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Re: My son's not so good teacherm

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> How do I get started?

Well, this depends on where you are at and what you want. Is your child

currently in special ed? Does he have a 504? Or are you starting from ground


One thing I can say from what you have said so far is that you need to separate

the issue of complaining about the teacher from the request for an aide. In

both cases, you will want to put together your case in writing. The complaint

about the teacher should probably start with the principal. Where the request

for an aide goes depends on where you are at as far as services go.

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I'm in Scotland so I'm not too sure how US schools work, but you need to get in there, this teacher sounds really disorganised, if she is not happy for parents to be in the class she must be unconfident about her capabilites. Not just kids like ours, who thrive on routine, all kids need clear guidelines, due dates for homework. I would go to the Principal and say pretty much what you have said on here. If he is one of her top pupils and he got FFFFF what are her bottom pupils getting??? And why is she sending him to his 2nd grade teacher? This could be humiliating for him, like in front of the other kids he is being put back a year, this could lead to bullying.

From: junepearl14 <junepearl14@...>Subject: ( ) My son's not so good teacherm Date: Wednesday, 16 September, 2009, 11:00 PM

I have to talk to the principal about it but I don't know where to begin. The year started in July and the sub we had on a Friday gave us a paper for a patriotic project with no due date and stuff just pick 5 things write about them how they came to be patriotic when- why-where then pick one and make it-- so we made the eagle- got this on Friday no due date my son doesn't know-this is 3rd grade so I guess we don't have more time so we did over the weekend- come back on Monday he turns it in and she says --ooh its not due until the end of the month take it home. Im like WTF ok we had a sub whatever we done with it- then we get the rest of the papers were you have to choose from the patriotic things she had on her list- so I ask do we have to do it over she said no that's ok- so she also gave us a paper that says your first paragraph should be done by this date-- the date comes and said he forgot to turn in his paper- Im like the paper

said the paragraph should be done it dint say turn in-we all ready done with it anyways.This is confusing not just for me but for at least 8 other parents-by now the lady doesn't want to talk to us anymore since we ask too many questions at first we would volunteer and now she closes her classroom door and if you walk in she'll tell you she doesn't have time to talk- she cant talk before school cause that's teacher time and after school she tries to go or close her door- I got a report card with FFFFFFF for homework and other stuff. Same WTFOne day my son was being bad in class and was sent to his second grade teacher (we miss her sooo much) that after noon 3rd grade teacher comes to me and says- I just wanted to let you know your son is doing great in class and he is one of my best students- I'm like really than why was he over at his second grade class 3 times during the day? I want an aid for him again because I know this teacher

isn't working for us. This morning I found out from some other parent that they have a project about a shoe box- some kids know about it some kids don't- this is fucken ridiculous I shouldn't have chase parent to find out what's going on in class I want an IEP meeting and I want an aid- I know I have to talk to the principal but I'm not the only one so I don't know how to bring it up to him to include the other parents. Should I get their signature? We all want her to give out better instructions and to be accessible to parents. We don't want to wait until parent teacher conference to talk to her and have permanent Fs on school records. Help people help you all know the system. How do I get started?

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Go directly to the principal. 1) Go with a group of parents who are all upset by

the lack of directions. Take the paper you received that shows no due dates, no

explanations. My recommendation is to make sure that most of the parents DO NOT

have kids with AS, or autism so that you make the point that this is confusing

for EVERYONE and not just your child. 2) At the end of the meeting, DEMAND an

IEP. When my son was in 3rd and 4th grade (we did not have an AS diagnosis yet,

but we had so many other problems that we had been doing IEP's and receiving

services since he was 12 months old)the RSP teacher let me son fall through the

cracks big time. In 4th grade he was required to have a three year review. The

classroom teacher was working with me very closely, but RSP never tested my

child as required, and when I wanted the IEP combined with the parent conference

as I had been doing since Kindergarten, RSP tells me that he is not on their

special ed rolls as he is getting no services (then why is adaptive PE coming

every week, and Occupation Therapy pulling him from the classroom twice a week).

When I was not satisfied with their BS, I wrote a letter to the district

superintendent and every member of the board. Guess who had the IEP paperwork

withing 24 hours setting the date, and as needed, the RSP teacher was instantly


There is no reason for you or your child to have to put up with a teacher who is

this bad. Keep taking the papers that give assignments with no due dates, etc.

to the principal and make sure that an incompetent teacher is fired, or at the

very least, the principal does her job and sits in on the class (unannounced) to

see how the teacher handles the classroom. As for parents not allowed in the

room, that is a big red flag in my book that no only is there a problem with her

teaching, but her handling of classroom situations. A parent has a right to come

in at any time to observe as long as they do not interrupt the class.


> I have to talk to the principal about it but I don't know where to begin. The

year started in July and the sub we had on a Friday gave us a paper for a

patriotic project with no due date and stuff just pick 5 things write about

them how they came to be patriotic when- why-where then pick one and make it--

so we made the eagle- got this on Friday no due date my son doesn't know-this is

3rd grade so I guess we don't have more time so we did over the weekend- come

back on Monday he turns it in and she says --ooh its not due until the end of

the month take it home.


> Im like WTF ok we had a sub whatever we done with it- then we get the rest of

the papers were you have to choose from the patriotic things she had on her

list- so I ask do we have to do it over she said no that's ok- so she also gave

us a paper that says your first paragraph should be done by this date-- the date

comes and said he forgot to turn in his paper- Im like the paper said the

paragraph should be done it dint say turn in-we all ready done with it anyways.


> This is confusing not just for me but for at least 8 other parents-by now the

lady doesn't want to talk to us anymore since we ask too many questions at first

we would volunteer and now she closes her classroom door and if you walk in

she'll tell you she doesn't have time to talk- she cant talk before school cause

that's teacher time and after school she tries to go or close her door- I got a

report card with FFFFFFF for homework and other stuff. Same WTF


> One day my son was being bad in class and was sent to his second grade teacher

(we miss her sooo much) that after noon 3rd grade teacher comes to me and says-

I just wanted to let you know your son is doing great in class and he is one of

my best students- I'm like really than why was he over at his second grade class

3 times during the day? I want an aid for him again because I know this teacher

isn't working for us.


> This morning I found out from some other parent that they have a project about

a shoe box- some kids know about it some kids don't- this is fucken ridiculous I

shouldn't have chase parent to find out what's going on in class I want an IEP

meeting and I want an aid- I know I have to talk to the principal but I'm not

the only one so I don't know how to bring it up to him to include the other

parents. Should I get their signature? We all want her to give out better

instructions and to be accessible to parents. We don't want to wait until parent

teacher conference to talk to her and have permanent Fs on school records. Help

people help you all know the system. How do I get started?


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This could be humiliating for him ..... thanks for bringing this up I didn't think about that--and yes he is and has been since k top of the class. We have a parent coming to"help" in the class room on friday and we will talk about it. I don't know if teacher thinks we parents don't talk to each other, we are the same parents since k.

From: junepearl14 <junepearl14>Subject: ( ) My son's not so good teacherm Date: Wednesday, 16 September, 2009, 11:00 PM

I have to talk to the principal about it but I don't know where to begin. The year started in July and the sub we had on a Friday gave us a paper for a patriotic project with no due date and stuff just pick 5 things write about them how they came to be patriotic when- why-where then pick one and make it-- so we made the eagle- got this on Friday no due date my son doesn't know-this is 3rd grade so I guess we don't have more time so we did over the weekend- come back on Monday he turns it in and she says --ooh its not due until the end of the month take it home. Im like WTF ok we had a sub whatever we done with it- then we get the rest of the papers were you have to choose from the patriotic things she had on her list- so I ask do we have to do it over she said no that's ok- so she also gave us a paper that says your first paragraph should be done by this date-- the date comes and said he forgot to turn in his paper- Im like the paper

said the paragraph should be done it dint say turn in-we all ready done with it anyways.This is confusing not just for me but for at least 8 other parents-by now the lady doesn't want to talk to us anymore since we ask too many questions at first we would volunteer and now she closes her classroom door and if you walk in she'll tell you she doesn't have time to talk- she cant talk before school cause that's teacher time and after school she tries to go or close her door- I got a report card with FFFFFFF for homework and other stuff. Same WTFOne day my son was being bad in class and was sent to his second grade teacher (we miss her sooo much) that after noon 3rd grade teacher comes to me and says- I just wanted to let you know your son is doing great in class and he is one of my best students- I'm like really than why was he over at his second grade class 3 times during the day? I want an aid for him again because I know this teacher

isn't working for us. This morning I found out from some other parent that they have a project about a shoe box- some kids know about it some kids don't- this is fucken ridiculous I shouldn't have chase parent to find out what's going on in class I want an IEP meeting and I want an aid- I know I have to talk to the principal but I'm not the only one so I don't know how to bring it up to him to include the other parents. Should I get their signature? We all want her to give out better instructions and to be accessible to parents. We don't want to wait until parent teacher conference to talk to her and have permanent Fs on school records. Help people help you all know the system. How do I get started?

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If you need an aide, you will need to go through special education for

that. So you would either call an IEP meeting if he already has an IEP

to discuss what he needs. Or if he does not have an IEP, request a

full educational evaluation in writing to get it started.

As for the teacher, sounds like she is not doing too well. Show up

often, ask questions. You might email her with questions if she uses

email. Or call and leave messages. Go talk to the principal and let

him know this is not working out and why. Encourage other parents to

meet with the principal too. The more of you to complain, the more he

has to deal with it. And he/she might deal with it regardless. Go

find out.


" The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

nothing. " E. Burke

( ) My son's not so good teacherm

I have to talk to the principal about it but I don't know where to

begin. The year started in July and the sub we had on a Friday gave us

a paper for a patriotic project with no due date and stuff just pick 5

things write about them how they came to be patriotic when-


then pick one and make it-- so we made the eagle- got this on Friday no

due date my son doesn't know-this is 3rd grade so I guess we don't have

more time so we did over the weekend- come back on Monday he turns it

in and she says --ooh its not due until the end of the month take it


Im like WTF ok we had a sub whatever we done with it- then we get the

rest of the papers were you have to choose from the patriotic things

she had on her list- so I ask do we have to do it over she said no

that's ok- so she also gave us a paper that says your first paragraph

should be done by this date-- the date comes and said he forgot

to turn in his paper- Im like the paper said the paragraph should be

done it dint say turn in-we all ready done with it anyways.

This is confusing not just for me but for at least 8 other parents-by

now the lady doesn't want to talk to us anymore since we ask too many

questions at first we would volunteer and now she closes her classroom

door and if you walk in she'll tell you she doesn't have time to talk-

she cant talk before school cause that's teacher time and after school

she tries to go or close her door- I got a report card with FFFFFFF for

homework and other stuff. Same WTF

One day my son was being bad in class and was sent to his second grade

teacher (we miss

her sooo much) that after noon 3rd grade teacher comes

to me and says- I just wanted to let you know your son is doing great

in class and he is one of my best students- I'm like really than why

was he over at his second grade class 3 times during the day? I want an

aid for him again because I know this teacher isn't working for us.

This morning I found out from some other parent that they have a

project about a shoe box- some kids know about it some kids don't- this

is fucken ridiculous I shouldn't have chase parent to find out what's

going on in class I want an IEP meeting and I want an aid- I know I

have to talk to the principal but I'm not the only one so I don't know

how to bring it up to him to include the other parents. Should I get

their signature? We all want her to give out better instructions and

to be accessible to parents. We don't want to wait until parent teacher

conference to talk to her and have permanent Fs on school records. Help

people help you all know the system. How do I get started?

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