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Re: Saw Adam last night

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I keep looking for it to come to our area....and no sign of it yet....I really want to see it.

Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: baneline1 <baneline1@...>Subject: ( ) Saw "Adam" last night Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:52 AM

So, I saw the movie Adam last night. I thought it was very good. I cried a lot! Has anyone else seen it yet? I am mostly curious about those of you who have adult Aspies in your life. Wondering if the movie depicts Aspergers accurately. I have only the experience of a child Aspie in my life.Vickie

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I want to see it.  It opened here last weekend.

I just found out that Dan Akroyd stated he has AS.

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 10:53 AM, rushen janice <jrushen@...> wrote:


I keep looking for it to come to our area....and no sign of it yet....I really want to see it.


Janice Rushen


" I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope "

From: baneline1 <baneline1@...>Subject: ( ) Saw " Adam " last night

Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:52 AM


So, I saw the movie Adam last night. I thought it was very good. I cried a lot! Has anyone else seen it yet? I am mostly curious about those of you who have adult Aspies in your life. Wondering if the movie depicts Aspergers accurately. I have only the experience of a child Aspie in my life.


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I saw Adam and thought it was a great movie. It touched me.

I don't know about adult aspies... but I saw a piece of my child in Adam. In the fact that Adam wondered why the animals would talk in a story. Adam preferred a factual books on raccoons over a "story". My son is obsessed with animal fact books and has recently moved on to Animal Planet on TV because our home library no longer holds any new information for him to absorb about animals.

I even have to tell him at bedtime that we CAN NOT read a fact book... that it has to be a "story book". He will listen... but he'd much prefer a fact book. ;)

From: baneline1 <baneline1msn (DOT) com>Subject: ( ) Saw "Adam" last night Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:52 AM

So, I saw the movie Adam last night. I thought it was very good. I cried a lot! Has anyone else seen it yet? I am mostly curious about those of you who have adult Aspies in your life. Wondering if the movie depicts Aspergers accurately. I have only the experience of a child Aspie in my life.Vickie

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Wow..I can't wait to see the movie....my son loved fact books when he was younger...dino, sharks, weather, fish, etc etc. but now at teen years I think he has moved on. But I agree he loved fact books...although there were a few books he loved to read like the House on 84th street or this little silly booked called "NO, "...and their was a couple of books called and the Dinosaur...i think there were 2 or 3 ...he liked them.


Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: baneline1 <baneline1msn (DOT) com>Subject: ( ) Saw "Adam" last night Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:52 AM

So, I saw the movie Adam last night. I thought it was very good. I cried a lot! Has anyone else seen it yet? I am mostly curious about those of you who have adult Aspies in your life. Wondering if the movie depicts Aspergers accurately. I have only the experience of a child Aspie in my life.Vickie

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Wow ...Dan A....has AS ..and who would have guessed...

Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: baneline1 <baneline1msn (DOT) com>Subject: ( ) Saw "Adam" last night Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:52 AM

So, I saw the movie Adam last night. I thought it was very good. I cried a lot! Has anyone else seen it yet? I am mostly curious about those of you who have adult Aspies in your life. Wondering if the movie depicts Aspergers accurately. I have only the experience of a child Aspie in my life.Vickie

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Dan A said he had Tourettes and mild Aspergers, but this was in a radio interview and he was probably joking, it is too easy to project symptoms on to people, we need to be careful not to damage the work that has been done so far to educate people by making claims like this without factual proof.

If anyone knows Dan please ask him.

From: baneline1 <baneline1msn (DOT) com>Subject: ( ) Saw "Adam" last night Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:52 AM

So, I saw the movie Adam last night. I thought it was very good. I cried a lot! Has anyone else seen it yet? I am mostly curious about those of you who have adult Aspies in your life. Wondering if the movie depicts Aspergers accurately. I have only the experience of a child Aspie in my life.Vickie

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Why do you tell your son he cannot read a factual book at bedtime? If thats what he prefers why not let him?

We do all sorts of books at bed time volcanoes, dinosaurs, sharks, diggers, the universe. My son (6) does occasionally read fiction, his most recent choice is Mr Topsy-Turvey who does everything back to front or upside down, think this maybe ringing a bell with my son as Mr Topsy-Turvey doesn't quite fit into the world around him.

From: baneline1 <baneline1msn (DOT) com>Subject: ( ) Saw "Adam" last night Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:52 AM

So, I saw the movie Adam last night. I thought it was very good. I cried a lot! Has anyone else seen it yet? I am mostly curious about those of you who have adult Aspies in your life. Wondering if the movie depicts Aspergers accurately. I have only the experience of a child Aspie in my life.Vickie

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Oh that book sounds great...Mr. Topsy turvey...love it....

Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: baneline1 <baneline1msn (DOT) com>Subject: ( ) Saw "Adam" last night Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:52 AM

So, I saw the movie Adam last night. I thought it was very good. I cried a lot! Has anyone else seen it yet? I am mostly curious about those of you who have adult Aspies in your life. Wondering if the movie depicts Aspergers accurately. I have only the experience of a child Aspie in my life.Vickie

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is 6 also, and LOVES books that are factual. The more he can learn the better. Sometimes I think his little noggin cant hold anymore information...until it does!


"So you see! There's no end to the things you might know,Depending how far beyond Zebra you go!" ~Dr. Seuss


( ) Saw "Adam" last night Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:52 AM

So, I saw the movie Adam last night. I thought it was very good. I cried a lot! Has anyone else seen it yet? I am mostly curious about those of you who have adult Aspies in your life. Wondering if the movie depicts Aspergers accurately. I have only the experience of a child Aspie in my life.Vickie

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He may be a comedic actor, but the interview I read it hardly seemed as if he was joking.  Even the interviewer asked him and he insisted " no, no it is true " .  That would be a pretty stupid thing to kid about.

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 2:55 AM, Lorraine son <lorrainedavidson12@...> wrote:


Dan A said he had Tourettes and mild Aspergers, but this was in a radio interview and he was probably joking, it is too easy to project symptoms on to people, we need to be careful not to damage the work that has been done so far to educate people by making claims like this without factual proof.


If anyone knows Dan please ask him.

From: baneline1 <baneline1msn (DOT) com>Subject: ( ) Saw " Adam " last night

Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:52 AM


So, I saw the movie Adam last night. I thought it was very good. I cried a lot! Has anyone else seen it yet? I am mostly curious about those of you who have adult Aspies in your life. Wondering if the movie depicts Aspergers accurately. I have only the experience of a child Aspie in my life.


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My son(6) made me laugh this morning, he is scared of the dark and wants his light on all night, I let him do this as it is easier than getting up several times, this morning my husband showed him the electricity meter and explained that when he keeps his light on it spins faster and we get charged more money, thats a good way to explain it I thought, quick as a flash my son hit the nearest light switch and declared it doesn't look like it going any faster, my husband tried to tell him the bedroom light was different, Gregor just said admit it Dad, I got you.

From: baneline1 <baneline1msn (DOT) com>Subject: ( ) Saw "Adam" last night Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:52 AM

So, I saw the movie Adam last night. I thought it was very good. I cried a lot! Has anyone else seen it yet? I am mostly curious about those of you who have adult Aspies in your life. Wondering if the movie depicts Aspergers accurately. I have only the experience of a child Aspie in my life.Vickie

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I've just read the interview, looks like he was serious, love the police thing.

Only wrote last post as you get loads of people claiming all sort of historical figures must have had Aspies. How can they prove it, like Aristotle, Newton etc.

From: baneline1 <baneline1msn (DOT) com>Subject: ( ) Saw "Adam" last night Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:52 AM

So, I saw the movie Adam last night. I thought it was very good. I cried a lot! Has anyone else seen it yet? I am mostly curious about those of you who have adult Aspies in your life. Wondering if the movie depicts Aspergers accurately. I have only the experience of a child Aspie in my life.Vickie

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We put the low cost bulbs in the few key lights..... Also, son loses tokens for lights in living room left on all night... "It costs us money, so we can't pay you"

( ) Saw "Adam" last night Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:52 AM

So, I saw the movie Adam last night. I thought it was very good. I cried a lot! Has anyone else seen it yet? I am mostly curious about those of you who have adult Aspies in your life. Wondering if the movie depicts Aspergers accurately. I have only the experience of a child Aspie in my life.Vickie

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I heard an interview with Dan Akroyd a couple of years ago on PBS. It used to

be posted on their website but not sure if it's still there. He did claim to

have Asperger's Syndrome - diagnosed as an adult - and he did say he has an

obsession with police. He said he used to carry a police badge around with him

at all times.

If I can find the link to the interview, I'll post it.



> From: baneline1 <baneline1msn (DOT) com>

> Subject: ( ) Saw " Adam " last night


> Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:52 AM






> So, I saw the movie Adam last night. I thought it was very good. I cried a

lot! Has anyone else seen it yet? I am mostly curious about those of you who

have adult Aspies in your life. Wondering if the movie depicts Aspergers

accurately. I have only the experience of a child Aspie in my life.


> Vickie


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Oh the light bulb story is too much ....write it down and save it...it is a keeper!!! Thanks for the chuckle...smart kid!


Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: baneline1 <baneline1msn (DOT) com>Subject: ( ) Saw "Adam" last night Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 10:52 AM

So, I saw the movie Adam last night. I thought it was very good. I cried a lot! Has anyone else seen it yet? I am mostly curious about those of you who have adult Aspies in your life. Wondering if the movie depicts Aspergers accurately. I have only the experience of a child Aspie in my life.Vickie

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On Apr 23, 4:46pm, Lorraine son wrote:


} Dan A said he had Tourettes and mild Aspergers, but this was in a radio int=

} erview and he was probably=A0joking, it is too easy to project symptoms on =

} to people, we need to be careful not to damage the work that has been done =

} so far to educate people by making claims like this without factual proof.

} =A0

} If anyone knows Dan please ask him.

Here's a transcript, it certainly sounds like he was both serious

and offically diagnosed. (Though I certainly agree with your point

about claims being made without proof.)



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Cheer for that, looks like he's for real, liked the police badge bit, we had that for a while.} } Dan A said he had Tourettes and mild Aspergers, but this was in a radio int=} erview and he was probably=A0joking, it is too easy to project symptoms on =} to people, we need to be careful not to damage the work that has been done =} so far to educate people by making claims like this without factual proof.} =A0} If anyone knows Dan please ask him.Here's a transcript, it certainly sounds like he was both seriousand offically diagnosed. (Though I certainly agree with your pointabout claims being made without proof.)http://www.dr- bob.org/babble/ psycho/20041113/ msgs/419044. htmlWilla

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