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choooing a drRe: Re: DAN! Recommendation please

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Very good point... and also not by personal recommendations but calling the

office and getting a feel for it!! I recently was looking for a dentist for my

son- i got oodles of recommendations so i write them all down on a piece of

paper w/ the recommendations (who the kids were...and what they were like

compared to DS) and then called each one and talked to them. I had certain

'requirements' in my own mind that other parents may not agree with -which is

fine.. the point being define WHAT you are looking for in a dr... and then let

your cell phone do the walking;) and i agree 100% w/ traveling. I'm

considering doing RDI w/ my son (we have done it informally for a few years)..

my son also has a hearing impairment. So i started talking w/ parents and am

compiling a list of potential people nationally. And then i'll give them a buzz

or email to discuss MY son ...his multiple needs... and go from there


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From: casandra oldham <cmfitness@...>

Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 8:25:09 AM

Subject: RE: Re: DAN! Recommendation please

Hi there,

I was told not to pick my DAN! Dr. based on where I live but based on my

childrens needs. We had to go to him for the 1st visit and will need to go

annually but have done all are labs near home and had 3 phone appt.'s. So I

chose DR. Bock in Reinbeck NY. You can get his book...The 4 A's of

Childhood illnesses. To me this man is an angel on earth. We waited 6 months for

our 1st appt. and we live in VA but the distance and wait were worth it.

Good Luck, Casandra

From: lapain.amy@sbcgloba l.netDate: Mon,

12 Jan 2009 15:31:12 -0800Subject: Re: Re: DAN! Recommendation please

i don't know if all DAN! docs do this... and i have never been to him but have

heard hims speak in person.. i actually had an appointment with him but canceled

partially because he nickel and dimes everyone. maybe all of them do that. I

also had a few more personal accounts if anyone is interested i can email off

list. Amy Homeschool and Life BlogArt, Music and Nature BlogHealthy Home

Blog________ _________ _________ ______From: gretchen haugh <haughgretchen@

>Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009

10:46:01 AMSubject: Re: Re: DAN! Recommendation pleaseDr

DeMio. One of the best in the Country IMO. He has an office in Columbus

andCleveland- - http://www.drdemio. com/ he has a long wait list, but his

Liasion will get you started and on the right track...HTH Gretchen PGH PA--- On

Sun, 1/11/09, Tami Doran <tjdoran5msn (DOT) com> wrote:From: Tami Doran

<tjdoran5msn (DOT) com>Subject: Re: Re: DAN!

Recommendation pleaseDate: Sunday,

January 11, 2009, 6:20 PM, Pfeiffer Treatmen Center is just outside of

Chicago. Dr. is very good. He himself has a child on the spectrum so he

can relate to everything we go through.Tami- ---- Original Message ----- From:

sharon hain<mailto: sharonhain@ ymail. com> @ groups.

com<mailto:Enzymesa ndAutism> Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009

8:35 PMSubject: Re: DAN! Recommendation please, I don't know

of a DAN but I can highly recommend a nutritionist/ naturopath that does

everything over the phone and through the mail so anyone can use her. She tests

urine and saliva and devises an individualized nutrition program from there. I

have had good success with her for my kids and wish you success for yours. Email

! me if yo

u would like further info.Sharon- -- In @ groups.

com<mailto:Enzymesa ndA utism%40gro ups.com>, " " <firewifecc@ ...>

wrote:>> I'm looking for references for a DAN! doctor. I am in northern Indiana

> and would like to find a provider between Chicago, Indianapolis, or > Toledo.

We've been going it alone for a few years, and I think it's > time to check in

w/ a doc to see how to proceed. Thanks>[Non- text portions of this message have

been removed][Non- text portions of this message have been removed][Non- text

portions of this message have been removed]

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