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Clarification Needed for Modifications

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Hi All,

I had a conversation with my son's teacher and am trying to make sense of some of the things she said to me.

My son (Aspergers, learning disabilities etc.) is in a 5th grade inclusion class and receives in class support for math. The teacher indicated that he is actually in class replacement and that due to the fact that there are a number of modifications being made that alter the curriculum he should not be in the classroom. She indicated that if he needed extra time or altering the number of problems on the page that would be fine, but otherwise it is too many modifications and he should be in the resource room. What we asked for this year is what had existed for the past 2 years in the elementary school, he is now in middle school.

The teacher indicated that I need to have an open mind about his placement because although there is flexibility and the ability to be creative with his placement at the elementary level that flexibility does not exist at the middle school or high school level because the state is more stringent with their standards at these levels and I should keep an open mind to an alternate placement.

Any thoughts?

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Can I ask who posted this originally?

And ask if they reply to me privately at



Forwarded Message ----

From: luz velez <luzadrianna1970@...>

mosaic-list ; njfamilieswautism ;

Aspergers Treatment ; autism ;


Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 1:36:51 PM

Subject: Clarification Needed for " Modifications "

Hi All,

I had a conversation with my son's teacher and am trying to

make sense of some of the things she said to me.

My son (Aspergers, learning disabilities etc.) is in a

5th grade inclusion class and receives in class support for math.

The teacher indicated that he is actually in class replacement and that due

to the fact that there are a number of modifications being made that alter

the curriculum he should not be in the classroom. She indicated that if

he needed extra time or altering the number of problems on the page that would

be fine, but otherwise it is too many modifications and he should be in the

resource room. What we asked for this year is what had existed for the

past 2 years in the elementary school, he is now in middle school.

The teacher indicated that I need to have an open mind about

his placement because although there is flexibility and the ability to be

creative with his placement at the elementary level that flexibility does not

exist at the middle school or high school level because the state is more

stringent with their standards at these levels and I should keep an open mind

to an alternate placement.

Any thoughts?

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