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Re: School Bus/MaD

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That is rediculous.  They do that here in mpls too.  The elementary kids go early

and the middle & high school go later and get out later.  I just don't understand that

all.  In the winter when daylight savings time is over and the sun isn't up til after 7 and they

expect these little ones to be waiting for the bus that early in the dark.    It is asinine.

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 6:02 PM, jrushen <jrushen@...> wrote:


Ugh...I just need to rant and rave ....I am so upset...it is Sunday night...the day before school is to start....at 5:30 p.m. I get a call from my son's bus driver.....she says she is picking my son up at 6:05 a.m. ! What! No Way...the paper we rec'd said 6:25 a.m. (which I thought was too early)....the regular bus comes by at 6:40 a.m. ....and the school expect me to have my kid leave that early...no...I started to get angry and told the driver...I then apologized ...I said it is not her fault but boy am I angry....Homeroom starts at 7:22 am....I have a hard enough time getting my son up last year for 7:30 ....

His dad was staying home that morning to make sure all things went okay .....so he will drive him in....and try to talk to the school...I am so angry and mad....they drag these kids out so much earlier than the other kids and then dismiss them before school is out....not fair...


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Conner has to out for the bus at 555AM Eastern Standard time !!! And the bus

may come at 603AM or 630AM, it varies. Bus was coming at 615AM ..so going

outside together-it's DARK- at 615AM. But came one morning at 603AM, no horn

honked or anything and I had to drive him to school because he " missed " the bus.

Told rudely by jerk at the central bus place that it is not law to honk their

horns..or wait. I questioned even a special needs bus ?? ..when they obviously

see the front door open and living room and porch lights on !!! No told pick up

is at 6AM...and we have to be OUTSIDE WAITING at 555AM. So I've started putting

the hammock in the front yard on dry days..and let him lay down and wait.

School not even open to students until 7AM !! Ridiculous..but we need this

service as transporting him last year didn't work either and he was always

tardy....well not this year !!!

UGH !!

Conner is 12 yo in 7TH grade with Asperger's /ADD/NLD ??

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I know ...I have the same thing....but if I put a hammock out there my son would fall asleep! LOL! And, in reality....he is afraid of skunks....so he won't go outside by himself...luckily I am still home...but what if i wasn't....and there is absolutely no way my son is standing outside in the pitch black...the schools are just asking for a lawsuit...

Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: mcgkcc@... <mcgkcc@...>Subject: Re: ( ) School Bus/MaD Date: Monday, August 31, 2009, 9:39 PM

Conner has to out for the bus at 555AM Eastern Standard time !!! And the bus may come at 603AM or 630AM, it varies. Bus was coming at 615AM ..so going outside together-it' s DARK- at 615AM. But came one morning at 603AM, no horn honked or anything and I had to drive him to school because he "missed" the bus. Told rudely by jerk at the central bus place that it is not law to honk their horns..or wait. I questioned even a special needs bus ?? ..when they obviously see the front door open and living room and porch lights on !!! No told pick up is at 6AM...and we have to be OUTSIDE WAITING at 555AM. So I've started putting the hammock in the front yard on dry days..and let him lay down and wait. School not even open to students until 7AM !! Ridiculous.. but we need this service as transporting him last year didn't work either and he was always tardy....well not this year !!! UGH !!Conner is 12 yo in 7TH grade with Asperger's /ADD/NLD ??

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Hi Jan,

This just struck me as really funny, Do you have a major skunk problem there?

The things that our kids come up with to panic over just tickles my funny bone.

I wonder what the odds of actually coming face to face with a skunk are? Thanks

for the morning perk up.

Vickie B



> From: mcgkcc@... <mcgkcc@...>

> Subject: Re: ( ) School Bus/MaD


> Date: Monday, August 31, 2009, 9:39 PM







> Conner has to out for the bus at 555AM Eastern Standard time !!! And the bus

may come at 603AM or 630AM, it varies. Bus was coming at 615AM ..so going

outside together-it' s DARK- at 615AM. But came one morning at 603AM, no horn

honked or anything and I had to drive him to school because he " missed " the bus.

Told rudely by jerk at the central bus place that it is not law to honk their

horns..or wait. I questioned even a special needs bus ?? ..when they obviously

see the front door open and living room and porch lights on !!! No told pick up

is at 6AM...and we have to be OUTSIDE WAITING at 555AM. So I've started putting

the hammock in the front yard on dry days..and let him lay down and wait. School

not even open to students until 7AM !! Ridiculous.. but we need this service as

transporting him last year didn't work either and he was always tardy....well

not this year !!!

> UGH !!


> Conner is 12 yo in 7TH grade with Asperger's /ADD/NLD ??


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My son is scared of slugs, he read somewhere that they have two thousand teeth, he seen a big one on the way to school yesterday and when I got home from work he drew me six pictures of the "king of the slugs". If you tell him there is a slug in the garden he runs in the house.

From: baneline1 <baneline1@...>Subject: Re: ( ) School Bus/MaD Date: Tuesday, 8 September, 2009, 2:47 PM

Hi Jan,This just struck me as really funny, Do you have a major skunk problem there? The things that our kids come up with to panic over just tickles my funny bone. I wonder what the odds of actually coming face to face with a skunk are? Thanks for the morning perk up.Vickie B> > > From: mcgkcc@... <mcgkcc@...>> Subject: Re: ( ) School Bus/MaD> > Date: Monday, August 31, 2009, 9:39 PM> > > > > > > Conner has to out for the bus at 555AM Eastern Standard time !!! And the bus may come at 603AM or 630AM, it varies. Bus was coming at 615AM ..so going outside together-it' s DARK- at 615AM. But came one morning at 603AM, no horn honked or anything and I had to drive him to school because he "missed" the bus. Told rudely by jerk

at the central bus place that it is not law to honk their horns..or wait. I questioned even a special needs bus ?? ..when they obviously see the front door open and living room and porch lights on !!! No told pick up is at 6AM...and we have to be OUTSIDE WAITING at 555AM. So I've started putting the hammock in the front yard on dry days..and let him lay down and wait. School not even open to students until 7AM !! Ridiculous.. but we need this service as transporting him last year didn't work either and he was always tardy....well not this year !!! > UGH !!> > Conner is 12 yo in 7TH grade with Asperger's /ADD/NLD ??>

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> This just struck me as really funny, Do you have a major skunk problem there?

The things that our kids come up with to panic over just tickles my funny bone.

I wonder what the odds of actually coming face to face with a skunk are? Thanks

for the morning perk up.

My son finally confessed to me over the summer that the reason he refuses to tie

his shoes is because he thinks shoes are really gross and he really doesn't want

to touch the shoelaces. We finally got him to wear tie shoes a couple of years

ago (he is 14), but he has us tie them once a week or month, then he slips them

on and off inbetween without touching them. It is not clear whether or not he

actually has the ability to tie his shoes or not. One of those things I'm going

to have to add to our list of " chores " to get him to do it. Arg. It doesn't

matter if the shoes or laces are new or not.

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No in reality I have no idea where the skunk thing came from....but I know at night when we would be out with the dogs ...he would say...do skunks come out at night? At first I use to say no....but now I say ...they might but I think they would like to be sleeping.

As far as shoes....and shoelaces ....your son is right hip in style...none of the teens in school tie their school...man they are all going to have bad feet and postures when they grow up. I see them all just slipping their feet in already tied shoes. My son can tie shoes...still a little awkward with it but he can tie. I wonder if any teen can tie? Ha Ha!

I do know most of the kids in the classes I am in don't know their multiplication tables....so I am not sure if they can tie their shoes....this style has got to go! I have seen sneakers come flying off in gym ....


Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: r_woman2 <me2ruth@...>Subject: Re: ( ) School Bus/MaD Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 11:24 AM

>> This just struck me as really funny, Do you have a major skunk problem there? The things that our kids come up with to panic over just tickles my funny bone. I wonder what the odds of actually coming face to face with a skunk are? Thanks for the morning perk up.My son finally confessed to me over the summer that the reason he refuses to tie his shoes is because he thinks shoes are really gross and he really doesn't want to touch the shoelaces. We finally got him to wear tie shoes a couple of years ago (he is 14), but he has us tie them once a week or month, then he slips them on and off inbetween without touching them. It is not clear whether or not he actually has the

ability to tie his shoes or not. One of those things I'm going to have to add to our list of "chores" to get him to do it. Arg. It doesn't matter if the shoes or laces are new or not.

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Oh man...I hate slugs too...they really gross me out and send chills up and down my spine...now mind you I don't run in the house but I feel sick looking at them...I would never ever touch them....ugh. But, I bet you my son would love to investigate one....he loved dissecting a worm (a big one) in science. He loves that type of gross stuff but not skunks......he used to run from the car to the house when it was dark....all because he was afraid of skunks...it is a little better now ....

And, the other thing my son is afraid of is Ghosts. I have told him there are no such thing. And if there were ghosts...they would be nice one...like his poppy coming to visit. Then I told him someone told me that if ghosts existed they would not like red and I have cranberry curtains up so there is no way they would come to our house....he said really...and I said yes. And then I reinforce my statement that there was Nothing to worry about becuase Ghosts don't exisit. He felt better after hearing about the curtains.....Jan

Janice Rushen

"I will try to be open to all avenues of wisdom and hope"

From: baneline1 <baneline1msn (DOT) com>Subject: Re: ( ) School Bus/MaD Date: Tuesday, 8 September, 2009, 2:47 PM

Hi Jan,This just struck me as really funny, Do you have a major skunk problem there? The things that our kids come up with to panic over just tickles my funny bone. I wonder what the odds of actually coming face to face with a skunk are? Thanks for the morning perk up.Vickie B> > > From: mcgkcc@... <mcgkcc@...>> Subject: Re: ( ) School Bus/MaD> > Date: Monday, August 31, 2009, 9:39 PM> > > > > > > Conner has to out for the bus at 555AM Eastern Standard time !!! And the bus may come at 603AM or 630AM, it varies. Bus was coming at 615AM ..so going outside together-it' s DARK- at 615AM. But came one morning at 603AM, no horn honked or anything and I had to drive him to school because he "missed" the bus. Told rudely by jerk at the central bus place that it is not law to honk their horns..or wait. I questioned even a special needs bus

?? ..when they obviously see the front door open and living room and porch lights on !!! No told pick up is at 6AM...and we have to be OUTSIDE WAITING at 555AM. So I've started putting the hammock in the front yard on dry days..and let him lay down and wait. School not even open to students until 7AM !! Ridiculous.. but we need this service as transporting him last year didn't work either and he was always tardy....well not this year !!! > UGH !!> > Conner is 12 yo in 7TH grade with Asperger's /ADD/NLD ??>

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I am laughing out loud at this one, since having my son I have realised that it may be me that is the source, I tie my trainers in a loose knot, not a bow, when I buy them and they stay that way til I throw them out!

From: r_woman2 <me2ruth (DOT) com>Subject: Re: ( ) School Bus/MaD Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 11:24 AM

>> This just struck me as really funny, Do you have a major skunk problem there? The things that our kids come up with to panic over just tickles my funny bone. I wonder what the odds of actually coming face to face with a skunk are? Thanks for the morning perk up.My son finally confessed to me over the summer that the reason he refuses to tie his shoes is because he thinks shoes are really gross and he really doesn't want to touch the shoelaces. We finally got him to wear tie shoes a couple of years ago (he is 14), but he has us tie them once a week or month, then he slips them on and off inbetween without touching them. It is not clear whether or not he actually has the ability to tie his shoes or not. One of those things

I'm going to have to add to our list of "chores" to get him to do it. Arg. It doesn't matter if the shoes or laces are new or not.

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