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Re: Re: EIP day

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Today I took my girl to the Shriners to fix her for braces for her knees and arc support for her feet. After the consultation, when we were ready to live the hospital she got a temper tamptrum and cried because her braces were too tight and she did not know how to fix them. She never let me to help her in any circustances so I decided to go back to the hospital to ask the person in charge to teach her to put the braces herself. I explained them she has aspergers....

All the way home she was difficult...

Today I also had the IEP meeting, so I came to the meeting all worked out, frustrated, overwhelm, feeling guilty, etc, etc..

At the meeting I was told the wonderful child I have.. that she is the model for the class!!! and that she is doing great academically. LOL, they do not know her...

So I explained them my girl feelings of failure and rejection when at summer camp most people withdrew from her team because of her disabilities she felt it was her fault the team was failing. She was so sad that when I took her to the doctor she cried and told him the problem that she feel she does not fix in with other children, that she feels she is a freak...?

I asked her this morning about the children in her class, she told me that they are perfect, very kind with her, it is just she feels she does not fix in.

I told them about the bad effects of not having a diagnosis of epilepsy, aspegers all those years and how it has affected her health and my mental state.

Sure she is ok in school, they are very structured and strict there. At home she is different. ...

I told them I payed a 12 year old girl to babysitte for me, just for having somebody to play with her and that that babysitter quit on me because Natasha did not want to interact with her.


Tears came out, I could not help. I cried, I felt alone...

I was there by myself, no husband, nobody to emotionallly be with me and suddenly this big feeling of loneliness stroke me as lightning....

I told them that my girl can not have surgery at this time because I only have one income. At the mean time I am dealing with her mood changes, her health issues and everything that comes around..

I got the 504 plan and I still feel for crying....

( ) Re: School programs>> Does anyone know any homeschool curriculum that is used for special needs children or those with AS? > > Also, are there any private schools in the Austin area that are for children with AS?Hey, Debbie, I'm from the Houston area. You might want to check out the group Autism Treatment. They talk a lot about advocacy issues, but they also know a lot about specific resources in specific cities.

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Hi Pam,Thank you so much for you nice and kind words...Sometimes I miss a friend around me. My life moves around work and doctor appointments. I suppress my feeling of sadness and frustration to the world around me. This week is one of the few weeks that I just have one appointment, so I have some free evenings and it is very refreshing...The school told me she was a perfect child, sure she is perfect at school but when I picked her up from school she changes to an unhappy child that complaints that even though the children are nice to her she thinks that they are nice because they feel sorry for her wearing braces and having health issues.My daugther is also on medication, it has helped her a little bit, sometimes she gets anxious for no reason at all. I think the school staffs is not trained enough to deal with her, so the pretend everything is ok. ( ) Re: School programs > > > > > > Does anyone know any homeschool curriculum that is used for special needs children or those with AS? > > Â > > Also, are there any private schools in the Austin area that are for children with AS? > > Hey, Debbie, I'm from the Houston area. Â You might want to check out the group Autism Treatment. Â They talk a lot about advocacy issues, but they also know a lot about specific resources in specific cities.>

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