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Re: What to do when I feel over the edge-newbie

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Hi Kelley,

I just wanted to say " hang in there, " and I understand! I often feel

over-whelmed as well. This group is a great support.


> So, I guess how do you cope.

> Sorry this is so long, guess I realy needed to vent and let it out so I

wouldn't burst at the seams. Any advice would be great and humor would be

greater and hope would be marvelous!!


> Kelley


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I don't have much time now, but my hubby works with special forces and recently

came back from a tour in the middle east. Life was/is sooo hard. I so very much

know what you're going through. I would love to help comfort you--to let you

know that you're a strong woman to marry a warrior. You do have it in you, but

you need to reach out to other women, too. I gotta go, but write me.


> I have just joined the group as I have a recently diagnosed aspie, who is 5

years old. I also have a 15 year old with high functioning autism who is also,

15, as well as a 2 year old little girl, who is certainly going through the

terrible twos!! I have been feeling a little overwhelmed as of late.


> My pediatrician wants Levi, my 5 yo, to get back in preschool as we pulled him

out of kindergarten because of the issues with the disorder, but also because he

was the youngest child at the school. So, I have an appointment at teh preschool

tomorrow, which I think is the added stress, to see if they will let him back

in. Since Levi was only diagnosed by the pediatrician, they are going to

administer the ados to decide if he will be allowed into the preschool since

they graduated him last year. I don't know what to expect and am afraid they

won't let him in or he will be so uncooperative he will get a weird diagnosis.

So I have been testy with the kids and feeling, well, a little depressed, maybe



> So, I guess how do you cope. My husband works long hours and is actually going

to be leaving for basic traing and advance training in a few months and other

than my mom, I know no one that can handle the 5 year old as far as a

babysitter, so I am often here alone with the kids. What do I do to keep myself

okay, sometimes I am teary eyed all day and some days AI am yelling and short

tempered with the kids, which I know doesn't help. I feel really alone at times

and like it's all up to me.


> Sorry this is so long, guess I realy needed to vent and let it out so I

wouldn't burst at the seams. Any advice would be great and humor would be

greater and hope would be marvelous!!


> Kelley


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Hi Kelley, we have good days and bad days and hopefully those good moments in

our lives make up for those other days when we're feeling overwhelmed. You are

doing the right thing by joining one of the many great group sites that offer

support from parents who know what you are going through.

An area church might offer some respite for you so you can do some errands on

your own and have some valuable " on your own " time. You might also contact your

state autism society to see what services might be available.

I run an autism group in Illinois and have been putting together a national

website where professionals, organizations and just regular people who want to

help can leave their info for special needs families. There's even a friends

section where parents can find other parents in their neighborhood for support

and hopefully set up some play dates too. I'm not in all states yet but you are

welcome to take a look. http://www.oneplaceforspecialneeds.com

Here's a link to articles on coping with being a parent of a child with autism

including overcoming feelings of isolation and managing your own feelings.



You've got two little ones and that's stressful enough. When you have those

tough days, look at your 15-year-old and how far along he's come. You were

instrumental in those successes. Don't worry, there will be plenty more great

moments to look forward to with your children in the future.


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All my best to you, Kelley. I have three children, 14, 10 and 6. We finally got

a correct dx for my oldest just one year ago of Asperger's Syndrome. It's been a

long and wild ride but I just want to share that taking medication to take the

edge off has become something that I do, ultimately, for my kids. I take a

little Celexa and I find I don't yell as much and have more patience for the

small things, which helps for the big things!!

Sending prayers your way,



> I have just joined the group as I have a recently diagnosed aspie, who is 5

years old. I also have a 15 year old with high functioning autism who is also,

15, as well as a 2 year old little girl, who is certainly going through the

terrible twos!! I have been feeling a little overwhelmed as of late.



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Hi Kelley, glad you found this group. Just reading here can help so much to

know you're not alone!

I'm a single mom, 3 sons. All grown now, oldest is 24 and the twins are 20. I

joined this group years ago, one of the twins has OCD and also an HFA/Aspergers

diagnosis. The OCD, for him/us, actually caused the worst problems to deal with

on a daily basis.

Regarding your 5 yr old son, the school system should work with him to set up

supports/services for him to help him be successful (yep, that's what they are

supposed to do!). Does your older 15 yr old have an IEP? If so, you probably

know all this. But behavior shouldn't be a barrier for you son and entering


What's he like at home? Just his age, he probably is active? likes your

attention? How does the Aspergers affect him at home?

My Aspie/OCD son was actually my best behaved son (yay!), he's just got that

kind of personality, laid-back, patient. My other 2 sons were the more active,

attention-seeking ones.

Find some " me time " for you each day. Yeah, hard to do and adding a 2 yr old to

that. But just things like a favorite food/treat (chocolate!) or a good book to

read a few pages of that you keep in the bathroom, or read while kids playing in

bathtub or involved in something, a couple nights of not cooking, picking up

something to eat...just little things each day, grabbing 5 to 15 minutes

here/there during the day to " treat you " can help keep your sanity.

I know it can get overwhelming, so keep reading here!


> I have just joined the group as I have a recently diagnosed aspie, who is 5

years old. I also have a 15 year old with high functioning autism who is also,

15, as well as a 2 year old little girl, who is certainly going through the

terrible twos!! I have been feeling a little overwhelmed as of late.


> My pediatrician wants Levi, my 5 yo, to get back in preschool as we pulled him

out of kindergarten because of the issues with the disorder, but also because he

was the youngest child at the school.

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