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Questions about my son

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Hi my name is and I have a 5 year old who has been a puzzle to me. When my

husbands father passed away my sister-in-law told us that their dad had

Aspergers which no one had known about. I guess she found something in his

things. Well my 5 year old the main thing he hates loud noise, He don't like

change too much,he will only eat items that he is used to can't try anything new

with him, he also when we are out at the stores he will see something that is

out of place and he has the need to put it back where it goes. It is hard

sometimes to get out of the stores. lol And when he was younger if you were

sitting in one place and left your glass there and then you went to another spot

for a minute he would get your glass and bring it to you. He will notice

something different in a room. My son is starting to get hyper but usually in

the evening. I asked him to be tested and he was but they say he is not

Aspergers. My son has speech issues. He is very shy he is smart but he don't

learn like everyone else. I am wondering if anyone would know that if the loud

noises hurt him or does it just bother him? And also do you think he has

Aspergers? My older son has less symptoms but we think he might also have it a

little and my husband is just like his dad in a way which he will eat anything

but he hates going anywhere and it is hard to get my husband to do anything

while home from work but to keep his mind on the computer. He won't just sit and

watch tv but he needs to keep his mind on something. And also both my husband

and older son have been diagnosed with A.D.H.D. Thank you

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AS is a subjective diagnosis so it's really the interpretation by the evaluator.

My son was suspected as AS when he was 6. He underwent a full neuropsych at age

6.5. The doc ruled out AS but did dx many individual issues that also are listed

as part of AS. We did another full neuropsych eval (school's dime) at age 12.

This time a diff doc ruled that my son had AS. Basically the reports were very

similar in their findings but their final diagnosis differed.

I can't help but respond to your " he is smart but he don't learn like everyone

else. " That described my son perfectly in his younger years. It was a challenge

getting elementary school teachers who understood that they may have take an

extra step or two to help my son learn what they were teaching. Once the

teachers understood then things went more smoothly. The elementary school

counselor once told me that my son had one of the most unique learning styles

that he had come across in all his years at the school. That said, my son is now

in high school and a high honor roll student. He attends regular honors level

classes but we do make sure that he has a study hall each day to take a bit of

stress off of him. We're not sure if my son gradually adapted to the basic

teaching style or that the teaching style between elementary and ms/hs level is

different and my son was just better suited to the latter style.

It sounds like your son may have sensory integration disorder. Many kids with

SID have problems with noises and transitions. An OT who is familiar with SID

may be able to evaluate your son for SID.


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Who tested him? You need a private evaluation done (not by a school system) by

someone reputable and experienced with Aspergers/Autism. Also, start reading up

on Aspergers on your own. You might also read up on Sensory Processing Disorder

(Sensory Integration Dysfunction).



> Hi my name is and I have a 5 year old who has been a puzzle to me. When

my husbands father passed away my sister-in-law told us that their dad had

Aspergers which no one had known about. I guess she found something in his

things. Well my 5 year old the main thing he hates loud noise, He don't like

change too much,he will only eat items that he is used to can't try anything new

with him, he also when we are out at the stores he will see something that is

out of place and he has the need to put it back where it goes. It is hard

sometimes to get out of the stores. lol And when he was younger if you were

sitting in one place and left your glass there and then you went to another spot

for a minute he would get your glass and bring it to you. He will notice

something different in a room. My son is starting to get hyper but usually in

the evening. I asked him to be tested and he was but they say he is not

Aspergers. My son has speech issues. He is very shy he is smart but he don't

learn like everyone else. I am wondering if anyone would know that if the loud

noises hurt him or does it just bother him? And also do you think he has

Aspergers? My older son has less symptoms but we think he might also have it a

little and my husband is just like his dad in a way which he will eat anything

but he hates going anywhere and it is hard to get my husband to do anything

while home from work but to keep his mind on the computer. He won't just sit and

watch tv but he needs to keep his mind on something. And also both my husband

and older son have been diagnosed with A.D.H.D. Thank you


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