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Yeast - backwards?

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As I've read all the posts here re: yeast and its effects, I started

thinking that my " mild to moderate ASD " non-verbal 2.10 month son

had/has a problem with yeast.

I have NOT tried any yeast medications - yet.

Here's a weird one: Since Monday, he and his twin have been taking

antibiotics for double ear infections each. I was apprehensive about

this thinking about the yeast issue and how it's probably going to

get worse. We didn't think there was an infection in him because the

only " symptoms " he had were dark purple circles under his eyes after

having a cold and more of his " autistic like behaviors " of running

into walls, banging his head on the couch and spitting his juice.

These are every day occurances for him, but they were doubled when

the ear infection was going on.

Since taking the antibiotics he:

1. Does NOT have the " yeast " rash around his anus area.

2. Has not had stinky diapers - he has some killer ones usually!

3. Seems to be more " with " us and wanting to interact, be held and

hugged, and

4. Has an interest in talking with us. Instead of just pointing or

grunting, he is trying to use the sign language that we've been

teaching for over a year. Today I heard him actually say, " mom

mom " " no way " " stop it " and " huh? " . NEVER heard these before.

The one negative I have noticed since the antibiotics is biting. He

went through this phase when he was about 18 months old but quit.

Today he has bitten his brother twice REALLY hard and bit me once.

It's almost as if his teeth have a mind of their own.

So......what do you think it going on? Is this weird or what?



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