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I'd guess he's about 12-14 years old??? He's very handsome too!

anneI believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

My son

Hello all here a pic of my son so you all can see how good looking he is..

take a guess how old :o]

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  • 11 months later...


First, it is highly unlikely that you would have

passed HCV to him breastfeeding. There is no real

evidence that HCV can be passed this way. HCV is

passed in BLOOD. If he has HCV it is much more likely

that he got it on his own somehow, or that you had it

before he was born and passed it to him during birth -

although that is a slim possibility too. That only

happens about 5% of the time. However, HBV is another

story. It is passed very easily to a baby prenatally,

through the placenta, and is much more contagious in

blood than HCV is. Again though, it's also possible he

aquired it on his own at some later date. If he knows

there is something wrong with his liver, is he being

screened for the hepatitises? And is he under a

doctor's care? Those are the only real things that

matter right now. I'm sure if he knows that his liver

has excess iron that he was told to avoid all iron

supplements and iron enriched foods. I certainly

understand why you are frightened, but there is

nothing you can do, and no good will come from blaming

yourself. There is no way to know for sure if he got

something from you, and ultimately, it doesn't matter.

Even if he did get from you, it's not like you

knowingly gave it to him on purpose! If you had

recently had HBV I'm surprised he wasn't checked for

it, or given gamma globulin at birth to prevent it.

All you can do is encourage him to follow up with his

doctor, get to the bottom of what is wrong, and

hopefully he can be treated.




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Claudine, even as I write this I am waiting for his phone call to tell me what his doctor said today (I'll post it after I've heard or when it is too late for him to call). The doctor knew that I'd had Hep B before Robb was born, but as far as I know didn't give him any treatment for him. He was jaundiced at birth and they kept him in a special nursery for the first 2 days. I know that all of the thing you're saying are true, but I FEEL like it is my fault. I'll post when I know more.

Love, Diane

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I know you can't help but worry and wonder if it's

your fault. My youngest son had elevated LFT once, and

I almost had heart failure. I just KNEW I had given

him HCV, but he has tested negative for it twice now,

and his LFT have always been normal since then. The GI

thinks he just had some other infection at the time.

He did have ulcers then too.

Your son having jaundice at birth is really

nothing either. It is very common, almost all babies

have at least a little. That is because they get their

oxygen indirectly from you during pregnancy, so their

bodies make extra red blood cells to compensate. Once

they are born they no longer need those extra red

blood cells, and as they are broken down, a

by-product, bilirubin, shows up in their skin, making

it yellowish, which is jaundice. If it is more than

just a little they put the babies under special lights

which help their bodies eliminate the bilirubin. This

is very common. So jaundice at birth would not mean he

had hepatitis at birth. Unless the doctors had checked

him for hepatitis after his birth, and rechecked for a

while afterwards, there is no way to know if that is

where he got it. Even babies who are born from mothers

with hepatitis who DON'T have the virus will often

have antibodies to it for several months after they

are born - they get them from their mother, but if

they don't actually have the virus they eventually go


Let us know when you find out something. I may be

unavailable for part of the next couple of days, but

I'll try to check in. The American Association for the

Study of Liver Disease conference starts tomorrow (I

think!) so hopefully we will here some new, positive

information. I know several reports on Pegasys are

expected to be presented. It's going to be a busy

weekend for me!



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He just called to tell me that his doctor said all of the green tea with ginseng caused the lab to get a false reading on his liver function. His doctor says the reason he's so tired is too much overtime on the job. What a relief!

Love, Diane

Re: [ ] My Son

Diane, I know you can't help but worry and wonder if it'syour fault. My youngest son had elevated LFT once, andI almost had heart failure. I just KNEW I had givenhim HCV, but he has tested negative for it twice now,and his LFT have always been normal since then. The GIthinks he just had some other infection at the time.He did have ulcers then too. Your son having jaundice at birth is reallynothing either. It is very common, almost all babieshave at least a little. That is because they get theiroxygen indirectly from you during pregnancy, so theirbodies make extra red blood cells to compensate. Oncethey are born they no longer need those extra redblood cells, and as they are broken down, aby-product, bilirubin, shows up in their skin, makingit yellowish, which is jaundice. If it is more thanjust a little they put the babies under special lightswhich help their bodies eliminate the bilirubin. Thisis very common. So jaundice at birth would not mean hehad hepatitis at birth. Unless the doctors had checkedhim for hepatitis after his birth, and rechecked for awhile afterwards, there is no way to know if that iswhere he got it. Even babies who are born from motherswith hepatitis who DON'T have the virus will oftenhave antibodies to it for several months after theyare born - they get them from their mother, but ifthey don't actually have the virus they eventually goaway. Let us know when you find out something. I may beunavailable for part of the next couple of days, butI'll try to check in. The American Association for theStudy of Liver Disease conference starts tomorrow (Ithink!) so hopefully we will here some new, positiveinformation. I know several reports on Pegasys areexpected to be presented. It's going to be a busyweekend for me!Claudine__________________________________________________

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Diane, did he say that the doctor actually checked

(did antibody screens) for all the various


It sounds a little strange to me. Green tea shouldn't

hurt the liver, and unless a liver is already

chronically inflammed, ginseng shouldn't be doing that

either. At least not at " tea " levels. Half the time

these ginseng 'teas' don't have any ginseng at all, or

only tiny amounts. I'm not trying to get you nervous

all over again, but also don't want to see a lousy

doctor miss a diagnosis either. There are things

besides viruses that can cause elevated LFT too - too

much fat in the liver, too much iron, autoimmune

disorder, too much alcohol, drugs.... But green tea

and ginseng - it would have to be a lot of ginseng I

would think! At the very least tell your son to NOT

just forget about this, get his liver enzymes checked

again in a couple of months, and occasionally

thereafter. If they aren't back to normal withing a

few weeks of stopping the tea, I'd look for another




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The doctor at M.D. that I'm trying to see is Dr. Mark Swaim. He's supposed to be very good. Have you heard of him? If I cannot be accepted there I plan to try Dr. Stribling at UT Med School, Dr. ph Galati at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, and Dr. Monsour also at St. Luke's (in that order). I'm hoping that being so close to the Houston Medical Center will enable me to find competent medical care.


Re: [ ] Re: My Son

Hello Diane,I am DR Bingham, ND,the only herb that will help your liver is milk thistle and taking two teaspoons by mouth 3 X's daily. You need calcium, magnesium, selenium, a good multivitamin, also vitamin E, C, B-6 and B-12.These will help your immune system elevate itself. Eat no fat or sugar, these food tend to feed your virus thus increasing viral activity. Explore a pharmaceutical grade of colloidal silver to smother the Hep C virus. This doctor does believe in herbs. I am sure you know the MD's have nothing to combat or cure this virus. I think they have lost it using chemo therapy to kill a virus. I read many of the mails on here and so far not one has been able to tell me they are cured. good Luck and let me know how you are feeling.

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First, I'd like to know if you are really a medical doctor. I tried the AMA site and they have never heard of a Dr. Bingham in North Dakota. Where do you have your medical practice?

Second, if you as a doctor recommend against Interferon, what medication do you recommend? Surely you are not saying that Milk Thistle is a magical cure, are you?


Re: [ ] Re: My Son

Dear ,I have to apologize for your doctors lack of knowledge. I guess we cannnot be specilalist in everything but when we don't know we should refer to one that has this knowledge.Your local drug store has nothing like the miracle in Milk Thistle for rebuilding your liver and reducing the inflammation caused by your virus. We know the side effects of all the interfuron products and all the side of the new chemo drugs. What is not known it the destruction of ones immune system. If you would like to know more please feel free to email me.Doc

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Dear Diane:

I am a research doctor that has had it. You want to feel better. You want MD's they are all over the place. Milk thistle will not kill your virus. It is not an antiviral. What it does is restore and rejuvenate your liver. You volunteered and signed your med release to take a chemical just like chemo. This isn't a cure and the side effects are more effective at destroying your immune system than destroying your virus. Look up WEBMD.com and get the info on a virus versus a bacteria. Your being responsible for your own heath and well being will take you farther than any MD can. Guess what the insurance companies are not paying for the full run anymore. At $2,000 a month where they going to get the money to kept their program in human suffering going. I have read medical ignorance through this that amazes me. Like if you are HIV positive and hac the meds don't work as well. If you don't have an immune system nothing will help.

We are doing research here looking at something old that we have a vast amount of research on. Right now dear lady your immune system is your best friend. Getting your liver as healthy as you can should be your priority. A proper cure will come that will not destroy you. In the meantime try to not eat fats or sugars. Help starve your virus. I am not your doctor you ask a question that seemed you were not getting answered. I am an expert in herbology and immunology.


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Dear Diane:

When were you diagnosed? I am sure the Houston Med

Center would do fine. Look in your phone book and see if you can find an ND there. He or she can help you with alternative methods that have been more successful than the pharmaceuticals. Look for each of these chemicals on the Internet, read the research and the results. You are a smart lady. Don't panic, I will ask one of the ladies in our study if I can send you her email. She was down in bed when we started with her now she goes out everyday and does her normal daily things. She doesn't have the joint pain, muscle pain, flu like symptoms. Did you get a flu shot? She now knows she can save her life and extend it and enjoy it. It doesn't matter how you got this bug, what does now is what you do to be the healthiest you can be.


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What is an "ND"?

As for the flu shot, no I haven't gotten one this year. I don't see a connection.


Re: [ ] Re: My Son

Dear Diane:When were you diagnosed? I am sure the Houston Med Center would do fine. Look in your phone book and see if you can find an ND there. He or she can help you with alternative methods that have been more successful than the pharmaceuticals. Look for each of these chemicals on the Internet, read the research and the results. You are a smart lady. Don't panic, I will ask one of the ladies in our study if I can send you her email. She was down in bed when we started with her now she goes out everyday and does her normal daily things. She doesn't have the joint pain, muscle pain, flu like symptoms. Did you get a flu shot? She now knows she can save her life and extend it and enjoy it. It doesn't matter how you got this bug, what does now is what you do to be the healthiest you can be.Doc

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  • 4 months later...
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So wonderful to hear your son is doing well! I know it is a long hard road

but, worth every mile! Keep on keeping on......

Continued Wishes,


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Aaaah you poor baby. Its the hardest thing in the world to watch our kids

cry over something we can give them. But just think, at the end of all

this, you will have given him something even bigger. You will have given

him health.

Be strong


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Maybe you can offer him some organic blue corn chips and

veggie cheese (tofu). You can find both products at Kroger

grocery stores for a pretty good price. I also noticed they

make Rice Dream ice cream in flavors. Rice Dream milk is a

great alternative to milk. Maybe chocolate flavored Rice

Dream? Maybe a little bit now until he can wean off the

chocolate completely. I did and I had no ill effects by it

except maybe delayed total recovery by maybe one day but it

was well worth it.


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I dont know if this will help, but this is how i beat my sugar cravings, and

this is the candida doing this, your starving it and it will make the need for

sugar and stuff ever worse...well that is my belief anyway, but what i did was

to add a few drops of Stevia to water and it made a sweet drink, this helped me

greatly, anyway, i hope this helps


Re: My son

We have reached day 3 of his diet.

Everything has been going good, although today I felt like a horrible

mother for making him go through this.

I have bought a variety of things for him, but today he cried all nite

he was hungry. No matter what I offered to give him, or actually gave

him was just not good enough.

Hopefully this will get easier. He has always craved sugars

obviously...and honestly he is just dieing for some chocolate!

It just wrenched on my heart when he is crying about this.

He has been fine up until today.

And I tried to compromise with him. He REALLY wanted some cheese

crackers. I told him he could have 5. To help him not be tottaly

deprived and deal with the urge and get back to the diet. But nope, he

wanted a whole bowl. He cried for a hour about those dang crackers.

Today I just had to sit back and wondering if Im doing the right thing.

But then I can actually say I have noticed dramactic differences in 3

days. Enough to truly believe this is the only way to get him better.

I am doing the right thing arent I?? If I am...why do I feel like my

heart is being ripped out???


Freedom for Leonard Peltier,





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If you have seen good results in just a few days just imagine how much

better things will be in six month from now if you help your son stick to

this diet!!!!!!!! I have been where your at right now, I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND,

but YOU MUST be strong right now no matter how much he cries..... I know that

sounds SOOOOO MEAN but....years down the road from now you and your son will

be grateful that you did this! Can he have frozen yogurt? Does he like

pumpkin seeds? Do you have any kind of recipes for him that he can help you

make? We have found (with our own son) that if you get him involved in his

better health it is a little easier to deal with. Has he, or is he, able to

compare how much better he is feeling now that he is eating for his health as

compared to what he felt like before? Our son is also seven years old, he

has been on his diet for eighteen solid months. He knows first hand that if

he eats something he shouldn't then he will " feel yucky " (as he puts it).

Example: he can eat small amounts of peanut butter with out any problems but,

if over does it then he will feel the affects and suffer the consequences. He

did this last week, I had warned him not to eat too much.... well he did....

three days later he ended up with sores in his mouth. He has told me that " It

isn't worth it and I won't do that again. " I hate to see him learn the hard

way but it has been a good lesson for him!!

Hang in there Mom...your doing a good job!!!!!!!!!!!!


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He had some of that ice cream last nite and he really liked it. But I think he

would have eaten the whole container if I would have left him! hahahah!

I am going to head out today to a larger health food store and see what they

have for him. It's really hard to only buy what he needs because I have my hubby

and my other son.


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HI there!

Yeah, he can the lamonds, and some cashews, which he has been having.

He was really doing good until yesterday, he must have had a really bad day! He

seems better this morning.

Yesterday for supper he had a omlet I made him. I put some rice cheese in it,

and he had some gluten and yeast free waffles. But he still whined and them damn

crackers while he was eating!hahaha!

I guess it was good I didnt give in. Maybe then he knows I wont crack now?


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I'm glad things are going well with your son's new diet and that you stood

your ground. From what you wrote, it sounded like two things were or could

have been happening. First, the first thing that came to my mind when you

said your son was craving certain foods and very hungry, is that he was going

through a sudden die-off and he probably felt horrible, thus the whines.

Second, he may have been trying to control you for a little while. He

probably feels very out of control of his health and diet, by protesting and

crying he may have been trying to get a little control back.

I loved the suggestions of the other people. Only having the right foods for

him in the house is a very good idea. This boy is 7? And how old is the other

boy? If he is older, he should easily be able to be explained to how it is

much easier for your 'sick' son if other people around him are not eating the

fun foods he wants. If the other boy is younger, just doing it will work.

Yes, you may have whines there too, but be very matter of fact, like the

other poster said, " We're out of that! " Your husband should understand this

too. (I know what a pain husbands can be here!!! My husband is the one that

insists I buy Twinkies and Doritoes!!!)

Also, take your son to the health food stores with you and have a list of

foods he can eat. Let him help pick out all the foods that he can eat, what

he wants for snacks and meals. Let him help prepare a few baggies of vegis

and things he can snack on whenever he wants. He will feel like he is in more


Anyway, those are just my ideas. But it sounds like you are doing GREAT!!!

And hopefully, so is he. I know 'I' certainly feel better since I started

this diet!!


diagnosed with Candidiasis Jan. 28, 2001

Doing well avoiding carbs and sugars

Taking natural remedies and lots of fresh vegis and proteins

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A couple of healthy " junk foods " I like are RAW (not roasted) almond butter

and Blue Diamond (brand) almond nut thins (made with rice flour and almonds

and has no wheat or gluten). I have never tried them together, but who

knows, this may be a combination he likes, or you could try the chese you

mentioned with these crackers. I aslo really like celery with almond

butter...apples are also good with it, when you are able to add fruits to his

diet. I know when I started this diet, almost a week into it I wanted to

DIE! I cried like a baby because I was so lethargic and felt like I had the

flu. Its sort of like coming off of drugs or anything addictive...your body

craves it and you experience PHYSICAL withdrawals. By the end of the week, I

could take it NO more and had my absolute favorite comfort foods: chocolate

milk and cinnamon toast. Did I ever have a big smile on my face after I ate

it. My mom got really upset with me thinking I had undone all I had worked

for those few days prior, but as it turns out I didn't. The more you can go

without things like sugar, the less you need to fill you up, and the less

often you require it, assuming you don't overdo it and continue to eat it

even when you don't crave it....at least that's what I found. Please don't

take this as a suggestion to give him what he wants....I am just sharing my

experience to say this: I read in the book, " Candida-Related Complex, " that

the things we are allergic to seem to be the things we crave the most. I

took a few notes from this book and just looked over them ....boy do I need

to re-read this book! Anyway, here is something I wrote as it pertains to


There are 4 standard food allergy patterns:

1. Fixed-A reaction happens every time.

2. Cumulative-Requires a certain amount to cause a reaction

3. Variable-upredictable and doesn't follow a rational pattern, ie

menstrual cycle (its been over a year since I read the book, so I'm

not sure if this mean that you may react to things during one part of

the cycle whereas you may not react to it at other times during the

cycle...I can say that when I was in college I did make that

connection with alcohol...some days I could drink and drink with no

reactions; other times a drink or two would make me black out).

4. Addictive-Withdrawal symptoms associated with certain foods.

When those foods are eaten, the symptoms dissipate (ie,

headaches, irritability, cravings, depression, anxiety, weakness,

shaking, and fatigue)

Keep up the good work with your son,


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The 4th and 5th dya have beeen alot better!!!!!!

He still asks, but he doesnt dwell on it.

I have had 5 people who dont know hes on it say he looks like he lost weight!

Thats cuz all his bloating has gone down.

I tell you guys, it is so great having a list like this. When I was ready to

give up you guys made me hold on and be strong! I appreciate it!!!!


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  • 2 months later...
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applause, applause, applause, applause, applause, applause, applause,


applause, etc......and so on....this is wonderful news!!!! CONGRATS......well

done and so on....glad to hear good stories for a change!!!!


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That is terrific news! May I ask, was it very hard to get him started? Did

he complain a great deal about his choices? You must be a very strong Mom to

stick with it. :o)


wife to Josh

Mom to

na (3.29.93)

Ian Gennaro (10.12.95)

Francisco Augustine (4.22.99)

Kolbe Leon (1.29.02)

I call heaven and earth to witness this day, that I have set before you life

and death, blessing and cursing. Choose therefore life, that both thou and

thy seed may live:

Deuteronomy 30:19



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