from time to time and then life gets in my way and I never get around to writing. It's been a long time and I too, wonder how she is doing. Last I heard (long long ago!) she was translating Attwood's book and she also sent me some pictures a few years ago as well. But haven't heard from her since. I will have to try her old email and see if she is still out in cyberspace.


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." E. Burke

( ) To Roxanna-Dyslexia


Thanks so much for the information regarding not ruling dyslexia out on . I researched it and found one that listed things they do and it fit ! I was really shocked at how closely she fit the disorder. And, knowing Tom has it, (undiagnosed, but definitely!), it was a real eye-opening thing. Just makes me mad that the psychologist-who swore there was NOTHING wrong with her-didn't catch anything. He was really instrumental in helping with 's diagnosis. That got him the Autism label. I totally recall sitting in 's eligibility back in 2001 and realizing that they almost didn't find him eligible. But the psychological evaluation fully showed that he had needs and it fell under the Autism catagory because the Asperger's seemed to be in the forefront.

I am going to send a copy to the teacher and speech pathologist and let them take a gander at the info. This may be instrumental in the goals they place in her IEP and how they go about helping her in the future. Thanks again for the info.

Also, I've been wondering a lot about Fania. When did you last hear from her? I have been wondering how she's doing but I know it's been along time since she even posted to the group. So I was curious if you still kept in touch with her.


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