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Re: pretty confused here

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Hi ,

I can echo every one of your concerns. There is much gray area,

especially if you do not experience the diarrhea that the diet was

originally designed for.

Both my husband and myself suffered extreme constipation during the

week we started the intro and stage 1. So, we fast-tracked the diet

and introduced banana nut muffins with raisins. This has helped me

" go " , but I am also taking Magnesium Sulfur twice daily. I am not

sure if my gut is ready to take the nuts, however, as I experience a

lot of upper indigestion and lower rumblings. But is this due to the

nuts, or the Pepsin/HCL??

You're right, it's a lot to introduce at once. Most of us are

desperate for a change, so perhaps we dive in too quickly. And if we

don't have clear cut symptoms that we can monitor (diarrhea or

ezcema), how do we know if we are moving too fast?

Sorry that I don't have answers to your questions...



> okay bare with me and my random thoughts okay. My book finally arrived

> and i plan on digging into it today.


> From the various things i have read on here and the pecanbread/btvc

> sites i am not sure where my family fits into all of this.


> **What about families that do not have loose BM issues but more of the

> constipation to normal kind. How do i know if we need to add digestive

> enzymes and what kinds would i add?


> I know from testing that *I* have a hard time digesting fats and

> protein. My older 2 kids have not noticed pieces of food that are

> still identifiable like you all talk about here. They also are not

> about to let me come looking, very embarrassed by all of this. The

> most i can extract is that BM's are not as easy to come out but not

> painful either. 1 x daily and using the britstol stool chart on the

> fiber mencae site it is in the constipation range.


> Only my toddler sometimes has identifiable food - hardly any though and

> i tend to think it is not properly fully chewing - 20 times each bite

> etc. She would be the one that had the benefits of my NT diet while PG

> with her - raw foods, kefir, juicing, VCO, cut out most grains and when

> used them - soaked. First foods were what WAPF baby stuff, minus raw

> organs :) not there yet. Had raw milk after 2, BF up until then. She

> seems so much more healthier than my other 2 ever were rarely ever sick

> etc... much more sturdier and stalky. i thought she was developing

> Eczema, but maybe it is cause she is licking her mouth a lot. I jsut

> realized this could be it. I really do not think she has gut issues

> other than she could benefit from some more good pro b's because what

> she did/not get from me.


> Baby is 5 mos. Had a lot rumbly painful gas. Still does. I think the

> same for her as my toddler - needs more good flora as mine has not been

> totally fixed. She does fuss a lot so i am not sure what is baby and

> what is a symtpom. I think i may have had yeast issues all these yrs

> and am the one with leaky gut issues.


> She was born water birth and her bag of waters never broke until after

> she/bag of waters crowned and so i am not sure how much she got via

> birth canal as she was still fully enclosed in the bag of waters. I

> touched BOW not her head and it was kind of stuck in the canal waiting

> for the eruption before she emerged - her head was never in canal when

> bag broke it was crowned all around sticking out an inch or two. It

> broke and she came out so her face was never in the actual canal. So i

> am wondering how she could have got lots of bacteria..... must be the

> birthing tub water? I think she would benefit because mine has not

> been great and who knows what she got right? I was thinking the

> painful gas is a sign of the bad bacteria?? She will fuss for a while

> and scowl and cry and then very delayed, have some major gas.


> **If these diets are for extreme cases and children with really obvious

> issues - behavior probs, developmental etc... What about those who are

> not that severe? Where do we start? How do i know what is a symtpom

> and what is kids?


> **How do i know what things to supplement - vitamins/minerals, enzymes -

> what type etc.?


> **What about enterococcus faecalis? Was saying the ones in Bio

> kult and Three Lac are not bad for us so my kult is safe? Of just the

> ones in Three Lac are safe? What about the other that Sam said was SCD

> illegal that caused her son bad probs. It is in the Kult right? So do

> we use it or not? Or is this one of those take it and see if it works

> with your family.


> **What about Oxalates. I have been trying to read about them but i

> can't find anyhting easy to digest reading wise to explain wha they

> are, why, and how they affect everything as Barb mentioned it in

> relation to Eczema and Detox.


> ** Detoxing. Is the broth diet supposed to be part of the detox

> stage? Do we do things on top of the diet to detox?

> One poster mentioned all the horrbile experiences - itching,

> constipation etc... One we already have a hard time. This is going to

> make it worse won't it?? I use Vit C daily already as it is the only

> thing i know of to help move things along. My son has about 2 grams

> and 1 BM, i use 4 -6 grams and have one BM but poor nursing baby has a

> few. It is not normal nursing stoll, it is runs from the C. If i take

> more poor her. But 4-6 does not seem to help. I did not have probs like

> this after starting NT but since she was born i have had a lot of probs

> with normal BM. During PG it slowed down from a couple to 1. but

> every other since she has been born, if i do not take a lot of C. What

> do i add to help so the diet does not cause more issues. I am worried

> about oxalates and C. I have read that they can - or don't cause

> them. Oh and we take cal/mag plus extra mag. supps to help with it.


> I think i have written enough for now.


> Input would be great!




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It seems from what I've read regarding leaky gut is that constipation is just as clear a sign of bad digestion as diarrhea. But I have also read there are plenty of other factors that cause constipation such as vitamin c, and magnesium deficiency, copper-zinc balance, low enzyme and HCl production and our busy American mindset (not taking time to really go after each meal). Both constipation and diarrhea are signs that something is not right...but like you guys have said...how do we really know what is causing it? Sigh, Barbara <bjelwell@...> wrote: Hi ,I can echo every one of your concerns. There is much gray area,especially if you do not experience the diarrhea that the diet wasoriginally designed for. .

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Well i think we have C and cal/mag covered. We may not be saturated

yet but we have it covered as in we are taking a lot of it. My nat

doc when i did still have health coverage said for me to add Betaine -

i assume this is HC1 after waht i have read here. She looked over

all the tests and saw what i was low in so i am wodnering if that

test shows a lowered production of that one specifically. I can't

find my copies. I lost them a few weeks ago and have not been able

to find them since. I am hoping they were not mixed in to the

recycling pile.

If so i am wondering if we can pass low HC1 to our kids? I am afraid

to just add what ever digestive enzymes cause what if they do not

need them?

Any safe laternatives? Maybe just kombucha??

Iwas trying otread some of the stuff on the Enzyme Stuff site one of

you al lposted. My son is one of those whos ears and cheeks turn red

after eating certain foods - and playing. So i am wondering since it

was mentioned on there if this is a sign of soemthing. I saw the

Phenol connection but really that stuff is over my head at this

point. I have not read anything about it before so i am not sure what

some of the things are. They bring it up casually like you are

equally informed. Like when my doc said oh you should get some

betaine. No other info like it was a universally understood word and

i would know what it was and why one would need it. LOL!

Anyhow i agree being constipated does not point to good digestive

health, but thought maybe i bought the book for nothing since it was

mentioned that they are for people with the opposite.

I fee llike this is yet another puzle to unravel that won't fix

anything and i will be chasing out tails again in no time. I thought

NT, free range, ferments and pro b's was what was going to fix things

before. I second your sigh!


> It seems from what I've read regarding leaky gut is that

constipation is just as clear a sign of bad digestion as diarrhea.

But I have also read there are plenty of other factors that cause

constipation such as vitamin c, and magnesium deficiency, copper-zinc

balance, low enzyme and HCl production and our busy American mindset

(not taking time to really go after each meal). Both constipation and

diarrhea are signs that something is not right...but like you guys

have said...how do we really know what is causing it? Sigh,




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julia- i can only answer one of your questions because we suffer badly from C as

well and

the intro diet made it worse. i started SCD all legal foods and we were going

once a day

and very easily then we started the stages and it went to C and bad i got

hemmroids and

my son couldn't go for days. we added more foods and started to go again. we're

not back

to going everyday but we're better then before. we are eating everything SCD

legal plus

fermented beverages and veggies. i'm doing a GAPS and WAPF mix, no grains or


but coconut kefir, beet kvass, stuff like that. we just started that and my son

started going

again so we'll see if this helps. there have been small chunks of food in his

bm's like nuts

and stuff but its the only way i can get him to go to its kind of win lose

situation here. we

took the bio kult but my son is allergic to corn and reacted to the maltodextrin

so we

switched to l. acidophulis and s. boulardii. everyone's different and one can do

fine on it

and another can't. we're going to make the SCD yogurt because it has tons more


than anything you can buy ( 5 trillion per half cup ) and its very healing to

the inflamed

gut. i wish someone could give us more info on constipation or at least find

out what dr.

mcb says to do besides giving an enema because there's no way i can do that on

my 2 yr.


hope this helps


> okay bare with me and my random thoughts okay. My book finally arrived

> and i plan on digging into it today.


> From the various things i have read on here and the pecanbread/btvc

> sites i am not sure where my family fits into all of this.


> **What about families that do not have loose BM issues but more of the

> constipation to normal kind. How do i know if we need to add digestive

> enzymes and what kinds would i add?


> I know from testing that *I* have a hard time digesting fats and

> protein. My older 2 kids have not noticed pieces of food that are

> still identifiable like you all talk about here. They also are not

> about to let me come looking, very embarrassed by all of this. The

> most i can extract is that BM's are not as easy to come out but not

> painful either. 1 x daily and using the britstol stool chart on the

> fiber mencae site it is in the constipation range.


> Only my toddler sometimes has identifiable food - hardly any though and

> i tend to think it is not properly fully chewing - 20 times each bite

> etc. She would be the one that had the benefits of my NT diet while PG

> with her - raw foods, kefir, juicing, VCO, cut out most grains and when

> used them - soaked. First foods were what WAPF baby stuff, minus raw

> organs :) not there yet. Had raw milk after 2, BF up until then. She

> seems so much more healthier than my other 2 ever were rarely ever sick

> etc... much more sturdier and stalky. i thought she was developing

> Eczema, but maybe it is cause she is licking her mouth a lot. I jsut

> realized this could be it. I really do not think she has gut issues

> other than she could benefit from some more good pro b's because what

> she did/not get from me.


> Baby is 5 mos. Had a lot rumbly painful gas. Still does. I think the

> same for her as my toddler - needs more good flora as mine has not been

> totally fixed. She does fuss a lot so i am not sure what is baby and

> what is a symtpom. I think i may have had yeast issues all these yrs

> and am the one with leaky gut issues.


> She was born water birth and her bag of waters never broke until after

> she/bag of waters crowned and so i am not sure how much she got via

> birth canal as she was still fully enclosed in the bag of waters. I

> touched BOW not her head and it was kind of stuck in the canal waiting

> for the eruption before she emerged - her head was never in canal when

> bag broke it was crowned all around sticking out an inch or two. It

> broke and she came out so her face was never in the actual canal. So i

> am wondering how she could have got lots of bacteria..... must be the

> birthing tub water? I think she would benefit because mine has not

> been great and who knows what she got right? I was thinking the

> painful gas is a sign of the bad bacteria?? She will fuss for a while

> and scowl and cry and then very delayed, have some major gas.


> **If these diets are for extreme cases and children with really obvious

> issues - behavior probs, developmental etc... What about those who are

> not that severe? Where do we start? How do i know what is a symtpom

> and what is kids?


> **How do i know what things to supplement - vitamins/minerals, enzymes -

> what type etc.?


> **What about enterococcus faecalis? Was saying the ones in Bio

> kult and Three Lac are not bad for us so my kult is safe? Of just the

> ones in Three Lac are safe? What about the other that Sam said was SCD

> illegal that caused her son bad probs. It is in the Kult right? So do

> we use it or not? Or is this one of those take it and see if it works

> with your family.


> **What about Oxalates. I have been trying to read about them but i

> can't find anyhting easy to digest reading wise to explain wha they

> are, why, and how they affect everything as Barb mentioned it in

> relation to Eczema and Detox.


> ** Detoxing. Is the broth diet supposed to be part of the detox

> stage? Do we do things on top of the diet to detox?

> One poster mentioned all the horrbile experiences - itching,

> constipation etc... One we already have a hard time. This is going to

> make it worse won't it?? I use Vit C daily already as it is the only

> thing i know of to help move things along. My son has about 2 grams

> and 1 BM, i use 4 -6 grams and have one BM but poor nursing baby has a

> few. It is not normal nursing stoll, it is runs from the C. If i take

> more poor her. But 4-6 does not seem to help. I did not have probs like

> this after starting NT but since she was born i have had a lot of probs

> with normal BM. During PG it slowed down from a couple to 1. but

> every other since she has been born, if i do not take a lot of C. What

> do i add to help so the diet does not cause more issues. I am worried

> about oxalates and C. I have read that they can - or don't cause

> them. Oh and we take cal/mag plus extra mag. supps to help with it.


> I think i have written enough for now.


> Input would be great!




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Hi Sam thanks for the reply. See my question below please.


> julia- i can only answer one of your questions because we suffer

badly from C as well and

> the intro diet made it worse. i started SCD all legal foods and we

were going once a day

> and very easily then we started the stages and it went to C and bad

So you first started the diet with all things that are SCD legal but

then backed up and did the intro?? I assume you needed to check

certain foods for reactions. Once doing the intro you had C bad and

then added more food things started working again.

> my son couldn't go for days. we added more foods and started to go

again. we're not back

> to going everyday but we're better then before. we are eating

everything SCD legal plus

> fermented beverages and veggies. i'm doing a GAPS and WAPF mix, no

>grains or potatoes

I have been cutting them out slowly so we are not in total shock when

we start. Along with the dairy, except butter. Not sure how i can

cook with out it i am so dependant on it. I hate the taste of VCO in

my foods so i use EPCO with Butter.

> but coconut kefir, beet kvass, stuff like that. we just started

that and my son started going

Any ideas as we tried Beet Kvass at a WAPF meeting and it was gross

it tasted like dirty water that went bad. YUCK. I have had no

desire to even try to make it since then. We have done a lot of

juicing for the past few yrs a 2lb bag of carrots to 3-4 granny

smiths with a handful of spinache, or collard green, or swiss/rainbow

chard, or red/green leaf lettuce. I can add about half of a small

(golf ball sized) beet before it is gross to us because of the beet

flavor. I do peel it and make sure all the dirt is off and typically

all the veggies are organic - that great co op i was telling you

about. Before it we could not really afford it. ALso we have never

had a like for fermented veggis so this part of adding ferments to

help the C issues is not going to work ehre. Unless the foods taken

away leave us hungry and taste buds open up for them.

> again so we'll see if this helps. there have been small chunks of

food in his bm's like nuts

> and stuff but its the only way i can get him to go to its kind of

win lose situation here. we

> took the bio kult but my son is allergic to corn and reacted to the

>maltodextrin so we

Oh ok it was the corn in it. I thought it was an illegal strain that

was causing it. Okay i will fear not the Bio Kult unless i discover

we have an intolerance to some of the ingred. too.

> switched to l. acidophulis and s. boulardii. everyone's different

and one can do fine on it

I was wondering if taking these in addition to Bio Kult would be


> we're going to make the SCD yogurt because it has tons more


> than anything you can buy ( 5 trillion per half cup ) and its very

healing to the inflamed

> gut.

Did you read Alices post on the Kefir. She said Dr. MCB said that

she prefers Kefir over the yogurt because it offers more pro b


>>i wish someone could give us more info on constipation or at least

find out what dr.

> mcb says to do besides giving an enema because there's no way i can

do that on my 2 yr.

> old!

Well i am not sure what to think on Enemas as some sites say they can

be damaging. The fiber menace site is not totally behind them either

and he has some good points in regards to the whole BM's that are

contrary to everything else like the well formed stool, he says

should not be, that it is still to C. So i feel like this is one of

those things that adds to the confusion because some champion one

thing, others do not. What is the truth.... chasing my tail again.


> hope this helps

Yes it did. Thank you.

> sam


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If you already do all that wonderful juicing, ferment some of that.

Make your juice, add a little starter (whey or juice from some other LF

thing), maybe a little salt, if you like, and leave it on the counter.

Start with just 4-6 hours--it may not taste any different, but it will

have some probiotics. Then increase the time you let it sit until you

reach your limit of what is "gross" (too sour). You don't want to

leave the juice as long as other things or it will get nasty, but I

used to do it for 24 hrs.

JoyfulHeart wrote:

Hi Sam thanks for the reply. See my question below please.


> julia- i can only answer one of your questions because we suffer

badly from C as well and

> the intro diet made it worse. i started SCD all legal foods and we

were going once a day

> and very easily then we started the stages and it went to C and


So you first started the diet with all things that are SCD legal but

then backed up and did the intro?? I assume you needed to check

certain foods for reactions. Once doing the intro you had C bad and

then added more food things started working again.

> my son couldn't go for days. we added more foods and started to go

again. we're not back

> to going everyday but we're better then before. we are eating

everything SCD legal plus

> fermented beverages and veggies. i'm doing a GAPS and WAPF mix, no

>grains or potatoes

I have been cutting them out slowly so we are not in total shock when

we start. Along with the dairy, except butter. Not sure how i can

cook with out it i am so dependant on it. I hate the taste of VCO in

my foods so i use EPCO with Butter.

> but coconut kefir, beet kvass, stuff like that. we just started

that and my son started going

Any ideas as we tried Beet Kvass at a WAPF meeting and it was gross

it tasted like dirty water that went bad. YUCK. I have had no

desire to even try to make it since then. We have done a lot of

juicing for the past few yrs a 2lb bag of carrots to 3-4 granny

smiths with a handful of spinache, or collard green, or swiss/rainbow

chard, or red/green leaf lettuce. I can add about half of a small

(golf ball sized) beet before it is gross to us because of the beet

flavor. I do peel it and make sure all the dirt is off and typically

all the veggies are organic - that great co op i was telling you

about. Before it we could not really afford it. ALso we have never

had a like for fermented veggis so this part of adding ferments to

help the C issues is not going to work ehre. Unless the foods taken

away leave us hungry and taste buds open up for them.

> again so we'll see if this helps. there have been small chunks of

food in his bm's like nuts

> and stuff but its the only way i can get him to go to its kind of

win lose situation here. we

> took the bio kult but my son is allergic to corn and reacted to


>maltodextrin so we

Oh ok it was the corn in it. I thought it was an illegal strain that

was causing it. Okay i will fear not the Bio Kult unless i discover

we have an intolerance to some of the ingred. too.

> switched to l. acidophulis and s. boulardii. everyone's different

and one can do fine on it

I was wondering if taking these in addition to Bio Kult would be


> we're going to make the SCD yogurt because it has tons more


> than anything you can buy ( 5 trillion per half cup ) and its very

healing to the inflamed

> gut.

Did you read Alices post on the Kefir. She said Dr. MCB said that

she prefers Kefir over the yogurt because it offers more pro b


>>i wish someone could give us more info on constipation or at


find out what dr.

> mcb says to do besides giving an enema because there's no way i


do that on my 2 yr.

> old!

Well i am not sure what to think on Enemas as some sites say they can

be damaging. The fiber menace site is not totally behind them either

and he has some good points in regards to the whole BM's that are

contrary to everything else like the well formed stool, he says

should not be, that it is still to C. So i feel like this is one of

those things that adds to the confusion because some champion one

thing, others do not. What is the truth.... chasing my tail again.


> hope this helps

Yes it did. Thank you.

> sam


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--- JoyfulHeart <beauty4ashesisaiah61@...> wrote:

> Did you read Alices post on the Kefir. She said Dr. MCB said that

> she prefers Kefir over the yogurt because it offers more pro b

> benefits.

I'll have to check my recording, but what I remember from Dr. MCB's

talk was that she said kefir had more beneficial results because it has

a wider range of different bacteria and yeast. She said that she

thought there were beneficial yeasts that helped fight harmful yeasts.

She also said that yogurt was easier to tolerate, so she recommended

starting with yogurt and add kefir later.



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