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IEP classification

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My ds had his first IEP based on his anxiety.  And the IEP classification was Emotional Disturbance.  Those behaviors that he got the initial IEP for he has outgrown (hiding under tables or taking off when stressed or dealing with anxiety).  As he got older he would use a pass to go to the guidance office when overwhelmed in class.  He hasn't used a pass at all this year or last year.  We have moved to a new state and his old IEP has expired.  I and his new school definitely both want him to have an IEP (at least that isn't a hurdle to overcome).

Now he is newly diagnosed with AS (and prior diagnosis of anxiety which isn't an issue at school).  We want the IEP based on AS.  What would the IEP classification be?  It's not a learning disability (he's on honor roll) or an Emotional Disturbance.  The issue is more his social skills, emotional immaturity,  and his black and white thinking and very literal interpretation of everything.  The schools guidance counselor seemed more familiar with AS than the Special Needs rep that was running the IEP meeting (not very reassuring).  He has a case manager that goes to the meetings with me too.  I also know to put all my requests and things in writing or they can ignore what I say.

What testing do you all recommend?  What services under an IEP can be offered for social skills?  Also I want the teachers to all be aware that vague directions are taken very literally and they have to be specific and to the point or the misinterpretation or vagueness can cause major frustration to the point he just won't do the work.  How do I put that into the IEP??

Example:  homework assignment in English to compare native american indian character's items to items that he (ds) owns.  My son does not own a needle or a necklace.  I told him to compare them to an item that a family member or person of modern day society uses.  But,  that was not in the instructions.  He was very adament about that.    The 5 minute assignment took three hours and frustration and a meltdown and yelling and tears to complete. 



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Dear Anne:

I completely understand that type of rigidity. My ASD dd has a precise way

about doing what she does and if the teacher didn't say it, well... you get the


To address this, I am working on getting all of her instructions in writing

placed into her IEP. Also, the teachers that I have this year prefer email

communication. So, when my dd and I have come to a stand off, I send an email

and she works it out with her teacher the next day. Sometimes, I even get a

response that very night and we resolve it.

You may not get that kind of " real time " communication but you can attempt to

establish some type of it or some other process with the teachers. I have found

that the teachers themselves are more willing to help when it is within their

power to do so and doesn't hit the District's budget.

The vagueness can be put into the present level of achievement and performance.

Different states have different names for this in the IEP.

Evaluations: Okay, the key factors for any ASD are usually intermingled with

other Dxs. For example, sensory integration is a huge one. The external

environments can reek havoc on our precious ones. So it is important to get an

OT eval. done but only by an OT who is sensory suave. Many school OTs are not.

You probably will have to find one that has years of experience in that

specialized aspects of OT. Nevertheless, if you ask the District for an OT

eval., make sure your letter states that the eval. focuses on sensory


A neuropsychological eval. will help you find out how the brain is assimilated

information and what level is the cognitive and executive functioning abilities

are at.

An auditory processing assessment with establish whether or not his middle ear

is receiving outside stimuli appropriately.

A functional behavior assessment by a board certified behavior analyst would

help identify social issues and make recommendations. Some states now require

the BCBA certification but most do not. So most Districts will conduct their on

FBA. It usually will be done by a CST member who has went to one seminar on

FBAs. This is not what you want. So let them do there thing and then request

and independent. They might offer a list of people that don't have the

designation. You don't have to accept it. Write them back with your denial and

request a new list that include board certified behavior analysts.

This are outside of the typical psuedoeducational evaluations.

Social skills: My daughter has social skills therapy once every two weeks in a

small group setting at school. One circullum that is use is Second Step. She

also sees the counselor every other week and that can be a one-on-one session or

a small group. The program can include a lunch bunch, social stories, and role

plays. The instructor could plan certain situations or opportunities and use

positive reinforcement to encourage the proper response. Other techniques are

modeling the skill and didactic instruction, which uses visual aids and lively


Most importantly is the development of appropriate social skills goals. The key

is to first get them to agree on the goals and then inquire as to how they will

attend to them.

I hope that this helps you.



> My ds had his first IEP based on his anxiety. And the IEP classification was

Emotional Disturbance. Those behaviors that he got the initial IEP for he has

outgrown (hiding under tables or taking off when stressed or dealing with

anxiety). As he got older he would use a pass to go to the guidance office when

overwhelmed in class. He hasn't used a pass at all this year or last year. We

have moved to a new state and his old IEP has expired. I and his new school

definitely both want him to have an IEP (at least that isn't a hurdle to




> Now he is newly diagnosed with AS (and prior diagnosis of anxiety which isn't

an issue at school). We want the IEP based on AS. What would the IEP

classification be? It's not a learning disability (he's on honor roll) or an

Emotional Disturbance. The issue is more his social skills, emotional

immaturity, and his black and white thinking and very literal interpretation of

everything. The schools guidance counselor seemed more familiar with AS than

the Special Needs rep that was running the IEP meeting (not very reassuring).

He has a case manager that goes to the meetings with me too. I also know to put

all my requests and things in writing or they can ignore what I say.



> What testing do you all recommend? What services under an IEP can be offered

for social skills? Also I want the teachers to all be aware that vague

directions are taken very literally and they have to be specific and to the

point or the misinterpretation or vagueness can cause major frustration to the

point he just won't do the work. How do I put that into the IEP??



> Example: homework assignment in English to compare native american indian

character's items to items that he (ds) owns. My son does not own a needle or a

necklace. I told him to compare them to an item that a family member or person

of modern day society uses. But, that was not in the instructions. He was

very adament about that. The 5 minute assignment took three hours and

frustration and a meltdown and yelling and tears to complete.



> Thanks,



> Anne


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In NYC the classification is a bit of a joke because it doesn't mean anything

beyond getting into or being rejected by specific programs.

My son had been mistakenly assigned the classification of orthopedic impairment

simply because he received physical therapy. It had no bearing on anything

until I wanted to get him into a private SN school that had specific

classifications it would accept and OI wasn't one of them; Though it's a

school that takes mostly LD, Emotionally Fragile and Asperger kids -- legally

they can take only Emotional Disturbance and Learning Disability; I had no

trouble changing his IEP to read ED, so that he could be transferred to that


Aspergers is on the autism spectrum so you could use that classification or OHI

(other health impairment) works, as well.

I would think you would classified in whatever way necessary in order to get the

services you need.

As far as social skills -- You can request counseling in a group -- which works

as social skills and also the speech teacher can run groups the same way -- that

are akin to social skills groups. My son currently has speech in a 1 to 1 to

help with pragmatic language skills and in a group for social skills; He also

has counseling in a 1 to 1 as well as in a group. His school also has a

pragmatic language class once a week as well as a social skills class for

everyone in the class.

Good luck,


> My ds had his first IEP based on his anxiety. And the IEP classification was

Emotional Disturbance. Those behaviors that he got the initial IEP for he has

outgrown (hiding under tables or taking off when stressed or dealing with

anxiety). As he got older he would use a pass to go to the guidance office when

overwhelmed in class. He hasn't used a pass at all this year or last year. We

have moved to a new state and his old IEP has expired. I and his new school

definitely both want him to have an IEP (at least that isn't a hurdle to




> Now he is newly diagnosed with AS (and prior diagnosis of anxiety which isn't

an issue at school). We want the IEP based on AS. What would the IEP

classification be? It's not a learning disability (he's on honor roll) or an

Emotional Disturbance. The issue is more his social skills, emotional

immaturity, and his black and white thinking and very literal interpretation of

everything. The schools guidance counselor seemed more familiar with AS than

the Special Needs rep that was running the IEP meeting (not very reassuring).

He has a case manager that goes to the meetings with me too. I also know to put

all my requests and things in writing or they can ignore what I say.



> What testing do you all recommend? What services under an IEP can be offered

for social skills? Also I want the teachers to all be aware that vague

directions are taken very literally and they have to be specific and to the

point or the misinterpretation or vagueness can cause major frustration to the

point he just won't do the work. How do I put that into the IEP??



> Example: homework assignment in English to compare native american indian

character's items to items that he (ds) owns. My son does not own a needle or a

necklace. I told him to compare them to an item that a family member or person

of modern day society uses. But, that was not in the instructions. He was

very adament about that. The 5 minute assignment took three hours and

frustration and a meltdown and yelling and tears to complete.



> Thanks,



> Anne


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The classification you probably want is, "autism." It would explain the literal problems, social delays, etc. I used a few books to decide what social skills to put in the IEP for my ds. One was, "Super Skills" - great list of social skills plus activities to use to teach those skills - but there are many others. There is another we used, "teaching your child the language of social success" that I have. Probably many more out there today. Another good book, "teaching children with autism to mind read." You can also find material at www.socialthinking.com



predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." - Jefferson

( ) IEP classification

My ds had his first IEP based on his anxiety. And the IEP classification was Emotional Disturbance. Those behaviors that he got the initial IEP for he has outgrown (hiding under tables or taking off when stressed or dealing with anxiety). As he got older he would use a pass to go to the guidance office when overwhelmed in class. He hasn't used a pass at all this year or last year. We have moved to a new state and his old IEP has expired. I and his new school definitely both want him to have an IEP (at least that isn't a hurdle to overcome).

Now he is newly diagnosed with AS (and prior diagnosis of anxiety which isn't an issue at school). We want the IEP based on AS. What would the IEP classification be? It's not a learning disability (he's on honor roll) or an Emotional Disturbance. The issue is more his social skills, emotional immaturity, and his black and white thinking and very literal interpretation of everything. The schools guidance counselor seemed more familiar with AS than the Special Needs rep that was running the IEP meeting (not very reassuring). He has a case manager that goes to the meetings with me too. I also know to put all my requests and things in writing or they can ignore what I say.

What testing do you all recommend? What services under an IEP can be offered for social skills? Also I want the teachers to all be aware that vague directions are taken very literally and they have to be specific and to the point or the misinterpretation or vagueness can cause major frustration to the point he just won't do the work. How do I put that into the IEP??

Example: homework assignment in English to compare native american indian character's items to items that he (ds) owns. My son does not own a needle or a necklace. I told him to compare them to an item that a family member or person of modern day society uses. But, that was not in the instructions. He was very adament about that. The 5 minute assignment took three hours and frustration and a meltdown and yelling and tears to complete.



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