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IEP and home schooling

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Just wondering...has anyone out there initiated an IEP for their child while

home schooling? Virtual public schools (often using the K12 curriculum in most

states) are still accountable to create and implement 504/IEPs. One reason to

create an IEP now with my virtual public school would be to have accomodations

in place should my child enter a brick & mortar public school later on in his

schooling career. In addition, I could use some accomodations and assistance

here at home with my home schooling curriculum.

Has anyone made use of a 504 or an IEP while home schooling? Thoughts?

Thank you!

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Yes, we did. My 10 year old had an IEP in place when we yanked him from Pub School and K12 and the virtual school that he attended for the next 2 years, honored and adjusted his IEP.

I think that, if you don't have one already, you may contact your virtual school and show /prove his dx. Just like a pub school. But,,,you've got to have a dx.Once you've proven/shown his dx to the school, you should get a spec ed teacher assigned to you and immediately get an IEP put in place.

Good luck.


From: crmurray <ringmurray@...>Subject: ( ) IEP and home schooling Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009, 12:28 PM

Just wondering... has anyone out there initiated an IEP for their child while home schooling? Virtual public schools (often using the K12 curriculum in most states) are still accountable to create and implement 504/IEPs. One reason to create an IEP now with my virtual public school would be to have accomodations in place should my child enter a brick & mortar public school later on in his schooling career. In addition, I could use some accomodations and assistance here at home with my home schooling curriculum. Has anyone made use of a 504 or an IEP while home schooling? Thoughts?Thank you!

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When I homeschooled my son, through an online public school run by our

department of education, he had a " suspended IEP " . We met every year,

and we did actually create goals for the current school setting, but he

did not receive services in the online school setting. However, the IEP

was set up so that if he did re-enter the " brick and mortar " public

school, it would be in place for him.



> Just wondering...has anyone out there initiated an IEP for their child

while home schooling? Virtual public schools (often using the K12

curriculum in most states) are still accountable to create and implement

504/IEPs. One reason to create an IEP now with my virtual public school

would be to have accomodations in place should my child enter a brick &

mortar public school later on in his schooling career. In addition, I

could use some accomodations and assistance here at home with my home

schooling curriculum.


> Has anyone made use of a 504 or an IEP while home schooling? Thoughts?

> Thank you!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, we had an IEP before e-schooling and still have one within the

e-school. He gets ST at a local ST office here. The rest of his goals

and accommodations I do with him.


" The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

nothing. " E. Burke

( ) IEP and home schooling

Just wondering...has anyone out there initiated an IEP for their child

while home schooling? Virtual public schools (often using the K12

curriculum in most states) are still accountable to create and

implement 504/IEPs. One reason to create an IEP now with my virtual

public school would be to have accomodations in place should my child

enter a brick & mortar public school later on in his schooling career.

In addition, I could use some accomodations and assistance here at home

with my home schooling curriculum.

Has anyone made use of a 504 or an IEP while home schooling? Thoughts?

Thank you!

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Roxanna, thank you for your reply.

Can you give me just a few ideas on IEP supports and accomodations? Do you write goals on extended test times, having a scribe for standardized tests, and handwriting? Do you have goals to assist with attention and focus? OT and Speech?

Does your school pay for OT and ST?

Do you write your goals with home schooling in mind, eventual re-admission to a public school down the road, or both?

Thank you so much!

From: Roxanna <MadIdeas@...>Subject: Re: ( ) IEP and home schooling Date: Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 10:32 PM

Yes, we had an IEP before e-schooling and still have one within the e-school. He gets ST at a local ST office here. The rest of his goals and accommodations I do with him.Roxanna"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." E. Burke ( ) IEP and home schoolingJust wondering... has anyone out there initiated an IEP for their child while home schooling? Virtual public schools

(often using the K12 curriculum in most states) are still accountable to create and implement 504/IEPs. One reason to create an IEP now with my virtual public school would be to have accomodations in place should my child enter a brick & mortar public school later on in his schooling career. In addition, I could use some accomodations and assistance here at home with my home schooling curriculum.Has anyone made use of a 504 or an IEP while home schooling? Thoughts?Thank you!

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Extended test times, scribe, etc. are accommodations and not goals and

yes, we have all sorts of these. Because he is e-schooling at home, I

am his sped teacher/scribe. He has a sped teacher but she does not do

much with him. I know she does have classes and help with other kids.

So this is just what my ds needs - regular classes/advanced classes.

So I do the accommodating and adapting. I will read to him, read tests

to him, help him stay on task, scribe for him, help him organize what

he wants to say, etc. If he needed tutoring, he could go to her

classroom and get help. But it's easier for me to do it.

For handwriting, we do our own handwriting program ( " Handwriting

without tears " ) and then we are going to start keyboarding as soon as I

find a program I think they will like. The only thing is that I have

to make time for these things each day or however often per week I want

him working on each thing. So you can do whatever extra kind of

classes you want your child to have - music, art, fine motor,

whatever...it is up to you to make it happen as these are not part of

the regular e-school curriculum.

Yes, there are goals for handwriting and attention. For instance, he

has a goal to stay focused on his assignment for so many minutes and we

set a timer. I often just watch the clock because a physical timer is

going to distract him. But the goal is to slowly increase the amount

of time he spends focusing on a task.

Yes, the school pays for all special education services he requires. I

decided that the OT was not helpful and we do that stuff at home

especially as it's better to do little bits each day with him. But for

ST, I take him into town once a week for an hour for his ST. He has a

lot of goals in ST - goals from participating in conversations to

increasing vocabulary, understanding multiple meanings, using correct

pronouns, etc.

We write goals with his needs in mind and I would recommend doing that

regardless of the placement or school type. A goal should not be

written towards a placement. It should be written for a need

regardless of placement. Then any prompts, aides or services necessary

to achieve that goal are added later.

I do think I would write goals a little differently if he were in a

brick and mortar class with a lot of other kids but not based on the

placement but rather, on his needs within that placement. He is ADHD

and had trouble sitting still in classrooms. It isn't such a problem

here at home because he takes tons of breaks and I am here to prompt

him to focus and stay on task. But if he ever goes back, he would need

goals related to that, possible sensory breaks built in and perhaps a

toolbox at his desk to hold fidgets to keep him more able to sit still.

I should probably write those in to his IEP now. They are written in

his present levels as a need but we did not write goals to go with. I

think I've gotten a little lazy this past year really. But we do these

things automatically anyway. If he was going to go back to a brick and

mortar school or be working with someone else, I would have to go

through the IEP more thoroughly to make sure these kinds of things were

all written in there. Of course, if they weren't, they'd be calling me

up by the end of the first week anyway. lol.


" The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

nothing. " E. Burke

( ) IEP and home schooling

Just wondering... has anyone out there initiated an IEP for their child

while home schooling? Virtual public schools (often using the K12

curriculum in most states) are still accountable to create and

implement 504/IEPs. One reason to create an IEP now with my virtual

public school would be to have accomodations in place should my child

enter a brick & mortar public school later on in his schooling career.

In addition, I could use some accomodations and assistance here at home

with my home schooling curriculum.

Has anyone made use of a 504 or an IEP while home schooling? Thoughts?

Thank you!

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