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The gut-brain barrier in major depression.

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This is the first study I have seen where traditional

medicine acknowldges the role of leaky gut in depression!


The gut-brain barrier in major depression:

Intestinal mucosal dysfunction with an increased

translocation of LPS from gram negative

enterobacteria (leaky gut) plays a role in the

inflammatory pathophysiology of depression - Source:

Neuro Endocrinology Letters, Feb 18, 2008.

by M Maes, et al.



There is now evidence that major depression (MDD) is

accompanied by an activation of the inflammatory

response system (IRS) and that pro-inflammatory

cytokines and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) may induce

depressive symptoms.

The aim of the present study was to examine whether

an increased gastrointestinal permeability with an

increased translocation of LPS from gram negative

bacteria may play a role in the pathophysiology of

MDD. [Many types of gram negative bacteria can cause

disease, and this cability is usually associated with

LPS - their outer membrane, which triggers immune


Toward this end, the present study examines the serum

concentrations of IgM and IgA [antibodies] against

LPS of the gram-negative enterobacteria, Hafnia

Alvei, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, ella ii,

Pseudomonas Putida, Citrobacter Koseri, and

Klebsielle Pneumoniae in MDD patients and normal


We found that the prevalences and median values for

serum IgM and IgA against LPS of enterobacteria are

significantly greater in patients with MDD than in

normal volunteers.

These differences are significant to the extent that

a significant diagnostic performance is obtained;

i.e., the area under the ROC curve is 90.1%. The

symptom profiles of increased IgM and IgA levels are

fatigue, autonomic and gastro-intestinal symptoms,

and a subjective feeling of infection.

The results show that intestinal mucosal dysfunction

characterized by an increased translocation of

gram-negative bacteria (leaky gut) plays a role in

the inflammatory pathophysiology of depression.

It is suggested that the increased LPS translocation

may mount an immune response and thus IRS activation

in some patients with MDD and may induce specific

" sickness behaviour " symptoms. It is suggested that

patients with MDD should be checked for leaky gut by

means of the IgM and IgA panel used in the present

study and accordingly should be treated for leaky gut.

Source: Neuro Endocrinology Letters. 2008 Feb

18;29(1) [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 18283240, by

Maes M, Kubera M, Leunis JC. M-Care4U Outpatient

Clinics, and the Clinical Research Center for Mental

Health, Belgium. [E-mail: crc.mh@...]

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Fascinating! Thanks for posting this.





> This is the first study I have seen where traditional

> medicine acknowldges the role of leaky gut in depression!

> Barb


> The gut-brain barrier in major depression:

> Intestinal mucosal dysfunction with an increased

> translocation of LPS from gram negative

> enterobacteria (leaky gut) plays a role in the

> inflammatory pathophysiology of depression - Source:

> Neuro Endocrinology Letters, Feb 18, 2008.

> by M Maes, et al.

> ImmuneSupport.com


> 02-21-2008



> There is now evidence that major depression (MDD) is

> accompanied by an activation of the inflammatory

> response system (IRS) and that pro-inflammatory

> cytokines and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) may induce

> depressive symptoms.


> The aim of the present study was to examine whether

> an increased gastrointestinal permeability with an

> increased translocation of LPS from gram negative

> bacteria may play a role in the pathophysiology of

> MDD. [Many types of gram negative bacteria can cause

> disease, and this cability is usually associated with

> LPS - their outer membrane, which triggers immune

> activation/inflammation.]



> Toward this end, the present study examines the serum

> concentrations of IgM and IgA [antibodies] against

> LPS of the gram-negative enterobacteria, Hafnia

> Alvei, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, ella ii,

> Pseudomonas Putida, Citrobacter Koseri, and

> Klebsielle Pneumoniae in MDD patients and normal

> controls.



> We found that the prevalences and median values for

> serum IgM and IgA against LPS of enterobacteria are

> significantly greater in patients with MDD than in

> normal volunteers.



> These differences are significant to the extent that

> a significant diagnostic performance is obtained;

> i.e., the area under the ROC curve is 90.1%. The

> symptom profiles of increased IgM and IgA levels are

> fatigue, autonomic and gastro-intestinal symptoms,

> and a subjective feeling of infection.



> The results show that intestinal mucosal dysfunction

> characterized by an increased translocation of

> gram-negative bacteria (leaky gut) plays a role in

> the inflammatory pathophysiology of depression.



> It is suggested that the increased LPS translocation

> may mount an immune response and thus IRS activation

> in some patients with MDD and may induce specific

> " sickness behaviour " symptoms. It is suggested that

> patients with MDD should be checked for leaky gut by

> means of the IgM and IgA panel used in the present

> study and accordingly should be treated for leaky gut.



> Source: Neuro Endocrinology Letters. 2008 Feb

> 18;29(1) [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 18283240, by

> Maes M, Kubera M, Leunis JC. M-Care4U Outpatient

> Clinics, and the Clinical Research Center for Mental

> Health, Belgium. [E-mail: crc.mh@...]


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