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Re: Finally !!

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How did you break the plateau?


levarimena <levarimena@...> wrote:

I have finally gotten past a plateau!! I have been stuck for the past

4 months! Never in my life have I ever experienced something like

that. Very odd!! Thank goodness I didn't gain anything. I finally

resigned myself to the fact that I was done loosing. Totally accepted

it and was surprised I didn't freak out about it! Just when I thought

I was done, lo and behold 5 lbs gone. Whacky! This band throws me for

a loop sometimes.

Are plateaus common and/or occur more often or tyoically lasst longer

with the band? I have always had that issue, but I'm curious to hear

from the veterans.






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  • 2 years later...

Way to Go!!!Angel Blessings From: <video228@...>Subject: ( ) Finally !! Date: Wednesday, December 23, 2009, 6:43 AM

after everyones kind messages and information, i did some searching. i found that Connecticut "finally" started something to advocate for people that cant afford one.

I was put in touch with someone that is meeting with my wife and i about my daughter on Jan.4th and we have a PPT scheduled for Jan.7th.

my daughter hasnt been getting "anything" that was part of her PPT at all. they are supposed to have a para for her at all times (it seems the para in her school takes care of 4 classes), she is supposed to be given extra time to do assignments (we get notes from her teacher saying "she didnt use her time during the assignment wisely, so we had her do it while the other kids took recess") which we found out through our advocate is "AGAINST THE LAW TO KEEP ANY KID FROM RECcESS".

her ppt said from her psychologist that she is supposed to be given "praise, praise, praise" (it is worded exactly like that) so it reinforces her self-confidence level, but we get notes from her teacher stating "i had to get very stern with her today because i told her to stop fiddling with her pencils several times and she wouldnt". my wife and i have asked the teacher if she worded it correctly (because of my daughters complete act of being literal, you cant just say "stop doing that", because she will continues to do what ever it is she is doing and fixated on. you have to say "stop doing that because you are distracting the class anf that isnt nice",. then she stops immediately) .

the teacher said to us "i shouldnt have to explain it to her. if i tell her to stop, she should just stop !"

and lately (this is the best one), if she gets upset she tries to escape the class.

we get notes from the teacher "if rebekah gets upset, she just gets up and walks out of class, which creates a dangerous situation for both her and the class, because I (the teacher) have to go get her, leaving the class unattended to".

all of these rediculous notes and arguments come form a teacher that "supposedly" WAS a special education teacher.

I cant wait for our PPT.

our advocate said, not only is she "not" getting what she is supposed to get according to her PPT , but the school is breaking the law in several areas (one being the fact that the "state" pays for her to have a para with her "all" of the time, and the school is using the papra for several different students. and for those of you that arent familiar with legal terms, is called "missapropriation of state funds!".)

the advocate said "it sounds like this year they forgot how to deal with your daughter. dont they know when a child on the autism scale will try to get away if they are confronted with a situation they cant handle?". thats why she is supposed to have a para.

when my wife and i ask my daughter why she would just get up and walk out of class, she responds "the teacher always yells at me".

our advocate also said that we were not to tell the school that she will be with us.

she said there is going to be some serious piles of poop left on some of those chairs when she lets them know who she is, and the fact that since she works directly for the state department of education, she will be reporting about the failures on the towns department of education directly to the state.

so thanks again for everyones fantastic advice.

all i can say is, ITS ABOUT TIME !!!!!!!!!

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I am so happy to hear that things are progressing in a positive direction for

you. You are fighting the good fight!



> after everyones kind messages and information, i did some searching. i found

that Connecticut " finally " started something to advocate for people that cant

afford one.

> I was put in touch with someone that is meeting with my wife and i about my

daughter on Jan.4th and we have a PPT scheduled for Jan.7th.

> my daughter hasnt been getting " anything " that was part of her PPT at all.

they are supposed to have a para for her at all times (it seems the para in her

school takes care of 4 classes), she is supposed to be given extra time to do

assignments (we get notes from her teacher saying " she didnt use her time during

the assignment wisely, so we had her do it while the other kids took recess " )

which we found out through our advocate is " AGAINST THE LAW TO KEEP ANY KID FROM


> her ppt said from her psychologist that she is supposed to be given " praise,

praise, praise " (it is worded exactly like that) so it reinforces her

self-confidence level, but we get notes from her teacher stating " i had to get

very stern with her today because i told her to stop fiddling with her pencils

several times and she wouldnt " . my wife and i have asked the teacher if she

worded it correctly (because of my daughters complete act of being literal, you

cant just say " stop doing that " , because she will continues to do what ever it

is she is doing and fixated on. you have to say " stop doing that because you are

distracting the class anf that isnt nice " ,. then she stops immediately).

> the teacher said to us " i shouldnt have to explain it to her. if i tell her to

stop, she should just stop ! "

> and lately (this is the best one), if she gets upset she tries to escape the


> we get notes from the teacher " if rebekah gets upset, she just gets up and

walks out of class, which creates a dangerous situation for both her and the

class, because I (the teacher) have to go get her, leaving the class unattended

to " .

> all of these rediculous notes and arguments come form a teacher that

" supposedly " WAS a special education teacher.

> I cant wait for our PPT.

> our advocate said, not only is she " not " getting what she is supposed to get

according to her PPT , but the school is breaking the law in several areas (one

being the fact that the " state " pays for her to have a para with her " all " of

the time, and the school is using the papra for several different students. and

for those of you that arent familiar with legal terms, is called

" missapropriation of state funds! " .)

> the advocate said " it sounds like this year they forgot how to deal with your

daughter. dont they know when a child on the autism scale will try to get away

if they are confronted with a situation they cant handle? " . thats why she is

supposed to have a para.

> when my wife and i ask my daughter why she would just get up and walk out of

class, she responds " the teacher always yells at me " .

> our advocate also said that we were not to tell the school that she will be

with us.

> she said there is going to be some serious piles of poop left on some of those

chairs when she lets them know who she is, and the fact that since she works

directly for the state department of education, she will be reporting about the

failures on the towns department of education directly to the state.

> so thanks again for everyones fantastic advice.

> all i can say is, ITS ABOUT TIME !!!!!!!!!


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HOORAY! So happy you found some help/support and especially one who reports to

the dept of ed! Do update us in January.

And, another plus, this should help out other students in school who aren't

getting what they need either.


> after everyones kind messages and information, i did some searching. i found

that Connecticut " finally " started something to advocate for people that cant

afford one.

> I was put in touch with someone that is meeting with my wife and i about my

daughter on Jan.4th and we have a PPT scheduled for Jan.7th.

> my daughter hasnt been getting " anything " that was part of her PPT at all.

they are supposed to have a para for her at all times (it

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Yeah! Sounds like you found a great advocate. As soon as I walked into a meeting

with an advocate, everything changed for the better. The meetings were much more

professional and I have to say that I enjoyed it when my advocate politely, but

firmly pointed out how the school district was breaking the law.

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everyone here is so great!

one of the things my wife and i are hoping for so badly

is that if we make such a fuss that " other children will finally get what they

have coming to them " . I will speak publically, rent a billboard, go on

television, WHATEVER IT TAKES to let others know what goes on out there !!!!

like my wife said to me once, " if you can square off against the KKK by

yourself, in the middle of the street with bible in hand (i did when they came

to my town), then we should be able to help our daughter with ease "

that is the reason we had volenteered for the extended study at Yale about


they offered to pay $60.00 for it. i told them to keep their money.

I know i cant help my daughter any more than what we do for her now " BUT " i

would walk through fire if i know i can help someone else benefit from what we

did, or " GOD willing " , never have to go through it.

If something comes from this study that helps others, then my meager existance

on this horrible rock would be considered (in my eyes) " with purpose " .


> Yeah! Sounds like you found a great advocate. As soon as I walked into a

meeting with an advocate, everything changed for the better. The meetings were

much more professional and I have to say that I enjoyed it when my advocate

politely, but firmly pointed out how the school district was breaking the law.


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