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Re: Re: my son doesn't seem 2 b eating much anymore

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Self-limiting foods and food refusal can be allergy or food sensitivity or a GI condition. My son was diagnosed with an eosinophic condition in which white blood cells are infiltating the duodenum... but you can have eosinophils all throughout the esophagus. Eosinophilic disroders are more common in ASD kids. You might research this topic and see if you think it could be an issue for your son. Have you ever done an IgG food sensitivity test for your son? He could be highly food sensitive, like my son. For kids with eosinophilic disorders a rotational diet is best. Too many days on one kind of food aggravates the condition. You can e-mail off list if you have specific questions.

Best wishes for better eating. I KNOW how upsetting this issue can be.

From: Debbie <drandall34@...>Subject: ( ) Re: my son doesn't seem 2 b eating much anymore Date: Sunday, June 14, 2009, 3:40 AM

>> There were just a couple of responses. So, not sure if that means there's only a few of us that are dealing with this in our younger kids? My son ate normally until he was about 2.5 yrs. old. Then, he suddenly began eliminating items in his diet one-by-one. We never understood why. He doesn't seem to follow any rhyme or reason as far as sensory issues go (eats crispy, soft, salty, sweet, etc.). He's almost 10 now and only eats about 10 or 12 things in the world. Anxiety seems like the culprit to me. He's gone through phases where he's tried to make himself try new things - his idea - like he's trying to "psych himself up". But it's never gone very far.

Can't even get a multi-vitamin in him. He's so motivated by wanting to travel all over the world and realizes we can't take enough of "his food" to make it, but he can't seem to get past this. Debbie

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On Feb 10, 12:31pm, " Debbie " wrote:


} My son ate normally until he was about 2.5 yrs. old. Then, he suddenly beg=

} an eliminating items in his diet one-by-one. We never understood why. He =

} doesn't seem to follow any rhyme or reason as far as sensory issues go (eat=

} s crispy, soft, salty, sweet, etc.). He's almost 10 now and only eats abou=

} t 10 or 12 things in the world. Anxiety seems like the culprit to me. He'=

} s gone through phases where he's tried to make himself try new things - his=

} idea - like he's trying to " psych himself up " . But it's never gone very f=

} ar. Can't even get a multi-vitamin in him.=20=20

This is very similar to Bam's story. It often seemed that some little

thing would put him off a food, and unfortuntely this still happens.

For example, a while ago I got him to try string cheese and he liked

it, but then my husband bought a different brand, it was " weird " and

he would never eat it again.

On the bright side, he has slowly been expanding his diet. He will

now eat " sauce " which means spaghetti and pizza can be part of his

diet! This makes eating out far easier.


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