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Well, if ALA chelates mercury and excretes it via the urine, then by

all means you could see mercury in the urine after 72 hours (one


Is this what you saw?



> Does anyone know if one ( very first ever )round of ALA would


> raise the level of mercury found in urine at the end of round? Also

> what else does ALA chelate besides mercury? Thanks : )


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No we have not done any chelating as of yet. We saw a Dan Dr yesterday who

ordered a CBC, Comprehensive digestive stool analysis, blood count comprehensive

metals panel. pediatric food allergy panel and some other stuff. We actually did

like her, and she has been a Dan Dr for a long time and was pretty cool

actually. She was all for the supplements I have been giving him that I learned

were important from all you Mom's : ) BUT we didnt even get into discussing his

mercury problem and I have a feeling she isn't big on chelation. I was hoping to

find a lab that would test urine for metals without a doctors help and without

needing blood drawn. I want to do one or two rounds of ALA and see what comes

out, if anything. I know mercury is tough and it might not show up but if it

does I could use that to show my sons Father and the Dr. ..Any suggestions I

would appreciate.

[ ] Re: ALA

Well, if ALA chelates mercury and excretes it via the urine, then by

all means you could see mercury in the urine after 72 hours (one


Is this what you saw?



> Does anyone know if one ( very first ever )round of ALA would


> raise the level of mercury found in urine at the end of round? Also

> what else does ALA chelate besides mercury? Thanks : )




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You can get a Dr. Data Urine Toxic Metals test through Directlabs

without a doctor.


> >

> > Does anyone know if one ( very first ever )round of ALA would

> possibly

> > raise the level of mercury found in urine at the end of round?


> > what else does ALA chelate besides mercury? Thanks : )

> >









> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.





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Ialso needed a blood draw also wi iu again thanks so much

[ ] Re: ALA

You can get a Dr. Data Urine Toxic Metals test through Directlabs

without a doctor.


> >

> > Does anyone know if one ( very first ever )round of ALA would

> possibly

> > raise the level of mercury found in urine at the end of round?


> > what else does ALA chelate besides mercury? Thanks : )

> >







____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

____________ ___

> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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I want to do one or two rounds of ALA and see what comes out, if anything. I

know mercury

is tough and it might not show up but if it does I could use that to show my

sons Father and

the Dr. ..Any suggestions I would appreciate.

My suggestion is to save your money and focus on whether he improves after 5-7


That will convince your husband. And the doctor you don't have to convince.

Urine tests for metals are very hit-or-miss -- the mercury might have come out

the next

pee, the next day, whatever. And with these low doses we don;t expect to see a

lot coming

out at once anyway.


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For what it's worth, and not to cause you a dilema

I've had mercury come out more in the stool than the urine years ago.

> > >

> > > Does anyone know if one ( very first ever )round of ALA would

> > possibly

> > > raise the level of mercury found in urine at the end of round?

> Also

> > > what else does ALA chelate besides mercury? Thanks : )

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> _____________________________________________________________________

> _______________

> > Be a better friend, newshound, and

> > know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

> http://mobile./;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

> >

> >

> >

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Hmm interesting. What form of chelating agent were you using? Dont different

chelating agents move the mercury out differently?

[ ] Re: ALA

For what it's worth, and not to cause you a dilema

I've had mercury come out more in the stool than the urine years ago.

> > >

> > > Does anyone know if one ( very first ever )round of ALA would

> > possibly

> > > raise the level of mercury found in urine at the end of round?

> Also

> > > what else does ALA chelate besides mercury? Thanks : )

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> ____________ ___

> > Be a better friend, newshound, and

> > know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

> http://mobile. / ;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR 8HDtDypao8Wcj9tA cJ

> >

> >

> >

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at that time it was ALA all by itself


> Hmm interesting. What form of chelating agent were you using? Dont

different chelating agents move the mercury out differently?



> [ ] Re: ALA


> For what it's worth, and not to cause you a dilema

> I've had mercury come out more in the stool than the urine years ago.




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> No we have not done any chelating as of yet. We saw a Dan Dr yesterday who

ordered a

CBC, Comprehensive digestive stool analysis, blood count comprehensive metals


pediatric food allergy panel and some other stuff. We actually did like her, and

she has

been a Dan Dr for a long time and was pretty cool actually. She was all for the

supplements I have been giving him that I learned were important from all you

Mom's : )

BUT we didnt even get into discussing his mercury problem and I have a feeling

she isn't

big on chelation. I was hoping to find a lab that would test urine for metals

without a

doctors help and without needing blood drawn.


>I want to do one or two rounds of ALA and see what comes out, if anything. I


mercury is tough and it might not show up but if it does I could use that to

show my sons

Father and the Dr. ..Any suggestions I would appreciate.




A hair test is a lot more informative. Also available from direct laboratory



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Yes we did do an initial hair test and I agree but my son is 20/m old with slow

hair growth and not much of it. So much of his hair had to be cut for the first

test, I dont want him to be bald : ) We will be doing a hair test after and inch

of growth. I was hoping to get something for the interim ( knowing urine doesnt

always show ) Doesn't DMSA work on arsenic and lead also? My son was .17 ref <

..080 on arsenic. High on a few others also but I didnt see that chelating works

on those.

[ ] Re: ALA


> No we have not done any chelating as of yet. We saw a Dan Dr yesterday who

ordered a

CBC, Comprehensive digestive stool analysis, blood count comprehensive metals


pediatric food allergy panel and some other stuff. We actually did like her, and

she has

been a Dan Dr for a long time and was pretty cool actually. She was all for the

supplements I have been giving him that I learned were important from all you

Mom's : )

BUT we didnt even get into discussing his mercury problem and I have a feeling

she isn't

big on chelation. I was hoping to find a lab that would test urine for metals

without a

doctors help and without needing blood drawn.

www.directlabs. com

>I want to do one or two rounds of ALA and see what comes out, if anything. I


mercury is tough and it might not show up but if it does I could use that to

show my sons

Father and the Dr. ..Any suggestions I would appreciate.




A hair test is a lot more informative. Also available from direct laboratory





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Our DAN doc appt isn't till March. I'm wanting to get some tests

done now to see where we're at and to see if I should start using ALA

or DMSA or both. What tests should I get done first? Hair

test? Porphyrins? Any others? He's 3 and I'd prefer to hold off

on blood tests right now.



On Dec 21, 2007, at 2:24 AM, andrewhallcutler wrote:


> >

> > No we have not done any chelating as of yet. We saw a Dan Dr

> yesterday who ordered a

> CBC, Comprehensive digestive stool analysis, blood count

> comprehensive metals panel.

> pediatric food allergy panel and some other stuff. We actually did

> like her, and she has

> been a Dan Dr for a long time and was pretty cool actually. She was

> all for the

> supplements I have been giving him that I learned were important

> from all you Mom's : )

> BUT we didnt even get into discussing his mercury problem and I have

> a feeling she isn't

> big on chelation. I was hoping to find a lab that would test urine

> for metals without a

> doctors help and without needing blood drawn.


> www.directlabs.com


> >I want to do one or two rounds of ALA and see what comes out, if

> anything. I know

> mercury is tough and it might not show up but if it does I could use

> that to show my sons

> Father and the Dr. ..Any suggestions I would appreciate.

> >

> >

> >

> A hair test is a lot more informative. Also available from direct

> laboratory services.


> Andy




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We did the hair elements test first. Thats really important if you think your

child might be mercury toxic.

Re: [ ] Re: ALA

Our DAN doc appt isn't till March. I'm wanting to get some tests

done now to see where we're at and to see if I should start using ALA

or DMSA or both. What tests should I get done first? Hair

test? Porphyrins? Any others? He's 3 and I'd prefer to hold off

on blood tests right now.



On Dec 21, 2007, at 2:24 AM, andrewhallcutler wrote:


> >

> > No we have not done any chelating as of yet. We saw a Dan Dr

> yesterday who ordered a

> CBC, Comprehensive digestive stool analysis, blood count

> comprehensive metals panel.

> pediatric food allergy panel and some other stuff. We actually did

> like her, and she has

> been a Dan Dr for a long time and was pretty cool actually. She was

> all for the

> supplements I have been giving him that I learned were important

> from all you Mom's : )

> BUT we didnt even get into discussing his mercury problem and I have

> a feeling she isn't

> big on chelation. I was hoping to find a lab that would test urine

> for metals without a

> doctors help and without needing blood drawn.


> www.directlabs. com


> >I want to do one or two rounds of ALA and see what comes out, if

> anything. I know

> mercury is tough and it might not show up but if it does I could use

> that to show my sons

> Father and the Dr. ..Any suggestions I would appreciate.

> >

> >

> >

> A hair test is a lot more informative. Also available from direct

> laboratory services.


> Andy




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www.labbio.net for urine metals test

--- andrewhallcutler <AndyCutler@...> wrote:


> >

> > No we have not done any chelating as of yet. We

> saw a Dan Dr yesterday who ordered a

> CBC, Comprehensive digestive stool analysis, blood

> count comprehensive metals panel.

> pediatric food allergy panel and some other stuff.

> We actually did like her, and she has

> been a Dan Dr for a long time and was pretty cool

> actually. She was all for the

> supplements I have been giving him that I learned

> were important from all you Mom's : )

> BUT we didnt even get into discussing his mercury

> problem and I have a feeling she isn't

> big on chelation. I was hoping to find a lab that

> would test urine for metals without a

> doctors help and without needing blood drawn.


> www.directlabs.com


> >I want to do one or two rounds of ALA and see what

> comes out, if anything. I know

> mercury is tough and it might not show up but if it

> does I could use that to show my sons

> Father and the Dr. ..Any suggestions I would

> appreciate.

> >

> >

> >

> A hair test is a lot more informative. Also

> available from direct laboratory services.


> Andy





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> I started our 3yo with ALA.

What dose are you using and how often are you giving it?

How much does your child weigh?

> I might move to one of the stronger chelators later but for now I'm a

> bit uncertain.

ALA is the most powerful chelator because it crosses the blood brain

barrier and clears mercury from the brain.

ALA is the essential chelator. DMSA and DMPS are optional.

> I was wondering if anyone could direct me to the list of supplements

> needed for chelation.


Look for the supplement file in the files section. It's recommended

to have the basic supplements in place for a couple weeks before you

start chelating.


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I am doing 20mg of ALA in his meal supplement shakes three times a

day. He is currently 36 lbs.

Our original plan was to chelate using DMPS, but our DAN chose

suppositories. We haven't heard back how to incorporate them into a

safer regiment than twice a week. I think we may choose oral after

hearing from him after the holiday.

He has shown some improvement after very little time using this but I

need to bring milk thistle on board. We are already doing CLO, MB12,

zinc, magnesium, taurine, folate, acetyl l carnitine.

How do I use only ALA without exposing his brain to more mercury?

> >

> > I started our 3yo with ALA.




> What dose are you using and how often are you giving it?

> How much does your child weigh?





> > I might move to one of the stronger chelators later but for now

I'm a

> > bit uncertain.




> ALA is the most powerful chelator because it crosses the blood


> barrier and clears mercury from the brain.


> ALA is the essential chelator. DMSA and DMPS are optional.





> > I was wondering if anyone could direct me to the list of


> > needed for chelation.

> >



> Look for the supplement file in the files section. It's


> to have the basic supplements in place for a couple weeks before


> start chelating.


> --


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> I am doing 20mg of ALA in his meal supplement shakes three times a

> day.

Do not do this any more.

Do not do it no matter how good you think it is or what anyone says.

>He is currently 36 lbs.


> Our original plan was to chelate using DMPS, but our DAN chose

> suppositories.

You might also try seeing a competent doctor.

> We haven't heard back how to incorporate them into a

> safer regiment than twice a week. I think we may choose oral after

> hearing from him after the holiday.


> He has shown some improvement after very little time using this but I

> need to bring milk thistle on board. We are already doing CLO, MB12,

> zinc, magnesium, taurine, folate, acetyl l carnitine.



> How do I use only ALA without exposing his brain to more mercury?

Every 3 hours or not at all.


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I think I should clarify. We are using a meal supplement that has

ALA as one of the ingredients, 20 mg per serving. We, however; split

his serving up through the day. So we are giving him 20mg over the

course of a day.

I understand that this still may not be his optimal dosing. What is

the better way to chelate using only ALA.

> >

> > I am doing 20mg of ALA in his meal supplement shakes three times


> > day.


> Do not do this any more.


> Do not do it no matter how good you think it is or what anyone says.


> >He is currently 36 lbs.

> >

> > Our original plan was to chelate using DMPS, but our DAN chose

> > suppositories.


> You might also try seeing a competent doctor.


> > We haven't heard back how to incorporate them into a

> > safer regiment than twice a week. I think we may choose oral


> > hearing from him after the holiday.

> >

> > He has shown some improvement after very little time using this

but I

> > need to bring milk thistle on board. We are already doing CLO,


> > zinc, magnesium, taurine, folate, acetyl l carnitine.

> >

> >

> > How do I use only ALA without exposing his brain to more mercury?


> Every 3 hours or not at all.


> Andy


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> I think I should clarify. We are using a meal supplement that has

> ALA as one of the ingredients, 20 mg per serving. We, however; split

> his serving up through the day. So we are giving him 20mg over the

> course of a day.

This is still guaranteed to be catastrophic. Stop it now.

> I understand that this still may not be his optimal dosing. What is

> the better way to chelate using only ALA.

You can use the meal supplement to chelate if you wish, it doesn't really matter

what else

goes down his gullet with the ALA.

If you want him to get better without creating severe very difficult to correct

deficits by

concentrating mercury into sensitive parts of his brain you need to give ALA

every 3-4

hours or more often for at least 3 days in a row. This does include giving it

at night. Most

people find 3 hours during the waking period and 4 hours during the parent's


period to work pretty well.


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I see now.

We need to give it to him more often, 3-4 hours daily, for 3 days

then nothing for 4 days.

I'm adding milk thistle today to lessen the burden on the liver.

One more question. How exactly does ALA remove the mercury from the


> >

> > I think I should clarify. We are using a meal supplement that


> > ALA as one of the ingredients, 20 mg per serving. We, however;


> > his serving up through the day. So we are giving him 20mg over


> > course of a day.


> This is still guaranteed to be catastrophic. Stop it now.


> > I understand that this still may not be his optimal dosing. What


> > the better way to chelate using only ALA.


> You can use the meal supplement to chelate if you wish, it doesn't

really matter what else

> goes down his gullet with the ALA.


> If you want him to get better without creating severe very

difficult to correct deficits by

> concentrating mercury into sensitive parts of his brain you need to

give ALA every 3-4

> hours or more often for at least 3 days in a row. This does

include giving it at night. Most

> people find 3 hours during the waking period and 4 hours during the

parent's sleeping

> period to work pretty well.


> Andy


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

You already ARE chelating since you are giving ALA. I would make

sure you are following a proper chelation schedule, which includes

reducing that 100 mg dose.

Take a look in the Files section for chelation protocols recommended

and used by many here.



> My son is 5 and has been on NCD for the past few months he has


> had a hair test which showed high levels of various metals

> we have started to give him MethylB12 and a compound of various

> supplements including 100mg per day of ALA in an attempt to get him


> get rid of these metals on his own before possible chelation I am a


> concerned that the ALA may deposit any mercury that he may have


> into the brain

> can someone please offer some advice?

> Many thanks


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Guest guest


> My son is 5 and has been on NCD for the past few months he has recently

> had a hair test which showed high levels of various metals

> we have started to give him MethylB12 and a compound of various

> supplements including 100mg per day of ALA in an attempt to get him to

> get rid of these metals on his own before possible chelation I am a bit

> concerned that the ALA may deposit any mercury that he may have back

> into the brain

> can someone please offer some advice?

Stop the high dose, once a day ALA immediately. It will drive metals

into the brain and other areas.

Go through the FAQ, the links and files sections, Andy's two books,

Moria's web pages, until you understand how to chelate properly. ALA

must be used in small doses every 3 h around the clock in order to

remove metals from the body and brain. It is not safe to use any

chelators if he has amalgam fillings or recent Hg exposure.


> Many thanks


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Guest guest


> My son is 5 and has been on NCD for the past few months he has recently

> had a hair test which showed high levels of various metals

> we have started to give him MethylB12 and a compound of various

> supplements including 100mg per day of ALA in an attempt to get him to

> get rid of these metals on his own before possible chelation I am a bit

> concerned that the ALA may deposit any mercury that he may have back

> into the brain

> can someone please offer some advice?

Stop it immediately.

Anything with ALA in it has to be given as a chelator, on a chelation schedule

of every 3-4

hours or not at all.

> Many thanks


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Guest guest

Posted by: " seancostelloe " seancostelloe@... seancostelloe

Date: Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:54 pm ((PDT))

>My son is 5 and has been on NCD for the past few months he has recently

>had a hair test which showed high levels of various metals

>we have started to give him MethylB12 and a compound of various

>supplements including 100mg per day of ALA

This will damage your son.

Please understand that chelation is not something to be played around with. You

are moving _neurotoxins_. This means, that if you do it improperly, then you

will cause further damage to the nervous system. You need to stop this now,

until you understand how to use chelators properly.

>in an attempt to get him to

>get rid of these metals on his own before possible chelation

You are already giving him ALA, so you are chelating him - improperly.

>I am a bit

>concerned that the ALA may deposit any mercury that he may have back

>into the brain

>can someone please offer some advice?

Yes, you are right to be concerned. So, you should stop and try to understand

how to do this.

It is not hard to do it correctly; read some of the files, and learn about why

you will need to dose on the half life of the drug - DMSA(4hours) DMPS(8hours)


>Many thanks


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