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She must be coming north, we're having a nice warming

here, too. Fog this morning and up to 60 later. -dz-

--- Dennis <dhuber@...> wrote:

> Morning Everyone


> I did pretty good clearing trails in the town forest

> yesterday for 4 hours but was beat after that.

> Today I'm taking it easy cleaning out some junk from

> my wood shop and getting in a little more firewood.


> Jan, have you been driving around the north east

> because it is REALLY warm here lately.

> Diane - don't over do it.


> Take care and have a good day,

> Dennis



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We are having a nice warming trend here too....... What a change from

our usual weather...... Hey! All the southerners will be moving

North!!!! LOL hahahahahahaha....

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Don't worry, you don't see too many women walking

around in skirts this time of year. Bring your woolies

with you! -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Hey I think I'll just stay down south..Remember my

> knees will freeze....LOL



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  • 1 year later...
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I like your reference to ROUTINE. I had an aha moment when I saw that. Routine is something that is done over and over and over again. I never have a routine because I keep going on and off so much I never am consistant enough for the word routine. makes me know what I need to change. Thanks bunches Peace Pat

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  • 1 year later...
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Sounds like you're already doing much better, HTC! I started tapering off my

Lexapro TODAY, and took 7.5 mg instead of my usual 10 mg. (although it was TOUGH

cutting that little pill into FOUR perfect pieces!). I feel no different than I

felt yesterday. If anything, I am more relaxed TODAY coz yesterday we had a big

party here (ugh) for Norwegian relatives who were coming through town.



It is indeed Sunday here in Washington State, 8:09p.m. to be exact.

I hope you all sleep well. Sometimes the Lex/Wellbutrin let's me

sleep like a baby. With the Wellbutrin and the strong coffee I had

today I've been buzzing around like the everyready bunny. Even my

30 year old daughter couldn't keep up!

Just a little levity!

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  • 2 months later...

---Hye Maggie and everyone,

Im doing ok, things have just been so depressing for me lately. I

haven't felt much like getting on any of the boards. To make a long

story short:

As many of you know my husband and I applied for a home refinance

loan to get the money for my surgery and some other home improvements.

Will Friday ( 17th) was to be our closing date. They waited to tell

us at the last minute that the lawyers office was closed due to

weather, and there would be no closing that day.

Sadly, that makes me run out of time because there is a 3 day wait (

LAW) after closing to get money. Which doesn't give me enough time to

get the money and be for surgery on the 23rd.

There were alot of other problems caused by the Loan company also and

placed some major delays on the loan. All of them could have been

avoided. My husband ended up so mad at this company he told them

Friday he was taking his business some where else.

Now, we have to start all over again. It should go faster this time

because we already have the appriseal done ( that saves a week or

more). But still, its just a major pain. I can't come up with this

kind of cash on such short notice.

So, as you can understand I am upset and very depressed. I can

understand my husband being so mad at these people, because he is

right that they jerked us around so much. He is also upset because he

feels he let me down. He didn't!! The loan company did! And they even

knew I needed part of the money for surgery and had airline tickets

and everything!

I'm so happy to hear how well everyone is doing. Just remember, we

all lose weight differently and do not compare yourselfs to others

and how much they lose and how fast. Each of our bodies are different!

Just contuine to do your best, and it will come off :)

Hugs to everyone, and I hope to be on the losing side with you all

soon. Take care


In , " maggie62476 "

<Maggie2476@A...> wrote:

> How is everyone doing? The board has been a little bit of a ghost

> town the past few days. Debi, is everything going ok? Karyn?


> I plan on starting excercising today. Ive been a little lazy but I

> am heading to the Y with today.

> We are both going Oct 1st to Mexicali for fills. I am excited


> getting a fill because I really want to kick this thing into drive.


> I hope everyone is doing well.


> Maggie

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Debi, I am really sorry that happened! I know you must be incredibly

frustrated right now. Just try to be positive. I know how difficult

it is when nothing seems to be going right. Just hold on for a

couple more days and everything will be fine. A couple months from

now, you will be looking back on this (thinner I might add) and it

will be over. I know when you are really counting on something, a

week or so delay seems like an eternity but in the grand scheme of

things, it won't make too big of a difference. A week is maybe 2-4

pounds. You will be on the losing side very soon!! AND, we are all

here for you through every step.

Keep us updated!


> > How is everyone doing? The board has been a little bit of a


> > town the past few days. Debi, is everything going ok? Karyn?

> >

> > I plan on starting excercising today. Ive been a little lazy but


> > am heading to the Y with today.

> > We are both going Oct 1st to Mexicali for fills. I am excited

> about

> > getting a fill because I really want to kick this thing into


> >

> > I hope everyone is doing well.

> >

> > Maggie

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  • 7 months later...
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> Pray for no rain today.

Well, I hope it's drier in NH than it is here in NJ - we're going to have

steady rain all day today, worse than yesterday. :(

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  • 4 months later...

Hey good luck at the races!!!! Hope he wins!!!!! That's what we keep telling out son....go have fun, don't take it so seriously!!

Have a Wondeful Day today!!!!!!!

Love & Hugs,





Well, today is the big race. What DH has been working on for the last month. Earlier in the week it looked like rain BUT it now looks like it may hold off. I reminded him this morning when he left DONT FORGET HAVE FUN dont take it so serious. They are running a back up car so it is not the best shape. I just hope they make it. about 60 cars. Only 26 make it. FINGERS crossed.

Hopefully this week will be more normal for the family.

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  • 6 months later...
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, it probably is retention, so don't worry about it very much. You know you inspire me with your walking. I am considering going for a walk around the track before I have to go and pick up my husband from work. I haven't gone around the track by myself in a long time. I have this fear that something will happen to me while I am walking and I won't be able to make it home. But, I did just get minutes on my cell phone and if I take that with me I won't be so afraid, because I can call for help if I need too. It is either walk around the track or try and do a WATP video. I am inspired and want to start. I haven't had lunch yet so I need to eat first. I don't want my blood sugar to go to low. getting more and more inspired. thanks group.

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I think I will head out for a walk today. It is *supposed* to be my 4 mile walk week, so that's my goal, to get to 4 miles. I hope it isn't too cold, windy or raining outside. Its cloudy here like its gonna rain but so nice and warm. If it is, I will go to the mall and walk around forever until I get 3-4 miles in. I'd prefer to be outside, so might just get my winter coat, scarf and gloves back out. What was I thinking that I could put them away on April 1st?! you know we can get a freeze all the way up till april 15th in our area but actually last year we got some freezes after that. I dont turn my heat off or put away my blankets till im sure the cold weather is gone. I hope you enjoyed your walk.

Have a great day ladies!

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> At least I know it is retention and I am already loading up on

> water today.

This is why I have my official weigh-in on Wednesdays. I don't take my water

pill over the weekend, so I *know* my Monday weight is going to be the

highest for the week.

> I hope it isn't too cold, windy or raining outside.

On Saturday we had the opposite problem - we went from winter temps straight

through to summer with 75 degrees! Even my husband, who is even today

wearing his winter coat, said it was way too hot and was uncomfortable. I

wasn't able to sleep all weekend, wishing we had the air conditioners in

already. At least today we're going to be in the 50's again, but rainy the

next 2 days. We need the rain, so I can't complain.

>What was I thinking that I could

> put them away on April 1st?!

Our forecasters are telling us there's a chance of flurries tomorrow night,

so our coats never get put away until near the end of the month.

Sue in NJ

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  • 1 month later...
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Very Proud . I have not been able to get above 5 miles yet but I will. Keep up the great work.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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WOW ! Neat! I would love to do that some day!

>From: ABrite@...

>Date: Sun May 07 22:45:33 CDT 2006


>Subject: Sunday

>Hey ladies. Well, I made it.  " IT " being the 7.56 mile " road race " today here in

my home city.  It was my goal to walk this in 2.5 hrs, and had I not had to have

a potty break (LOL), I would have beat that goal!!  I finished in 2 hrs 33 min

and 15 sec!  My feet, legs and back are screaming at me!! I am so thankful that

I am 27 lbs less than this time last year.  I can't even fathom walking this

heavier.... I walk a lot, as you all know (hey, I have almost 20,000 steps for

the day!!), but a race like this, with hills and valleys and ... and... and....

well, this was miserable " a good kind of pain " LOL... Oh, and I am also thankful

for the cool weather we woke up to today (40s, windy and raining)... it was

kinda cool while waiting for this to start, but then of course warmed right up

LOL... Oooooh spark people told me I burned 857 calories during that walk!  I

don't know how many I consumed today, but I am sure I am still ahead of the

game!! OK, that's it..... hey, have a great new week! 


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> Well, I made it. " IT " being the 7.56 mile " road race " today here in my


> city. It was my goal to walk this in 2.5 hrs, and had I not had to have


> potty break (LOL), I would have beat that goal!! I finished in 2 hrs 33


> and 15 sec! My feet, legs and back are screaming at me!!

Congrats! Take a well deserved aerobic exercise break today, but you might

want to do some gentle stretching to comfort those poor achy muscles.

Perhaps one of our marathon alumni can offer some hints.

Sue in NJ

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In a message dated 5/8/2006 8:18:01 AM Pacific Standard Time, susang3@... writes:

Congrats! Take a well deserved aerobic exercise break today, but you mightwant to do some gentle stretching to comfort those poor achy muscles.Perhaps one of our marathon alumni can offer some hints.

Thanks, Sue and everyone!! OHMYGOSH my 13 yr old ds finished it in 1 hr 25 min!! He was hauling his cookies the whole way, that's for sure!!

I *did* take the well deserved break today, stretching every chance I could get!! My legs aren't so cranky now...

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In a message dated 5/8/2006 6:54:42 PM Pacific Standard Time, sandra.mygroup@... writes:

I just wear it so everytime it falls off me and I put it back on it reminds me to get up and keep moving. LOL

LOL mine too, ! It has a "leash" so when it falls off my waist band, it is supposed to keep it from crashing to the floor. Whenever I get up to move, I check he waistband to be sure it's there and if I can feel it clicking my steps.... I don't know how accurate mine is, but on a day like yesterday when I know I walked over 8 miles @ 2000 steps per mile, that was pretty darned accurate for the day...

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In a message dated 5/8/2006 7:06:25 PM Pacific Standard Time, sandra.mygroup@... writes:

You mean you could actually move? LOL

A few gals I work with did this also and their muscles screamed too when they had to get up to leave their desks.... we were joking "just get me a walker now" LOL

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Hey ladies.

Well, I made it. "IT" being the 7.56 mile "road race" today here in my home city. It was my goal to walk this in 2.5 hrs, and had I not had to have a potty break (LOL), I would have beat that goal!! I finished in 2 hrs 33 min and 15 sec! My feet, legs and back are screaming at me!!Great going! 7.56 miles in under 3 hours! I would be happy walking 7.56 miles if it took me all day. :) Honestly that is so good!

I am so thankful that I am 27 lbs less than this time last year. I can't even fathom walking this heavier....Isn't that the truth?! I keep saying it but it is so true.....even small amount of weight loss feels so good for my body.

I walk a lot, as you all know (hey, I have almost 20,000 steps for the day!!), but a race like this, with hills and valleys and ... and... and.... well, this was miserable "a good kind of pain" LOL...On my old stepometer it kept saying I would only walk like 500 steps a day or so. I think it was way low. The new one I recently got says I walk about 2000 a day. I think its high so I keep wearing it but really don't pay much attention to them. I just wear it so everytime it falls off me and I put it back on it reminds me to get up and keep moving. LOL

Oh, and I am also thankful for the cool weather we woke up to today (40s, windy and raining)... it was kinda cool while waiting for this to start, but then of course warmed right up LOL...I has been raining here a lot. But the temps has been great!

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Re: Sunday

I *did* take the well deserved break today, stretching every chance I could get!! My legs aren't so cranky now...You mean you could actually move? LOL

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Re: Sunday

In a message dated 5/8/2006 6:54:42 PM Pacific Standard Time, sandra.mygroup@... writes:

I just wear it so everytime it falls off me and I put it back on it reminds me to get up and keep moving. LOL

LOL mine too, ! It has a "leash" so when it falls off my waist band, it is supposed to keep it from crashing to the floor. Haha, I put a eye glasses band on mine and hooked it though my jeans belt loop. So I have a leash too. It can never fall past my knees. It comes off too often. If it wasnt for it Mine would have been broken by now. Whenever I get up to move, I check he waistband to be sure it's there and if I can feel it clicking my steps.... I don't know how accurate mine is, but on a day like yesterday when I know I walked over 8 miles @ 2000 steps per mile, that was pretty darned accurate for the day...

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  • 6 months later...


I'm sorry to hear you arent feeling well. I hope it turns out to be nothing serious. Good luck with your interview. I hope it all goes well for you. I'm sure you will do fine.



Well, I woke in a panic this morning and thought "Oh no! That interview is tomorrow!" I gotta get preparing. Ooooooh it's gonna be a long two days of remaining calm still. Thankfully, prayer helps. I bought a "job applicant's guide" when I started this process, so today and when I can tomorrow will be spent reading and re-reading through my applications so that I remember the key points I put down and reading through their interview tips. They give sample q's and a's in it, which has been helpful.

Thinking I am fighting off something ickey. I get hot, I get cold, I get hot again. Not your normal PMS/TOM womanly hormone issues, but like chills and feeling flushed. :'(

Hoping nothing is brewing for this week to become sick....

Hope you all have a fantastic Sunday recharging your spiritual side and spending time with your families and do something for you! Last night, my ds and I had a movie marathon and were up til 3 a.m. and today, I am up and making pudding for the younger sons. I will incorporate some exercise into my day here soon and walk to their house to give it to them.... don't know why their father wouldn't make any, but it's such a small thing I figured why not.

Talk with you tomorrow if I am not on here much today.

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