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Re: which kind of enzymes from Enzymedica to use ?

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Hi Ann,

Candidase is good for yeast not RepairGold. RepairGold is for muscle,

joint and tissue recovery. Works great for inflammation.

When it comes to a digestive enzyme a lot of parents like starting

with low doses. So if you want to start with DigestGold, use about

1/3 of a capsule and work your way up to 1 full capsule. Another

product, many parents seem to like is GlutenEase. GlutenEase supports

people suffering with gluten or casein intolerance. GlutenEase is not

formulated to prevent celiac symptoms. GlutenEase contains a modified

Protease Thera-blend and an enzyme activity called DPP-IV. Proteases

high in DPP-IV activity assist in normalizing inflammatory response

to the gluten peptide, thus better digesting and utilizing gluten

containing foods. This proactively supports the gut, allowing

proteins to be properly broken down and absorbed in their digested

state; broadening the potential food groups a person may eat.

GlutenEase may also be used by those who wish to remain on the GFCF

diet to ensure complete breakdown of proteins safe and effectively.

Feel free to ask me any other questions. I hope this information was



Enzymedica's Education Department



> Hello,



> I have done a lot lately to improve the eating habbits of my 12-


> old son with ADD, hyperlexia but so far no luck.

> He is really fond of bread, eats different kinds of fruits and meat


> just HATES cooked vegetables, pizza, spaghetti, soup. Dining out is


> of the question, sometimes he just eats french fries with chicken

but I

> want so much for him to eat vegetables. The only thing that I


> lately that he likes candy more than before, that is the only thing

> that he has in common with his sister ! I intend to try Digest Gold


> (candidase for yeast) or repair Gold ?? He had A VERY GOOD

reaction to

> Virastop regarding attention in school issues and awareness in


> but it didn't affect his appetite in a improved way.

> Can anyone give a good tip which brand of Enzymedica I should use

best ?

> (already takes zinc piccolinate for some time, but no use along


> magnesium taurate and lots of other stuff).


> Thanks a lot !


> Ann


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