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New to the group with questions

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Hello gg,

Your story sounds a lot like mine, except that I do drink coffee. And

what is MVP? Yes, Armour is on prescription, but you need to do what

you can to get some and try it. Contrary to what most Dr's believe,

Armour is not " difficult to regulate " , or what my GP

called " unstable " . My hormones Dr. won't prescribe Synthroid, only

dessicated-- so there are some good ones out there. You need to work

up to four grains Armour. If that doesn't do it for you then you

might consider T3/Cytomel. My fibromyalgia was not cured on 14 grains

of Armour plus 25 mcg Cytomel, nor did I become hyerT. So now I am

titrating upwards on Cytomel. Check www.drlowe.com for more

information on hypoT/fibromyalgia.

You may also require adrenal support so maybe ask your Dr. to check

your cortisol.


In hypothyroidism , " smiles_gg " <burns_gg@...> wrote:


> hi all, I'm new to the group -- just joined a few weeks ago. I was

> diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis over 2 months ago. My ex


> the one " I recently fired " -- claimed to be an expert on

Fibromyalgia --

> which I was diagnosed with 11 years ago. I had questioned the

> possibility that I had thyroid dysfunction for years -- and finally


> of her PA's put me on low dose of Synthroid approx, 2 years back.


> then, my pain levels from my Fibromyalgia, neck pain from a


> car accident/arthritis, depression, low energy, mental confusion,


> problems, etc -- all had become much worse.


> Long story short, I changed to an different PCP this summer. She

> immediately went over my labs from my ex-doc and realized that she


> NOT been running adequate thyroid test on me. At that time, my TSH


> 7.8 and my thyroid antibodies where somewhere in the 8-900 range.

I was

> so exhausted I could barely walk to the mailbox or up stairs and was

> sleeping up to 15 or more hours a day. My blood pressure was often


> the 80/50 range!


> So, at that time -- my new doc put me on 100 mcg of Levoxyl. About 6

> weeks into this new therapy I did have a decrease in horrible pain

> levels and slight increase in energy. My last blood test revealed


> my TSH was .2 something. Past 2 weeks, I've been very sluggish


> no appetite and my sex hormones are all out of sorts. I've had


> attacks, horrible bloating, mood swings, legs/feet swelling, etc.


> weight is around 130-35 and I'm 5'6 " tall. This weight is more than

> I've been all my life -- but I would gladly put on more if it would


> my energy level. I have to force food down -- (I'm trying to eat


> high protein, low carb -- no sugar diet.) I don't use alcohol,

smoke or

> drink caffeine. I have MVP and the caffeine really affects this

> condition. I have extreme sensitivities to both drugs and

alcohol. If

> a doc prescribes something for pain -- I take 1/4 of the dosage.


> This past week at my checkup (with new doc) -- I questioned her


> the Armour therapy. She told me that Armour was very difficult to

> regulate and that my condition was too unstable to consider this.


> My question is: is Armour a prescription thyroid medication or

not? I

> am very critical of MD's only treating patients with drugs when

> sometimes they need to refer you to a nutrientist or other non-drug

> related therapies. Point is, I don't trust any MD!!!!!


> I've been told that it can take up to 6 months or longer to get

some of

> your health back -- but from what I've read from this group -- the

> future doesn't seem too promising. (??)


> I have a long history of autoimmune issues including Scarcoidosis

in my

> lungs. I've started reading several books on thyroid function --


> have a " lot " to learn. Right now, I'm trying to not be s-oooo bitter

> about all that I went through with my previous doc. She kept

> prescribing different antidepressants that didn't help at all. Her

> practice had also refereed me to several specialist and a pain


> this past year -- all of those docs simply said I had depression. I

> kept trying to convince these docs that " you'd be depressed " --

if you

> had no energy to do anything, work, grocery shop, hobbies, etc!!! I

> wasn't even able to drive my car a few blocks away.


> (I'm only 47 but feel like I'm 90.)


> I will appreciate any advice or opinions from the readers. thanks,






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Thanks Gail:

MPV stands for mitral valve prolapse. Many people with

Fibro have this condition as well. Alone with

irritable bowel, etc.



Thanks for the other information. Reading on-line is

easier than trying to focus on books. My hypo T has

affected my vision -- long story. You all know the


thanks again, gg

--- & Gail on <caniscaeli@...>


> Hello gg,

> Your story sounds a lot like mine, except that I do

> drink coffee. And

> what is MVP? Yes, Armour is on prescription, but you

> need to do what

> you can to get some and try it. Contrary to what

> most Dr's believe,

> Armour is not " difficult to regulate " , or what my GP


> called " unstable " . My hormones Dr. won't prescribe

> Synthroid, only

> dessicated-- so there are some good ones out there.

> You need to work

> up to four grains Armour. If that doesn't do it for

> you then you

> might consider T3/Cytomel. My fibromyalgia was not

> cured on 14 grains





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It's common in dogs with hypoT as well. You do understand that

fibromyalgia is almost always hypoT undiagnosed or undertreated?

I have another website--gotta find it.

Irritable bowel, irritable bladder, blurry vision, and a lot of other

things, yes I understand alright.


In hypothyroidism , gg <burns_gg@...> wrote:


> Thanks Gail:


> MPV stands for mitral valve prolapse. Many people with

> Fibro have this condition as well. Alone with

> irritable bowel, etc.


> http://www.ctds.info/mvp1.html

> http://familydoctor.org/598.xml


> Thanks for the other information. Reading on-line is

> easier than trying to focus on books. My hypo T has

> affected my vision -- long story. You all know the

> drill!


> thanks again, gg


> --- & Gail on <caniscaeli@...>

> wrote:


> > Hello gg,

> > Your story sounds a lot like mine, except that I do

> > drink coffee. And

> > what is MVP? Yes, Armour is on prescription, but you

> > need to do what

> > you can to get some and try it. Contrary to what

> > most Dr's believe,

> > Armour is not " difficult to regulate " , or what my GP

> >

> > called " unstable " . My hormones Dr. won't prescribe

> > Synthroid, only

> > dessicated-- so there are some good ones out there.

> > You need to work

> > up to four grains Armour. If that doesn't do it for

> > you then you

> > might consider T3/Cytomel. My fibromyalgia was not

> > cured on 14 grains

> >

> >

> >


> __________________________________________________


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hi there - I also have had similar experience to you. With taking the

T4 I felt great initially then crashed big time - I finally realised

that I needed both T4 and T3 and I am much more stable on this

combination. So I recommend Armour or a synthetic combo. Also I found

that several of my other hormones were out of balance as well so I have

added progesterone, testosterone, melatonin and cortisol (though not

currently) .

For some its as easy as finding the right thyroid hormone and dose - for

others of us is it a more long and frustrating journey - which ever

group you fall into you will find a lot of help and support here.



new to the group with questions

hi all, I'm new to the group -- just joined a few weeks ago. I was

diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis over 2 months ago. My ex doctor,

the one " I recently fired " -- claimed to be an expert on Fibromyalgia --

which I was diagnosed with 11 years ago. I had questioned the

possibility that I had thyroid dysfunction for years -- and finally one

of her PA's put me on low dose of Synthroid approx, 2 years back. Since

then, my pain levels from my Fibromyalgia, neck pain from a previous

car accident/arthritis, depression, low energy, mental confusion, memory

problems, etc -- all had become much worse.

Long story short, I changed to an different PCP this summer. She

immediately went over my labs from my ex-doc and realized that she had

NOT been running adequate thyroid test on me. At that time, my TSH was

7.8 and my thyroid antibodies where somewhere in the 8-900 range. I was

so exhausted I could barely walk to the mailbox or up stairs and was

sleeping up to 15 or more hours a day. My blood pressure was often in

the 80/50 range!

So, at that time -- my new doc put me on 100 mcg of Levoxyl. About 6

weeks into this new therapy I did have a decrease in horrible pain

levels and slight increase in energy. My last blood test revealed that

my TSH was .2 something. Past 2 weeks, I've been very sluggish again,

no appetite and my sex hormones are all out of sorts. I've had migraine

attacks, horrible bloating, mood swings, legs/feet swelling, etc. My

weight is around 130-35 and I'm 5'6 " tall. This weight is more than

I've been all my life -- but I would gladly put on more if it would help

my energy level. I have to force food down -- (I'm trying to eat a

high protein, low carb -- no sugar diet.) I don't use alcohol, smoke or

drink caffeine. I have MVP and the caffeine really affects this

condition. I have extreme sensitivities to both drugs and alcohol. If

a doc prescribes something for pain -- I take 1/4 of the dosage.

This past week at my checkup (with new doc) -- I questioned her about

the Armour therapy. She told me that Armour was very difficult to

regulate and that my condition was too unstable to consider this. (??)

My question is: is Armour a prescription thyroid medication or not? I

am very critical of MD's only treating patients with drugs when

sometimes they need to refer you to a nutrientist or other non-drug

related therapies. Point is, I don't trust any MD!!!!!

I've been told that it can take up to 6 months or longer to get some of

your health back -- but from what I've read from this group -- the

future doesn't seem too promising. (??)

I have a long history of autoimmune issues including Scarcoidosis in my

lungs. I've started reading several books on thyroid function -- but

have a " lot " to learn. Right now, I'm trying to not be s-oooo bitter

about all that I went through with my previous doc. She kept

prescribing different antidepressants that didn't help at all. Her

practice had also refereed me to several specialist and a pain clinic

this past year -- all of those docs simply said I had depression. I

kept trying to convince these docs that " you'd be depressed " -- if you

had no energy to do anything, work, grocery shop, hobbies, etc!!! I

wasn't even able to drive my car a few blocks away.

(I'm only 47 but feel like I'm 90.)

I will appreciate any advice or opinions from the readers. thanks, gg

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Right Kerry. I'm also taking Bio-identical progesterone and

testosterone creams. And when you've had hypoT/fibromyalgia for a

long time, it's quite likely you will need low-dose hydrocortisone to

support weakened adrenals. I take 20 mg Cortef daily.

So gg, if you can convince your Dr. to test all your hormones, not

just the thyroid. Once the thyroid is out of whack, that impacts the

rest of your hormones.



> hi there - I also have had similar experience to you. With taking


> T4 I felt great initially then crashed big time - I finally realised

> that I needed both T4 and T3 and I am much more stable on this

> combination. So I recommend Armour or a synthetic combo. Also I


> that several of my other hormones were out of balance as well so I


> added progesterone, testosterone, melatonin and cortisol (though not

> currently) .


> For some its as easy as finding the right thyroid hormone and dose -


> others of us is it a more long and frustrating journey - which ever

> group you fall into you will find a lot of help and support here.


> regards,

> Kerry



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Well, I haven't even read all this. But...I take several vitamins and I

also take large doses of magnesium. This helps tremendously with leg

and foot cramps.

Then I see hyaluronic acid mentioned. That's what seemingly causes the

muscles lumps and pain--a build-up of hyaluronic acid.



> Thanks Gail:


> MPV stands for mitral valve prolapse. Many people with

> Fibro have this condition as well. Alone with

> irritable bowel, etc.


> http://www.ctds.info/mvp1.html

> http://familydoctor.org/598.xml


> Thanks for the other information. Reading on-line is

> easier than trying to focus on books. My hypo T has

> affected my vision -- long story. You all know the

> drill!


> thanks again, gg



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Well she, (new doc) said she'd test them again in 2

months when she does the next blood panel. I'm sure

this has something to do with insurance NOT paying the

reason they put off so much of this off until later!

:-( Makes me so angry!

She also just put me on low dose of Birth control

pills for the my current issues with hormones. I

wasn't too happy to try this as you can imagine -- I

always feel like a guinea pig!

Other fyi, I take 2 huge multi vitamins from a health

food store that have chromium (50 mg), Iodine (300 mg)

and manganese (8mg). I need to learn more about

cortisol?? thanks, gg

--- Kerry Ann Faithfull <kerry@...> wrote:

> hi there - I also have had similar experience to

> you. With taking the

> T4 I felt great initially then crashed big time - I

> finally realised

> that I needed both T4 and T3 and I am much more

> stable on this

> combination. So I recommend Armour or a synthetic

> combo. Also I found

> that several of my other hormones were out of

> balance as well so I have

> added progesterone, testosterone, melatonin and

> cortisol (though not

> currently) .


> For some its as easy as finding the right thyroid

> hormone and dose - for

> others of us is it a more long and frustrating

> journey - which ever

> group you fall into you will find a lot of help and

> support here.


> regards,

> Kerry





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Hi gg-

Whatever your opinion of ne Somers is, she does have a lot of research and

expert advice in her new book just out--Ageless. A great source of information

for anyone with hormone questions.

Personally, I've been on bioidentical hormones for 5 years. They do require your

attention and need adjustments, but, after taking the pill, even the lowest

dose, I would rather drink turpentine then go back to the pill. The bio-id are

the way to go, if you need to balance your hormones. Good luck.

Steph SJO :0)

-------------- Original message --------------

From: gg <burns_gg@...>

Well she, (new doc) said she'd test them again in 2

months when she does the next blood panel. I'm sure

this has something to do with insurance NOT paying the

reason they put off so much of this off until later!

:-( Makes me so angry!

She also just put me on low dose of Birth control

pills for the my current issues with hormones. I

wasn't too happy to try this as you can imagine -- I

always feel like a guinea pig!

Other fyi, I take 2 huge multi vitamins from a health

food store that have chromium (50 mg), Iodine (300 mg)

and manganese (8mg). I need to learn more about

cortisol?? thanks, gg

--- Kerry Ann Faithfull <kerry@...> wrote:

> hi there - I also have had similar experience to

> you. With taking the

> T4 I felt great initially then crashed big time - I

> finally realised

> that I needed both T4 and T3 and I am much more

> stable on this

> combination. So I recommend Armour or a synthetic

> combo. Also I found

> that several of my other hormones were out of

> balance as well so I have

> added progesterone, testosterone, melatonin and

> cortisol (though not

> currently) .


> For some its as easy as finding the right thyroid

> hormone and dose - for

> others of us is it a more long and frustrating

> journey - which ever

> group you fall into you will find a lot of help and

> support here.


> regards,

> Kerry





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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

I am a newbie at all of this and just read 's book. We have started the

GF/CF diet for our son on 11/01. We saw some wonderful results but it has

appeared to have hit a plateau. We are taking Candex and fluconazole for his

yeast issues. We just went to a neurologist who believes in biomedical

intervention and when I brought up enzymes he believed our son could benefit

from a broad spectrum enzyme. He also believes that our son may have issues

with phenols. He suggested Kirkman labs but no specifics. I was looking at

Houston's website and saw TriEnza which is phenol free. Would you recommend one

of the other? Or, do you have any suggestions?


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

>>believes that our son may have issues with phenols. He suggested Kirkman labs

but no specifics. I was looking at Houston's website and saw TriEnza which is

phenol free. Would you recommend one of the other? Or, do you have any


I used HNI with much success.


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