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Re: In need of some help

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Marie I started getting coached from the Yale Conduct Clinic

(in CT) over the phone. For children with behavioral issues.

This program is one of the only evidence based programs

to change beahviors in child that do not respond to

normal parenting.

They have a web page if you are interested.


The problem I have with seeing a therapist is that

many are not trained to deal with such an intense

children. I have often been told to take away all her

toys if she won't take a timeout. Well I haven't gotten

away where with these very loosely defined and overly

pusnishing methods.

I think the idea is before he gets angry to try to

get him to take a timeout and calm down. If he won't

then the Yale PMT (Parent management training) is another

way to go. It involes lots of postive reinforment

for not getting angry. The point chart is managed

parts of a day without a tantrum.

OVer and over the child is reinforced for getting farther

thru the day without angry or if he does taking a timeout.

All the focus is on shaping with postive reinforcement

mainly. But there are consequences if he won't take

a timeout just not overly punishing ones. Short.

The parent training is this:

1. List problem behavior and positive oppostite.

2. point chart and praise

3. Damaging effects of severe punishments

(child hits, aggressive, tramatized)

4. Planned ignoring (when child is complaining)

5. shaping

6. low rate behavior stratgies

7. compromising


- In , Marie Ysais <marie.ysais@...> wrote:


> I have a quick question. My family needs help dealing with anger and tantrums.


> We need someone to help us maybe defuse them and my son needs help with

> his anger. He is only five years old but I see anger in him that is

> intense enough to scare me.




> I am not sure what type of help or therapy we might need. Any suggestions

would be appreciated a great deal!!!




> thanks so much




> Marie


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Is your son on any medications?

And does he have a phsycologist or phsychiatrist? (spelling?)

If he doesn't see anyone, then I would find one of each for him

to talk to and perhaps get some meds.

I hate to admit it, but meds can help.

My son is 18 yrs. old and through his life he has been on different

kinds of medicine. Some were for mood swings, and others for

add and it had helped. But now he is only on meds for sleeping.

He does have a meltdown once in awhile and his dr. just prescribed

a slight anxiety med. only for these episodes.

Lots of time (as in our sons case), it's a matter of maturing.

Our son is a great person with a great personality.

But at any given time throught the years he has needed some medicinal help.

Good luck, hope this helps.


From: Marie Ysais <marie.ysais@...>Subject: ( ) In need of some help Date: Friday, July 3, 2009, 12:29 PM

I have a quick question. My family needs help dealing with anger and tantrums.We need someone to help us maybe defuse them and my son needs help with his anger. He is only five years old but I see anger in him that is intense enough to scare me.I am not sure what type of help or therapy we might need. Any suggestions would be appreciated a great deal!!!thanks so muchMarie

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