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Re: Question about spelling

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This may not help you, but my son with AS spells wonderfully. It's my son with processing issues that struggles. He, too, is 9 and honestly, has some of the same words on his "help" list as my 2nd grader.

I just keep telling myself that, thankfully, we live in an age of spellcheck. Now, granted, I never would have said something like that before the issues with him came along.....

he he.

Good luck.Robin

From: mommy2threeintheup <mommy2threeintheup@...>Subject: ( ) Question about spelling Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 10:45 AM

Do any of your Aspie's have trouble with spelling? Jayden is 9 and a horrible speller. We are homeschooling this yeaer du to a number of problems with public school last year and although he's very smart and has a high IQ, the 4th grade spelling is way above him. I am wondering if anyone has tried any programs that help? I am thinking we may need to go back to a 1st grade program for spelling and attempt to reteach. Any suggestions? He also has a diagnosis as being dyslexic. He can read just fine. He just can not break down the words by sounds to spell them. Please help as I am ready to pull my hair out and I don't think it's fair to him to keep making him struggle if he doesn't have the needed skills.

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Mine's a pretty decent speller, although he is never confident about it, even

when he gets things right.

But, the benefit of homeschooling is that you can really tailor his curriculum

to meet his needs, so if needs to go back to basics, than that is what you

should do! He may pick it up quickly when it's being taught at the level he's

at, and if he starts thinking of it as something he CAN do, it probably will get

easier as you go along :)



> Do any of your Aspie's have trouble with spelling? Jayden is 9 and a horrible

speller. We are homeschooling this yeaer du to a number of problems with public

school last year and although he's very smart and has a high IQ, the 4th grade

spelling is way above him. I am wondering if anyone has tried any programs that

help? I am thinking we may need to go back to a 1st grade program for spelling

and attempt to reteach. Any suggestions? He also has a diagnosis as being

dyslexic. He can read just fine. He just can not break down the words by

sounds to spell them. Please help as I am ready to pull my hair out and I don't

think it's fair to him to keep making him struggle if he doesn't have the needed



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I don't have any ideas of how to help...but my son is a terrible speller too! Always was and most likely always will be.

Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: mommy2threeintheup <mommy2threeintheup@...>Subject: ( ) Question about spelling Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 11:45 AM

Do any of your Aspie's have trouble with spelling? Jayden is 9 and a horrible speller. We are homeschooling this yeaer du to a number of problems with public school last year and although he's very smart and has a high IQ, the 4th grade spelling is way above him. I am wondering if anyone has tried any programs that help? I am thinking we may need to go back to a 1st grade program for spelling and attempt to reteach. Any suggestions? He also has a diagnosis as being dyslexic. He can read just fine. He just can not break down the words by sounds to spell them. Please help as I am ready to pull my hair out and I don't think it's fair to him to keep making him struggle if he doesn't have the needed skills.

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One thing that children with a learning difficulty in spelling can do is keep a "personal spelling dictionary" of words that they typically misspell.

He should be allowed to use this dictionary during tests, essays, etc.

And, yes, he should be getting extra help with spelling. Sometimes studying latin roots can be helpful as well. I'd also suggest contacting the International Dyslexia Association for help and recommendations. http://www.interdys.org/


>> Do any of your Aspie's have trouble with spelling? Jayden is 9 and a horrible speller. We are homeschooling this yeaer du to a number of problems with public school last year and although he's very smart and has a high IQ, the 4th grade spelling is way above him. I am wondering if anyone has tried any programs that help? I am thinking we may need to go back to a 1st grade program for spelling and attempt to reteach. Any suggestions? He also has a diagnosis as being dyslexic. He can read just fine. He just can not break down the words by sounds to spell them. Please help as I am ready to pull my hair out and I don't think it's fair to him to keep making him struggle if he doesn't have the needed skills.>

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Dear Parent:

If it is any help I was a bad speller. I may be still, I just do not have to write with out a spell checker. Your child is probably only getting 10% of the words wrong. That is 9% to many. I feel for you all. I hope your child is better in math. You can be smart and get allot of math wrong. Math is by and large, many rules. Run Boolean Logic by your child. The intro I got seemed to have the least rule set. When I saw it I said wow. Logic is part of Math. I am not so dumb.


( ) Question about spelling

Do any of your Aspie's have trouble with spelling? Jayden is 9 and a horrible speller. We are homeschooling this yeaer du to a number of problems with public school last year and although he's very smart and has a high IQ, the 4th grade spelling is way above him. I am wondering if anyone has tried any programs that help? I am thinking we may need to go back to a 1st grade program for spelling and attempt to reteach. Any suggestions? He also has a diagnosis as being dyslexic. He can read just fine. He just can not break down the words by sounds to spell them. Please help as I am ready to pull my hair out and I don't think it's fair to him to keep making him struggle if he doesn't have the needed skills.

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spelling is related to being able to pull words apart and sound them

out. I was going to suggest dyslexia but then I saw you already got

there. The more you can remediate the problems with dyslexia, the

better he will do. With my youngest, he has had success doing a

computer program called, " Fast Forword " . He has also spent time in

Title one at school, getting extra reading help. They used orton

gillingham methodology to teach him. As I understand it, they use

several senses to teach sounds and letters - for example, spelling

words and sounds in sand with your finger. (I've heard of people using

rice as well and sand paper.) We also played a lot of games at home -

rhyming words were really tough for him so we made it a fun game where

I would just take a word (cat), make a rhyme (bat), he'd have to rhyme

it, etc. It was silly and fun. There are many areas of deficit within

dyslexia so you might want to know where he needs help specifically.

But if you check out " dyslexia " sites online, you are bound to get some

good ideas.


" The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

nothing. " E. Burke

( ) Question about spelling

Do any of your Aspie's have trouble with spelling? Jayden is 9 and a

horrible speller. We are homeschooling this yeaer du to a number of

problems with public school last year and although he's very smart and

has a high IQ, the 4th grade spelling is way above him. I am wondering

if anyone has tried any programs that help? I am thinking we may need

to go back to a 1st grade program for spelling and attempt to reteach.

Any suggestions? He also has a diagnosis as being dyslexic. He can

read just fine. He just can not break down the words by sounds to

spell them. Please help as I am ready to pull my hair out and I don't

think it's fair to him to keep making him struggle if he doesn't have

the needed skills.



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