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Re: New Med - input?

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Have you done Tenex before? We have used it since my son was 4. It has been a godsend. It is used for "overaroused, aggressive, ADHD" profile. It works immediately, builds up in your system over a few days. There are significant withdrawls when you stop, for about 10 days. Causes "early morning awakening" around 3 or 4 am, irritability in higher dose which is more like a crying type of sadness rather than an "i'm going to kill you" irritability (it fixes THAT kind!) Dramatically reduces the nonstop talking, silliness, noises, etc.

OK. That's the old Tenex. The new Intuniv is supposed to be once a day. Same drug, just different delivery system. My son can't swallow pills easily so we didn't switch, still giving Tenex twice a day instead.....

Good luck!!!!!

Debra Balke

( ) New Med - input?

I was wondering if anyone else has heard of Intuniv and if they have tried it yet? It is supposed to be a long acting form of Tenex and is marketed to help with meltdowns, frustrations, rages, etc. My son started it on Wednesday and I saw an immediate difference though I was told not to expect any change in behavior for 2-4 weeks. My concern is the *newness* and the fact that he is again adding another medication to his regimen while the school insists on being so stubborn. If nothing else, the past 5 days have given a bit of his self esteem back and helped our relationship quite a bit. Maybe its worth it in the end. Just wanted someone else's ideas.



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On Aug 5, 2:29pm, " Debra Balke " wrote:


} OK. That's the old Tenex. The new Intuniv is supposed to be once a day. =

} Same drug, just different delivery system. My son can't swallow pills easi=

} ly so we didn't switch, still giving Tenex twice a day instead.....

Shoot. I would love to try that, but my son can't swallo pills yet

either. We have to crush the Tenex.


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Thanks for replying! We have used Tenex before, but it was when was first dx with ADHD and I honestly cannot recall the response. He was on it for a while so it must have helped some or we would have stopped it immediately.

Since my first post, WOWOWOW..what a big difference! I have a polite, kind, gentle, caring, loving, calm, understanding, empathetic, affectionate child again! He is seeking out positive reinforcement vs. negative (look Mama, I'm being gentle)! I have seen this little boy before and have missed him dearly, but was sure I had lost him to years of frustration and misunderstanding on my part as his mother. I dont think I'm a horrible parent, but I have been so frustrated and even depressed because I didn't know how to help when he went through the out of control rages that were triggered by the simplest things (well, simple in my mind). His silliness and laughter has begun to return and his affectionate nature has as well. I never realized how much he had changed over the years until this week. He has been giggling again, which is music to my ears! He is still super serious, but there are moments when he just cracks up over things, and I love it!

It seems like he is better able to handle what were previous triggers for him and thus far we have not had any rages. Last night he began to get upset over the pressure he felt from his homework. Because the past few days have been so great, I felt better able to manage the situation and avoid the tantrum/rage that normally would follow. We took a break, focused on an activity that used his body for 15 minutes and went back to doing his work without a problem! Running in place, jumping jacks, and a tiny scavenger hunt got out that pressure so he could refocus again. Man, he was so proud of himself at the end of homework time, and I was too!

On the flip-side, I have noticed an increase in the non-stop talking, but the talking now includes more eye-contact than before. Also, is acutely aware of when he goes on and on about a topic and will call attention to it himself. For example, I just got a professional camera and gave him my little point and shoot deal which he treasures. He is talking about it all the time, and keeps thanking me for it (I haven't mentioned how much he's talking about it..). The night I gave it to him he said *Mama, I know I keep talking about the camera you gave me, but I just love it so much. I know how much you loved it and I will take good care of it to give to my kids someday. I cant stop thinking and talking about it because you made me feel so special by giving it to me.* Bless his heart! I have heard him say this a billion times...and it doesn't get old.

I didn't know about the withdrawals but I think the benefits are wonderful thus far! I just wish he didn't need medication, you know? Is your son on other meds in addition to Tenex?

Sorry to be so long! Its been a long few months, so when we have a great time..I need to share it!

Take care!


_________________________________________Have you done Tenex before? We have used it since my son was 4. It has been a godsend. It is used for "overaroused, aggressive, ADHD" profile. It works immediately, builds up in your system over a few days. There are significant withdrawls when you stop, for about 10 days. Causes "early morning awakening" around 3 or 4 am, irritability in higher dose which is more like a crying type of sadness rather than an "i'm going to kill you" irritability (it fixes THAT kind!) Dramatically reduces the nonstop talking, silliness, noises, etc.OK. That's the old Tenex. The new Intuniv is supposed to be once a day. Same drug, just different delivery system. My son can't swallow pills easily so we didn't switch, still giving Tenex twice a day instead.....Good luck!!!!!Debra Balke ( ) New Med - input?I was wondering if anyone else has heard of Intuniv and if they have tried it yet? It is supposed to be a long acting form of Tenex and is marketed to help with meltdowns, frustrations, rages, etc. My son started it on Wednesday and I saw an immediate difference though I was told not to expect any change in behavior for 2-4 weeks. My concern is the *newness* and the fact that he is again adding another medication to his regimen while the school insists on being so stubborn. If nothing else, the past 5 days have given a bit of his self esteem back and helped our relationship quite a bit. Maybe its worth it in the end. Just wanted someone else's ideas.Ashleigh__________________________~Ashleigh~


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We have done Tenex alone for a few years and then if we tried to up the dose he would become more tearful and wake up at 3 am dancing on his bed. Higher dose really affected his sleep in the form of waking up early. We even dosed it 4 times a day, setting our alarm clock for midnight and giving him a dose then, but the sleep issue and tearfulness were the limiting factors. We then moved on to Risperdal, plus or minus Zoloft. We did Risperdal alone but after years of trial and error have found that an antipsychotic, zoloft, and tenex combined do the best. Still have tearfulness from Tenex when we increase it.

The withdrawals are nasty. If you stop Tenex it takes 10 days for your system to get used to it. Your blood pressure is up for 10 days, you are horribly hyperactive, much worse than the baseline problems you started it for, and then by the 10th day things level out. So, when stopping Tenex, stop very slowly and know that you will get an intial worsening with each dose lowering. Lasts exactly 10 days. You can even follow blood pressure to confirm it.

The same thing happens when you miss a dose of Tenex. Never miss a dose. Not pretty.

I am so glad it is working well for you!!! It is a great med. Very safe!

( ) New Med - input?I was wondering if anyone else has heard of Intuniv and if they have tried it yet? It is supposed to be a long acting form of Tenex and is marketed to help with meltdowns, frustrations, rages, etc. My son started it on Wednesday and I saw an immediate difference though I was told not to expect any change in behavior for 2-4 weeks. My concern is the *newness* and the fact that he is again adding another medication to his regimen while the school insists on being so stubborn. If nothing else, the past 5 days have given a bit of his self esteem back and helped our relationship quite a bit. Maybe its worth it in the end. Just wanted someone else's ideas.Ashleigh__________________________~Ashleigh~


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Same with us. Son still can't swallow pills yet. Well, he can, but it is this big stress out thing before he takes it, then he sometimes gags and chokes when he does and spits it out, and then he stresses about it big time. Not worth trying to switch from tenex to Intuniv for us.....

Re: ( ) New Med - input?

On Aug 5, 2:29pm, "Debra Balke" wrote:} } OK. That's the old Tenex. The new Intuniv is supposed to be once a day. =} Same drug, just different delivery system. My son can't swallow pills easi=} ly so we didn't switch, still giving Tenex twice a day instead.....Shoot. I would love to try that, but my son can't swallo pills yeteither. We have to crush the Tenex.Willa

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