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Re: Re: Question about school buses leaving early

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Thank you...you got a private placement? It is no good?

I work for the district...yet I still have to fight! But....I know a lot of teacher who give me good hints! Ha Ha! Even the Asst. Principal of the school I work in told me to fight!


Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: susanonderko <susanonderko@...>Subject: ( ) Re: Question about school buses leaving early Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2009, 10:18 PM

You sound on the right path advocating for your son.But I am not sure that the school would be consideredillegal. Our lawyer said that parents and the school have to be reasonable that is all. He said the side the judge oftensides with is the one being more reasonable.You sound like you have been very successfull in getting services.I would keep it up! You are doing great. Our school system did so very very little for years and than pushed for a private placement. I am not sure wewon anything with that. I'd rather be in our own district but they were considered reasonable. Good luck!Pam >> Hi everyone .....I am going to

throw this out to all of you....and see what you think or know for a fact. > > My son rides a smaller bus becuase he was getting in trouble on the larger one...kids picked on him and teased him...he didn't know his own space and annoyed kids...etc. etc. So we put him on a small bus with about 3 kids on it. He comes home in a better mood...less noise, less stress and no picking on. > > But here comes the problem..... the bus leaves earlier then the regular buses. They tell me 15 min. I know for a fact that the high school students leave 1/2 hour early as I work in the school district. > > Now here is the corker....at the transition meeting...the teacher said she was very concerned about his IEP because it states he can take up to 4 sensory breaks a day. She was afraid he was going to ABUSE it. She said you know how kids love to get out of class. She was afraid of him missing academic time. I informed her that so

far my son has never taken a break...not once. In fact, I told her I want the teacher to monitor him and make him take one when they see he is tired or stress ....Then they told me since my son is allowed to retake a test if his grade is below a 70, that he would have to take it after school. They are afraid of him missing academic time. Ok....that is fine...I understand.. ..but then I dropped the bomb.> > I told them at the meeting...since the buses leave early, I didn't want my son in an academic class at the end of the day. He had math this past year and missed 15 -20 min. of academic time. Well, guess what...since he is in band...he will have math at the end of day...in fact both red and blue teams have math at the end of the day. Only the white team doesn't and that is becuase they don't have band. > The teacher said....oh, he can take a few worksheets home and work on them. Yeah, right. Who is she kidding...I can't get him to

do 3 math problems without having a fight and she thinks he will do 2 math sheets. OMG! Each time now I get angrier and angrier when I think about it. It is okay for my son to miss academic time when it is convenient for them....but otherwise NO!> > So, I wrote the asst. principal and the case manager....basicall y I told them that my son was not being give his right to a full academic day like all the other students. Discrimination. I added up 15 min. a day which come to 1 1/4 hours a week or 5 hours a month or 45 hours a year...so I gave them some choices:> > 1. Put him back on the reg. bus (not such a great idea)> 2. Put him on another small bus that leaves at the regular dismisal time> 3. Give a tutor for 1 1/4 hours to make up the difference ...plus he should get one for all the time he lost last year.> 4. Put him in a math class that is not at the end of the day.> > My son stuggles

with math and he needs all the time he can get with the teacher. A lot of time they let the students work on their math homework and have the teacher to help them. So, he is missing all this. Plus I truly believe what they are doing is Illegal. Does anyone know this for sure???> > I would appreciate your comments.> > jan>

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Thank you....but how stupid...bring the kids in early...what a farce...and the schools think we are dumb or what!? What don't they get???


Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: T <juice00000@...>Subject: ( ) Re: Question about school buses leaving early Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 8:00 AM

My state (Indiana) has a site on the internet that had all the cases brought against the schools and their outcomes. One specifically was about the bus leaving early. Several parents got together and filed suit. The resolution was to have the kids come in earlier in the morning. I'm not sure if they would even be getting instruction from a teacher during that time, but that's what the result was. I will try to find the site again if anyone's interested.I also *think* I read something about this in my 's Law book, but don't have it with me now to check. You might want to do some research and then meet with the school.TJ>> Hi everyone .....I am going to throw this out

to all of you....and see what you think or know for a fact. > > My son rides a smaller bus becuase he was getting in trouble on the larger one...kids picked on him and teased him...he didn't know his own space and annoyed kids...etc. etc. So we put him on a small bus with about 3 kids on it. He comes home in a better mood...less noise, less stress and no picking on. > > But here comes the problem..... the bus leaves earlier then the regular buses. They tell me 15 min. I know for a fact that the high school students leave 1/2 hour early as I work in the school district. > > Now here is the corker....at the transition meeting...the teacher said she was very concerned about his IEP because it states he can take up to 4 sensory breaks a day. She was afraid he was going to ABUSE it. She said you know how kids love to get out of class. She was afraid of him missing academic time. I informed her that so far my son has

never taken a break...not once. In fact, I told her I want the teacher to monitor him and make him take one when they see he is tired or stress ....Then they told me since my son is allowed to retake a test if his grade is below a 70, that he would have to take it after school. They are afraid of him missing academic time. Ok....that is fine...I understand.. ..but then I dropped the bomb.> > I told them at the meeting...since the buses leave early, I didn't want my son in an academic class at the end of the day. He had math this past year and missed 15 -20 min. of academic time. Well, guess what...since he is in band...he will have math at the end of day...in fact both red and blue teams have math at the end of the day. Only the white team doesn't and that is becuase they don't have band. > The teacher said....oh, he can take a few worksheets home and work on them. Yeah, right. Who is she kidding...I can't get him to do 3 math

problems without having a fight and she thinks he will do 2 math sheets. OMG! Each time now I get angrier and angrier when I think about it. It is okay for my son to miss academic time when it is convenient for them....but otherwise NO!> > So, I wrote the asst. principal and the case manager....basicall y I told them that my son was not being give his right to a full academic day like all the other students. Discrimination. I added up 15 min. a day which come to 1 1/4 hours a week or 5 hours a month or 45 hours a year...so I gave them some choices:> > 1. Put him back on the reg. bus (not such a great idea)> 2. Put him on another small bus that leaves at the regular dismisal time> 3. Give a tutor for 1 1/4 hours to make up the difference ...plus he should get one for all the time he lost last year.> 4. Put him in a math class that is not at the end of the day.> > My son stuggles with math and

he needs all the time he can get with the teacher. A lot of time they let the students work on their math homework and have the teacher to help them. So, he is missing all this. Plus I truly believe what they are doing is Illegal. Does anyone know this for sure???> > I would appreciate your comments.> > jan>

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Hi Tweety...glad you joined us...yes, Roxanna told me about the site...I thought I read it there...I just wanted to be 100% correct before I spoke to the school....thanks. And, it was posted to us all and I received it.


Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: tweety051566 <tweety051566@...>Subject: ( ) Re: Question about school buses leaving early Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 1:38 PM

Hi there Jan,

I am new here, and just starting to get familiar with the topics and ways this works, but I saw your post and wanted to give you a popular website that has loads of information regarding what is legal or not when it somes to Special Ed.


It is written and maintained by "The s", who are a husband and wife team of Lawyerswho are dedicated to helping the public understand their rights under IDEA and 504, basically ALL ESE services. Its here:

http://www.wrightsl aw.com/

I was referred there recently by a an IEP Advocate and the website is very extensive. The home page starts by saying: "Parents, educators, advocates, and attorneys come to slaw for accurate, reliable information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities. "

This site will help you, and I'm sure you will refer it over and over, as I have done. Pass along this info once you visit the site, and I will too once, I start getting involved in this group.

Best wishes,


> > >> > Hi everyone .....I am going to throw this out to all of you....and see what you think or know for a fact. > > > > My son rides a smaller bus becuase he was getting in trouble on the larger one...kids picked on him and teased him...he didn't know his own space and annoyed kids...etc. etc. So we put him on a small bus with about 3 kids on it. He comes home in a better mood...less noise, less stress and no picking on. > > > > But here comes the problem..... the bus leaves earlier then the regular buses. They tell me 15 min. I know for a fact that the high school students leave 1/2 hour early as I work in the school district. > > > > Now here is the corker....at the transition meeting...the teacher said she was very concerned about his IEP because it states he can take up to 4 sensory breaks

a day. She was afraid he was going to ABUSE it. She said you know how kids love to get out of class. She was afraid of him missing academic time. I informed her that so far my son has never taken a break...not once. In fact, I told her I want the teacher to monitor him and make him take one when they see he is tired or stress ....Then they told me since my son is allowed to retake a test if his grade is below a 70, that he would have to take it after school. They are afraid of him missing academic time. Ok....that is fine...I understand.. ..but then I dropped the bomb.> > > > I told them at the meeting...since the buses leave early, I didn't want my son in an academic class at the end of the day. He had math this past year and missed 15 -20 min. of academic time. Well, guess what...since he is in band...he will have math at the end of day...in fact both red and blue teams have math at the end of the day. Only the white team doesn't

and that is becuase they don't have band. > > The teacher said....oh, he can take a few worksheets home and work on them. Yeah, right. Who is she kidding...I can't get him to do 3 math problems without having a fight and she thinks he will do 2 math sheets. OMG! Each time now I get angrier and angrier when I think about it. It is okay for my son to miss academic time when it is convenient for them....but otherwise NO!> > > > So, I wrote the asst. principal and the case manager....basicall y I told them that my son was not being give his right to a full academic day like all the other students. Discrimination. I added up 15 min. a day which come to 1 1/4 hours a week or 5 hours a month or 45 hours a year...so I gave them some choices:> > > > 1. Put him back on the reg. bus (not such a great idea)> > 2. Put him on another small bus that leaves at the regular dismisal time> > 3. Give a

tutor for 1 1/4 hours to make up the difference ...plus he should get one for all the time he lost last year.> > 4. Put him in a math class that is not at the end of the day.> > > > My son stuggles with math and he needs all the time he can get with the teacher. A lot of time they let the students work on their math homework and have the teacher to help them. So, he is missing all this. Plus I truly believe what they are doing is Illegal. Does anyone know this for sure???> > > > I would appreciate your comments.> > > > jan> >>

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Thank you ...Thank you....Thank you....!!!!!!

Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: T <juice00000@...>Subject: ( ) Re: Question about school buses leaving early Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 7:54 AM

Here's a relevant case: http://www.fetaweb. com/success/ ocr.comp. ed.htmTJ> > >> > > Hi everyone .....I am going to throw this out to all of you....and see what you think or know for a fact. > > > > > > My son rides a smaller bus becuase he was getting in trouble on the larger one...kids picked on him and teased him...he didn't know his own space and annoyed kids...etc. etc. So we put him on a small bus with about 3 kids on it. He comes home in a better mood...less noise, less stress and no picking on. > > > > > > But here comes the problem..... the

bus leaves earlier then the regular buses. They tell me 15 min. I know for a fact that the high school students leave 1/2 hour early as I work in the school district. > > > > > > Now here is the corker....at the transition meeting...the teacher said she was very concerned about his IEP because it states he can take up to 4 sensory breaks a day. She was afraid he was going to ABUSE it. She said you know how kids love to get out of class. She was afraid of him missing academic time. I informed her that so far my son has never taken a break...not once. In fact, I told her I want the teacher to monitor him and make him take one when they see he is tired or stress ....Then they told me since my son is allowed to retake a test if his grade is below a 70, that he would have to take it after school. They are afraid of him missing academic time. Ok....that is fine...I understand.. ..but then I dropped the bomb.> > >

> > > I told them at the meeting...since the buses leave early, I didn't want my son in an academic class at the end of the day. He had math this past year and missed 15 -20 min. of academic time. Well, guess what...since he is in band...he will have math at the end of day...in fact both red and blue teams have math at the end of the day. Only the white team doesn't and that is becuase they don't have band. > > > The teacher said....oh, he can take a few worksheets home and work on them. Yeah, right. Who is she kidding...I can't get him to do 3 math problems without having a fight and she thinks he will do 2 math sheets. OMG! Each time now I get angrier and angrier when I think about it. It is okay for my son to miss academic time when it is convenient for them....but otherwise NO!> > > > > > So, I wrote the asst. principal and the case manager....basicall y I told them that my son was not being give

his right to a full academic day like all the other students. Discrimination. I added up 15 min. a day which come to 1 1/4 hours a week or 5 hours a month or 45 hours a year...so I gave them some choices:> > > > > > 1. Put him back on the reg. bus (not such a great idea)> > > 2. Put him on another small bus that leaves at the regular dismisal time> > > 3. Give a tutor for 1 1/4 hours to make up the difference ...plus he should get one for all the time he lost last year.> > > 4. Put him in a math class that is not at the end of the day.> > > > > > My son stuggles with math and he needs all the time he can get with the teacher. A lot of time they let the students work on their math homework and have the teacher to help them. So, he is missing all this. Plus I truly believe what they are doing is Illegal. Does anyone know this for sure???> > > >

> > I would appreciate your comments.> > > > > > jan> > >> >>

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Welll everyone....guess what...the Asst. Principal and the Spec. Ed. Supervisor called me today. Very concened...hmmmmmmmmmmmmm???? They kept trying to down play the time he would be missing...yeah right. And I said...if the time is used individually then this is when could do his homework and/or get assistance fromt he teacher or spec. ed. teacher in the classroom. I also told them i was aware of a student in the h.s. that had her bus changed so that she only leaves a few minutes before the other kids. Hmmmm? I was told that my son could stay to the end and then wait 1/2 hour somewhere and have a monitor walk him over to the elementary schoool at 3 to catch their spec. needs bus. Yeah right I can just see that happening in the middle of winter...

Now my son caught wind of all this and is truly upset with me. He says I always have to butt in....he said he wants to ride the smaller bus...not the regular bus and he doesn't want to be dismissed with everyone else...he doesn't want them all to know he rides the smaller bus...although most kids would probably know...but he says NO. He says he rather miss math then be embarrassed.

Oh, I guess I am fighting a losing battle with both the school and my son.


Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: T <juice00000@...>Subject: ( ) Re: Question about school buses leaving early Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 3:24 PM

You are welcome! I hope you can get it resolved satisfactorily.TJ > > > >> > > > Hi everyone .....I am going to throw this out to all of you....and see what you think or know for a fact. > > > > > > > > My son rides a smaller bus becuase he was getting in trouble on the larger one...kids picked on him and teased him...he didn't know his own space and annoyed kids...etc. etc. So we put him on a small bus with about 3 kids on it. He comes home in a better mood...less noise, less stress and no picking on. > > > > > > > > But here

comes the problem..... the bus leaves earlier then the regular buses. They tell me 15 min. I know for a fact that the high school students leave 1/2 hour early as I work in the school district. > > > > > > > > Now here is the corker....at the transition meeting...the teacher said she was very concerned about his IEP because it states he can take up to 4 sensory breaks a day. She was afraid he was going to ABUSE it. She said you know how kids love to get out of class. She was afraid of him missing academic time. I informed her that so far my son has never taken a break...not once. In fact, I told her I want the teacher to monitor him and make him take one when they see he is tired or stress ....Then they told me since my son is allowed to retake a test if his grade is below a 70, that he would have to take it after school. They are afraid of him missing academic time. Ok....that is fine...I understand.. ..but then I

dropped the bomb.> > > > > > > > I told them at the meeting...since the buses leave early, I didn't want my son in an academic class at the end of the day. He had math this past year and missed 15 -20 min. of academic time. Well, guess what...since he is in band...he will have math at the end of day...in fact both red and blue teams have math at the end of the day. Only the white team doesn't and that is becuase they don't have band. > > > > The teacher said....oh, he can take a few worksheets home and work on them. Yeah, right. Who is she kidding...I can't get him to do 3 math problems without having a fight and she thinks he will do 2 math sheets. OMG! Each time now I get angrier and angrier when I think about it. It is okay for my son to miss academic time when it is convenient for them....but otherwise NO!> > > > > > > > So, I wrote the asst. principal and the case

manager....basicall y I told them that my son was not being give his right to a full academic day like all the other students. Discrimination. I added up 15 min. a day which come to 1 1/4 hours a week or 5 hours a month or 45 hours a year...so I gave them some choices:> > > > > > > > 1. Put him back on the reg. bus (not such a great idea)> > > > 2. Put him on another small bus that leaves at the regular dismisal time> > > > 3. Give a tutor for 1 1/4 hours to make up the difference ...plus he should get one for all the time he lost last year.> > > > 4. Put him in a math class that is not at the end of the day.> > > > > > > > My son stuggles with math and he needs all the time he can get with the teacher. A lot of time they let the students work on their math homework and have the teacher to help them. So, he is missing all this. Plus I truly

believe what they are doing is Illegal. Does anyone know this for sure???> > > > > > > > I would appreciate your comments.> > > > > > > > jan> > > >> > >> >>

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I often had that experience of losing at both ends. lol.

You don't have to lose hope or give up, though. You can often figure out a compromise. He could leave 5 minutes early and not miss as much time in class, for example. He could get math tutoring at the end of his lunch if he has free time. They could alter the bus schedule so that sped kids leave at the correct time (duh to them...) and if they can't, ask them for another means of transportation. One year, my ds got a ride in an SUV that the school bought for some sped students. And my dd broke her leg that year, full leg cast, so she ended up riding in the same SUV. But my point is, there are other options or options not thought up yet. It doesn't have to be "it's this way or nothing" which often times, ends up being what is presented. Think of what he needs and then think of ideas on how to reach those needs. Usually, the school shows you what they have and you have to fit your kid into that. But technically, it should go the other way around. So try thinking that way and you might come up with some ideas.

One thing to do with your ds is talk to him. Show him how he is missing this much time and it's unacceptable, then ask for his ideas in how to solve the problem. He might have some nice ideas. And he will like being part of the process. Let him know you are willing to compromise but there has to be a solution you can all agree upon. And if he still balks, you have to do what is right. I mean, some kids just hate change -period. My older ds would rather stay in a crappy situation than change, even if the change was a positive one. He just hated change. So many times I have push him through a change. Over time, I think he has learned that sometimes change is a good thing or a positive thing. If I had let him never change - it wouldn't really prepare him for the real world and it would also make his problem worse. I tried not to reinforce some things. When he was a toddler and wouldn't eat food unless it was cold, I could have catered to that and he'd be 20 yo now and still putting all his food in ice water. Or, I just proceeded to introduce him to warmer food over time, gradually getting him used to warm. And now he eats perfectly fine - hot, cold, in between. The thing is, it isn't always easy to do what he needs. But you see the big picture and have to make decisions based on that. Not what he wants or what they want at the school - what he needs.

So try to figure out if he is just stuck because he doesn't want to face change vs. he has other reasons for not wanting to change. It's a good time to practice social skills - discuss, compromise, think of solutions together, not getting your way all the time, etc.


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." E. Burke

( ) Re: Question about school buses leaving early

Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 3:24 PM

You are welcome! I hope you can get it resolved satisfactorily.


> > > >

> > > > Hi everyone .....I am going to throw this out to all of you....and see what you think or know for a fact.

> > > >

> > > > My son rides a smaller bus becuase he was getting in trouble on the larger one...kids picked on him and teased him...he didn't know his own space and annoyed kids...etc. etc. So we put him on a small bus with about 3 kids on it. He comes home in a better mood...less noise, less stress and no picking on.

> > > >

> > > > But here

comes the problem..... the bus leaves earlier then the regular buses. They tell me 15 min. I know for a fact that the high school students leave 1/2 hour early as I work in the school district.

> > > >

> > > > Now here is the corker....at the transition meeting...the teacher said she was very concerned about his IEP because it states he can take up to 4 sensory breaks a day. She was afraid he was going to ABUSE it. She said you know how kids love to get out of class. She was afraid of him missing academic time. I informed her that so far my son has never taken a break...not once. In fact, I told her I want the teacher to monitor him and make him take one when they see he is tired or stress ....Then they told me since my son is allowed to retake a test if his grade is below a 70, that he would have to take it after school. They are afraid of him missing academic time. Ok....that is fine...I understand.. ..but then I

dropped the bomb.

> > > >

> > > > I told them at the meeting...since the buses leave early, I didn't want my son in an academic class at the end of the day. He had math this past year and missed 15 -20 min. of academic time. Well, guess what...since he is in band...he will have math at the end of day...in fact both red and blue teams have math at the end of the day. Only the white team doesn't and that is becuase they don't have band.

> > > > The teacher said....oh, he can take a few worksheets home and work on them. Yeah, right. Who is she kidding...I can't get him to do 3 math problems without having a fight and she thinks he will do 2 math sheets. OMG! Each time now I get angrier and angrier when I think about it. It is okay for my son to miss academic time when it is convenient for them....but otherwise NO!

> > > >

> > > > So, I wrote the asst. principal and the case

manager....basicall y I told them that my son was not being give his right to a full academic day like all the other students. Discrimination. I added up 15 min. a day which come to 1 1/4 hours a week or 5 hours a month or 45 hours a year...so I gave them some choices:

> > > >

> > > > 1. Put him back on the reg. bus (not such a great idea)

> > > > 2. Put him on another small bus that leaves at the regular dismisal time

> > > > 3. Give a tutor for 1 1/4 hours to make up the difference ...plus he should get one for all the time he lost last year.

> > > > 4. Put him in a math class that is not at the end of the day.

> > > >

> > > > My son stuggles with math and he needs all the time he can get with the teacher. A lot of time they let the students work on their math homework and have the teacher to help them. So, he is missing all this. Plus I truly

believe what they are doing is Illegal. Does anyone know this for sure???

> > > >

> > > > I would appreciate your comments.

> > > >

> > > > jan

> > > >

> > >

> >


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You are so right...later I spoke with my husband...he did not like the idea of him having to wait an extra 1/2 hour and then walk across the road and down the hill to the elementary school to catch a bus. And, can you imagine how embarrassed he would be with all those little kids. OMG...I didn't even think about that part...I just know he would have a fit having to stay an extra 1/2 hour and then have to walk w/ a monitor every day ...rain or shine or cold winds or snow across to the elementary. I don't like the idea and told this to the Assistant principal.

I suggested again....that he leaves only 5 min. before the end of the day. This way he won't miss much at all and the other kids won't see him get on the smaller bus. He likes riding the smaller bus but doesn't want everyone to know (as if they didn't already). This I can tolerate and so could my son. I am pushing for this because I know they do this for a student at the high school I work in. So, it is something I know that is already being done...

I did give them an option of supplying me with a tutor at home to make up the missed time ...at least 1 1/4 hours a week. I know the student I work with loses 2 1/2 hours every week and who is to say my son won't once he goes into the jr. high. Right now he leaves at 3:00 and the kids are done at 3:17. And, you know the kids start shutting down ahead of time and he needs to pack up and go to locker...so he probably misses more like 20 to 25 min.

Since, my son accepts the changed to 5 min. before the bell...this is what I am going to push for. He was so cute because after he had gone in his room for a few minutes do to melting down...he came out and said ...Mom, which would you rather do....miss some school work or be embarrassed in front of all your friends. I told him the truth...that I would rather miss school than be embarrassed...but I had to stress how important this time was and how he would be able to have the teachers there to help him w/ his homework and such. He said he appreciated my honest answer. I thought that was cute.

My son is growing up....maturing....and partly due to the help of Geodon...his anger and moodiness have lessened. I also noticed when he yells or starts to melt down...he will later apologize and say I love you. That is what melts my heart. "I love you mom".


Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: T <juice00000msn (DOT) com>Subject: ( ) Re: Question about school buses leaving early Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 3:24 PM

You are welcome! I hope you can get it resolved satisfactorily.TJ > > > >> > > > Hi everyone .....I am going to throw this out to all of you....and see what you think or know for a fact. > > > > > > > > My son rides a smaller bus becuase he was getting in trouble on the larger one...kids picked on him and teased him...he didn't know his own space and annoyed kids...etc. etc. So we put him on a small bus with about 3 kids on it. He comes home in a better mood...less noise, less stress and no picking on. > > > > > > > > But here comes the problem..... the bus leaves earlier then the regular buses. They tell me 15 min.

I know for a fact that the high school students leave 1/2 hour early as I work in the school district. > > > > > > > > Now here is the corker....at the transition meeting...the teacher said she was very concerned about his IEP because it states he can take up to 4 sensory breaks a day. She was afraid he was going to ABUSE it. She said you know how kids love to get out of class. She was afraid of him missing academic time. I informed her that so far my son has never taken a break...not once. In fact, I told her I want the teacher to monitor him and make him take one when they see he is tired or stress ....Then they told me since my son is allowed to retake a test if his grade is below a 70, that he would have to take it after school. They are afraid of him missing academic time. Ok....that is fine...I understand.. ..but then I dropped the bomb.> > > > > > > > I told them at the

meeting...since the buses leave early, I didn't want my son in an academic class at the end of the day. He had math this past year and missed 15 -20 min. of academic time. Well, guess what...since he is in band...he will have math at the end of day...in fact both red and blue teams have math at the end of the day. Only the white team doesn't and that is becuase they don't have band. > > > > The teacher said....oh, he can take a few worksheets home and work on them. Yeah, right. Who is she kidding...I can't get him to do 3 math problems without having a fight and she thinks he will do 2 math sheets. OMG! Each time now I get angrier and angrier when I think about it. It is okay for my son to miss academic time when it is convenient for them....but otherwise NO!> > > > > > > > So, I wrote the asst. principal and the case manager....basicall y I told them that my son was not being give his right to a full

academic day like all the other students. Discrimination. I added up 15 min. a day which come to 1 1/4 hours a week or 5 hours a month or 45 hours a year...so I gave them some choices:> > > > > > > > 1. Put him back on the reg. bus (not such a great idea)> > > > 2. Put him on another small bus that leaves at the regular dismisal time> > > > 3. Give a tutor for 1 1/4 hours to make up the difference ...plus he should get one for all the time he lost last year.> > > > 4. Put him in a math class that is not at the end of the day.> > > > > > > > My son stuggles with math and he needs all the time he can get with the teacher. A lot of time they let the students work on their math homework and have the teacher to help them. So, he is missing all this. Plus I truly believe what they are doing is Illegal. Does anyone know this for sure???> >

> > > > > > I would appreciate your comments.> > > > > > > > jan> > > >> > >> >>

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You are so right...sometimes I overstep my boundaries where my son is concerned....I worry so much about his education and forget about the social stuff....so I spoke with him. He doesn't want to ride the regular bus, he doesn't want to stay an extra 1/2 hour and then be walked down to the elementary center (bad idea to begin with).

So I asked him...what if you 5 min. before the other kids...then you could get on the smaller bus w/out any one seeing you and your would not miss much math. He liked that idea...so that is what I proposed and I already know they do this for 2 students in the high school I work in (same district).

I did leave another option and that was to leave everything the way it was but to provide him with a tutor once a week for the time he missed.



Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: r_woman2 <me2ruth@...>Subject: ( ) Re: Question about school buses leaving early Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 7:52 PM

>> Now my son caught wind of all this and is truly upset with me. He says I always have to butt in....he said he wants to ride the smaller bus...not the regular bus and he doesn't want to be dismissed with everyone else...he doesn't want them all to know he rides the smaller bus...although most kids would probably know...but he says NO. He says he rather miss math then be embarrassed. Well, maybe you should respect your son's wishes. After all, he has to live it. But I don't think you should consider this a loss--more like an option you are taking. And I don't think you should give up on getting the time back. I think you should wait until you figure out exactly

what the laws are--then you'll know where to push better. I bet they'll give in and give you tutoring time or something.Ruth

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I like your two options and they both sound reasonable to me. If they can't change when he leaves, they could supply a tutor for the time he is missing. Let us know which one you end up getting.

I'm glad you had a nice talk with your ds about this! Yay!


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." E. Burke

( ) Re: Question about school buses leaving early

Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 3:24 PM

You are welcome! I hope you can get it resolved satisfactorily.


> > > >

> > > > Hi everyone .....I am going to throw this out to all of you....and see what you think or know for a fact.

> > > >

> > > > My son rides a smaller bus becuase he was getting in trouble on the larger one...kids picked on him and teased him...he didn't know his own space and annoyed kids...etc. etc. So we put him on a small bus with about 3 kids on it. He comes home in a better mood...less noise, less stress and no picking on.

> > > >

> > > > But here comes the problem..... the bus leaves earlier then the regular buses. They tell me 15 min.

I know for a fact that the high school students leave 1/2 hour early as I work in the school district.

> > > >

> > > > Now here is the corker....at the transition meeting...the teacher said she was very concerned about his IEP because it states he can take up to 4 sensory breaks a day. She was afraid he was going to ABUSE it. She said you know how kids love to get out of class. She was afraid of him missing academic time. I informed her that so far my son has never taken a break...not once. In fact, I told her I want the teacher to monitor him and make him take one when they see he is tired or stress ....Then they told me since my son is allowed to retake a test if his grade is below a 70, that he would have to take it after school. They are afraid of him missing academic time. Ok....that is fine...I understand.. ..but then I dropped the bomb.

> > > >

> > > > I told them at the

meeting...since the buses leave early, I didn't want my son in an academic class at the end of the day. He had math this past year and missed 15 -20 min. of academic time. Well, guess what...since he is in band...he will have math at the end of day...in fact both red and blue teams have math at the end of the day. Only the white team doesn't and that is becuase they don't have band.

> > > > The teacher said....oh, he can take a few worksheets home and work on them. Yeah, right. Who is she kidding...I can't get him to do 3 math problems without having a fight and she thinks he will do 2 math sheets. OMG! Each time now I get angrier and angrier when I think about it. It is okay for my son to miss academic time when it is convenient for them....but otherwise NO!

> > > >

> > > > So, I wrote the asst. principal and the case manager....basicall y I told them that my son was not being give his right to a full

academic day like all the other students. Discrimination. I added up 15 min. a day which come to 1 1/4 hours a week or 5 hours a month or 45 hours a year...so I gave them some choices:

> > > >

> > > > 1. Put him back on the reg. bus (not such a great idea)

> > > > 2. Put him on another small bus that leaves at the regular dismisal time

> > > > 3. Give a tutor for 1 1/4 hours to make up the difference ...plus he should get one for all the time he lost last year.

> > > > 4. Put him in a math class that is not at the end of the day.

> > > >

> > > > My son stuggles with math and he needs all the time he can get with the teacher. A lot of time they let the students work on their math homework and have the teacher to help them. So, he is missing all this. Plus I truly believe what they are doing is Illegal. Does anyone know this for sure???

> >

> >

> > > > I would appreciate your comments.

> > > >

> > > > jan

> > > >

> > >

> >


Paying hundreds for more mobile than you need? Take a Peek at the answer.

Paying hundreds for more mobile than you need? Take a Peek at the answer.

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Yes...my son is getting a lot better...I think partly due to Maturity and Geodon....when we first started him on it in the beginning of May ...I saw a completely different kid. Now mind you he still got burnt out from school, he still gets annoyed with us (parents), has meltdowns but they are not as bad or as long. And, the great news is....when he is done or after he may have yelled at me...he says I am sorry I yelled. I love you mom. Or, he will go to his room and turn his radio real loud but then 5 min. later he comes out and trys to explain himself. WOW!!!!!

And, summer is here now...no homework,,,,,and no getting up early. The medicine makes him tired so he is in bed before 10 pm...nothing like last year when he would stay up till 2 or 3 in the monring. And, it is great because when school starts up he gets to bed at 9 pm or before. Plus I think this medicine helps him get a better nights sleep. And, thus he wakes up in a better mood!!!! Very important.

Thanks for everything you do Roxanna ....I owe you mucho....hee hee....


Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: T <juice00000msn (DOT) com>Subject: ( ) Re: Question about school buses leaving early Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 3:24 PM

You are welcome! I hope you can get it resolved satisfactorily.TJ > > > >> > > > Hi everyone .....I am going to throw this out to all of you....and see what you think or know for a fact. > > > > > > > > My son rides a smaller bus becuase he was getting in trouble on the larger one...kids picked on him and teased him...he didn't know his own space and annoyed kids...etc. etc. So we put him on a small bus with about 3 kids on it. He comes home in a better mood...less noise, less stress and no picking on. > > > > > > > > But here comes the problem..... the bus leaves earlier then the regular buses. They tell me 15 min.

I know for a fact that the high school students leave 1/2 hour early as I work in the school district. > > > > > > > > Now here is the corker....at the transition meeting...the teacher said she was very concerned about his IEP because it states he can take up to 4 sensory breaks a day. She was afraid he was going to ABUSE it. She said you know how kids love to get out of class. She was afraid of him missing academic time. I informed her that so far my son has never taken a break...not once. In fact, I told her I want the teacher to monitor him and make him take one when they see he is tired or stress ....Then they told me since my son is allowed to retake a test if his grade is below a 70, that he would have to take it after school. They are afraid of him missing academic time. Ok....that is fine...I understand.. ..but then I dropped the bomb.> > > > > > > > I told them at the

meeting...since the buses leave early, I didn't want my son in an academic class at the end of the day. He had math this past year and missed 15 -20 min. of academic time. Well, guess what...since he is in band...he will have math at the end of day...in fact both red and blue teams have math at the end of the day. Only the white team doesn't and that is becuase they don't have band. > > > > The teacher said....oh, he can take a few worksheets home and work on them. Yeah, right. Who is she kidding...I can't get him to do 3 math problems without having a fight and she thinks he will do 2 math sheets. OMG! Each time now I get angrier and angrier when I think about it. It is okay for my son to miss academic time when it is convenient for them....but otherwise NO!> > > > > > > > So, I wrote the asst. principal and the case manager....basicall y I told them that my son was not being give his right to a full

academic day like all the other students. Discrimination. I added up 15 min. a day which come to 1 1/4 hours a week or 5 hours a month or 45 hours a year...so I gave them some choices:> > > > > > > > 1. Put him back on the reg. bus (not such a great idea)> > > > 2. Put him on another small bus that leaves at the regular dismisal time> > > > 3. Give a tutor for 1 1/4 hours to make up the difference ...plus he should get one for all the time he lost last year.> > > > 4. Put him in a math class that is not at the end of the day.> > > > > > > > My son stuggles with math and he needs all the time he can get with the teacher. A lot of time they let the students work on their math homework and have the teacher to help them. So, he is missing all this. Plus I truly believe what they are doing is Illegal. Does anyone know this for sure???> >

> > > > > > I would appreciate your comments.> > > > > > > > jan> > > >> > >> >>

Paying hundreds for more mobile than you need? Take a Peek at the answer.

Paying hundreds for more mobile than you need? Take a Peek at the answer.

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