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Re: still wakes up and climbs into my bed

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Well - we are in the same boat - my son does the same, but not because he's

scared, just because he wants to be in my bed, right next to me - and I mean

RIGHT next to me. I think with him it's a sensory issue. I'll admit, I have

given up and just allow it because I don't know what else to do. He also

doesn't have his own room as we have 4 kids in a 3 BR house, so actually, he is

still in a toddler bed in my room - UGH. So I don't have much to offer for

ideas, but I wanted to at least let you know you are not alone.

Although - maybe, what if you set up a cot or a sleeping bag in your room that

she would be allowed to come in and sleep on. Provided she does not wake you

up, you will allow her to come in and sleep NEAR you, on the floor NEXT to your

bed in a sleeping bag or on a cot. I would stress that the condition is that

she NOT wake you - might work.

Good luck.


> My 8 yr. old daughter still wakes up nights and wants to climb into bed with

me because she says she's scared in her room. If I take her back to her bed and

stay with her until she falls asleep, she wakes up again about 3 or 4 hours

later and comes back. Eventually, I fall asleep, and when I wake up, she is next

to me. I don't feel rested and don't know what to do. She gets a snack, goes to

the bathroom, we read a book, say prayers, give hugs/kisses, etc. before bed. It

reminds me of an infant--waking up about 3 or 4 hours after going to bed, and

again 4 hours after that, and again after that. I've tried doing active things

so she's tired, tried to make so her room is 'friendly' and other than bedtime

she seems to be just fine in her room doing other things. In fact, she will read

awhile in her room at bedtime and seems to be all right, but when she's done

reading is when she gets scared. I end up staying in there most of the time

until she falls asleep, and then she wakes up later and comes in my room. I love

her so much and don't want her to be scared. I also could use a good night's

sleep and some time for myself at bedtime. Any ideas?


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My son is 12 and still does this occasionally. Now it's pretty much only when

my MIL is here and he can't sleep in what we've designated our " guest bedroom " .

He likes the queensized bed. The room is also bigger. We tried white noise

which I think may have helped some. can hear all these tiny sounds and

they sometimes wake him up. doesn't like being in a twin sized bed at all.

We're planning to get him a full sized loft bed. That way he'll have lots of

floor space underneath but he can have a nice big bed in the room.

My daughter who is 9 still sometimes wants to be in our bed if she has a

nightmare but it's not all the time.

Try to figure out what is causing the behavior. We did " family bed " in our

house so our kids were in the bed most of the time when they were little. Then

they sometimes were in the bed together without us mostly on the queen sized

bed. Now they're both big and annoy each other and get too warm in the bed with

us so they tend to stick to their own beds most of the time.

Try lying down on the bed in that room and looking and listening and feeling

everything to see if can figure out anything that might be waking her up or

bothering her.



> My 8 yr. old daughter still wakes up nights and wants to climb into bed with

me because she says she's scared in her room. If I take her back to her bed and

stay with her until she falls asleep, she wakes up again about 3 or 4 hours

later and comes back. Eventually, I fall asleep, and when I wake up, she is next

to me. I don't feel rested and don't know what to do. She gets a snack, goes to

the bathroom, we read a book, say prayers, give hugs/kisses, etc. before bed. It

reminds me of an infant--waking up about 3 or 4 hours after going to bed, and

again 4 hours after that, and again after that. I've tried doing active things

so she's tired, tried to make so her room is 'friendly' and other than bedtime

she seems to be just fine in her room doing other things. In fact, she will read

awhile in her room at bedtime and seems to be all right, but when she's done

reading is when she gets scared. I end up staying in there most of the time

until she falls asleep, and then she wakes up later and comes in my room. I love

her so much and don't want her to be scared. I also could use a good night's

sleep and some time for myself at bedtime. Any ideas?


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You could find something that will soothe or calm her on her own

besides you. I am thinking of a small fish aquarium? Nightlight? MP3

player with calming music? Anything you can get her to latch on to

that might help calm her down on her own. But also, I have the same

problems here with mine so you are not alone.


" The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

nothing. " E. Burke

( ) still wakes up and climbs into my bed

My 8 yr. old daughter still wakes up nights and wants to climb into bed

with me because she says she's scared in her room. If I take her back

to her bed and stay with her until she falls asleep, she wakes up again

about 3 or 4 hours later and comes back. Eventually, I fall asleep, and

when I wake up, she is next to me. I don't feel rested and don't know

what to do. She gets a snack, goes to the bathroom, we read a book, say

prayers, give hugs/kisses, etc. before bed. It reminds me of an

infant--waking up about 3 or 4 hours after going to bed, and again 4

hours after that, and again after that. I've tried doing active things

so she's tired, tried to make so her room is 'friendly' and other than

bedtime she seems to be just fine in h

er room doing other things. In

fact, she will read awhile in her room at bedtime and seems to be all

right, but when she's done reading is when she gets scared. I end up

staying in there most of the time until she falls asleep, and then she

wakes up later and comes in my room. I love her so much and don't want

her to be scared. I also could use a good night's sleep and some time

for myself at bedtime. Any ideas?

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My son used to have night mares, and also say there was a man in his room, which scared me to death. I guess his dreams were so vivid they seemed real to him. Maybe this is what is happening to your little girl. I used to say a prayer with him that Jesus would be with him and watch over him during the night. I would also sleep in his bed until he went to sleep, sometimes I would go to sleep too, lol. But like you, I loved him so much I couldn't stand the thought of him being so alone and scared. You say you read a book before bedtime, I wouldn't read anything that she might think to much on, just something sweet and loving. pjFrom: jmlrgs1870 <jmlrgs1870@...>Subject: ( ) still wakes up and climbs into my bed Date: Sunday, September 13, 2009, 1:22 AM

My 8 yr. old daughter still wakes up nights and wants to climb into bed with me because she says she's scared in her room. If I take her back to her bed and stay with her until she falls asleep, she wakes up again about 3 or 4 hours later and comes back. Eventually, I fall asleep, and when I wake up, she is next to me. I don't feel rested and don't know what to do. She gets a snack, goes to the bathroom, we read a book, say prayers, give hugs/kisses, etc. before bed. It reminds me of an infant--waking up about 3 or 4 hours after going to bed, and again 4 hours after that, and again after that. I've tried doing active things so she's tired, tried to make so her room is 'friendly' and other than bedtime she seems to be just fine in her room doing other things. In fact, she will read awhile in her room at bedtime and seems to be all right, but when she's done reading is when she gets scared. I end up staying in there most of the time

until she falls asleep, and then she wakes up later and comes in my room. I love her so much and don't want her to be scared. I also could use a good night's sleep and some time for myself at bedtime. Any ideas?

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My daughter did this for many many years (you know, it's funny, I can't remember

now exactly WHEN she stopped), she would also get up and come into the living

room and say that her " tummy was sad " , that went on for several years as

well.... never could define what " sad " meant exactly. Personally, I didn't

really mind her climbing into bed, at least would sleep then. And too, it was

NOT an every night thing. Since it's only her and I,it wasn't a big deal. She

still has sleep issues, but at least she's staying in her own bed. It doesn't

seem to be tied to anything going on during the day, it just happens.




> My 8 yr. old daughter still wakes up nights and wants to

climb into bed with me because she says she's scared in her room. If I take her

back to her bed and stay with her until she falls asleep, she wakes up again

about 3 or 4 hours later and comes back. Eventually, I fall asleep, and when I

wake up, she is next to me. I don't feel rested and don't know what to do. She

gets a snack, goes to the bathroom, we read a book, say prayers, give

hugs/kisses, etc. before bed. It reminds me of an infant--waking up about 3 or 4

hours after going to bed, and again 4 hours after that, and again after that.

I've tried doing active things so she's tired, tried to make so her room is

'friendly' and other than bedtime she seems to be just fine in her room doing

other things. In fact, she will read awhile in her room at bedtime and seems to

be all right, but when she's done reading is when she gets scared. I end up

staying in there most of the time until

> she falls asleep, and then she wakes up later and comes in my room. I love

her so much and don't want her to be scared. I also could use a good night's

sleep and some time for myself at bedtime. Any ideas?


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Wow, I am new here, and am amazed how many people have sleep problems with their

kids! My daughter is 3 1/2 and almost never sleeps all night. We actually have

had to resort to sleeping medication for her at nighttime, as she would stay up

until 3 am many nights before falling asleep, then not nap at all during the

day. She still wakes generally once a night, but goes back to sleep fairly

easy. She has very vivid dreams that often frighten her. I am generally able

to convince her that everything is ok, and keep her in her own bed.

Occassionally she does come into our bed. One thing that did help, was having

her share a room with her little sister. She seems to feel more secure having

another person in the room with her. I'm not sure if you have any other

children, but if so maybe this would be something to try?? Another thing we

have done, which I know is generally frowned upon but has been a life-saver for

us...is to put a tv in her room. She will generally just watch tv until she

falls asleep, and if she wakes in the middle of the night, she can watch it

until she falls asleep again. I know it's not the best solution, but it has

really helped our daughter stay in her bed, and not disturb us so frequently at



> My 8 yr. old daughter still wakes up nights and wants to climb into bed with

me because she says she's scared in her room. If I take her back to her bed and

stay with her until she falls asleep, she wakes up again about 3 or 4 hours

later and comes back. Eventually, I fall asleep, and when I wake up, she is next

to me. I don't feel rested and don't know what to do. She gets a snack, goes to

the bathroom, we read a book, say prayers, give hugs/kisses, etc. before bed. It

reminds me of an infant--waking up about 3 or 4 hours after going to bed, and

again 4 hours after that, and again after that. I've tried doing active things

so she's tired, tried to make so her room is 'friendly' and other than bedtime

she seems to be just fine in her room doing other things. In fact, she will read

awhile in her room at bedtime and seems to be all right, but when she's done

reading is when she gets scared. I end up staying in there most of the time

until she falls asleep, and then she wakes up later and comes in my room. I love

her so much and don't want her to be scared. I also could use a good night's

sleep and some time for myself at bedtime. Any ideas?


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My son is six, he does this too,but not every night, I put him back in bed 3 or more times a night, then when the alarm goes there he is snuggled up next to me.

The nights he sleeps through he keeps the light on in his room, all night. I don't argue about it I just buy the energy saving light bulbs.

From: jmlrgs1870 <jmlrgs1870@...>Subject: ( ) still wakes up and climbs into my bed Date: Sunday, 13 September, 2009, 7:22 AM

My 8 yr. old daughter still wakes up nights and wants to climb into bed with me because she says she's scared in her room. If I take her back to her bed and stay with her until she falls asleep, she wakes up again about 3 or 4 hours later and comes back. Eventually, I fall asleep, and when I wake up, she is next to me. I don't feel rested and don't know what to do. She gets a snack, goes to the bathroom, we read a book, say prayers, give hugs/kisses, etc. before bed. It reminds me of an infant--waking up about 3 or 4 hours after going to bed, and again 4 hours after that, and again after that. I've tried doing active things so she's tired, tried to make so her room is 'friendly' and other than bedtime she seems to be just fine in her room doing other things. In fact, she will read awhile in her room at bedtime and seems to be all right, but when she's done reading is when she gets scared. I end up staying in there most of the time until she falls

asleep, and then she wakes up later and comes in my room. I love her so much and don't want her to be scared. I also could use a good night's sleep and some time for myself at bedtime. Any ideas?

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Under the category of " trying everything " .....recently my 5 yr. old son asked

for a radio to be left on in his room throughout the night so that he wouldn't

feel so lonely. It has really worked! He selected a classic rock station &

actually likes it on quite loud. But, he now sleeps through the night & wakes

around 7 AM as opposed to 5. Good luck.


> My 8 yr. old daughter still wakes up nights and wants to climb into bed with

me because she says she's scared in her room. If I take her back to her bed and

stay with her until she falls asleep, she wakes up again about 3 or 4 hours

later and comes back. Eventually, I fall asleep, and when I wake up, she is next

to me. I don't feel rested and don't know what to do. She gets a snack, goes to

the bathroom, we read a book, say prayers, give hugs/kisses, etc. before bed. It

reminds me of an infant--waking up about 3 or 4 hours after going to bed, and

again 4 hours after that, and again after that. I've tried doing active things

so she's tired, tried to make so her room is 'friendly' and other than bedtime

she seems to be just fine in her room doing other things. In fact, she will read

awhile in her room at bedtime and seems to be all right, but when she's done

reading is when she gets scared. I end up staying in there most of the time

until she falls asleep, and then she wakes up later and comes in my room. I love

her so much and don't want her to be scared. I also could use a good night's

sleep and some time for myself at bedtime. Any ideas?


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Our son is 11 now, and continues to need to sleep near us. Our daughter could care less and prefers to sleep in her own bed. We have evolved from returning him to his bed 3-5 times a night,from age 2.5 to letting him set up on our floor QUIETLY. We both work so our sleep is important, not to mention that kids need all their sleep too! We tried melatonin, benadryl, prescription sleepers, the therapist suggested reward programs., the Psychiatrist calls it anxiety...Otherwise, Nicky is well adjusted, does well in school, has good friendships. And you know what? You'd be surprised at how many other kids, with no labels or dx, have sleep issues...You are doing all the right things. Continue to do what is best for your family, to

meet your needs. A good friend, shared that her now 16 yrold slept on her floor until he was almost 13, then it stopped suddenly. Go figure!

From: jmlrgs1870 <jmlrgs1870@...> Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2009 2:22:19 AMSubject: ( ) still wakes up and climbs into my bed

My 8 yr. old daughter still wakes up nights and wants to climb into bed with me because she says she's scared in her room. If I take her back to her bed and stay with her until she falls asleep, she wakes up again about 3 or 4 hours later and comes back. Eventually, I fall asleep, and when I wake up, she is next to me. I don't feel rested and don't know what to do. She gets a snack, goes to the bathroom, we read a book, say prayers, give hugs/kisses, etc. before bed. It reminds me of an infant--waking up about 3 or 4 hours after going to bed, and again 4 hours after that, and again after that. I've tried doing active things so she's tired, tried to make so her room is 'friendly' and other than bedtime she seems to be just fine in her room doing other things. In fact, she will read awhile in her room at bedtime and seems to be all right, but when she's done reading is when she gets scared. I end up staying in there most of the time until she falls

asleep, and then she wakes up later and comes in my room. I love her so much and don't want her to be scared. I also could use a good night's sleep and some time for myself at bedtime. Any ideas?

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> My 8 yr. old daughter still wakes up nights and wants to climb into bed with

me because she says she's scared in her room.

One thing that helps is trying to find out exactly what is scaring her.

Everybody has their phobias. We had this problem off and on until our twin boys

were about 11yo. We also found that it went beyond the immediate environment.

For example, the first time our boys were completely separated all day long at

school in 5th grade--they immediately started sleeping together in the same bed

for the first time in a long time, and also sometimes coming into our bed. They

never articulated anything about being bothered by the separation, but there was

an obvious connection. It took them all year long to get comfortable sleeping

apart again, and when I told the counselor and assistant principal about their

reaction, the next year they let them be in the same classes. There were other

things other years. When they were about 3, the Asperger one started having

night terrors, and that was something we had to work through. When that girl in

Utah got kidnapped out of her bed even while sleeping with a sibling, that

brought on another bought of insecurity. We had to go around every night,

making sure all the windows and doors were locked, and they still ended up in

our bed some nights. 4 of us in a queen size bed was not terribly comfortable

LOL. I thought I would go nuts sometimes. But we managed to work through it

each time. I don't have any magic answers--just try to find out exactly what is

scaring her and work on it, talk to her. I also found it helped to make sure

the child's bed is as comfortable as possible. It might be worth it to invest

in a good mattress and high quality cotton sheets, if you haven't already. That

seemed to make a difference sometimes. After you get them to stop sleeping with

you, they may still keep getting up at night. One of my kids gets up and makes

sure he knows where we all are at, including the cat, if he gets it in his head

that someone might be missing, or if he wakes up and thinks his brother is not

in his bed. Sometimes he is half asleep and his brother is still there curled

up real small under the blankets or something. Sometimes my husband will let

the cat out at night, and that drives him nuts. He'll be getting up all night

long until she comes back in; sometimes he'll fall asleep if I can get him

convinced I'm watching for her and will make sure she gets in.

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> My son is 12 and still does this occasionally. Now it's pretty much only when

my MIL is here and he can't sleep in what we've designated our " guest bedroom " .

He likes the queensized bed. The room is also bigger. We tried white noise

which I think may have helped some. can hear all these tiny sounds and

they sometimes wake him up.

Yes, that is another good one. Our sons sleep better with either a fan or a

humidifier going.

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My 11 year old daughter slept with me until this summer. What changed? A number

of things. Definately anxiety was a big part

of the problem. Also she needed my help to calm down and just

relax in bed. This summer the anti anxiety medication seems

to have addressed this issue. And last we changed her bedroom

into a very tiny bedroom with bunkbeds. She has her hamster in the room for

company (her idea). The whole bedroom change was

her idea. I am sure without the medication she would still be in

my room.

good luck,



as-- In , " jmlrgs1870 " <jmlrgs1870@...> wrote:


> My 8 yr. old daughter still wakes up nights and wants to climb into bed with

me because she says she's scared in her room. If I take her back to her bed and

stay with her until she falls asleep, she wakes up again about 3 or 4 hours

later and comes back. Eventually, I fall asleep, and when I wake up, she is next

to me. I don't feel rested and don't know what to do. She gets a snack, goes to

the bathroom, we read a book, say prayers, give hugs/kisses, etc. before bed. It

reminds me of an infant--waking up about 3 or 4 hours after going to bed, and

again 4 hours after that, and again after that. I've tried doing active things

so she's tired, tried to make so her room is 'friendly' and other than bedtime

she seems to be just fine in her room doing other things. In fact, she will read

awhile in her room at bedtime and seems to be all right, but when she's done

reading is when she gets scared. I end up staying in there most of the time

until she falls asleep, and then she wakes up later and comes in my room. I love

her so much and don't want her to be scared. I also could use a good night's

sleep and some time for myself at bedtime. Any ideas?


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My girl is 10 and she still sleeps with me. She is afraid of being alone and can't sleep well. I do not sleep very much because most of the time she has involuntary movements that keep me awake. I I have not slept well since she was born :) ( ) still wakes up and climbs into my bed My 8 yr. old daughter still wakes up nights and wants to climb into bed with me because she says she's scared in her room. If I take her back to her bed and stay with her until she falls asleep, she wakes up again about 3 or 4 hours later and comes back. Eventually, I fall asleep, and when I wake up, she is next to me. I don't feel rested and don't know what to do. She gets a snack, goes to the bathroom, we read a book, say prayers, give hugs/kisses, etc. before bed. It reminds me of an infant--waking up about 3 or 4 hours after going to bed, and again 4 hours after that, and again after that. I've tried doing active things so she's tired, tried to make so her room is 'friendly' and other than bedtime she seems to be just fine in her room doing other things. In fact, she will read awhile in her room at bedtime and seems to be all right, but when she's done reading is when she gets scared. I end up staying in there most of the time until she falls asleep, and then she wakes up later and comes in my room. I love her so much and don't want her to be scared. I also could use a good night's sleep and some time for myself at bedtime. Any ideas?

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My son stays up really late at night and has problems getting up in the morning,

but what has helped him get out of bed was was burning a CD with favorite songs

and using that CD as his alarm in the morning. He has made several CDs of his

own and plays them over and over again while he is in his room. He plays them

when he is on his computer or playing a handheld game, and as he falls to sleep.

I think they help calm him down. But there are days that hearing that CD play

over and over drives me crazy. My nephew with AS sometimes wants to play the

same CD over and over again while he drives. It drives everyone else in the car

nuts, but it seems to help him focus.

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............. But there are days that hearing that CD play over and over drives me crazy.I think I have heard Love Story about a hundred times a day since I introduced it to my daughter. She puts her CD player on repeat mode so it can play endlessly. I had to get her hooked on this song to keep from having to hear I Can't Wait by Mylie Cyrus. I was REALLY going nuts with that one! Count your blessings..... at least he'll listen to a full CD - I get ONE song! I've even tried putting a compilation of songs she's been in love with in the past on one CD, hoping she'd let it play through, but nope. It's really cute though :)

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my husband and I both tend to listen to the same song over and over. Once when

he was still working on his PhD he played the song " I am Superman " by REM ALL


get stuck on one song and play it over several times but then I do move on after

a bit. When Warren Zevon died I got stuck on Mr. Bad Example which I played all

day and every day for ages when I was in my car alone. I didn't subject my kids

to that.

Right now I'm stuck on the song from the game Portal called Still Alive.

Fortunately, my kids are stuck on it too!




> ............ But there are days that hearing that CD play over and over

> drives me crazy.



> I think I have heard Love Story about a hundred times a day since I

> introduced it to my daughter. She puts her CD player on repeat mode so

> it can play endlessly. I had to get her hooked on this song to keep from

> having to hear I Can't Wait by Mylie Cyrus. I was REALLY going nuts with

> that one! Count your blessings..... at least he'll listen to a full CD

> - I get ONE song! I've even tried putting a compilation of songs she's

> been in love with in the past on one CD, hoping she'd let it play

> through, but nope. It's really cute though :)


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I'm so glad to see how many responses there have been to this topic. There are a

couple of thoughts and ideas that I have not tried yet (and I thought I'd tried

everything!), so we'll see how it goes. She's such a honey. I want her to feel

safe and happy AND let both of us have a good night's rest! Blessings to

everyone! You are great (and so are our kids!!!)!

> >

> > ............ But there are days that hearing that CD play over and over

> > drives me crazy.

> >

> >

> > I think I have heard Love Story about a hundred times a day since I

> > introduced it to my daughter. She puts her CD player on repeat mode so

> > it can play endlessly. I had to get her hooked on this song to keep from

> > having to hear I Can't Wait by Mylie Cyrus. I was REALLY going nuts with

> > that one! Count your blessings..... at least he'll listen to a full CD

> > - I get ONE song! I've even tried putting a compilation of songs she's

> > been in love with in the past on one CD, hoping she'd let it play

> > through, but nope. It's really cute though :)

> >


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This month Gregors repeat play song is Walk this way, Run dmc/ aerosmith. Last month Nevermind, Nirvana. So I think I have a budding grunger on my hands. lol

From: andie6294 <andie6294@...>Subject: ( ) Re: still wakes up and climbs into my bed Date: Tuesday, 15 September, 2009, 5:31 PM

............. But there are days that hearing that CD play over and over drives me crazy.I think I have heard Love Story about a hundred times a day since I introduced it to my daughter. She puts her CD player on repeat mode so it can play endlessly. I had to get her hooked on this song to keep from having to hear I Can't Wait by Mylie Cyrus. I was REALLY going nuts with that one! Count your blessings... .. at least he'll listen to a full CD - I get ONE song! I've even tried putting a compilation of songs she's been in love with in the past on one CD, hoping she'd let it play through, but nope. It's really cute though :)

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lol. At least you get to hear some good music. <g> I am lucky

because I my taste in music is eclectic. So I am usually good with

whatever the kids listen to - from country to classical to heavy metal.

There are always exceptions - just bad music - of course.

I love your ds's name, btw! " Gregor " is very cool. I recently read a

series of books where the main character's name is " Gregor. " It's

written for kids, too. " Gregor the Overlander " by Suzanne .

It's worth the read for anyone, any age really. He might really like



" The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

nothing. " E. Burke

( ) Re: still wakes up and climbs into my bed

Date: Tuesday, 15 September, 2009, 5:31 PM


............. But there are days that hearing that CD play over a

nd over

drives me crazy.

I think I have heard Love Story about a hundred times a day since I

introduced it to my daughter. She puts her CD player on repeat mode so

it can play endlessly. I had to get her hooked on this song to keep

from having to hear I Can't Wait by Mylie Cyrus. I was REALLY going

nuts with that one!  Count your blessings... .. at least he'll listen

to a full CD - I get ONE song! I've even tried putting a compilation of

songs she's been in love with in the past on one CD, hoping she'd let

it play through, but nope.  It's really cute though :)

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Thanks Roxanna, I will look that book up, I'm sure he would love it.

Re his name, thanks, don't know if he feels the same he is always introducing himself as Lancaster! lol

Lor BFrom: andie6294 <andie6294 (DOT) com>Subject:

( ) Re: still wakes up and climbs into my bed Date: Tuesday, 15 September, 2009, 5:31 PM ............ But there are days that hearing that CD play over and over drives me crazy.I think I have heard Love Story about a hundred times a day since I introduced it to my daughter. She puts her CD player on repeat mode so it can play endlessly. I had to get her hooked on this song to keep from having to hear I Can't Wait by Mylie Cyrus. I was REALLY going nuts with that one! Count your blessings... .. at least he'll listen to a full CD - I get ONE song! I've even tried putting a compilation of songs she's been in love with in the past on one CD, hoping she'd let

it play through, but nope. It's really cute though :)

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Gregor the Overlander is GREAT!


> Lorraine,

> lol. At least you get to hear some good music. <g> I am lucky

> because I my taste in music is eclectic. So I am usually good with

> whatever the kids listen to - from country to classical to heavy metal.

> There are always exceptions - just bad music - of course.


> I love your ds's name, btw! " Gregor " is very cool. I recently read a

> series of books where the main character's name is " Gregor. " It's

> written for kids, too. " Gregor the Overlander " by Suzanne .

> It's worth the read for anyone, any age really. He might really like

> it.




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ROFL!! He sounds like a fun kid. My 12 yo (hfa) hates his name as

well. His name is " Reece " and he prefers to be called, " Bill. " I have

no idea why and I just refuse to call him Bill. At least Gregor picked

a famous actor. lol.

Do find the Gregor books. There is a whole series of them (The

Underland Chronicles) starting with " Gregor the overlander. " They are

so fun and interesting for me as well so you might enjoy them too!! He

might even learn his name is pretty cool after following Gregor's

heroics. Here is a link to the webpage about the books -->



" The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

nothing. " E. Burke

( ) Re: still wakes up and climbs into my bed

Date: Tuesday, 15 September, 2009, 5:31 PM


............. But there are20days that hearing that CD play over a

nd over

drives me crazy.

I think I have heard Love Story about a hundred times a day since I

introduced it to my daughter. She puts her CD player on repeat mode so

it can play endlessly. I had to get her hooked on this song to keep

from having to hear I Can't Wait by Mylie Cyrus. I was REALLY going

nuts with that one!  Count your blessings... .. at least he'll listen

to a full CD - I get ONE song! I've even tried putting a compilation of

songs she's been in love with in the past on one CD, hoping she'd let

it play through, but nope.  It's really cute though :)

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