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Re: Eval from Pt............

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> K, got the eval from the horrible Pt visit. The eval has alot of incorrect

statements in it and untruth to it.

First of all, this eval doesn't have to go anywhere you don't want it to go, so

don't panic. Every place you go, you have to give permission to pass these

evals around. So, just don't show this one to anyone.

Your biggest problem may be getting the insurance company to pay for another

eval. But this may not be a huge problem. Call your insurance company up (the

customer service number) and discuss this with them before you panic. They may

actually like to know about it, because they may not want to pay for bad

services. I wouldn't put this off.

If they really won't change the report (they could if they wanted to), I would

get another eval done. Once you get another eval done, this one won't matter

very much anyway, even if someone does see it, as the new eval will supercede

the older one.


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You could have another eval. Tell your insurance company he was not able to

cooperate fully and needs another one down (it is the truth).

Does your son have a very severe neurological

weakness, severe muscular issues or is he an AS

kid with overall weakness and coodination issues?

My dauhgter did have a left hempherisis diagnosis and

a gait abnormality that was noticeable. And up until the

age of 6 we did do OT and PT. She walked up steps like

a toddler. It was noticeable.

But our doctors never even requested any tests or evals.

I wanted the PT and OT and the MD's wrote scripts

for me based on her mutiple diagnoises.

I requested the OT and PT.

When she got classied at school the school did an OT and PT

eval and offered OT and PT services. They read previous

evals that I gave them but they based there evals on their

tests not anything I gave them.

I don't think anyone looks at a OT or PT report for a

behavioral analysis either.


Even schools oftne don't won't give you an adapted PE until a MD writesirtiItTe



> K, got the eval from the horrible Pt visit. The eval has alot of incorrect

statements in it and untruth to it. I called supervisor and they said it cannot

be changed due to that would be contradicting what student pt wrote!!! Reg Pt

singed off on this also. This is just to cover all what happened to cover

themselves. The eval makes my son look worse then he really is!! That I know of

this will go in his medical records and my concern is I hope that his docs don't

take this eval in to much consideration as It does not even make sense. She put

that my son hit himself with the door instead of her ( student Pt), That he

jumped from a 5 foot ladder!!!!!!!, She even wrote that I said he doesn't have

to follow their rules because he is autistic!!!! I really think its unfair that

thier is alot of incorrct info in it. This will go to his other docs as well.

Huh! Hopefully they know my son well enough to disregard this eval....... So any

advice is welcome:) Oh, so how can I tell where he really is physically? Can I

get another eval done by another Pt? Is the insurance company going to allow

this? THis eval was also to help for Gentics to understand of what his physicl

limits are and so.... This eval u really can't tell what is what!!!! Our first

bad eval ever.. My son did not deserve that nor did I. My son is one of the

sweetest, honest, little men. Every special needs child is so special.


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> She was in an early intervention program until she was five after that because

she was very smart the school did not provide services anymore. I tried last

year and the school denied me because she is very smart.

This sounds familiar! Do you want to try again? Maybe we can help.

Sounds like you are very busy. Hope you and your daughter have a good evening.

Welcome to the group!


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Dear . How in the world do you do it? What a mom!!!!

And what a lucky daughter to have such a devoted Mom.

I always look at it that my daughter is a person put in this

world to be loved and love. And I am the Mom that is going to

help her grow, and learn to love and to be loved by me.

But it is really a total act of sacrifice when a child has so

many issues. Mom has to put aside all other interests or else

the child cannot thrive. They just can't thrive without a

devoted Mom. And you clearly are a devoted Mom.

I can relate to so many of your daughter's issues. My daughter

has many health issues with her hip, growth, left side weakness and endocrine

system. Some poor kidos have so much to struggle with.

Put I try not to focus on that too much it makes me sad.

Instead I focus on trying to improve the situation and that

makes me feel happier. I was able to see a therapist for

a few years and she validated all my efforts and told me

over and over what a great job I was doing and how luckily

my daughter was to have me and how she really needed a Mom

like me. I didn't feel that way, when your child is suffering it

is hard to feel you are doing the right things.

So I say to you, how lucky your daughter is to have a Mom

like you caring for her every need. Being her only friend. Caring

for her physical needs day and night weekdays and weekends.

She is so lucky to have you as a Mom. What every child needs

a loving parent. And a child with special needs even more

so because the world is not so kind. But some special needs

children have special needs parents so life is not always

fair. But your daughter is lucky.

Wednesday a " new " therapist I met had worked for the states

dept of developmental disabilites and urged me to try and

get my dauhgter registered. I think you should try to do the

same. But you will need help. You will need a AS DX or PDD NOS.

There has to be a neurologist that looks at the suffering and

at least calls this PDD NOS. I would go to as many as I needed

(provided insurance covers this, it should) and find some

reasonable doctor that does the right thing. Girls are hard to

DX with AS. Another injustice. I had to audio tape her interactions

with peers and other outbursts to make my case for my daughter.

I looked at the diagnositic critieria in the Asperger book and

I made an audio tape of each issue and made a case like a

lawyer does for a DX of AS. First and foremost was the social

isolation and social skills. All the other stuff was icing on the cake.

Sensitivy to stuff etc.

What ever you can do to get a Asperger DX will get you thru the

door of state services. And then perhaps you can get some

much needed respite care. I don't know where you live

but I wish I could help you and give you a break. How can you manage at this


If you share the state you live in I hope and pray some of

us can steer you in the right direction. Because it is

ridiculous your daughter is not classifed.

And it is so unfair that only people with lawyers get to get


write any time or email me privately if you like.



> My name is , I am a single working mother with a child that it might

have Aspergers and post traumatic stress disorder.

> I have been shy to speak about me in the group, but today after reading all

yours emails I feel less lonely.


> I have a 10 year old daughter who has epilepsy, problems with her knees,

asthma, acid reflux, tubes in her ear, she wears glasses and also she has post

traumatic stress disorder caused by trauma when we were victimized by her father

> She was in an early intervention program until she was five after that because

she was very smart the school did not provide services anymore. I tried last

year and the school denied me because she is very smart.


> My day begins at 5 p.m. I wake up to prepare medicine for her, get ready for

work. At 4 o'clock I go to physical therapist, mental therapist, occupational

therapists, doctors appoinments, I also go to the YMCA to exercise her muscles,

and I take her on Saturday to Music classes.


> My day end preparing medicine for her and helping her to do the exercise for

her knees. By the end of the night

> I am so exhausted I can not sleep


> Her temper tantrums and other problems are the least things that I deal with.

Her health issues worries me.


> She has not friends, she is into herself and she is very difficult to handle,

she cries at night, at morning, when she gets disturbed in her daydreaming,

yelled at me constantly, nobody can touch her toys or her laptop and she has

several phobias. She can't tolerate any smell, she can't tolerate taking shower,

going in the elevators, get anxious in new situations or meeting people, she is

scare of children and crowds. I take her to the hair dresser once a month

because she acts better with her than with me.


> Last year I had a mini stroke or a migraine attack, I went to the hospital but

my doctor decided to tested me after three weeks, so they did knot now if it was

really a stroke.

> Even though I was sick for one month but still I managed to get her to the

appointments even though I had a blank spot in my left eye for a month. I am OK

now and taking activan for anxiety.


> Looking for friendship and support I joined this group with the hope of having

a guidance in managing my daughter situation.

> I realize that I am not alone. . thank you to be so supportive...








> ( ) Re: Eval from Pt............


> You could have another eval. Tell your insurance company he was not able to

cooperate fully and needs another one down (it is the truth).


> Does your son have a very severe neurological

> weakness, severe muscular issues or is he an AS

> kid with overall weakness and coodination issues?


> My dauhgter did have a left hempherisis diagnosis and

> a gait abnormality that was noticeable. And up until the

> age of 6 we did do OT and PT. She walked up steps like

> a toddler. It was noticeable.


> But our doctors never even requested any tests or evals.

> I wanted the PT and OT and the MD's wrote scripts

> for me based on her mutiple diagnoises.


> I requested the OT and PT.


> When she got classied at school the school did an OT and PT

> eval and offered OT and PT services. They read previous

> evals that I gave them but they based there evals on their

> tests not anything I gave them.


> I don't think anyone looks at a OT or PT report for a

> behavioral analysis either.


> Pam





> Even schools oftne don't won't give you an adapted PE until a MD

writesirtiItTe sHe


> >

> > K, got the eval from the horrible Pt visit. The eval has alot of incorrect

statements in it and untruth to it. I called supervisor and they said it cannot

be changed due to that would be contradicting what student pt wrote!!! Reg Pt

singed off on this also. This is just to cover all what happened to cover

themselves. The eval makes my son look worse then he really is!! That I know of

this will go in his medical records and my concern is I hope that his docs don't

take this eval in to much consideration as It does not even make sense. She put

that my son hit himself with the door instead of her ( student Pt), That he

jumped from a 5 foot ladder!!!!!!!, She even wrote that I said he doesn't have

to follow their rules because he is autistic!!!! I really think its unfair that

thier is alot of incorrct info in it. This will go to his other docs as well.

Huh! Hopefully they know my son well enough to disregard this eval....... So any

advice is welcome:) Oh, so how can I tell where he really is physically? Can I

get another eval done by another Pt? Is the insurance company going to allow

this? THis eval was also to help for Gentics to understand of what his physicl

limits are and so.... This eval u really can't tell what is what!!!! Our first

bad eval ever.. My son did not deserve that nor did I. My son is one of the

sweetest, honest, little men. Every special needs child is so special.

> >


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> If you share the state you live in I hope and pray some of

> us can steer you in the right direction. Because it is

> ridiculous your daughter is not classifed.

This is a really good point, that is, that you need to get a diagnosis.

Theresa, we had the same problem you have--very smart child. This was by far

the biggest hurdle in our getting special ed services with the school district.

Even after we had the diagnosis, it was still somewhat of a problem. However,

after the diagnosis, they really couldn't deny our son's functioning problems

forever. It is unlawful to ignore autism, and they will break down if you know

where to push. Schools are every bit as responsible for functioning problems as

academic problems, so don't give up.

While you are waiting on the diagnosis, keep pushing your daughter's

dysfunction. I had to do just like what Pam did--and I think we all do--build a

case, just like you were going to court even though it is actually a school

meeting. Sad it has to be that way, but it is.

Something to think about is that a child is supposed to be able to hold a job

upon graduation from the public school system. They can't hold a job if the

only skill they have is taking tests well. What is going to keep your child

from holding a job? Think about that and build your case.


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Hi Theresa. Steps to get school services. The laws are federal laws, so this

applies to all states.

1. Decide what concerns you and what areas you think the school should evaluate.

2. Call your school district special education department and ask them the

procedure for requesting a full and individual special education evaluation.

Don't let them distract you. What you are looking for is whether they have

forms they want you to fill out and what particular person at your particlar

school you hand your request in to.

3. Write up your request for a full and individual special education evaluation,

including what your concerns are and what areas you want evaluated. It is very

important to be specific. By law, they have a certain amount of time to either

do the evaluation or give you a reason IN WRITING why not. But, if you don't

request it, they don't have to do it. You need to tell them you want her

evaluated for specifically for autism and give them supporting evidence. Don't

leave out areas that have already been evaluated by other organizations. They

need to do their own evaluation, using past evaluation results as they see fit

as input. If you have other evaluations you want considered, make sure you

attach them to your request. This request is your official parent input and

they can't ignore it. Anything you hand in at a later time--they can.

4. Hand in a WRITTEN request, preferably certified mail so you have proof that

they received it and when they received it. Their receipt of this request

starts the IDEA timeline.

And that is it. You may still have to fight for a " good " evaluation. Our first

evaluation failed. Rather than fighting them, we decided to go get my son

evaluated ourselves at a reputable place that they could not refute. We got a

neuropsych eval at a children's hospital with a neuropsych who specialized in

autism spectrum. Our insurance covered it. We brought that back to our school,

and that was how we got special ed services.

Good luck!


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