Guest guest Posted June 22, 2009 Report Share Posted June 22, 2009 wow that is a good idea, maybe i can mention to his TSS the same thing it just might help, i mean at the very least i will know what sets him off to a point, because alot of times we are standing here wondering what the heck just happened to set him off. any way do you know what an autism functioning eval is? i think that is what he called it, my son's pschycologist emailed and wants to do this test on him i am not sure what it is, i know sounds strange as he has been dx already but the dx was reached after several eval in office and from the auchenbach test that form with all the questions that you have to answer and their observations at school and at their office. i like others knew from like 5 yrs old when the first therapist/counselor he had, he came to me said the dr(psychiatrist) thinks joshua may have asperger's do you know what it is? i said no he gave me tons of info and i started the research then we lived in NC then well, then the agency i was going thru decided to send him to Chapel Hill to the TEACCH center for eval for either asperger's or pdd okay so we went. they did several evals on him and one particular that i remember and this angered me and my mom who went with us, they had him sit in a room with an adult i am not sure what her title was but he interacted really well with her he was building with lincoln logs he loves those things well i could see thru one of those oneway windows where i could see him but he could see me, well he toook all this time to build a little log cabin for me and he was so excited the guy who was doing the overall assestment on his way out the door knocked it over my son didnt react just sat there and stared at what the man had done for no apparent reason, as soon as he was out of the room my son started to cry he then came to the area i was and said you may go in with your son we will call you back in just a few minutes, so we went to my son who was by this time very upset, he said i dont like that man, i built that house for you and it was hard it took me a really long time to make it and i wanted you to see it and he just knocked it down for no reason, i said maybe it was an accident son, he said no mommy that mean man did that on purpose, why did he do that? i said i really dont know, he said will you tell the man that it was mean and i didnt like him doing that, yes i will. well this guy says because my son did so well with the lady in the same room and because he didnt react in a typical way that a child with autism would when he knocked over his building he come to the conclusion joshua does not have autism or pdd that he has anxiety due to the fact that his father and i had split up and i should put him in boy scouts . but as i said i had done mountains of research and so this answer infuriated me. i went home pulled out a printout off the computer that had early signs and suymptoms of autism and asperger's specifically well, i read them off to my mom and after each question she would either answer that is josh or no he doesnt do that, by the time i got done my mom was also furious with chapel hill, she said if joshua doesnt have asperger's i am not sitting here. I said i know mom that is why that idiot infuriated me so much, so what do i do now she said i dont know but he has this. anyway eventually i moved back up here and when the first dr expressed that his dx was for asperger's with adhd secondary i sat silent he says you dont seem surprised i said no, he said you've heard this before, i said yes when he was 5 in NC and explained to him about what happened he said well i am not sure what they based their decision on but it is mine asperger's and adhd secondary i said ok, and here we are today. but if you have done the autism functioning eval or whatever it is please let me know what it is, my son has already had so many test in the past 2 yrs i just dont know what test he needs to have done and which ones wont matter, ya know. thanks for all the help, and sorry it is so long i tend to get long winded on the computer and i know my spelling is awful please forgive me, lol . sherry in PaFrom: rushen janice <jrushen@...> Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2009 9:11:51 PMSubject: Re: ( ) Re: PSSA test scores-poor/UPDATE You know son can be very loud too! I don't think they realize it. If he is in the car with other boys...he gets way, way too loud. I don't think he is too loud in school...except maybe at lunch!!! My son wrote in this book with his TSS what noises bother him like the Refridgerator humming and people turning pages ...hmmm? Jan Janice Rushen "I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope" From: Sherry Burford <aspiemomone>Subject: Re: ( ) Re: PSSA test scores-poor/ UPDATE Date: Saturday, June 20, 2009, 2:45 PM my son has told me that before, that he keeps hearing noises even when it seems to be very quiet for me . sherry From: Melody <mkalomiriscomcast (DOT) net> Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 8:51:54 PMSubject: ( ) Re: PSSA test scores-poor/ UPDATE in a small way, i can relate. if i go to a noisy and active environment, i wear down and get very tired, sometimes a headache. then later at night, the noise continues to echo in my head--i keep hearing the sounds and i can not relax and will have a sleepless night. this did not occur when i was young, only since about the age of 40. if this is anywhere close to what these kids are feeling, i can understand why my daughter is always tired.regards, melody> >> > thanks ruth, my son can get very frustrated even put his hands over his ears and scream stop i am getting frustrated and i dont know what to do , but sometimes he doesnt tell you he just starts going ballistic and covering his ears > > Yes, I know what you mean; our son does this exact same thing. I don't know what you can do besides leave him alone when he gets so overwhelmed. My son is 14 and I learned awhile back to see the warning signs and back off. At first I thought that he would never learn to behave better if I didn't "do" something when he behaves like this, but it has not worked that way. Leaving him alone has given him the chance to develop self-calming skills and learn how to get himself together. He has improved tremendously! We're very pleased in this area--it is one thing our school did right, as I don't think working on it unilaterally would have done the trick (the last school proved that).> > Ruth> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 26, 2009 Report Share Posted June 26, 2009 I sorta like NCLB. I haven't seen too many negatives compared to positives in my school. I like that they have to test all the kids and they have to report it. I like giving kids options if their school is not doing the job. I think there are other ways to do this too. I just don't see it happening any time soon. Anyway, I think the bigger problem with your ds "might" be something called, "The Effect." you can read more about it here --> Roxanna "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." E. Burke ( ) Re: PSSA test scores-poor/ UPDATE in a small way, i can relate. if i go to a noisy and active environment, i wear down and get very tired, sometimes a headache. then later at night, the noise continues to echo in my head--i keep hearing the sounds and i can not relax and will have a sleepless night. this did not occur when i was young, only since about the age of 40. if this is anywhere close to what these kids are feeling, i can understand why my daughter is always tired. regards, melody > > > > thanks ruth, my son can get very frustrated even put his hands over his ears and scream stop i am getting frustrated and i dont know what to do , but sometimes he doesnt tell you he just starts going ballistic and covering his ears > > Yes, I know what you mean; our son does this exact same thing. I don't know what you can do besides leave him alone when he gets so overwhelmed. My son is 14 and I learned awhile back to see the warning signs and back off. At first I thought that he would never learn to behave better if I didn't "do" something when he behaves like this, but it has not worked that way. Leaving him alone has given him the chance to develop self-calming skills and learn how to get himself together. He has improved tremendously! We're very pleased in this area--it is one thing our school did right, as I don't think working on it unilaterally would have done the trick (the last school proved that). > > Ruth > Paying hundreds for more mobile than you need? Take a Peek at the answer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 26, 2009 Report Share Posted June 26, 2009 I like the idea of the schools having to report and such...but at what expense? Our kids' education???? I am in the school and I see what they do....they are teaching the kids to pass the exam not to is sad. I think the whole system is sad...we need more basics....I see kids in 11th grade counting on their fingers and kids who can not multiple w/out a calculator. They are always so amazed when I do all the work without a calculator.... I pray this Effect is not true for my son...oh, that is so sad. Special Ed. was not challenging the kids enough....and they had to take the same exams the other kids not fair ....they had not even be taught algebra and/or geometry. The policy now in our district is to teach the Spec. ed. students at grade if they are in 10th grade they will learn geometry and not 5th grade math. Sounds great...but what if the students really can learn it...this is all so confusing. My son has been moved to an inclusion class for everything....and he gets help with reading thru the Reading program....hopefully he can catch up somewhat. He does hate to read...but can. jan Janice Rushen "I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope" From: Sherry Burford <aspiemomone>Subject: Re: ( ) Re: PSSA test scores-poor/ UPDATE Date: Saturday, June 20, 2009, 2:45 PM my son has told me that before, that he keeps hearing noises even when it seems to be very quiet for me . sherry From: Melody <mkalomiriscomcast (DOT) net> Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 8:51:54 PMSubject: ( ) Re: PSSA test scores-poor/ UPDATE in a small way, i can relate. if i go to a noisy and active environment, i wear down and get very tired, sometimes a headache. then later at night, the noise continues to echo in my head--i keep hearing the sounds and i can not relax and will have a sleepless night. this did not occur when i was young, only since about the age of 40. if this is anywhere close to what these kids are feeling, i can understand why my daughter is always tired.regards, melody> >> > thanks ruth, my son can get very frustrated even put his hands over his ears and scream stop i am getting frustrated and i dont know what to do , but sometimes he doesnt tell you he just starts going ballistic and covering his ears > > Yes, I know what you mean; our son does this exact same thing. I don't know what you can do besides leave him alone when he gets so overwhelmed. My son is 14 and I learned awhile back to see the warning signs and back off. At first I thought that he would never learn to behave better if I didn't "do" something when he behaves like this, but it has not worked that way. Leaving him alone has given him the chance to develop self-calming skills and learn how to get himself together. He has improved tremendously! We're very pleased in this area--it is one thing our school did right, as I don't think working on it unilaterally would have done the trick (the last school proved that).> > Ruth> Paying hundreds for more mobile than you need? Take a Peek at the answer. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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