Guest guest Posted October 8, 2009 Report Share Posted October 8, 2009 I have not read the other responses yet, but I will chime in on this one. I watched a video once, from a speaker who spoke specifically about ADHD, or “Quick Smart Kids”, as he called them Anyway… he talked about grades, and gave this WONDERFUL example. He had the teachers who were in attendance stand on one side of the room, and the parents on the other. The teachers represented the “NT” kids. The parents were the “quick smart kids”. He set up a situation where he explained that the teachers were very brainy, intelligent, got good grades at school, etc. The parents, however, got C’s and D’s, but were creative, out of the box thinkers, spontaneous, etc. Then he said he dropped both groups on an island, and they had to find their way through a jungle to get to a meeting place. And wondered which group everyone thought would arrive first? Guess what? EVERYONE, including the teachers, voted that the “QUICK SMART” kids would arrive first, because they wouldn’t over think it, they would come up with creative ways, and faced with a problem, they could find a way around it faster and likely more efficiently. The moral was… grades aren’t everything. When you go to apply for a job in the real world, they don’t ask for your high school transcripts. While I believe school is important, and education is important, I have ALWAYS placed higher value on “COMMON SENSE” and a real honest effort. If your son is learning about social skills, and overcoming all his obstacles and really giving it his all into his school work, then I say a C is perfect. If you feel he could be trying harder, then that’s another issue. That’s just my 2 (or 25 lol) cents I hope you get it figured out !! =) From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of jrushen Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 6:22 PM Subject: ( ) school grades? I need some advice, opinions...etc. I vowed to step back this year and I son was doing ok....but I looked on letter grade and he got a 50 on a math quiz, his English grade is now at 78 as well as Math and his science grade is a 37.... His science grade should be higher...he had a lab measurement report due and I helped him by typing it...he brought it in...he got it back saying it would be an 80 with the revisions....we revised it back ...more revision...revised it and revised it again...of course it was due on Friday and my son said it was due on he got a detention but they took it away since he handed it in on Monday. I sort of felt this teacher was looking for too much from my son...the report was creating a new measuring tool and then explaining how to use it....he wanted details go to class 100, walk in and turn left...go to the end and make a right and walk to the counter. On the counter will be the box....and then go into very detailed directions... I guess I am pissed that after all this work he is only getting a 75 becuase he didn't bring back the original work and I threw it out...(my fault)... I guess I am starting to worry again...80 is not bad but in our district that is a C....and anything below 70 is failing...His English is not going so well either... Am I worrying too much. Am I expecting too much? I think it bothers me because school was important to me as a child and I always did so well... Helppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp jan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 8, 2009 Report Share Posted October 8, 2009 Not sure where to begin to respond to your questions about grades. First of all a big virtual hug, because I have been there, too. I used to do what you are doing - helping my son keep track of assignments, typing papers for him, making sure that things got turned in on time, lots of phone calls to teachers, and so on. It was exhausting and frustrating for me to watch my son's spirit slowly being crushed. He was able to get by in the public schools when he was in grade school, but as he got older, it just got harder for him to make sense of what he was supposed to say or do, both inside and outside of the classroom. He would get As in the classes that were quiet or highly structured and Fs in the classes where it was noisy or chaotic. His childhood friends drifted away and his anxiety went through the roof. The solution for my son was finally getting an IEP where he really got the accommodations he needed to level the playing field. We switched to a different high school where the teachers were willing to work with his strengths. I am proud to say that in his senior year, for the very first time in his life, he did every homework assignment, every project, and turned everything in on time without me having to do a thing. And he also took a night class at the local community college. Your son has Aspergers and so although he is smart, he probably has real problems with executive functioning and probably some other issues as well. He is getting older, his school work is getting more demanding, and he needs more help than what you can give him. It sounds like it is time to get an IEP with some real accommodations in place for him. He should not be penalized for not being able to do things that are impossible for him to do because of his disability. He should not be getting detentions because of his disability. It's time for you to go into mama bear mode, tell the school about his disability, and ask them to give him the help that the law says he is entitled to have. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 8, 2009 Report Share Posted October 8, 2009 Jan my daughter has AS too. And a non verbal learning disorder. Pressure in school would trigger anxiety in my daughter and so we had her classified under IEP. And we had her put into special education classes even though her reasoning skills are above average. She gets lots of help, homework is modified and grades are adjusted too. She still has the state tests to look at to see if she is at grade level (often she has been above she is a smart kid). Anyway, my friends with typical kids are helping there kids a lot too. And worried about grades too. Just like you. Now the question is can your son cope as do non AS kids cope with the stress of detentions and perhaps marked down for turning things in late or partially done. My daughter could not cope and it would trigger extreme school anxiety and school refusal. When she was mainstreamed (up until 5th grade) I was doing too much of her homework assignments anyway. I had the school send me assignments in advance and we had another set of books, I had extensions on all big projects and we were allowed to similify projects too. Still she could not keep up. I hope this helps hearing our situation and why grades and homework were modified. We had to for her well being. You always have an option to simiplify workloads if you need to. Pam > > I need some advice, opinions...etc. I vowed to step back this year and I son was doing ok....but I looked on letter grade and he got a 50 on a math quiz, his English grade is now at 78 as well as Math and his science grade is a 37.... > > His science grade should be higher...he had a lab measurement report due and I helped him by typing it...he brought it in...he got it back saying it would be an 80 with the revisions....we revised it back ...more revision...revised it and revised it again...of course it was due on Friday and my son said it was due on he got a detention but they took it away since he handed it in on Monday. I sort of felt this teacher was looking for too much from my son...the report was creating a new measuring tool and then explaining how to use it....he wanted details go to class 100, walk in and turn left...go to the end and make a right and walk to the counter. On the counter will be the box....and then go into very detailed directions... > I guess I am pissed that after all this work he is only getting a 75 becuase he didn't bring back the original work and I threw it out...(my fault)... > > I guess I am starting to worry again...80 is not bad but in our district that is a C....and anything below 70 is failing...His English is not going so well either... > > Am I worrying too much. Am I expecting too much? I think it bothers me because school was important to me as a child and I always did so well... > > Helppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp > > jan > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 8, 2009 Report Share Posted October 8, 2009 Yes...we may have to have a meeting. My son says the Spe.Ed. teacher is yelling at him all the time and she said his attitude is changing.....well, i wonder why??? And, the bandteacher wrote him up for sitting..his knees hurt I will have to get a doctors' note. I am just pissed at the school...his science teacher is a Dr. and i think it has gone to his see the test he is giving...all open ended questions. I know my son is going to fail. And, you are right....I am going to have to get out my IEP for him ...he is to have modified work, longer test time, modified tests. We work hard on that stupid paper....and he only gets a 75 because he didn't bring back the original paper which I threw out after making the corrections. Something needs to be done or I will end up in the hospital angry at my son, and the school and just way too stressed. As for your can get a waiver for her for the State tests. WE have a student (girl) who got too stressed taking the exams....and she was waivered. What a difference. Check into this. It is a medical reason and your daughter should not be placed in that stressful situation. jan Janice Rushen "I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope" From: Pamela <susanonderko@...>Subject: ( ) Re: school grades? Date: Thursday, October 8, 2009, 1:26 PM Jan my daughter has AS too. And a non verbal learning disorder.Pressure in school would trigger anxiety in my daughter and so we had her classified under IEP. And we had her put into special education classes even though her reasoning skillsare above average. She gets lots of help, homework is modifiedand grades are adjusted too. She still has the state teststo look at to see if she is at grade level (often she has been above she is a smart kid).Anyway, my friends with typical kids are helping there kidsa lot too. And worried about grades too. Just like you. Now the question is can your son cope as do non AS kids cope with the stress of detentions and perhaps markeddown for turning things in late or partially done.My daughter could not cope and it would trigger extreme school anxiety and school refusal.When she was mainstreamed (up until 5th grade) I was doing too much of her homework assignments anyway. I had the school send me assignments in advance and we had another set of books, I had extensions on all big projects and we were allowed to similify projects too. Still she could not keep up. I hope this helps hearing our situation and why grades and homework were modified. We had to for herwell being. You always have an option to simiplify workloadsif you need to. Pam >> I need some advice, opinions...etc. I vowed to step back this year and I son was doing ok....but I looked on letter grade and he got a 50 on a math quiz, his English grade is now at 78 as well as Math and his science grade is a 37....> > His science grade should be higher...he had a lab measurement report due and I helped him by typing it...he brought it in...he got it back saying it would be an 80 with the revisions... .we revised it back ...more revision...revised it and revised it again...of course it was due on Friday and my son said it was due on he got a detention but they took it away since he handed it in on Monday. I sort of felt this teacher was looking for too much from my son...the report was creating a new measuring tool and then explaining how to use it....he wanted details go to class 100, walk in and turn left...go to the end and make a right and walk to the counter. On the counter will be the box....and then go into very detailed directions.. .> I guess I am pissed that after all this work he is only getting a 75 becuase he didn't bring back the original work and I threw it out...(my fault)...> > I guess I am starting to worry again...80 is not bad but in our district that is a C....and anything below 70 is failing...His English is not going so well either...> > Am I worrying too much. Am I expecting too much? I think it bothers me because school was important to me as a child and I always did so well...> > Helpppppppppppppppp ppppppppppppp> > jan> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 9, 2009 Report Share Posted October 9, 2009 Love the mama bear mode, that is exactly it. lol From: <tamaoki_s@...>Subject: ( ) Re: school grades? Date: Thursday, 8 October, 2009, 5:59 PM Not sure where to begin to respond to your questions about grades. First of all a big virtual hug, because I have been there, too. I used to do what you are doing - helping my son keep track of assignments, typing papers for him, making sure that things got turned in on time, lots of phone calls to teachers, and so on. It was exhausting and frustrating for me to watch my son's spirit slowly being crushed. He was able to get by in the public schools when he was in grade school, but as he got older, it just got harder for him to make sense of what he was supposed to say or do, both inside and outside of the classroom. He would get As in the classes that were quiet or highly structured and Fs in the classes where it was noisy or chaotic. His childhood friends drifted away and his anxiety went through the roof. The solution for my son was finally getting an IEP where he really got the accommodations he needed to level the playing field. We switched to a different high school where the teachers were willing to work with his strengths. I am proud to say that in his senior year, for the very first time in his life, he did every homework assignment, every project, and turned everything in on time without me having to do a thing. And he also took a night class at the local community college. Your son has Aspergers and so although he is smart, he probably has real problems with executive functioning and probably some other issues as well. He is getting older, his school work is getting more demanding, and he needs more help than what you can give him. It sounds like it is time to get an IEP with some real accommodations in place for him. He should not be penalized for not being able to do things that are impossible for him to do because of his disability. He should not be getting detentions because of his disability. It's time for you to go into mama bear mode, tell the school about his disability, and ask them to give him the help that the law says he is entitled to have. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 9, 2009 Report Share Posted October 9, 2009 That's good, . I couldn't help but think that if my son would have been one of them in the "experiment", he would have been asking if there was Internet hookup on the island. Sigh........ Robin From: O'Brien <nicole.obrien@...>Subject: RE: ( ) school grades? Date: Thursday, October 8, 2009, 7:09 AM I have not read the other responses yet, but I will chime in on this one. I watched a video once, from a speaker who spoke specifically about ADHD, or “Quick Smart Kidsâ€, as he called them Anyway… he talked about grades, and gave this WONDERFUL example. He had the teachers who were in attendance stand on one side of the room, and the parents on the other. The teachers represented the “NT†kids. The parents were the “quick smart kidsâ€. He set up a situation where he explained that the teachers were very brainy, intelligent, got good grades at school, etc. The parents, however, got C’s and D’s, but were creative, out of the box thinkers, spontaneous, etc. Then he said he dropped both groups on an island, and they had to find their way through a jungle to get to a meeting place. And wondered which group everyone thought would arrive first? Guess what? EVERYONE, including the teachers, voted that the “QUICK SMART†kids would arrive first, because they wouldn’t over think it, they would come up with creative ways, and faced with a problem, they could find a way around it faster and likely more efficiently. The moral was… grades aren’t everything. When you go to apply for a job in the real world, they don’t ask for your high school transcripts. While I believe school is important, and education is important, I have ALWAYS placed higher value on “COMMON SENSE†and a real honest effort. If your son is learning about social skills, and overcoming all his obstacles and really giving it his all into his school work, then I say a C is perfect. If you feel he could be trying harder, then that’s another issue. That’s just my 2 (or 25 lol) cents I hope you get it figured out !! =) From: [mailto:AspergersSu pport@group] On Behalf Of jrushenSent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 6:22 PM Subject: ( ) school grades? I need some advice, opinions...etc. I vowed to step back this year and I son was doing ok....but I looked on letter grade and he got a 50 on a math quiz, his English grade is now at 78 as well as Math and his science grade is a 37....His science grade should be higher...he had a lab measurement report due and I helped him by typing it...he brought it in...he got it back saying it would be an 80 with the revisions... .we revised it back ...more revision...revised it and revised it again...of course it was due on Friday and my son said it was due on he got a detention but they took it away since he handed it in on Monday. I sort of felt this teacher was looking for too much from my son...the report was creating a new measuring tool and then explaining how to use it....he wanted details go to class 100, walk in and turn left...go to the end and make a right and walk to the counter. On the counter will be the box....and then go into very detailed directions.. .I guess I am pissed that after all this work he is only getting a 75 becuase he didn't bring back the original work and I threw it out...(my fault)...I guess I am starting to worry again...80 is not bad but in our district that is a C....and anything below 70 is failing...His English is not going so well either...Am I worrying too much. Am I expecting too much? I think it bothers me because school was important to me as a child and I always did so well...Helpppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppjan __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 9, 2009 Report Share Posted October 9, 2009 It would bug me. He needs a sped teacher to run interference for him and also to keep him on track with his work. Sometimes, these assignments are brutal for our kids. Right now, my ds (13 yo, hfa) has an assignment to create an invention. All he can come up with are things already invented. lol. Duh. As for stepping back, you really can't do that. He's going to need extra help and support for many years to come. Â Roxanna " The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. " E. Burke ( ) school grades? I need some advice, opinions...etc. I vowed to step back this year and I son was doing ok....but I looked on letter grade and he got a 50 on a math quiz, his English grade is now at 78 as well as Math and his science grade is a 37.... His science grade should be higher...he had a lab measurement report due and I helped him by typing it...he brought it in...he got it back saying it would be an 80 with the revisions....we revised it back ...more revision...revised it and revised it again...of course it was due on Friday and my son said it was due on he got a detention but they took it away since he handed it in on Mon day. I sort of felt this teacher was looking for too much from my son...the report was creating a new measuring tool and then explaining how to use it....he wanted details go to class 100, walk in and turn left...go to the end and make a right and walk to the counter. On the counter will be the box....and then go into very detailed directions... I guess I am pissed that after all this work he is only getting a 75 becuase he didn't bring back the original work and I threw it out...(my fault)... I guess I am starting to worry again...80 is not bad but in our district that is a C....and anything below 70 is failing...His English is not going so well either... Am I worrying too much. Am I expecting too much? I think it bothers me because school was important to me as a child and I always did so well... Helppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp jan Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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