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Its been a while...I've got a few questions...

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I'm wondering about the following...

*Anyone's child have any issues with calcium supplement? (Kirkman's) It seems

after his dosing he gets a bit irritable...wondering if that is normal??? Also,

should calcium be giving in one dose, or am I thinking of vit D where it has to

be spread out cause it doesn't absorb all at once? Its in powder form that I

put in his juice or " milk " .

*Anyone's child have any issues with zinc supplement? (Kirkman's) I know he

needs this...he's high in copper. But it doesn't seem to tolerate this very

well, again like the calcium he becomes irritable. This is in capsule for and I

open it and put in his juice along with the mag c and sometimes the zinc.

I'm wondering...maybe I'm giving too much of these supplements, or the wrong

way, or not comboing it right with another supplement??? He is 3yrs old and 30

lbs. He's hyper and has major meltdowns and a yeast issue.

With the calcium I give him Mag citrate. He also has an issue with teeth

grinding at night and a few of you mentioned magnesium serate (sp??) but I can't

seem to find that...the HFS is telling me that is just a filler that is put in

capsules and not really a supplement.

What I've noticed, pretty much with ALL supplements, including probiotics, is he

does really well with these things for a few weeks and then becomes very

irritable and angry and has major meltdowns and just has that other side to him

that is very hard to tolerate. Is this a gonna get worse before it gets better

kinda thing??? Or not normal??

Maybe there is something else going on that I'm not catching on to.

TIA!!! :)))

" God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change;

courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. "


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