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Re: Yeast - backwards?

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Your son probably has some pathenogenic bacteria (bad guys) that the

antibiotics are addressing, a blessing in disguise!

However, the biting sounds yeast-related to me, and with my son,

antibiotics definitely make space for more yeast to move in and cause


You may want to consider using Saccaromyces Boulardii while your son is

on the antibiotic and for a few weeks after. it is a non-pathogenic

yeast that actually eats the bad yeasts and does not colonize in the


I would also give probiotics as far away from each dose of antibiotics

as you can and continue them for a long time after this course is


Also, there are a lot of natural antifungals that you may want to use,

which you will see on Dana's website.

Good luck!

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> Since taking the antibiotics he:

> 1. Does NOT have the " yeast " rash around his anus area.

> 2. Has not had stinky diapers - he has some killer ones usually!

> 3. Seems to be more " with " us and wanting to interact, be held and

> hugged, and

> 4. Has an interest in talking with us. Instead of just pointing or

> grunting, he is trying to use the sign language that we've been

> teaching for over a year. Today I heard him actually say, " mom

> mom " " no way " " stop it " and " huh? " . NEVER heard these before.

This sounds like he has a bad bacteria problem in his gut, which the

anti-biotics are helping. Some kids are like this. Try giving olive

leaf extract and biotin, see if that helps. Or, oil of oregano will

address both yeast and bacteria.


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